How Many Hours Do Day Traders Work? - Trade That Swing (2024)

As a professional day trader since 2005, I spend 0.5 to 2 hours per day taking day trades. My trades last several minutes each, and I usually take between one and eight trades in that 2-hour period (average is 4 trades). Assume an extra 3 to 4 hours per week of review, preparation, and improvement exercises.

I currently day trade the EURUSD on a 1-minute chart. When I trade this market, I usually trade for about 1.5 hours.

I also day trade stocks. When I’m trading this market, I usually only trade the first 30 minutes after the open.

In this article, I break down various scenarios of how many hours day traders work. I have lived several different lives as a day trader, working both longer and shorter hours.

Fewer hours tend to work best for me since the biggest and quickest moves in a trading day are typically isolated to within a period of a couple of hours.

The 2-Hour Day Trading Work Day

1.5 to 2 hours is my typical day trading workday. I’m in Mountain Time (MST), and I day trade the EURUSD from 6 am to 7:30 or 8 am MST (8 to 10 am Eastern Time (EST)). I then may day trade stocks from 7:30 to 8 am (the first half hour after the open) if I am finished up with my forex trading.

Here’s my typical day:

  • I get up a little after 5am, go to the washroom, get a glass of water, feed the fish, and then sit down at my computer.
  • I spend about 5 to 10 minutes doing a morning day trading routine to get my mind into a calm neutral state. Some days my mind is clear and ready to go in 5 minutes. On other days the routine may take 10 or 15 minutes if something is nagging at me or distracting me.
    • I mix up this routine, depending on what I feel I need that day to get me in the proper mind frame. I don’t want to just go through the motions; I do whatever I can/need to to get my mind right before trading.
  • I open my trading platform, I open my charts (I prefer looking at TradingView charts and making my trades in my brokerage account), and I input my current account balance into my position sizing tool so I can calculate my position size while trading.
  • My only goal while day trading is to follow the trading plan, so my focus is on finding patterns that meet my plan, and avoiding everything else. I talk through each price bar that occurs throughout the day to help with this. I call this “commentating.”
  • I call it quits after approximately 2 hours, or whenever there is a natural break. For example, if I have traded for 1 hour and 45 minutes and it doesn’t look like a trade will set up soon, then I stop. If I’m in a trade at the 2 hour mark, I let it play out.
  • After my trading session finishes, I look over my chart and add any additional notes I want to remember about the day or how I traded. I review my trades and verify if they are valid or not, or look to see if I missed anything. I sum up my stats for the day and put them on the chart. This usually only takes a few minutes.
  • I then typically publish my chart on my Twitter profile and on the TradeThatSwing Facebook page.

Here’s an example:

Interesting #daytrading in the $EURUSD today. Flip flopped back and forth as bigger patterns played out. I don’t trade big patterns (bolded) but I do use them for context in trading smaller patterns. Decent day.

— Cory Mitchell, CMT (@corymitc) July 12, 2021
  • That is it. After I finish trading I make breakfast and go golfing or to my trainer. That is my day. Being that I am in mountain time, my workday starts at 6 am and finishes around 830 am. I’m at my trainer by 9 am, and usually on the golf course between 11 am and noon.

Only #daytraded for about 30 mins in the $EURUSD this morning but some nice quick trades.
Some really nice TCs before I started as well (I traded during the vertical lines).

— Cory Mitchell, CMT (@corymitc) April 20, 2023

Here are some additional notes on day trading, and how to make that trading time the most efficient and productive it can be…

How to Make Day Trading More Efficient

I try to start trading at the same time each day. It doesn’t always happen, but for consistency, I like to trade the same period each day. If I start at 6 am every day and I missed a trade at 5:58 I don’t care, but if I miss a trade at 6:02 because I wasn’t logged in, that is a mistake on my part.

I only day trade for 2 hours, so I am focused for that 2 hours. I try not to get distracted, and unless absolutely necessary I don’t get up from my desk. 2 hours go by pretty quickly.

My office door is closed so I’m not bothered. It takes time and practice to maintain focus and discipline for 2 hours (or longer). When a trade is setting up, even being distracted for 1 second can mean a missed or delayed entry which may ruin the trading opportunity.

I work for 2 hours per day trading because in my market (the EURUSD) those two hours have the most action of the entire day.

For day trading stocks, I like trading 9:30 am to 10 am EST, maybe 10:30 (730-8/830 my time). I like trading the volatility right after the open and that is it.

I only day trade one market at a time. I have tried day trading stocks and the EURUSD at the same time. I could do it, but profits didn’t really increase, because typically I am missing something in one market for the chance to trade another. I am allowed to trade one market after the other though. So I may trade forex, stop, and then trade stocks once the stock market opens.

In addition to trading, I also do some review work to help improve my trading.

  • During the weekend, I will go through my charts for the week and add up all the profit and losses, win rate, how many trades, missed opportunities, mistakes, etc. I then publish a weekly review (I don’t always have time to post this publicly, but do when I can). The most important section of this review is the bottom section where I talk about what I need to focus on for the upcoming week. This is basically my homework for improvement. The review and “homework” may take another couple of hours during the week.
  • At the end of the month, I do the same thing again. I add up everything for the month, and again come up with things I need to work on (and what I did well) based on reviewing my entire month. This again takes another hour or so, plus the homework which could be a few minutes each day or a couple of hours each week.

As a day trader, I work 12 hours in a typical week, including trading, reviewing, and trading improvement exercises. If I’m struggling with something, I will put more hours into improvement exercises.

If you are a new day trader, expect the number of hours to be higher, since you will need to spend more time on improvement exercises and learning the ropes. If you don’t spend much time trying to improve, then the path to consistent profits will take longer.

My method for day trading the EURUSD is covered in the EURUSD Day Trading Course and includes more than 11 hours of content covering all aspects of successful day trading.

How Many Hours I Worked When at a Proprietary Day Trading Firm

My day trading career started at a proprietary day trading firm. A “prop firm” hires traders and provides them with capital. In exchange, the firm takes a cut of the profits. If you don’t make good profits, you are cut loose. I traded on a prop firm floor for about 7 years and continually got more and more capital to day trade with (into seven figures).

At the firm, we had a lot of leeway, but they preferred if we were at our desks most of the day. Trading at the firm was a very different life from my 2-hours days now.

The stock market opens at 730 am MST (930 EST) but I would often be in the office by 630 am preparing for the day. I would be there till 2 pm MST, but would often leave/eat during the New York lunch hour because of lack of opportunities.

I would sometimes stay after the market close to talk about strategies with other traders or work on ways to improve my trading mistakes.

So in this case, I worked about 7 hours per day as a day trader. This included my prep, review, and actual trading time. As a side note: it took 6 months, trading every day, working at it for 7 hours per day, before I was profitable. For that 6 months, I was working nights (7 pm – 2 am) and weekends as a blackjack dealer, and then getting up to trade at 5:30 or 6 am. It was tough, but it was what I had to do to pay rent (right out of university) while I focused on becoming a day trader.

The firm kept stats on our hourly profits. The interesting thing is that while I traded nearly all day with the firm, about 85% of my profits came in the first 2 hours of the day.

Since leaving the firm in 2011, I focus on day trading the first hour of day when trading stocks (mainly the first hour). When I trade forex, any hour or two within the New York and London overlap period is ideal for me.

I have found little advantage in trading all day.

I have a suspicion that the day trading success rate is low partially because people spend way more time trading than they need to, and bleed all their profit away. Or because people think they can jump on their mobile trading app while sitting in a bathroom stall at work and make a few bucks. Either of these approaches isn’t likely to lead to long-term consistent success.

How Many Hours Day Traders Work

Day traders can work all sorts of hours. Some love working all day. Others squeeze it into an hour or two, or maybe even less. I know traders who only trade the open or close of the stock market. Although taking or disposing of the positions may take 15 minutes or so. But still, pretty brief day trading hours! Some traders pop in for only a few minutes around a news event.

Ultimately, how many hours you day trade is up to you. For me, 1.5 to 2 hours works well. It means I can get up early and be done “work” when most people are just starting their commute. When I’m done day trading, I go golfing or head to my trainer. Or I may choose to write an article for this site, or I can spend some time looking for stock swing trades (I contain my swing trading to a small amount of time as well). But the option is MINE! And that is a good feeling.

My priority as a trader, and a person, is to have time. My goals are focused on being comfortable, and having lots of time for the things I love. That is what I care about. Many people focus on money, but end up sacrificing a lot of time to get it. And that is fine, if that is your goal. I prefer a more balanced approach…some money and LOTS of time.

Design day trading strategies around what you need to create your ideal life, in the least amount of hours possible, and then enjoy the rest of the time doing what you enjoy.

I love day trading. I could do it all day. But for me, there is no point in that. The longer I trade the more my performance drops. I prefer to be efficient.

So the real question isn’t “How many hours do day traders work?”, it is “How many hours do I want to day trade for, and what strategy allows me to do that?”

Interested in day trading stocks? Learn how and when to capitalize on price patterns that occur multiple times per day in stocks. Learn precise patterns to watch for that present a favorable risk/reward opportunityin thePrice Action Stock Day Trading Course.

Additional Resources on Day Trading Efficiently

If you are into day trading stocks, check out the Best Stocks For Day Trading page. It is updated weekly with stocks that consistently move a lot (percentage and dollar terms) each day.

This Scanning article describes how to find stocks making big moves right now.

And if you’re looking for a method, the Day Trading Trending Strategy is a good starting point.

How many hours you spend day trading, and how many trades you take in a day, are heavily affected by the chart timeframe you use. Understand the pros and cons of different chart time frames.

If you are more into forex, watch my recorded day trading sessions to get a feel for what it is like to make a few percent on your account in a couple of hours.

How Much Forex Day Traders Make discusses profit scenarios based on win rate, number of trades, and reward-to-risk.

By Cory Mitchell, CMT

TheEURUSD Day Trading Courseteaches you how to day trade the EURUSD in 2 hours or less a day.This course is specifically designed to give you all the tools and strategies you need to day trade the EURUSD. No BS, just solid methods, strategies, and information


How Many Hours Do Day Traders Work? - Trade That Swing (2024)


How Many Hours Do Day Traders Work? - Trade That Swing? ›

As a professional day trader since 2005, I spend 0.5 to 2 hours per day taking day trades. My trades last several minutes each, and I usually take between one and eight trades in that 2-hour period (average is 4 trades). Assume an extra 3 to 4 hours per week of review, preparation, and improvement exercises.

How many hours per day do day traders work? ›

Most independent day traders have short days, working two to five hours per day. Often they will practice making simulated trades for several months before beginning to make live trades.

How many hours do swing traders work? ›

Market hours (typically 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST) are a time for watching and trading. 1 Many swing traders look at level II quotes, which will show who is buying and selling and what amounts they are trading.

What is the success rate of swing trading? ›

Bottom Line. The Swing Trading strategy can lead to profits in the short term, usually in the range of 10% to 30%. However, as most things investing usually are, it is a risky bet. About 90% of traders report losses during trading.

How much time is needed for day trading? ›

Hence, the timing for intraday trading is from 9.15 am to 3.30 pm on a daily basis in the Indian markets. To understand at what time intraday trading starts, you must be clear that intraday orders cannot be placed in the pre-market session.

Can you live off day trading? ›

4% of people were able to make a living with adequate capital, access to mentors, and practicing multiple hours every day during the week. Roughly 10% to 15% could make some money, but not enough to make it worth their while to continue trying to do it for a career.

What are the best hours to day trade? ›

The best times to day trade

Day traders need liquidity and volatility, and the stock market offers those most frequently in the hours after it opens, from 9:30 a.m. to about noon ET, and then in the last hour of trading before the close at 4 p.m. ET.

What timeframe is best for swing trading? ›

The best time frame for swing trading in particular is typically the daily or weekly charts. This gives you enough information to make informed decisions without being overloaded with data. Remember – you're not concerned with the minute-by-minute changes in a stock's price like a day trader may be.

Is swing trading harder than day trading? ›

Swing traders stay active for a few hours daily and don't stay glued to the computers the whole day. Day trading requires full dedication and time. It takes less expertise to swing trade than day trading.

Can you live off swing trading? ›

If you are willing to dedicate yourself entirely to it, you can easily earn a living through swing trading alone. Or, treat it as a secondary source of income and earn some extra money on the side.

What is the most successful swing trading strategy? ›

The First Strategy: Breakout Swing Trading

Majorly, you have to use technical analysis tools like support and resistance levels, trendlines, and chart patterns like triangles or rectangles to identify potential breakout candidates. The idea is to find stocks that are poised for a significant price move.

What is the average income of a swing trader? ›

As of Apr 3, 2024, the average hourly pay for a Swing Trading in the United States is $12.19 an hour.

Who is the most successful swing trader? ›

Mark Minervini

He strongly advocates swing trading, a strategy that involves holding stocks for a few days or weeks and taking advantage of short-term price movements. Minervini's approach to swing trading is unique and based on his proprietary methods for selecting stocks with the greatest potential for big moves.

What is the 15 minute rule in day trading? ›

Here is how. Let the index/stock trade for the first fifteen minutes and then use the high and low of this “fifteen minute range” as support and resistance levels. A buy signal is given when price exceeds the high of the 15 minute range after an up gap.

How many trades should a day trader make per day? ›

Depending on the strategy employed, many day traders make tens to hundreds of trades per day, on average.

How much money do day traders with $10000 accounts make per day on average? ›

With a $10,000 account, a good day might bring in a five percent gain, which is $500. However, day traders also need to consider fixed costs such as commissions charged by brokers. These commissions can eat into profits, and day traders need to earn enough to overcome these fees [2].

How many trades should a day trader make a day? ›

Depending on the strategy employed, many day traders make tens to hundreds of trades per day, on average.

How much can a day trader realistically make? ›

"Assume you average five trades per day, so if you have 20 trading days in a month, you make 100 trades per month. You make $3,750, but you still have commissions and possibly some other fees. Your cost per trade is $5/contract (round-trip). Your commission costs are: 100 trades x $5 x 2 contracts = $1000."

How much does a decent day trader make? ›

Day Trader Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$185,000$15,416
75th Percentile$105,500$8,791
25th Percentile$56,500$4,708

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.