Four of Cups: Tarot Meanings for Love, Health, and Wealth | Arcanable (2024)

The Four of Cups tarot card often signals a period of introspection, contemplation, and perhaps even a hint of dissatisfaction. Have you experienced a sense of boredom seeping into your life? Is there a nagging feeling that you’re missing out, even when opportunities seem to be present? The Four of Cups embodies these complex emotions.

This card’s presence in a reading might suggest that it’s time to delve inward, take stock of how you’re feeling, and uncover what truly matters to you. While it might feel like a moment of stillness or stagnation, there’s potential for significant personal growth and a rediscovery of what ignites your passion.

Key Takeaways

  • Upright Takeaway: When the Four of Cups appears upright, it suggests a period of introspection, disinterest, and possibly missed opportunities. It calls for a time of self-reflection and a reevaluation of desires and priorities.
  • Reversed Takeaway: The Four of Cups reversed indicates a shift. It may symbolize a renewed sense of engagement, the ability to recognize and accept new opportunities, and a breaking away from limiting patterns or stagnation.

The Four of Cups Description

The traditional imagery of the Four of Cups depicts a solitary figure, often seated in a contemplative posture beneath a tree. Let’s break down the key symbols:

  • The figure and their posture: The figure is usually shown with arms crossed, sometimes with a downcast gaze. This posture hints at introspection but can also suggest a sense of withdrawal or even defensiveness.
  • The three cups in front: Three cups lie before the seated figure, representing what is already available or present within their life. These cups might represent relationships, opportunities, or resources.
  • The unexpected fourth cup: A hand emerges from a cloud, offering a fourth cup. This represents a new possibility, a gift, or a chance for change that the figure may not initially see or fully appreciate.
  • Background elements and their significance: The background can vary depending on the tarot deck but may feature a tranquil landscape, suggesting a need for solitude and contemplation.

The Four of Cups Upright Meaning

The Four of Cups in its upright position carries these central themes:

  • Boredom, apathy, and disinterest: You might be feeling a sense of dissatisfaction or a lack of enthusiasm. Life might feel mundane or uninspiring, leading to a disengaged attitude.
  • Introspection and self-reflection: This card prompts a period of turning inward. It encourages you to pause, examine your emotions, and identify unmet desires or needs.
  • Missed opportunities: The Four of Cups can suggest being oblivious to possibilities right in front of you. Preoccupation with current frustrations can blind you to potential new paths.
  • Feeling uninspired or unfulfilled: You may be questioning your current path, feeling a lack of purpose or joy. This card urges you to reconnect with what ignites your passions.

Love Meaning

When the Four of Cups appears upright in a love-focused reading, it can speak of several scenarios:

  • Disillusionment or dissatisfaction: You may be questioning your current relationship or feeling a lack of excitement and fulfillment. Routine may have eroded the spark.
  • Apathy toward romance: If you’re single, you may not feel motivated to engage in dating or seeking a new connection. Past hurts or disappointments may have left you jaded.
  • Taking things for granted: There’s a risk of focusing on what’s lacking instead of appreciating the positive aspects of your relationship. This card calls for gratitude to break this cycle.
  • Yearning for an ideal: You might be holding unrealistic expectations or romanticizing the past, preventing you from appreciating the person who is here and now.

Health Meaning

In the context of health, the upright Four of Cups suggests the following:

  • Mental and emotional fatigue: You might feel emotionally drained, overwhelmed, or even apathetic about your well-being.
  • Ignoring health needs: This card can signal that you’re not paying enough attention to your physical and mental health. It’s a reminder to prioritize self-care.
  • Lack of motivation to care for yourself: You might find it difficult to engage in healthy routines, exercise, or to seek support when needed.
  • Feeling trapped by health limitations: If you’re facing health challenges, this card can highlight the frustration or a feeling of being stuck, urging you to focus on what you can control within your current situation.

Wealth Meaning

When it comes to finances and career, the upright Four of Cups can indicate the following:

  • Apathy and disinterest in your work: You might feel disengaged from your job, lacking motivation or a sense of purpose in what you do.
  • Missed financial opportunities: You might not be paying close attention to your finances or be overlooking lucrative opportunities due to a feeling of dissatisfaction or preoccupation with other areas of life.
  • A sense of stagnation: It could be a feeling that your career is not progressing, or your finances are stuck in a rut, leading to frustration.
  • Underappreciation of what you have: This card can highlight the risk of focusing on what’s lacking financially rather than practicing gratitude for the resources you already possess.

The Four of Cups Reversed Meaning

When the Four of Cups appears reversed in a spread, it signifies a change in outlook. Here’s what it generally symbolizes:

  • Renewed interest and engagement: You might find yourself regaining enthusiasm for areas of life that felt stagnant or uninspiring. A fresh sense of energy is emerging.
  • Recognizing and accepting new opportunities: Where you previously overlooked potential, you now become open to new possibilities and invitations.
  • Breaking out of stagnant patterns: This reversal suggests a willingness to let go of the apathy and disinterest that may have held you back. You’re ready to move forward.
  • Gratitude and appreciation: The reversed Four of Cups brings a renewed appreciation for what you do have, whether in relationships, career, or other life areas.

Love Meaning

The Four of Cups reversed in a love reading introduces fresh energy:

  • Openness to connection: If you’ve been feeling closed off, this marks a shift. You become more receptive to love, whether that’s finding a new relationship or rekindling a current one.
  • Renewed appreciation: If in a relationship, a wave of gratitude replaces dissatisfaction. You start appreciating your partner and the good aspects of your bond.
  • Moving on from past hurts: The reversed card indicates healing from past heartbreaks. You become ready to embrace the possibilities for love without your past clouding the present.
  • Embracing unexpected love: Sometimes, a new connection might arise from an unexpected place or person. This reversal signals a willingness to keep your heart open to the surprising nature of love.

Health Meaning

The reversed Four of Cups brings a positive shift in the realm of health:

  • Renewed motivation for self-care: You feel inspired to make healthier choices, re-engage with routines that support your physical and mental well-being.
  • Openness to seeking support: The card suggests a willingness to reach out for help, whether from medical professionals, therapists, or trusted support systems.
  • Emotional healing: This reversal signals finding healthy ways to process past emotional wounds that may have impacted your health.
  • Increased awareness and attentiveness: You begin paying closer attention to your body’s signals and prioritizing your health needs.

Wealth Meaning

In terms of finances and career, the reversed Four of Cups suggests a change in attitude and potential opportunities:

  • Rekindled passion for work: You rediscover a sense of engagement in your job and renewed motivation to pursue your goals.
  • Embracing new opportunities: You regain a sense of alertness, noticing financial possibilities or new avenues for growth that you previously overlooked.
  • Increased proactiveness: The reversal inspires action. Instead of letting stagnation linger, you begin seeking improvements, negotiating for better conditions, or pursuing a career change.
  • Appreciating current resources: This card encourages gratitude for the stability you have, laying a foundation for attracting further abundance.

The Four of Cups: Card Combinations

The Four of Cups, like every tarot card, gains additional layers of meaning when it appears alongside other cards in a spread. Here are a few examples of how it can interact with other Major and Minor Arcana cards:

  • Four of Cups and The Lovers: This combination can suggest dissatisfaction within a relationship that once felt harmonious. It might indicate a need for honest communication and re-examining shared values.
  • Four of Cups and The Hermit: This pairing emphasizes a strong need for introspection and solitude. It might indicate a time to step back and prioritize self-discovery before re-engaging with the outside world.
  • Four of Cups and The World: When these cards appear together, it can represent overcoming a period of apathy, rediscovering a sense of fulfillment and successfully completing a cycle.
  • Four of Cups and the Five of Pentacles: This combination amplifies feelings of lack, disconnection, and perhaps financial hardship. It highlights the importance of seeking support and not isolating oneself.
  • Four of Cups and the Ten of Swords: This pair indicates a painful ending or a deep sense of disillusionment. It could signal the need to let go and begin anew.


The Four of Cups is a multifaceted card calling for honest introspection. Whether upright or reversed, it presents an opportunity for personal growth. If it makes an appearance in your tarot reading, take time to reflect on where you might be experiencing dissatisfaction, boredom, or a disconnection from your purpose. Is it time for a shift in perspective to re-ignite your internal spark?

Let us know: how has the Four of Cups shown up in your readings? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Questions

The Four of Cups in a love reading often suggests a sense of dissatisfaction or a need to reassess your relationship dynamics. It can indicate apathy, taking things for granted, or yearning for a change.

This card might highlight a need for greater attentiveness to your physical and emotional well-being. It can also point to feeling emotionally drained or trapped by health limitations.

The Four of Cups suggests a potential for missed opportunities due to disinterest or a sense of stagnation. It urges you to re-evaluate your financial goals and strategies.

Four of Cups: Tarot Meanings for Love, Health, and Wealth | Arcanable (2024)


Four of Cups: Tarot Meanings for Love, Health, and Wealth | Arcanable? ›

When the Four of Cups appears in a Tarot reading, it signifies a need to reevaluate your current state of mind and perspective. It encourages you to let go of self-absorption and open yourself up to new possibilities and opportunities. Reflect on your past, but don't dwell on it.

What is the 4 of cups as a lesson? ›

Four of Cups as a Lesson

The Four of Cups is a lesson in figuring out what we really want, it's about creating habits, forming routines and taking steps to put our wellbeing first and allowing ourselves space and time to dive into our emotional realm.

What does the lovers health mean in Tarot cards? ›

Health- Lovers card says you'll get the right support to deal with health challenges. Maybe it's a friend or family member who's there for you. It can also mean making choices about your health. Take care of your heart and listen to what your body needs.

What does the Page of Cups tarot card mean for health? ›

In terms of health, the Page of Cups brings positive news and outcomes. If you've been awaiting test results or a diagnosis, this card suggests that you may receive the outcome you desire. It can also indicate receiving information about a treatment or therapy that will contribute to improving your overall well-being.

What is the meaning of the Four of Swords tarot card in love and relationships? ›

In its reversed position, the Four of Swords indicates a period of healing and rebuilding in a relationship. It suggests that you and your partner are slowly recovering after a challenging time. This card reminds you to be patient and give yourselves space to heal.

What does the 4 of cups mean in love? ›

Love and Relationships Meaning

In matters of love and relationships, the Four of Cups indicates a tendency to dwell on past mistakes or disappointments. If you are single, you may find yourself regretting past relationships or feeling dissatisfied with your love life.

What is the meaning of the 4 cups? ›

After the lighting of the candles, the Brechat Haner, the four cups of wine portion of the feast begins. The leader says, “As we read through the Haggadah, we will drink of 'cup of the fruit of the vine,' four times. These four cups stand for the four “I wills” that are recorded in Exodus 6:6-7.

What Tarot card represents true love? ›

The first card is The Lovers Card, which symbolizes deep connection, attraction, and unity between two people. The second card is The Ace of Cups, representing the start of a new relationship filled with love and emotional experiences. The third card is The Two of Cups, signifying mutual love and balanced soulmates.

What does The Lovers card mean in a love reading? ›

This card represents the deep connection and unbreakable bond that can exist between two people, whether they are romantic partners, friends, or family members. When the Lovers card appears in a love reading, it often signals a soul mate connection or an intense bond that transcends the physical realm.

What Tarot card indicates the end of a relationship? ›

Two of Cups reversed

Upright, this is a card of emotional connections and bonds between two people. Reversed, the Two of Cups reflects the end of a relationship, but perhaps it is under the context of a 'mutual parting of ways'. You have both agreed that it is best to separate and break the bond that you once shared.

What do the cups represent in tarot? ›

In tarot, the element of cups is water, and the suit of cups pertains to situations and events of an emotional nature – in contradistinction to physical (suit of coins), or mindful (suit of swords), or creative natures (suit of wands).

What is the Tarot card for self-care? ›

The Four of Cups- this card in the tarot can signify self-care in the form of stillness. Have you taken time to simply relax and be?

What does the Queen of Cups mean for health? ›

In matters of health, the Queen of Cups encourages you to prioritize self-care and emotional well-being. Listen to your body's needs and practice compassion toward yourself. If you are facing health challenges, seek support from others and allow yourself time to heal.

What does the 4 tarot card mean? ›

The Emperor Keywords. UPRIGHT: Authority, establishment, structure, a father figure. REVERSED: Domination, excessive control, lack of discipline, inflexibility.

What is the Lovers advice in Tarot love? ›

Advice from the Lovers

The Lovers card asks you to choose love, to make heartfelt, loving, compassionate choices. If the Lovers appears in a reading about a difficult decision, the answer is always: do what is the most loving. It is bringing you encouragement and support to make brave, heartfelt choices.

What tarot card shows love? ›

For example, The Lovers (passion) and the Two of Cups (soulmate love) together could symbolize a passionate and real, karmic-level love. Likewise, The Lovers (passion) and The Empress (Venus-ruled and full of luxury) could symbolize budding love that heavily relies on physical touch.

What is the answer of 4 cups? ›

4 cups is equal to 1 liquid quart.

What is the significance of the four cups of wine? ›

Wine is a symbol of freedom. During the Seder, the consumption of four cups of wine symbolizes the four promises of freedom that God made to the Jewish people when he delivered them from slavery in Egypt.

What do cups represent in tarot? ›

In tarot, the element of cups is water, and the suit of cups pertains to situations and events of an emotional nature – in contradistinction to physical (suit of coins), or mindful (suit of swords), or creative natures (suit of wands).

What is the purpose of cups? ›

A cup is an open-top container used to hold liquids for pouring or drinking. Although mainly used for drinking, it also can be used to store solids for pouring (e.g., sugar, flour, grains, salt).

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