Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs – Lawnstarter (2024)

Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs – Lawnstarter (1)

We’ve had stink bugs a long time in theUnited Statesbut a new species is spreading rapidly since it landed in the U.S. in the ’90s. It’s thebrown marmorated stink bug(Halyomorpha halysStål), often referred to asBMSB.

This type of stink bug came here accidentally fromAsia. Its first sighting came inAllentown,Pa., in 1998. They spread rapidly. Today, brown marmorated stink bugs have found homes in 44 states and Washington, D.C. They can literally be found coast to coast – fromNew JerseytoOregon.

BMSBsare aninvasive speciesof insects that have quickly spread, particularly in themid-Atlanticstates. While they look harmless enough, they aren’t. In fact, they’ve caused widespread damage to many different crops including apples,sweet corn, peppers, tomatoes, and peaches.

In 2010, just over a decade after their introduction toNorth America, some growers reported a total loss of crops due to this type of stink bug.Tree fruitdamage forMid-Atlanticapple growers alone was estimated to be $37 million due toBMSBsthat year. Addressing theBMSBissue has become a joint effort of theU.S.Department of Agriculture, growers, andentomologistsacross the country.

Brown Marmorated Stink BugLife Cycle

BMSBscan mate multiple times and females can lay nearly 500 eggs in their lifetime. Their eggs arelight greenin color and can often be found on theunderside of leavesin clusters of about 25 to 28 eggs. They mate in the spring afteroverwinteringas adults and it takes about 538degree daysfor them to reach adulthood.

In between the egg and adult stage, these stink bugs go through a nymph stage. It’s during this phase of theirlife cyclethat they are most visible. The “first instars” — in the period betweenmolts— can be identified by their dark head and pronotum and the orange, red, and black stripes on their abdomen. Later instars’ head and pronotum are primarily black and their abdomen is more rust-colored than orange with black spots down the center and on its edges.

Once thisinvasive speciesbecomes adult, its speckled brown-gray color blends well with tree bark, making it more difficult to spot. What differentiates adultBMSBsfrom other kinds of brown stink bugs is that the outer edge of their pronotum is smooth and theirantennaehave alternating dark andwhite bands.

Why Does It Stink, and What Does It Smell Like?

Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs – Lawnstarter (2)

The “stinkiness” of a stink bug is its primary defense mechanism. Like other types of stink bugs,BMSBsemit a strong odor through their abdomen. It protects them from birds, lizards, and other insects considering a stinkbug meal.

Those on the receiving end of a stinkbug’s spray describe the smell as resembling that of coriander. Simply handling one of these bugs or trying to move it can trigger it to release its pungent odor.

Are Stink Bugs Harmful to Humans?

BMSBsand other types of stink bugs are not harmful to humans. They don’t bite or sting nor do they cause structural damage to homes. But they can create a nuisance.

If you encounter one and try to move it, you may get to see for yourself just how badly it stinks. And … not only do will they emit a stinky smell when they are threatened, but they may also release chemicals to attract other stink bugs to your home!

Arthur Agnello, a professor at Cornell University and extension fruitentomologist, serves on the Extension Committee “The most objectionable thing about them is that they can occur inlarge numbersinside structures where they overwinter, and they can produce an unpleasant odor when crushed or disturbed,” he says.

“They can produce allergic reactions (rhinitis and/or conjunctivitis) in individuals who are sensitive to the bugs’ odor (the defensive chemicals can be an aeroallergen),” he says. “Individuals sensitive to the odors of co*ckroaches and lady beetles are may be particularly affected byBMSB. Additionally, if the insects are crushed or smashed against exposed skin, they can produce dermatitis at the point of contact; there has not been much research in this regard, although it appears to affect only a small percentage of the population.”

For more information about this check out thePenn State Fact Sheeton theStopBMSBwebsite.

Why Is There a Stink Bug in My House?

When you find aninvasivebrown marmorated stink bugin your house, it’s likely because it’s looking for a place to overwinter. If it decides your home is a good place to do so, it will attract other stink bugs using apheromoneto overwinter in your house too.Overwinteringis their protective, sleeplike state — like a hibernation. They remain in this state until spring when it’s time to go out, mate, and lay newstink bugeggs.

Like other kinds of bugs, they have a knack for finding an entry point in your home and can easily slip through a door crack or torn screen. They’ll spend the winter hiding in your walls, attic, or wherever they find a good sheltered space. And they congregate, sometimes to the point of a majorinfestation.

A report from 2012 documented an incident inMaryland, where, over a 181-day period,26,205adultbrown marmorated stink bugswere collected in one home.

How Do I Kill These Pests?

If you come across one of these stink bugs in your house, you definitely want to get rid of it before it turns into aninfestationsituation – especially during the cold months. But if you squash it, you risk stinking up your house. So what do you do?

According to Ric Bessin, professor and extension specialist in theDepartment ofEntomologyat the University of Kentucky, One strategy when you run acrossBMSBwould be to use a vacuum cleaner to suck them up. To reduce the number of bags for the vacuum cleaner, knee-high pantyhose can be used in the tube to collect the stink bugs. The stink bugs can be then taken outside, dumped into soapy water, or flushed down the toilet.”

He also shared that “another strategy developed inVirginia, is to use a water pan trap in dark areas such as storage rooms or attics. The water pan trap consists of an aluminum basting pan that has between 1 and 2 inches of soapy water in the bottom. A light is shined into the pan to attract theBMSB. A battery powdered light can help to prevent problems with the light falling into the pan.”

How do keepBMSBsout of my house?

Now that you know what to do if you do catch one in your house, how do you ensure that they don’t get in to begin with?

Professor Agnello says that mechanical exclusion is best.“Cracks around windows, doors, siding, utility pipes, behind chimneys, and underneath the wood fascia and other openings should be sealed with good quality silicone or silicone-latex caulk,” he said. “Damaged screens on doors and windows should be repaired or replaced.”

So, ensuring that these bugs cannot get in is the most effective long-term solution. You could also try applying an insecticide on the exterior of your home; however, this method usually doesn’t keep them out for more than several days to a week. And whatever you do, don’t use indoor insecticidal dust to control stink bugs. It may kill them, but their stinky carcasses will remain in your walls and could even attract other pests like carpet beetles, which can damage your home. And interior insecticide sprays simply don’t work on stink bugs.

Some homeowners have had results using home remedies such as these:

  • Squashing a few stink bugs outside of their home as a way to warn other stink bugs not to come.
  • Rub dryer sheets on window screens – the smellier the better.
  • Hang a wet towel over the deck railing or an outdoor chair overnight. Once it is full of stink bugs, dump it in a bucket of soapy water to eliminate them.

What Kind of Damage Do Stink Bugs Cause to Landscapes?

Whilebrown marmorated stink bugsdo not harm humans, they can wreak havoc on the land. They won’t attack your lawn, however, as Professor Bessin warns,“They will damage homegrown produce just like they do commercial crops… Although many of the landscape plants are not damaged, they can use those plants to build numbers. These numbers then move to structures in the fall to find locations to overwinter.”

They may not eat your landscaping, but these stink bugs may lay their eggs on the undersides ofhost plantsin your yard. That could eventually lead to adults finding refuge in your home once the temperatures drop.

Damage to Crops

The biggest problem withBMSBsis the devastation that they cause on crops. When aninfestationofbrown marmorated stink bugsdescends on a crop, they feed off of it and cause all types of damage. They leave scars and sunken areas, and in some cases preventfruit treesand other plants from producing new seeds.

They eat fruits, pods, leaves, plant stems, and even flower buds.

Some of the crops at the highest risk of damage from thisplant pestinclude apples,Asianpears, green beans,sweet corn, peaches, nectarines, and tomatoes. Cucumbers, cherries, cauliflower, blueberries,hazelnuts, broccoli, and lima beans are also susceptible.

The challenge for many growers andentomologistsis how to control theBMSBpopulation without the overuse of harmful pesticides that could have an environmental impact.

Management for ThisInvasive Pest

Entomologists, researchers at theUSDA, and numerous other scientists and members ofcooperative extensionshave worked on various ways to manage thisinvasive species. Ideas include integratedpest management(IPM) schemes, behavioral and landscape-based management, and chemical andbiological controls.

Unfortunately, theseinvasive pestshave caused disruption to long-standingtree fruitIPMs. However, researchers have come up with a new plan to save crops. Thisnew plan, created by Rutgers University, so far has demonstrated success in reducing insecticide usage while managingtree fruitpests.

Samurai Waspto the Rescue?

What may be the brightest hope for managinginvasivebrown marmorated stink bugsis the introduction of thesamurai wasp(Trissolcus japonicus).

According to Professor Bessin, the parasitoid wasp that attacksstink bug eggsis “a stingless wasp that specializes onBMSB.”

It’s anatural enemyof theBMSBnative to Asiancountries including Japan, China, andTaiwan— but not theUnited States.

However, in 2014, a taxonomist from the FloridaDepartment of Agricultureand Consumer Services identified wasps parasitizingstink bug eggsassamurai wasps. At the time,USDAresearchers had imported several strains of these wasps and were testing them in a Newark facility, but these were contained and accounted for.

Thesamurai waspsfound inMarylanddid not belong to the quarantined wasps in Newark. They had found their way to theUnited Stateson their own.

Though unplanned, the introduction of the wasps gives researchers the opportunity to further explore their effectiveness as a biological control.

So far, studies show that thesamurai waspmay be a promising biocontrol agent against thebrown marmorated stink bug. And today there have beensightingsof the wasp in 10 different states as well as Washington, D.C.

Don’t Let Them Gain a Foothold

Scientists will continue to explore different ways to combatBMSBsthrough the use of biocontrol,IPMs, and other methods. Bessin mentioned that there’s also a gut microbe that infectsBMSBand may aid in its management in the future.

For homeowners, the best approach to combatting a stink bug invasion is prevention. Immediately remove any stink bugs that you find. Seal up cracks or openings to prevent your home from becoming anoverwinteringsite.

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Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs – Lawnstarter (9)

Jennifer Lester

Jennifer Lester is a freelance writer and social media strategist who covers a variety of home and garden topics. She’s a graduate of Texas A&M University and the proud mom of three boys. In her spare time, she volunteers in her community and her children’s schools.

Posts by Jennifer Lester

Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs – Lawnstarter (2024)


What do I do if I find a brown marmorated stink bug? ›

Both live and dead brown marmorated stink bugs can be removed from interior areas by using a vacuum cleaner; however, the vacuum may smell of stink bugs for a period of time.

Do stink bugs damage lawns? ›

Several types of stink bugs damage landscape and garden plants, but one stink bug species surpasses the others when it comes to causing misery. The brown marmorated stink bug — known as BMSB for short — damages plants during warm months. Then these invasive Asian pests invade homes in fall.

What is bad about the brown marmorated stink bug? ›

As a polyphagous pest, the brown marmorated stink bug has the potential to cause damage to several crops, including tree fruit, nuts, vegetables and row crops. During outbreak years the brown marmorated stink bug has caused significant losses to tree fruit producers, damaging apples, peaches and pears.

What kills stink bugs instantly? ›

Yes, several substances can kill stink bugs on contact. Spraying a mixture of water and dish soap or insecticidal soap on stink bugs can effectively kill them. Pyrethrin-based insecticides and rubbing alcohol solutions also kill stink bugs on contact.

Can I squish a brown marmorated stink bug? ›

Don't Squish Them!

As a defense mechanism, these smelly critters release an odor when they are crushed or smashed.

What attracts brown marmorated stink bugs? ›

Most insects are attracted to visual and chemical cues that enhance the ability to capture them. According to Agricultural Research Service (ARS) entomologist and research leader Tracy Leskey, brown marmorated stink bugs are attracted to visual cues such as UV black lights and chemical cues such as pheromones.

What keeps stink bugs away? ›

Stink bugs are just as particular about odors as humans. They are especially not fans of pantry staples like garlic or mint — something you can use to your advantage. Mix 4 tsp. garlic powder or mint oil with 2 cups water in a spray bottle.

Does killing a stink bug attract more bugs? ›

Killing a stink bug does not attract more stink bugs. To keep your home from becoming attractive to stink bugs, seal up windows and foundations to prevent their entry and quickly removing any stink bugs that find their way in by hand or with a vacuum.

Why should you not touch stink bugs? ›

Stink bugs aren't toxic. They just stink. But, it is important to keep in mind that stink bugs can spray that smelly liquid from their thorax, and you might get it in your eyes. If so, seek medical attention to prevent any damage.

Can you flush stink bugs down the toilet? ›

If you only have a few stink bugs the best strategy would be to just gently scoop up the stink bug with a piece of paper, or toilet paper, and flush it down the toilet. This will not threaten the stink bug so it will not release its foul odor, but will remove it from your house permanently.

How do you tell if you have a stink bug infestation? ›

Signs of an infestation

Adult stink bugs are also commonly spotted around light fixtures, on draperies, or crawling along walls. One of the most telling signs of an overwintering stink bug infestation occurs on warmer winter days, when the pests emerge from their hiding places in the home to congregate on indoor walls.

What scent do stink bugs hate? ›

While stink bugs themselves are smelly creatures, scents we consider pleasant aren't well-received by these pests. So, what essential oils do stink bugs hate? Clove oil, lemongrass oil, spearmint oil, and Ylang Ylang oil are a few of the essential oils stink bugs find themselves shying away from.

What happens if a stink bug bites you? ›

In these cases, a stink bug bite is not poisonous, even though it may hurt. More often than not, someone may get an allergic reaction to the compounds released by stink bugs, according to Healthline. Some may experience a runny nose or a rash, known as dermatitis, if they come in contact with a crushed stink bug.

Does vinegar keep stink bugs away? ›

Stink bugs can be killed with one of the simplest solutions available in your home — soap and water! This simple solution can be used as a spray on areas where the bugs are known to gather, or you can mix soap and water in a dish to create a trap. Incorporating vinegar into the mix is also known to be effective.

What should you do if you see a stink bug? ›

Here's what to do. If you notice stink bugs inside your home, avoid touching or squashing them, as they will produce that pungent smell for which they're famous. Grab them gently with a plastic baggy, then take them outside to finish the job. Alternatively, you can flush them or drop them into a jar of soapy water.

What happens if you pick up a stink bug? ›

Fortunately, most stink bugs do not bite, sting or spread disease.

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