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It was you who pierced my paper figurine just now The girl was more rude than Bai Miao, and the goldfish lantern in her hand swayed, and there were tiny pieces of fluorescent light lingering in the lantern.Listening to her tone, it seems that she doesn t know who lives in the house.Bai Miao felt a little relieved, and then put her hands on her hips with an arrogant face It s me, what s wrong I still think I m some kind of powerful person The girl narrowed her eyes and stared at her for a few seconds, then suddenly Said, Who are you The Nightmare Realm she set up is absolutely mandatory.As long as they are within the range of the Nightmare Realm, no matter who they are, they will inevitably fall into a deep sleep and be trapped in a dream state.She originally only sensed that someone in this room had escaped from the nightmare, so she came to take a look.

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The two little guys cooperated properly, one was responsible for finding the position, and the other was responsible for hanging up, which seemed extremely harmonious.Shen Weixue watched quietly from the side, without making a sound.It wasn t until Bai Miao hung up the sunny doll and turned around that he found that he had been standing behind him for a long time.Bai Miao looked down from Qingluan s back and asked earnestly, Master, is it okay to hang here Shen Weixue came back to her senses Well.Well Bai Miao thought for a while, and Quan should acquiesce.She patted Qingluan s neck, Qingluan understood and landed slowly and gracefully.Bai Miao jumped lightly, jumped off Qing Luan s back, and stood beside Shen Weixue.Sunny Baby is already praying, she smiled, Don t worry, Master, it should be clear soon.

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.