Rubus species, R. ellipticus var. obcordartus and niveus ... · R. (Phase 2) The potential for biological control of the two invasive Rubus species, R. ellipticus var. obcordartus - [PDF Document] (2024)

The potential for biological control of the two invasive Rubus species,

R. ellipticus var. obcordartus and R. niveus in Hawaii

(Phase 2)

Final report, June 2016


Final report (January 2014 – June 2016)

Produced for The Department of Land and Natural Resources (Division of Forestry &

Wildlife), State of Hawai’i and the Hawaiian Invasive Species Council (funds coordinated by USDA FS)

USFS Grant number 14-IJ-11272136-017

Marion Seier

CABI Europe - UK

Bakeham Lane



TW20 9TY


CABI Reference: VM10153

With support of R. Tanner (EPPO, formerly CABI), C. A. Ellison, K. Pollard, M.J.W.

co*ck, N. Maczey (CABI) and C.R. Ballal (NBAIR)

In collaboration with

The National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources

The Indian Council for Agricultural Research


Cover photo: Rubus ellipticus infected with the Pseudocercospora/Pseudocercosporella

leafspot pathogen in its native Indian range.

Table of Contents

1. Executive summary ................................................................................................ 1

2. Acronyms and abbreviations .................................................................................. 3

3. Project background ................................................................................................. 4

4. Phase 2 Detail ........................................................................................................ 5

4.1 Background .................................................................................................... 5

4.2 Objectives and Measures of Effectiveness ................................................... 5

4.3 Administration ................................................................................................ 6

4.4 Conferences and presentations ...................................................................... 8

4.5 Shipments ...................................................................................................... 9

5. Surveys ................................................................................................................ 10

5.1 India ............................................................................................................. 10

5.2 China ........................................................................................................... 19

6. Molecular studies .................................................................................................. 21

7. Natural enemies ................................................................................................... 22

7.1 India ............................................................................................................. 22

7.2 China .......................................................................................................... 29

7.3 Inoculation studies ....................................................................................... 37

7.4 Agent prioritization ....................................................................................... 37

8. Recommendations for future research .................................................................. 40

9. References ........................................................................................................... 41

10. Supplementary materials ...................................................................................... 45



1. Executive Summary

The research conducted during the second phase of the project assessing the

potential for biological control of the Hawaiian-invasive species Rubus ellipticus and

Rubus niveus built on the first project phase which was undertaken as a scoping

study in 2012. During this first phase survey sites were identified in the Shimla district

and the Kullu valley/India and a range of damaging arthropods and fungal pathogens

associated with the target weeds were collected and deposited. The second project

phase reported on here also benefitted from a scoping study conducted in parallel for

the Galapagos Islands (funded by the Ecuadorian Government) to investigate

potential biological control agents of Rubus niveus in its native range for control of

this species which is invasive in the Galapagos Islands.

During the second project phase altogether three field surveys were conducted in the

Asian native range of the two Rubus species; two surveys in India covered previously

visited as well as new sites in the Shimla district and the Kullu valley, and additionally

new sites in the Nilgiri Hills in southern India; one survey in China covered sites in

the provinces Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan. Voucher specimens were deposited

with the respective nationally mandated institutes/organizations. Identification of

arthropod species collected in India was undertaken by Indian taxonomists, while

identification of fungal specimens was based on field observations and preliminary

laboratory studies undertaken at NBAIR. Arthropod and fungal specimens collected

in China were preliminarily assessed using the CABI facilities in Beijing.

Based on identifications, literature searches and field observations selected natural

enemies have been prioritized for further evaluation as potential biocontrol agents.

From India these comprise seven arthropod species including a leaf rolling moth

[Acleris enitescens] and beetles species in the genera Aphthona, Apoderus,

Oomorphoides, Sibinia and Coraebus) as well as three fungal pathogens including

two Phragmidium spp. and a Pseudocercospora sp / Pseudocercosporella sp.

leafspot. From China these encompass with respect to the arthropods the beetle

Coraebus cf quadriundulatus, a currently unidentified leaf-rolling beetle (Attelabidae),

an unidentified sawfly (Tenthredinoidea) and an unidentified tortricid moth as well as

a rust pathogen, Phragmidium sp. and a Pseudocercospora sp /


Pseudocercosporella sp. leafspot. Timely export permission for prioritized agents

could not be secured from the respective Indian authorities due to internal

organizational politics, thus it was not possible to undertake preliminary host

specificity assessments of prioritized agents within the frame of this project phase.

Official permission for export of the insects Aphthona piceipes, Oomorphoides sp.

Sibinia sp. and Coraebus coerulens from India was granted by the respective

authorities on April 25th 2016 thereby enabling future export and evaluation. Export of

potential agents from China was not within the remit of this project phase, however,

in the future export procedures can be facilitated through the CABI China office in

Beijing. Inoculation studies with a Phragmidium rust, prioritized as a result of the field

work conducted in China, was undertaken at the CABI China laboratory and showed

the genotype of R. ellipticus invasive in Hawaii to be susceptible to the pathogen.

These studies furthermore provided initial evidence for the existence of formae

speciales (host-adapted strains) within this Phragmidium rust.

Initial molecular studies carried out as part of the scoping study conducted for

Galapagos to elucidate the geographic origin of their invasive R. niveus genotype

also including Hawaiian samples of this plant species. While neither conclusive nor

comprehensive preliminary findings from these studies indicate that India rather than

China might be the source of the R. niveus introduction into Hawaii. Comparable

work to elucidate the origin of the R. ellipticus introduction into Hawaii has not yet

been undertaken.


2. Acronyms and Abbreviations

BCA Biological Control Agent

DARE Department of Agricultural Research and Education

DLNR Department of Land and Natural Resources

HISC Hawaii Invasive Species Council

ICAR Indian Council of Agricultural Research

MTA Material Transfer Agreement

MoU Memorandum of Understanding

NBPGR National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (India)

NBA National Biodiversity (India)

NBAIR National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources (India)

NBAII National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Insects (India)

NBAIM National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (India)

PPI Plant Protection Institute (China)

USDA-FS United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service


The author of this report would like to thank the Department of Land and Natural

Resources, State of Hawaii as well as the Hawaiian Invasive Species Council for

continued funding of this research. Further we would like to acknowledge USDA FS

for coordinating the funds, and in particular, we would like to thank Tracy Johnson for

his support throughout the project. In addition, we would like to thank all of our

colleagues at the CABI India office and the CABI China office for the support and

help with the logistical components of the surveys and our valued collaborators at

NBAIR for their invaluable professional and pragmatic support. Thanks goes also to

Harry Evans for his advice and to Carol Ellison and Kate Pollard for their support and

for making the results of the scoping study for biological control of R. niveus

undertaken for the Galapagos Islands available to feed into this report.


3. Project Background

Rubus ellipticus (var. obcordatus), yellow Himalayan raspberry, is classed as one of

the world’s 100 worst invasive species (IUCN). Native throughout south-east Asia,

including the Himalayan region of Pakistan and India, R. ellipticus was first

introduced into Hawaii around 1961, where it naturalized in the vicinity of Volcano. A

single plant can grow into a 4m tall impenetrable thicket and, with its recurved

prickles and sturdy stems, poses a problem for livestock and humans alike. In

addition to invading pastures and disturbed areas, R. ellipticus has penetrated deeply

into pristine wet forests throughout the Island of Hawaii. Plants can establish in

dense shade and grow to overtop adjacent hapu’u. Longer range spread is

considered inevitable and there is generally little doubt that, in time, R. ellipticus has

the ability to become established throughout the Hawaiian Islands. The invasive

congener, Rubus niveus, introduced into Hawaii in the 1960’s, is present on the

islands of Hawaii, Kauai and Maui, where it is most problematic. The ecological and

economic impacts of both Rubus species are similar, and the species are now

considered to be beyond management using traditional control methods.

Previous research into the potential for classical biological of R. ellipticus focussed

on natural enemies from China (Wu et al., 2013). In 2012, an initial scoping study,

funded by the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, allowed

exploratory field work for natural enemies to be extended into the Indian Himalaya

region. Survey work found a range of damaging, potentially specific arthropods and

plant pathogens associated with R. ellipticus. Selected Lepidopteran and

Coleopteran specimens were identified to species level and deposited in national

Indian collections as part of the staged process to secure export under a material

transfer agreement. Detailed results of this scoping study have been reported in the

final report of Phase 1 of the project (Tanner, 2013). Field studies conducted in 2012

also found that R. niveus grows in close proximity to R. ellipticus in the field, and

shares a similar suite of natural enemies. It was thus proposed to target both Rubus

species simultaneously in order to reduce cost and effort, and R. niveus was

subsequently included in the research conducted during the second phase of the

project (2014-2016) reported on here. The Hawaiian-funded research was co-funded

by a separate scoping study for classical biological control of R. niveus which was

conducted by CABI for the Galapagos Islands, where this species is highly invasive.


4. Phase 2 Detail

4.1 Background

This final report covers the work conducted for the second phase of the project on

biological control of the two invasive Rubus species, R. ellipticus and R. niveus, in

Hawaii (2014 to 2016) and incorporates previous progress reports. It also draws on

results from the scoping study undertaken for the Galapagos Islands focussing on R.

niveus. Funding for this research phase was provided initially by DLNR/State of

Hawaii with additional funds granted by HISC for FY 2015 at a later stage. The grant

has been administered through USDA-FS. The additional HISC funding was

incorporated into the existing CABI-USFS contract leading to a modification of the

original grant agreement and an extension of this project phase from 6/30/15 to

6/30/2016. Given that the HISC funding level award was reduced by almost 2/3

compared to the initial bid (to U$ 80,000 from a requested U$112,902 for the Rubus

work package), the original work package ‘Objectives’ and ‘Measures of

Effectiveness’ were revised accordingly.

4.2 Objectives and Measures of Effectiveness


To maintain/renew collaborations with NBAIR/ICAR to facilitate survey

permits and deposition and export of identified and prioritized natural enemies

To conduct surveys for natural enemies of R. ellipticus var. obcordatus and

R. niveus in the in the India native range

To coordinate expert identifications of insect/pathogens species and to

deposit voucher specimens with respective national authorities conditional for

future export

To prioritize insect/pathogen species for export and research as potential

biocontrol agents

To secure export permissions from Indian authorities facilitated by Indian


To conduct preliminary assessment of prioritized Rubus agents


To provide a comprehensive report detailing all research to date and building

the case for prioritized agent(s)

Measures of Effectiveness

Ongoing effective collaboration with Indian counterparts

Surveys conducted and natural enemies collected, identified and deposited

Insect and pathogen agents on Rubus species prioritized for future research

Export permission secured and agents shipped to the UK

Data produced on host specificity of selected agents

Comprehensive report produced

4.3 Administration



Dr Rob Tanner, in his role as project manager, has been responsible for the project

from the start until his secondment to EPPO/Paris at the beginning of 2015.

Following his departure Dr Marion Seier took over the project management working

in close collaboration with Dr Carol Ellison, who managed the scoping study on

biological control of R. niveus undertaken for the Galapagos Islands. Kate Pollard

provided scientific support, particularly during survey work, while Nikolai Thom was

responsible for plant propagation and technical support to the project.

CABI-South Asia, New Delhi, India

Dr Ravi Khetarpal held the position of Country Director India until October 2015,

when he was appointed to the new role of Regional Advisor, Strategic Science

Partnerships, South-Asia and Gopi Ramasamy took over the directorship. In

addition to leading the development of a South Asia science strategy and

establishing strategic science partnerships, Ravi will be overseeing the establishment

of an ICAR-CABI Joint Laboratory modelled on the one CABI has established in

China. Both Gopi and Ravi were involved in liaising with ICAR institutes and DARE at

the highest levels to obtain endorsem*nts for collaborative agreements and project

specific work plans, as well as notify relevant authorities of CABI surveys.


CABI –China

Dr Feng Zhang, Country Director of the CABI-China Office housed by the Chinese

Academy of Agricultural Sciences, provided logistic support for the Rubus field

survey conducted in China in 2014. Huanhuan Wan supported the survey

scientifically and technically and conducted subsequent inoculation tests.

NBAIR (formerly NBAII and Project Directorate for Biological Control)

In June 2014 NBAIR in Bangalore became the principal collaborative institute taking

over from NBPGR based in Delhi. Dr Abraham Verghese, Director of NBAIR, has

since overseen the project collaboration and Dr Chandish Ballal (Principal Scientist

& Head, Division of Insect Ecology) continued in her role as Principal Investigator

supported by Dr Prashanth Mohanraj, Head of the Dept, Biosystematics and Dr

Sunil Joshi (Principle Scientist, Entomology). The various taxonomists who have

identified collected specimens are acknowledged by name in the respective sections

of this report. Several curators at NBAIR facilitated deposition and maintenance of

voucher specimens.


NBAIM, based in Mau, holds the national mandate to deal with fungal organisms and

initial contact has been made with Dr Sushil K Sharma (Principle Scientist,

Agricultural Microbiology) for deposition and identification of any field-collected

pathogen material conditional to any future application for export.

Collaboration - India


With the transfer of responsibility from NBPGR to NBAIR all paperwork and

specimens pertaining to the project changed hands and work plans for 2014 were

submitted and approved. In 2015 new work plans, pro-formas and collaborative

budgets were submitted timely for approval by DARE/ICAR, but concerns were

raised by NBAIR regarding the CABI ICAR MoU. It was highlighted that new

incumbents in government and at senior levels in DARE and ICAR would be less

aware of the historical links with CABI and of the mutual benefits of genetic exchange

for biocontrol. Despite assurances and endorsem*nts given by DARE in 2014 that

the existing MoU did not need modification to reflect the shift in responsibilities

between bureaux and would sit under an overarching CABI–ICAR MoU, a

“rechristening” of the project collaboration was requested. A new MoU was


submitted, together with supporting documentation specific to biocontrol in India and

access and benefit sharing, naming the ongoing project to identify potential biocontrol

agents for Rubus spp. (Rubus ellipticus and Rubus niveus) as one of the

collaborative projects and listing all of the collaborating bureaux. As the year

progressed, all of CABI’s collaborative activities in India came under scrutiny and

retrospective documentation and justification for all aspects of work in country were

called for by ICAR/DARE. As a result, authorisations for research work and approval

of the submitted work plans were stalled which also impacted on the ability to obtain

export permits for natural enemies collected during the survey conducted in

September 2015. By early 2016 CABI-ICAR work plans for invasive species projects

had been approved retrospectively, and NBAIR is awaiting written confirmation of this

so funds can be transferred.

MTAs for the insects Aphthona piceipes, Oomorphoides sp. Sibinia sp. and

Coraebus coerulens, four of the agents collected in India prioritized for further

research into their potential as biocontrol agents for R. ellipticus and R. niveus (see

7.4 agent prioritization), had been submitted in 2015 and have since been approved.

Official permission for export of these four agents was granted on 25th April, 2016.

Collaboration with NBAIM is less advanced compared to the long-standing working

relationship with NBAIR and thus no export permits have been obtained for prioritized

fungal pathogens as yet.

A request for official collaborations with the respective institutes to continue has been

made in May 2016.

Collaboration - Hawaii

A pre-proposal bidding for U$120K to support ongoing work in the invasive Rubus

species in the 2017 fiscal year was submitted to HISC through USDA’s Forestry

Service (Tracy Johnson) in November 2015. Whilst this is not a prerequisite for

funding, it is intended to provide a preview of future biocontrol objectives on which to

build more robust budget requests. Following on from this the full proposal has been

submitted in response to the HISC call according to the deadline of 1 July. A previous

bid for HISC funding in FY16 had been unsuccessful.

4.4 Conferences and Presentations

• In September 2015, the 13th International conference on Ecology and

Management of Alien Plant Invasions (EMAPI) was held in Hawaii and


attended by Corin Pratt who gave an oral presentation (“Tackling two of the

toughest”) on the progress of CABI’s Rubus (R. ellipticus and R. niveus) and

Hedychium initiatives.

• During the survey visit to India in September 2015 Marion Seier presented a

talk to NBAIR staff titled “Use of biodiversity to tackle invasive weeds” which

highlighted the collaborative Rubus project.

4.5 Shipments


Seeds of the Hawaiian biotype of R. ellipticus as well as of the two Hawaiian-native

Rubus species, R. hawaiiensis and R. macraei were shipped by Tracy Johnson

(USDA-FS) to the UK in June 2015. Seeds were germinated in the CABI

greenhouses and currently several plants of R. ellipticus and R. hawaiiensis are

being held at CABI available for future host-specificity assessments. To date seeds

of R. macraei have failed to germinate, and a new supply would be needed for

inclusion of this critical non-target species. One common UK commercial variety of

each blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) and raspberry (Rubus idaeus) have also been

purchased for inclusion into testing of prioritized agents.

Leaf material

Leaf material of R. ellipticus and R. niveus was collected by Tracy Johnson from a

site in Volcano, Hawaii (19*28’29”N, 155*15’34”W, 1242 m.a.s.l.) and sent as dried

samples to CABI/UK. This material is to be used for comparative molecular studies

with leaf samples of the two target species from their native range. It will be important

to establish the geographic origin of the introduced populations invasive in Hawaii in

order to target collection and testing of natural enemies to achieve the best match

between biotypes of potential biocontrol agents and those of the exotic Rubus



5. Surveys

Building on the first phase of the project more thorough field surveys were conducted

in the native Indian and, additionally, in the Chinese range of R. ellipticus and R.

niveus in order to study and collect natural enemies associated with the two species

and to deposit voucher specimens for identification and reference at the relevant

national institutes. This protocol needs to be followed in order to obtain high-level

permission for export of agents to the CABI quarantine facilities in the UK for further

studies. Field work was also used to make initial assessments of the potential of

natural enemies as classical biological control agents by evaluating the degree and

type of damage caused to the host. Also assessed was their apparent field host

specificity by evaluating whether related plant species, i.e. species belonging to the

Rosaceae family, or plant species sharing the same habitat also come under

attacked. During the course of the survey fungal specimens were collected as

infected leaf or stem material and dried and stored in a plan press. Arthropod

specimens were either kept in tubes for subsequent pinning and identification or

stored in 70 % alcohol (for adults) or, when immature stages were collected, kept

alive for subsequent rearing to adult stage and identification in the laboratory of the

collaborating national institute.

The selection of survey areas and sites was made based on the field work

undertaken in the initial scoping study and first project phase in 2012, collection

details recorded for plant specimens of the two Rubus species held at the Kew

Herbarium (London), as well as logistics derived from surveys undertaken previously

by CABI staff in the region. In total three surveys were conducted in the native range

throughout the course of the second phase of the project. Details are given below.

5.1 India

In India two surveys were conducted covering three regions: the Kullu Valley and the

area around Shimla in the Himalayan foothills (northern Indian State of Himachal

Pradesh), where both R. ellipticus and R. niveus are considered to be native; the

Nilgiri Hills south of Mysore (southern Indian State of Tamil Nadu), since R. niveus is

also commonly called Mysore Raspberry and there is a possibility that this southern

region may also be a centre of diversity of this Rubus species. The first survey was

conducted by Rob Tanner and Kate Pollard from 27 July-14 August 2014 covering all

three regions; the second survey was conducted by Marion Seier from 6-17


September 2015 and concentrated only on the Shimla area. Both surveys were

undertaken with approval of NBA and ICAR and supported by staff from NBAIR (Drs

Chandish Ballal, Prashanth Mohanraj and Sunil Joshi). Figure 1 shows the regions

covered during the surveys.

Figure 1: Geographic regions surveyed in India in 2014/15

During both surveys a wide range of field sites was visited and extensive sampling

was undertaken for both arthropod and fungal natural enemies (Fig. 2a). Populations

of R. ellipticus were found at altitudes ranging from 975 m.a.s.l. (previously reported

also 789 m.a.s.l. see Tanner, 2013) and 2593 m.a.s.l., while R. niveus populations

were present at the higher altitudes between 1493 to 2593 m.a.s.l..

Collected field material was deposited at NBAIR (arthropods) and NBAIM

(pathogens) as the nationally recognized repositories. Furthermore, leaf material of

various populations of R. ellipticus and R. niveus was deposited at NBPGR for future

molecular analysis (Fig.2b).

Kullu valley


Nilgiri Hills


Figure 2: a) Drs Ballal and Joshi assessing Rubus niveus for natural enemies

present (India); b) Carol Ellison sampling leaf material of Rubus niveus for molecular

studies (China)

Table 1 give the details of all survey sites visited, the natural enemy collections made

and arthropod identifications provided by Indian expert taxonomists , as applicable.

Official identifications for the fungal pathogen material deposited are yet to be

received from the respective taxonomists at NBAIM, but tentative identifications have

been made based on field observations and initial laboratory evaluation. An

assessment of the biocontrol potential of individual agents is given under section 7.1

(“Natural Enemies”).

a b


Table 1. Indian Survey 2014 / 2015

Date Site Co-ordinates Alt. (m)

Location / region Site description


R. niveus R. ellipticus


R. niveus R. ellipticus Identification

29/07/2014 29-1 N 30° 57.086' E 077° 07.312'

1493 Shimla On track to railway line. Mixed forest of pine and deciduous trees, large understory with

bracken etc.

no Different lepidopteran larvae; 1 brown coleopteran species; white leaf

hopper species

Leafspot 1 (tan in colour) &

Rust 1 (uredinia) on older leaves

Leafspot 1 (tan in colour) &

Rust 1 (uredinia) on older leaves

One lepidopteran species identified as

Thyatira batis

30/07/2014 30-1 N 31° 02.138' E 077° 07.356'

1795 Shimla Path near to railway line. Pine forest not densely covered,

open understory therefore less humid.

no Different lepidopteran

larvae;1 black-brown weevil species; 1

coccinellid species; 1 mealybug; 1

chrysomelid species; 1 small black

coleopteran species; 1 dipteran species

no Leafspot 2 (red in colour)

Weevil species tentatively

identified as Myllocerus rufescens; Chrysomelid

species identified as Colasposoma semicostatum

30-2 N 31° 00.464' E 077° 05.721'

1710 Shimla Shimla to Solan, approx 20km from Shimla. On roadside on edge of pine forest with a few

deciduous trees.

no Several coleopteran species; 1

chrysomelid species; different

lepidopteran larvae; 1 coccinellid beetle;

1 leaf hopper; 1 stink bug species

Rust 1 (uredinia) Leafspot 1 + 2 (tan and red)

Rust 1 (uredinia)

Chrysomelid species identified as

Colasposoma semicostatum; 1

coleopteran species identified as member of

Galerucinae, 1 coleopteran species as

Apoderus sp.; 1 lepidopteran species as member of Crambidae, 1 lepidopteran species

as member of Tortricidae; leaf hopper

species identified as Kolla paulula; stink bug

species identified as Paracritheus sp.

30-3 N 30° 57.001' E 077° 07.206'

1510 Shimla Mixed forest of pine and deciduous trees, large

understory with bracken etc. Area more open at railway line

and more shrubby hillside

1 hemipteran species; 1

lepidopteran (larva)

1 chrysomelid species

Rust 1 (uredinia) & leafspot

Leafspot Lepidopteran species identified as Thyatira

batis; chrysomelid species identified as Oomorphoides sp.


Date Site Co-ordinates Alt. (m)

Location / region Site description


R. niveus R. ellipticus


R. niveus R. ellipticus Identification

30-4 N 30° 56.130' E 077° 08.272'

1295 Shimla Pine mixed forest at edge, Rubus ellipticus along

roadside in grassy area

Plant not present 1 leaf hopper species; 1 tree hopper species

Plant not present

Leafspot 1 (tan) & Rust 1 (uredinia)

Leaf hopper species identified as Kolla

paulula; tree hopper species identified as

Gargara sp.

30-5 N 31° 02.740' E 077° 07.912’

1842 Shimla Grassland with shrubby species and few pine trees

along train track and up hillside next to it, area fairly


Plant not present Several lepidopteran species; 1 brown weevil species; 2

chrysomelid species

Plant not present

Leafspot 1 & 2 (tan & red)

Weevil species tentatively identified as Myllocerus rufescens; chrysomelid species

identified as Colasposoma

semicostatum and Trichotheca hirta

31/07/2014 31-1 N 31° 06.539' E 077° 12.415'

2202 Shimla Near to Halli. Present along path in open area at edge of

forest on main slope, not present within the forest.

Stem borer;

1 lepidopteran (larva); 2

coccinellid species

no no no Lepidopteran species identified as Thyatira batis; one coccinellid species identified as

Coccinella septempunctata

31-2 N 31° 07.142' E 077° 13.851'

2384 Shimla Road on the way to Runparh, 20km from Shimla to Kufri. On edge of road on side of mixed

forest, not within forest

Several lepidopteran

species (larvae); 1 coleopteran



Plant not present no Plant not present Lepidopteran species tentatively identified as Pandemis dumetana; 1

coleopteran species tentatively identified as

Coraebus coerulens

31-3 N 31° 07.201' E 077° 14.138'

2497 Shimla Pine forest. 2 lepidopteran species (larvae)

no no no n/a

31-4 N 31° 07.211' E 077° 14.350'

2505 Shimla Open area to the side of the main footpath, in

grassland/shrubland including clover and ferns.

2 lepidopteran species (larvae); 1

weevil species;

1 stem borer species

Plant not present Rust 1 (uredinia) & Leafspot

Plant not present One lepidopteran species identified as Gonitis mesogona;

weevil species identified as Sibinia sp.

31-5 N 31° 05.763' E 077° 16.723'

2593 Shimla Road through pine forest. Present along roadside, not in forest only on track. Very good


1 leaf miner species;

1 flea beetle species

1 flea beetle species Rust 1 (uredinia) & Leafspot

no Flea beetle species identified as Aphthona



Date Site Co-ordinates Alt. (m)

Location / region Site description


R. niveus R. ellipticus


R. niveus R. ellipticus Identification

01/08/2014 1-1 N 31° 06.306' E 077° 07.467’

1926 Shimla Just off bypass road towards Totu (1 km), can also see

Barahi village from hill. Track through pine forest, with few

other tree species.

2 lepidopteran species (larvae)

1 coleopteran species

no Leafspot Lepidopteran tentatively identified as Pandemis dumetana, coleopteran

species tentatively identified as Myllocerus


1-2 N 31° 07.094’ E 077° 06.276'

1761 Shimla Open hillside on edge of pine forest; not many insects, not a

very good site.

Plant not present No Plant not present

Leafspot n/a

1-3 N 31°08.824' E 077° 04.949'

1588 Shimla About 4km from Devnagar. Road through hillside of mixed

forest and an area of open grass with fewer trees. Stream running through at the bottom

of hill (pathogens here).

no Fly larvae,

one lepidopteran species

no Rust 1 (uredinia) & Leafspot

Fly larvae identified as Sisyropa sp. (parasitoid)

02/08/2014 2-1 N 31° 07.888' E 077° 13.309'

2186 Shimla Mashobara village. Along main track though open pine

forested hill with understory.

Several lepidopteran

species (larvae)

3 lepidopteran species larvae), 1 leaf miner species

no no One lepidopteran species ex R. ellipticus identified as belonging to the family Nolidae

2-2 N 31° 10.406' E 077° 12.320'

2121 Shimla Baldeyan, 2.5 km before Naldehra. Pine forest down

slopes at top with bracken and other shrubs. Also open area

of grassland with exposed rocks.

no 3 lepidopteran species

no Leafspot 2 (red) One lepidopteran species tentatively identified as Acleris


2-3 N 31° 08.955' E 077° 12.869'

2199 Shimla Close to Moshobara (2.8 km away). Pine forest on the edge

of the roadside.

no no Rust 1 (uredinia) Leafspot n/a

03/08/2014 3-1 N 31° 42.290' E 077° 01.745'

975 Kullu Hillside with forest with fairly dense cover at side and few shrubs. R. ellipticus present

but very few plants, at edge of road. Fast flowing stream

running downhill

Plant not present 3 lepidopteran species

Plant not present

Rust 1, leaf spot 1 (tan)


04/08/2014 4-1 N 32° 06.609' E 077° 10.996'

2217 Kullu On slope with apple orchard and pine trees. R. niveus

found in clearings.

no Plant not present Leafspot 1 (dark & large lesions)

Plant not present n/a


Date Site Co-ordinates Alt. (m)

Location / region Site description


R. niveus R. ellipticus


R. niveus R. ellipticus Identification

4-2 N 32° 06.697' E 077° 10.965'

2175 Kullu R. niveus found in gully and alongside rocky path. Apple and pine trees present. Also

present in clearings with bracken.

One lepidopteran species (larva)

Plant not present Rust 1 (uredinia)

Rust 2 (telia – microcyclic )

Leafspot 1 (Tan)

Plant not present n/a

11/08/2014 11-1 N 11° 28.416'

E° 076°40.936'

1650 Nilgiris Main road to Ooty, edge of road and hill near covered with shrubs (inc. invasive species).

no no no Leafspot 2 (red) n/a

11-2 N 11° 27.574' E 076° 41.032'

1850 Nilgiris Marsikallu. Edge of agricultural.

no Plant not present no Plant not present n/a

11-3 N 11° 27.326' E 076° 40.869'

2044 Nilgiris Edge of the roadside, fairly open area.

No Plant not present Rust 1 (uredinia) Plant not present n/a

11-4 N 11° 26.678' E 076° 40.322'

2144 Nilgiris Thalakuntha (Gudalur junction). Edge of open pine forest, in grassy area at edge

of road.

no One leaf hopper species

no Rust 1 (uredinia) n/a

12/8/14 12-1 N 11° 24.820’ E 076° 43.526'

2301 Nilgiris On the way to Doddabetta from Ooty, Slightly shaded

area with exposed bank few shrubs and large bushes on


no no no no n/a

12-2 N 11° 24.966' E 076° 43.855’

2357 Nilgiris Open area on bank. no Aphids Rust 1 (uredinia)

Rust 2 (?telia – microcyclic rust


Leafspot 1 (tan) n/a

12-3 N 11° 24.520' E 076° 44.279'

2329 Nilgiris Near Doddabetta On track at edge of road.

no Thrips Rust 1 (uredinia) no n/a

08/09/2015 8-1 - 2182 Pawoba, Shimla

Roadside exposed stand Plant not present Small black chrysomelid species,

large brown chrysomelid species

Plant not present

no Small black Chrysomelid Aphthona simlaensis

09/09/2015 9-1 N 31° 06.266’ E 077° 09.130’

2173 Chaura Maidan, Shimla

Steep bank along a small road Plant not present 1 leafhopper species; 1 small beetle species

Plant not present

Rust 1 (uredinia),

Leafspot 1 & 2 (tan and red)



Date Site Co-ordinates Alt. (m)

Location / region Site description


R. niveus R. ellipticus


R. niveus R. ellipticus Identification

9-2 N 31° 05.935’ E 077° 07.822’

2134 Bheemakali Mandir, Shimla

Exposed site on a slope and along railway line

no 1 small black chrysomelid; one

large brown chrysomelid; one lepidoteran larva;

aphids; lots of feeding damage but

causal agent not seen

Rust 1 (uredinia)

Leafspot 1 (tan)

Leafspot 1 (tan) n/a

9-3 N 31° 06.792’ E 077° 06.397’

1850 Totu, Shimla

Stands along road Plant not present Leafminer damage Plant not present

Leafspot 1 (tan) n/a

9-4 N 31° 06.811’ E 077° 06.431’

1834 Heera Nagar, Shimla

Mixed forest in valley one leafhopper species, whitefly,

large metallic chrysomelid

no Leafspot 2 (red) Rust 1 (uredinia), Leafspot 1 & 2 (tan and red)

Large metallic chrysomelid ex R. niveus identified as Altica himensis

10/09/2015 10-1 N 31° 05.788’ E 077° 16.729’

2569 Kufri, Shimla

On path away from main road, open habitat with Rubus

niveus interdispersed with Buddleja on slope. Site 31-5

from 2014 survey.

Stem borer, 1 black large chrysomelid


Plant not present Rust 2 (telia?)

Leafspot 1 (tan)

Plant not present Chrysomelid species ex R. niveus identified as Altica himensis


N 31° 07.201' E 077° 14.138'

2497 Charabra,Shimla

Pine forest. Site 31-3 from 2014 survey.

1 larval species, signs of stem borer, small chrysomelid


Plant not present Leafspot 1 & 2 (tan and red)

Plant not present

Chrysomelid species identified as Altica



N 31° 07.211' E 077° 14.350'

2505 Charabra, Shimla

Open area to the side of the main footpath, in

grassland/shrubland including clover and ferns

no Plant not present Rust 1 (uredinia) Plant not present n/a

10-4 N 31° 07.792' E 077° 13.527'

2396 Mashoraba, Shimla

Stand along path on slope no Plant not present Leafspot 1 (tan)

Stem canker

Plant not present n/a

11/09/2015 11-1 N 31° 03.231' E 077° 08.594'

2226 Taradevi, Shimla

Exposed open slope, sunny, but cool and windy

Black chrysomelid species

Small black chrysomelid species, small brown beetle

Rust 1 (uredinia) Rust 2 (telia?)

Leafspot 1 (tan) Small black chrysomelid ex R. ellipticus identified

as Aphthona simlaensis


Date Site Co-ordinates Alt. (m)

Location / region Site description


R. niveus R. ellipticus


R. niveus R. ellipticus Identification

11-2 N 31° 03.152' E 077° 08.590'

2140 Taradevi,Shimla

Mixed pine forest, shady Plant not present Black chrysomelid species, also larval

pupa on roots

Plant not present

Leafspot 1 (tan)

Commencing rust 1 infection


11-3 N 31° 02.663' E 077° 07.901'

1969 Shoghi, Shimla

Stand along the roadside and open slope with deciduous


Plant not present Black larvae in leaf buds; aphids

Plant not present

Leafspot 1 (tan) n/a

12/09/2015 12-1 N 31° 18.690' E 077° 26.434'

1870 Shimla region/

Jalori pass

Stand along roadside Aphids Plant not present no Plant not present n/a

12-2 N 31° 30.437' E 077° 25.376'

2386 Shimla region/

Jalori pass

Shady stand along the roadside

Plant not present 1 chrysomelid species

Plant not present

Leafspot Chrysomelid species identified as Pentamesa


12-4 N 31° 34.210' E 077° 22.134'

2890 Shoja Stand along roadside in a little mountain village

no Plant not present Rust 1 (uredinia) Plant not present n/a

13/09/2015 13-1 N 31° 29.822' E 077° 25.259’

2324 Shimla region/

Jalori pass

Stand along mountain roadside

no no Rust 2 (telia?) but


Leafspot 1 (tan)

Leafspot 1 (tan) n/a

13-2 N 31° 20.780' E 077° 26.230’

2050 Shimla region/

Jalori pass

Stand along mountain roadside

Plant not present 1 black chrysomelid species; shoot

rolling larva

Plant not present

no Chrysomelid species identified as Aphthona


14/09/2015 14-1 N 30° 57.281' E 077° 06.815’

1640 Near Solan, Shimla

Woodlands Plant not present 3 different (lepidopteran)

larvae; mealybug; bigger chrysomelid species (also found

feeding on Impatiens species)

Plant not present

Leafspot 1 (tan)

Rust 1 (uredinia)



5.2 China

In China one survey was conducted by Rob Tanner, Carol Ellison and Huanhuan

Wan between 29 September – 5 October 2014, covering a range of sites in the three

provinces Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan.

Specimens of field collected arthropod and fungal natural enemies, as well as leaf

material of selected R. ellipticus and R. niveus populations were deposited at PPI.

Figure 3 shows the regions covered during the surveys.

Figure 3: Geographic region surveyed in China in 2014

Details of all survey sites as well as the natural enemy collections made are given in

Table 2. A basic assessment of the insect samples collected during the survey in

China was undertaken using the CABI facilities in Beijing. Preliminary pathogen

identifications are based on field observations as well as preliminary microscopic

examination in the lab. Details of tentative identifications, as well as an assessment

of the biocontrol potential of agents are given in Table 4 (section 7.2 “Natural



Table 2. China Survey 2014

Date Site Co-

ordinates Alt. (m)


region Site description


R. niveus R. ellipticus


R. niveus R. ellipticus

29/09/2014 29-1 N 26° 20.506’ E 106° 39.364’

1113 Guiyang City, Guizhou Province

Along roadside Stem galls containing multiple larvae, Lepidoptera 1,

Diptera, Hymenoptera,


Plant not present Phytoplasma, rust (uredinia), leafspot


Plant not present

29-2 N 26° 15.606’ E 106° 40.964’

Guiyang City, Guizhou Province

On the edge of a rocky hillside Leaf miner,


Plant not present Phytoplasma, rust (uredinia), leafspot


Plant not present

29-3 N 26° 05.200’ E 106° 38.500’

Guiyang City, Guizhou Province

Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera

Plant not present Leafspot (tan) Plant not present

29-4 N 26° 19.421’

E 106° 36’883’

YanLou Village

Plant on edge of forest by road. Beside an irrigation


Stem galls and defoliating lepidopteran larvae 2, Diptera

Plant not present Leafspot Plant not present

30/09/2014 30-1 N 26° 35.571

E 106° 42.227’

Jin Hua Town, Guizhou Province

Site next to motorway, by toll-bridge

Diptera, stem borer, stem galls, defoliating lepidopteran larvae, Coccinellid, Heteroptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera

Plant not present Rust (uredinia), leafspot (tan)

Plant not present

02/10/2014 2-1 N 25° 46' 172’

E 100° 14.460’

2020 Erhai Lake, Dali, Yunnan

Next to lake park, semi natural vegetation, shade

on steep hill

Sawfly damage no no no

2-2 N 25° 41' 958’

E 100° 16.063’

1976 Kunming , Yunnan

Edge of a lake Plant not present One lepidopteran larva Plant not present Reddish leaf spot

2-3 N 25° 38' 286’

E 100° 00.791’

1534 Pingbo Town, Yunnan

Stand on the roadside Plant not present no Plant not present Rust (uredinia),

reddish leaf spot

2-4 N 25° 36' 578’

E 100° 02.277’

1448 Pingbo Town, Yunnan

Stand on the roadside Plant not present no

Plant not present Leafspot Interveinal (with fruiting bodies)

04/10/2014 4-1 N 24° 82' 469’

E 102° 78.197’

Kunming, Yunnan

By the side of a lake Lepidopteran larvae Plant not present Rust (uredinia) Plant not present

05/10/2014 5-1 N 30° 40 845’

E 104° 09199’

Chengdu, Sichuan

Just off motorway, waste land

No Plant not present Leafspot interveinal

Plant not present

5-2 N 30° 21' 303’

E 103° 52458’

Chengjia, Pujiang,

Chengdu, Sichuan

Edge of tea plantation, mixed cropping, small


Coleoptera (weevil) Plant not present Leafspot (tan) Plant not present

5-3 N 30° 21' 224’

E 103° 51355’

Chengjia, Pujiang,

Chengdu, Sichuan

Steep bank next to irrigation channel

no Plant not present no Plant not present


6. Molecular Studies

Leaf material from R. ellipticus and R. niveus was provided by Tracy Johnson from

one population on Hawaii Island and was also collected from selected populations of

the two Rubus species in their native range and deposited with the respective

national repositories. Within the frame of this project as yet no comprehensive

molecular studies have been undertaken to try and determine from where in the

Asian range the genotypes of the two Rubus species invasive on Hawaii originate.

However, some initial work has been carried out in this respect for R. niveus as part

of the scoping study conducted for Galapagos by including the Hawaiian samples

provided. DNA was extracted from Hawaiian leaf samples and compared, using three

sets of primer pairs (rbcL, trnL and LEAFY), with that from samples collected in

China. Permission for the export of the leaf samples from India has been delayed

due to changes in Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) personnel, thus

leaf samples taken from herbarium specimens collected during past surveys and held

at CABI were used for this study. (Indian leaf samples collected during the 2014/2015

surveys will be analysed in India by a molecular laboratory and the results combined

with those obtained in the UK in order to provide supplementary sequences for a

more robust comparison, than that provided by the few herbarium samples currently

included.) Also included in the analysis were DNA samples from plants in the UK and

other species of Rubus. To date, findings from the study, although not conclusive,

indicate that India rather than China might be the source of the R. niveus introduction

into Hawaii. This will need to be verified by a more comprehensive analysis. As yet

no equivalent molecular work has been undertaken for R. ellipticus.


7. Natural enemies

Arthropod specimens collected during the field surveys in India have been officially

identified, many to species level, by collaborating Indian taxonomists (as credited). A

number of the larval collections failed to pupate or hatch under laboratory conditions,

thus their species identity and potential as biocontrol agent remains currently

unknown. No formal identification reports had been received for the fungal

specimens deposited with NBAIM/Mau at the time of writing this final 2nd phase

project report, thus any identifications given are provisional and based on field

observations, as well as on preliminary microscope studies conducted at

NBAIR/Bangalore. As yet no agents have been exported from India for further

evaluation. To date no official identification has been undertaken for arthropod and

fungal specimens collected during the field survey in China. However, preliminary

assessments were carried out using the CABI facilities in Beijing.

7.1 India

The following section lists the arthropod and fungal natural enemies collected from

R. ellipticus and R. niveus in the surveyed Indian-native range in 2014 and 2015 and

gives an initial assessment of their potential as biocontrol agents based on field

observations and published literature.


Colleoptera • Altica himensis Shukla/Chrysomelidae (ident. by Dr D. Prathapan) – collected

ex R. niveus; this flea beetle is an important herbivore of Rumex hastatus and

is confined to this host during the dry season; during the wet season the

beetle expands its host range to a number of other herbaceous species (Shah

& Jyala, 1998); no potential as BCA

• Aphthona piceipes Scherer/Chrysomelidae (ident. by Dr D. Prathapan) –

collected from R. niveus; Aphthona species tend to be host specific; the

genus includes Euphorbia specialists, used as biocontrol agents for invasive

Euphorbia species in North America (Winston et al. 2014), but also pests;

food plants of genus include: Acacia, Acer, Asparagus, Carex, Euphorbia,

Geranium, Helianthemum, Iris, Linum, Lythrum, Populus, Rosa, Rubus,


Symphytum, Ulmus (Medvedev & Roginskaya, 1988); possibly potential as

BCA (Fig. 4a)

• Aphthona simlaensis Konstantinov & Lingafelter/Chrysomelidae (ident. by Dr

D. Prathapan) – collected from R. ellipticus; see comments for Aphthona

piceipes; possibly potential as BCA (Fig. 5a)

• Apoderus sp./Attelabidae (ident. by Dr. V.V. Ramamurthy) – collected from

R. ellipticus; Apoderus minimus and A. nigroapicatus recorded from R.

ellipticus in China (Wu et al., 2013); possibly potential as BCA (Fig. 4b)

• Coccinella septempunctata Linnaeus/Coccinellidae (ident. by Dr. J. Poorani)

– collected from R. niveus; predator; no potential as BCA

• Colasposoma semicostatum Jacoby/Chrysomelidae (ident. by A. Moseyko) –

collected from R. ellipticus; recorded as a pest of the genera Shorea

(Dipterocarpaceae) and Terminalia (Combretaceae); not a priority species for


• Coraebus coerulens Kerremans/Buprestidae (ident. by Dr. V.V. Ramamurthy)

- collected from R. niveus and R. ellipticus (see also Tanner 2013, 1st phase

report). Coraebus quadriundulatus Motschulsky has been recorded on R.

ellipticus in China feeding on leaves of the plant (Wu et al., 2013, see also

Table 4). Species within the genus develop mainly within woody species or

the stems of plant species. No information available on the host range of

C. coerulens, but species within the genus are recorded from a number of

plant species (Soria et al., 1992 a,b; Iglesias et al., 1992); possibly potential

as BCA (Fig. 4c)

• Cryptocephalus dodecaspilus Suffrian (possibly junior synonym of C. sannio

Redtenba)/Chrysomelidae (ident. by Dr D. Prathapan) - usually specialists,

seldom common, recorded on roses as minor pest (Fletcher 1917); not a

priority for evaluation (not listed in Table 1)

• Harmonia eucharis Mulsant/Coccinellidae (ident. by Dr. J. Poorani) –

predator; no potential as BCA

• Myllocerus cf rufescens Ramamurthy & Ghai/Curculinoidae (ident. by Dr. V.V.

Ramamurthy) – collected from R. ellipticus; biology of species not known,

genus includes pests and polyphagous species, broad-nosed weevils not well

known as specialists; not a priority species for evaluation

• Oomorphoides sp./Chrysomelidae (ident. by Dr D. Prathapan) – collected

from R. ellipticus; genus seems to specialise on Araliaceae, possibly also

found feeding on R. ellipticus in Sikkim (field observation); possibly potential

as BCA (Fig. 4d)


• Pentamesa haroldi Baly/Chrysomelidae (ident. by Dr D. Prathapan) –

collected ex R. ellipticus; possibly oligophagous/monophagous rather than

polyphagous, but unknown; not a priority species for evaluation

• Sibinia sp./Curculinoidae (ident. by Dr. V.V. Ramamurthy) – collected from

R. niveus, subgenus Sibinia is mostly from the Old World, 100+ species,

hosts in the plant families Caryophyllaceae, Plumbaginaceae, Santalaceae,

Thymelaceae, Boraginaceae, Portulacaceae, fruit and flower bud feeders

(Clark, 1978); possibly potential as BCA

• Trichotheca hirta Baly/Chrysomelidae (ident. by A. Moseyko) – collected from

R. ellipticus; no information, seems to be a conspicuous widespread species;

not a priority species for evaluation

• Two un-identified Galerucinae species


• Gargara sp./Membracidae (ident. by C.A. Viraktamath) - possibly specific but

not used as CBC before; not a priority species for evaluation

• Kolla paulula (Walker)/Cicadellidae (ident. by C.A. Viraktamath) – vector of

diseases; no potential as BCA

• Matsumuraja capitophoroides Hille Ris Lambers & Matsumuraja rubifoliae

Takahashi/Aphididae – recorded from Rubus spp., species in the genus

Matsumuraja attack Rubus species; the two named species have alternate

hosts (Banerjee et al., 1991); no potential as BCA

• Paracritheus sp./Pentatomidae (ident. by C.A. Viraktamath) – not a priority

species for evaluation

• One unidentified species/ Erythroneurini/Typhlocybinae/Cicadellidae (not

listed in Table 1)

• one unidentified species/Meenoplidae (not listed in table 1)


• cf Acleris enitescens Meyrick/Tortricidae – collected from R. ellipticus, the

larvae are known to feed on Rubus species; possibly potential as BCA

• Gonitis mesogona Walker/Erebidae – collected from R. niveus; known from

other plant species; not a priority species for evaluation

• cf Pandemis dumetana Treitschke/Tortricidae – collected from R. niveus;

highly polyphagus; no biocontrol potential


• Somena scintillans Walker/Erebidae – highly polyphagus; no biocontrol

potential (not listed in Table 1)

• Soritia pulchella Kollar/Zygaenideae – polyphagus; no biocontrol potential

(not listed in Table 1)

• Thyatira batis L./Drepanidae - polyphagus; no biocontrol potential

• Trabala vishnou Lefèbvre/Lasiocampidae - highly polyphagous; no biocontrol


• One unidentified species/Tortricidea

Detailed information about all identified Lepidopteran species, crediting the

taxonomists responsible, is given in the identification report below (Table 3).


S. No Species Site No. Image Taxonomist views Comments

1. ? Acleris enitescens (Meyrick) Tortricidae


Tentative identity by Dr Ankita Gupta Dr. Roger Kendrick views: Dissection needed for species confirmation

Acleris spp. tend to be polyphagous, although A. enitescens only recorded from Rubus (Robinson et al. 2001).

2. Gonitis mesogona Walker Erebidae


Identified by Dr Ankita Gupta and identity confirmed by Dr. Roger Kendrick The host plant is usually Rubus (Rosaceae), but the larva has also been recorded from Rosa in the same family and from Lantana in the Verbenaceae (Robinson et al., 2001).

3. ? Pandemis dumetana Treitschke Tortricidae


Tentative identity by Dr Ankita Gupta Dr. Roger Kendrick views: Dissection needed for species confirmation

Pandemis dumetana is highly polyphagous including Rubus (Robinson et al. 2001).

4. Somena scintillans (Walker) Erebidae

CABI coll.35

Identified by Dr Ankita Gupta and identity confirmed by Dr. Roger Kendrick

Highly polyphagous (Robinson et al. 2001).

5. Soritia pulchella (Kollar) Zygaenidae


Identified by Dr Ankita Gupta and identity confirmed by Dr. Roger Kendrick

Polyphagous, including Rubus (Robinson et al. 2001).

Table 3: Lepidopteran identification report for Indian field collected specimens


S. No Species Site No. Image Taxonomist views Comments

6. Thyatira batis (L.) Drepanidae


Identified by Dr Ankita Gupta and identity confirmed by Dr. Roger Kendrick

Several Rubus spp. (Robinson et al. 2001). NZ investigated and rejected for Rubus biocontrol.

7. Trabala vishnou (Lefèbvre) HP Shimla

Identified by Dr Ankita Gupta and identity confirmed by Dr. Roger Kendrick

Highly polyphagous (Robinson et al. 2001).

8. Unidentified R 14-1 Dr. Roger Kendrick views: Erebidae. The labial palps suggest Hypeninae or Herminiinae. Perhaps a Bertula sp. (Herminiinae), though not at all confident about this. Photo of the moth when it was alive needed!

Only Bertula food plant record Poaceae (Robinson et al. 2001).

9. Unidentified R14-30

Dr. Roger Kendrick views: Dissection required. Looks close to the genus Nosophora (Crambidae, Spilomelinae), which is desperately in need of review.

Only one food plant record for Nosophora, viz. Theaceae (Robinson et al. 2001).

10. Unidentified R14-91

Dr. Roger Kendrick views: Dissection advisable. Is a Nolini (Nolidae, Nolinae); none too sure about the genus (never mind the species) - based on the plates in Moths of Thailand (vol 3, part 2; Kononenko & Pinratana, 2013), could be in Manoba, Meganola, or Nola (or one of the smaller genera!).

(Robinson et al. 2001): Manola no records; Meganola several families; Nola several families; N. internella recorded from Rubus shoots (and from other plant families).


Fungal Pathogens

• Leafspot 1 (tan) – collected regularly from R. ellipticus and R. niveus; the

pathogen was commonly present causing substantial damage at some

individual sites; tentatively identified as either Pseudocercospora sp. or

Pseudocercosporella sp. (asexual stage of Mycosphaerella sp.,

Mycosphaerellaceae, Ascomycota); it is currently unknown whether the

respective pathogens collected from R. ellipticus and R. niveus are identical;

Wu et al. (2013) listed Pseudocercosporella arcuata S.K. Sing, P.N. Singh &

Bhalla and Pseudocercospora heteromalla (Syd.) Deighton as pathogens of

R. ellipticus in China, the latter with a prospective narrow host range; Wu et

al. (2013) and Guo (1997a) list Mycosphaerella confusa F.A. Wolf (asexual

stage Pseudocercospora rubi (Sacc.) Deighton) as associated with Rubus

species, including R. ellipticus and R. niveus, in Asia but having a broad host

range; Ellison and Barreto (2004) list a Pseudocercospora sp. associated with

R. niveus in China; fungal pathogens representing the conidial, asexual

stages of the Mycosphaerella genus have been previously used as BCA, i.e.

C. piaropi against invasive water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in South

Africa and Septoria passiflorae against invasive banana poka (Passiflora

tripartite) in Hawaii, their impact has been variable (Winston et al., 2014);

possibly potential as BCA (Fig. 4.e)

• Leafspot 2 (red) – collected regularly from R. ellipticus and R. niveus;

tentatively placed in the genus Phom*opsis (asexual stage of Diaporthe,

Diaporthaceae, Ascomycota) or Septoria (asexual stage of

Mycosphaerella/Sphaerulina., Mycosphaerellaceae, Ascomycota); Wu et al.

(2013) list Septoria darrowii Zeller and Mycosphaerella rubi Roark (asexual

stage Septoria rubi S. rubi Berk. & M.A. Curtis) as pathogens of Rubus

species in China; Guo (1997b) lists Sphaerulina westendorpii (Westend.)

Verkley, Quaedvl. & Crous (asexual stage Septoria rubi Westend) as a

ubiquitous pathogen associated with species in the genus Rubus;

S. westendorpii and M. rubi are considered teleomorph synonyms

(; low potential as BCA

• Other leafspot (?) – collected from R. ellipticus and R. niveus; fungal leafspots

which could not easily be assigned to either leafspot 1 or 2 based on

macroscopic symptoms observed in the field and could represent an

additional species; will need tentative identification


• Rust 1 (uredinia) – collected regularly from R. ellipticus and R. niveus;

tentatively identified as Phragmidium sp./ Phragmidiaceae, Basidiomycota; it

is currently unknown whether the respective rust pathogens collected from R.

ellipticus and R. niveus represent the same species; a range of Phragmidium

species have been recorded as associated with R. niveus in its native range,

some of these may upon closer assessment prove to be identical,

comparatively fewer Phragmidium species have been reported from R.

ellipticus (Farr and Rossman, 2016; Wu et al., 2013); many of these rusts

have also been recorded from other Rubus species, however, host specific

formae speciales adapted to individual host species might exists within

individual rust species; species belonging to the genus Phragmidium are

autoecious, thus complete the whole life cycle on host species; historically

rust fungi have provided good control of a number of other Rubus species

(Winston et al., 2014); possibly potential as BCA (Fig. 4f)

• Rust 2 (telia, possibly microcyclic) – collected only from R. niveus; tentatively

Phragmidium sp./ Phragmidiaceae, Basidiomycota; the rust genus

Phragmidium does accommodate microcyclic species, which are

characterized by lacking two spore stages (aecial and uredinial) from their life

cycle, possibly potential as BCA (Fig. 5b)

Previously, the rust Hamaspora sp,/ Phragmidiaceae, Basidiomycota. had also been

informaly identified from R. niveus material collected in the Nilgiris by the pathologist

Dr. Sreeramkumar (NBAIR).

7.2 China

Table 4 gives a summary of the arthropod and fungal natural enemies collected from

R. ellipticus and R. niveus in the surveyed Chinese-native range in 2014, as well as

initial assessment of their potential as biocontrol agents based on field observations

and published literature. An identification of the collected lepidopteran larva could not

be obtained as they could not be reared through to the adult stage.



Table 4: Assessment of arthropod and fungal pathogen natural enemies collected on Rubus ellipticus and Rubus niveus in China, 2014

Classification Collected from

Comments Biocontrol Potential


Coraebus cf quadriundulatus Motschulsky

C: Insecta

O: Coleoptera

F: Buprestidae

Jewel beetle

R. niveus One adult specimen and 1 larvae of a Coraebus species were collected. Wu et al. (2013) reported C. quadriundulatus from Rubus ellipticus in China and it is possible that the species collected here belongs to the same taxon. Another Asian species recorded from Rubus spp. is C. niponicus Lewis,1894 (Japanese Buprestidae 2015). It is feasible that C. quadriundulatus develops inside the roots of Rubus similar to the European C. rubi. Adults will feed on leaves but may not be as host specific as the larvae as observations from other plant genera suggest ( 2015). C. rubi has previously been tested as a control agent for Rubus fruticosus in NZ but turned out not to be host specific enough (Julien et al., 2012). A narrower specialisation of C. quadriundulatus inside the genus Rubus is, however, possible.


1 unidentified species

C: Insecta

O: Coleoptera

F: Coccinellidae

Ladybird beetle

R. niveus One unidentified Coccinellid species was collected from Rubus niveus. In all likelihood this will be a predatory species feeding on other phytophagous insects such as aphids on R. niveus and is as such not a suitable candidate for biological control.

very low

cf Dactylispa sp.

C: Insecta

O: Coleoptera

F: Chrysomelidae


R. niveus In contrast to several species of this family recorded from R. ellipticus in China (Wu et al., 2013) only one species belonging to the Hispinae was found during this survey on R. niveus. The taxon belongs to Dactylispa or a closely related genus. Dactylispa parbatya, occurring in the Eastern Himalayas and China, is a leaf-miner of Rubus and has so far only been reported from this plant genus (Santiago-Blay, 2004). Other Dactylispa species recorded from Rubus are D. insulicola, D. rubus and D. nemoralis (from Java). On genus level Dactylispa is polyphagous with records from many plant families (Santiago-Blay, 2004). No information is available about the host specificity of these within the host genus Rubus.


1 unidentified species

C: Insecta

O: Coleoptera

F: Attelabidae

Leaf-rolling weevil

R. niveus Several specimens of a leaf-rolling weevil belonging to the family Attelabidae, subfamily Attelabinae were collected. Wu et al. (2013) report four different Attelabinae feeding on Rubus ellipticus in China (Apoderus minimus, A. nigroapicatus, Henicolabus hypomelas, Phymatapoderus latipennis). A. minimus is supposedly an orange coloured species (Wu et al., 2013) and available pictures of P. latipennis differ significantly from the species recorded during this survey. It is however possible, that the specimens belong to one of the other two species. It seems worthwhile to follow up the collected taxon with regards to its suitability as a biological control agents for R. niveus. Leaf-rolling weevils often need a high degree of specialisation to adapt their leaf-rolling skills to their host plants.



Classification Collected from

Comments Biocontrol Potential

1 unidentified species

C: Insecta

O: Hemiptera

F: Aphididae


R. niveus At least one unidentified species of aphids was collected. This family Aphididae contains both polyphagous and monophagous species. A number of aphid species are known to feed on Rubus spp. and whilst the majority are polyphagous some seem to be host specific to a relatively high degree. For example, Amphorophora rubi feeds on the underside of leaves of blackberry (Rubus fruticosus agg.) and related Rubus species, but not on raspberry (Rubus idaeus) (Blackman & Eastop, 2015a). A species recorded to feed on the undersides of leaves of Rubus sp. in China is Paraphorodon omeishanaensis Tseng & Tao (Blackman & Eastop, 2015b). In addition, 14 east Asian species of the genus Matsumuraja Schumacher are associated with Rubus (Blackman & Eastop, 2015c).


1 unidentified species

C: Insecta

O: Hemiptera

F: Coccoidea, cf Diaspididae / Scale insect

R. niveus One species of scale insects was found in the stems of R. niveus. The taxon possibly belongs to the family Diaspididae and may be closely related or identical with Aulacaspis rosae Bouché, a widespread, cosmopolitan species feeding on Rosaceae.

very low

1 unidentified species

C: Insecta

O: Hemiptera

F: Pentatomidae

Pentatomid bug

R. niveus Several specimens of a pentatomid bug were collected from R. niveus. The species resembles Nezara viridula, which is known to be very polyphagous. Assumed to be of African origin this species has now a cosmopolitan distribution.


cf Lasioptera rubi (Schrank)

C: Insecta

O: Diptera

F: Cecidomyiidae

R. niveus Numerous stem galls were collected from R. niveus containing larval stages of several unidentified fly species. The galls on R. niveus are consistent with galls formed in other Rubus spp. by Lasioptera rubi (Cecidomyiidae). In Europe this species is reported from R. fruticosus, R. idaeus, R. loganobaccus, R. caesius, R. wahlbergii, and R. discolor (Barnes, 1948). In Japan L. rubi has been recorded from R. parvifolius, R. idaeus, R. phoenicolasius, R. trifidus, and R. crataegifolius (Yukawa et al., 2014). L. rubi has previously been tested as a control agent against R. fruticosus in NZ but turned out not to be host specific enough (Julien et al., 2012). Lasioptera is a species rich genus and the host range of this genus is spreading over a wide range of different plant families. L. rubi feeds on hyphae of a fungus lining the galls

(ambrosia galls) and it is often accompanied by inquilines (in the case of this species other gall midges).


1 unidentified species

C: Insecta

O: Diptera

F: Muscidae

House/stable fly

R. niveus One unidentified species of house/stable flies has been observed on R. niveus. It is unlikely that its biology is linked to this species.

very low


Classification Collected from

Comments Biocontrol Potential

2 unidentified species

C: Insecta

O: Diptera

F: Syrphidae

R. niveus Adult specimens of two unidentified hoverfly species were collected from R. niveus. Larvae of Syrphidae are generally predatory and adults are flower visiting nectar and pollen feeders not suitable as biological control agents for weeds.


Larval stage of several unidentified fly species

C: Insecta

O: Diptera

R. niveus Stem galls collected from R. niveus contained the remains of larval stages belonging to several unidentified fly species. Some galls contained living fly larvae and subsequently produced a number of as yet unidentified adult flies. These can belong to gall midges (Cecidomyiidae, see above) but possible also to saprophytic species or inclines belonging to other fly families.


1 unidentified species

C: Insecta

O: Hymenoptera

SF: Tenthredinoidea


R. niveus Larvae of one unidentified sawfly species were recorded to feed on R. niveus leaves. A number of sawfly species have been described to develop on Rubus, for example in Europe Arge cyanocrocea on R. fruticosus and R. idaeus but also on Sanguisorba officinalis. In South East Asia Arge hasegawae is reported to feed on Rubus crataegifolius (Shinohara et al., 2011). In China one unidentified Arge sp. has been recorded from R. ellipticus (Wu et al., 2013). Larvae found during this survey possibly also belong to the family Argidae and even the genus Arge. However, superficially the specimens recorded resemble caterpillars of Cibdela janthina (Argidae), a species, which has been released on La Réunion for the control of Rubus alceifolius (Le Bourgeois et al., 2011). Currently six species belonging to this genus are recorded from China but no information on their host range is available (Wei et al., 2006). As sawflies often

have a restricted host range and have been successfully used as biocontrol agents in the past, we recommend to assess the potential of the here recorded taxon for the control of R. niveus in more detail.


Fungal Pathogens

Rust (uredinia)

Tentatively identified as Phragmidium sp.

P: Basidiomycota

C: Urediniomycetes

O: Pucciniales

F: Phragmidiaceae

R. niveus /

R. ellipticus

It is currently unknown whether the respective rust pathogens collected from R. ellipticus and R. niveus

represent the same species; see comments made for Phragmidium sp. for field collections made in India



Classification Collected from

Comments Biocontrol Potential

Leafspot (tan)

Tentatively identified as Pseudocercospora sp. or Pseudocercosporella sp.

P: Ascomycota

C: Dothideomycetes

O: Capnodiales

F: Mycosphaerellaceae

R. niveus See comments made for Pseudocercospora sp./ Pseudocercosporella sp. for field collections made in India

high (but see comment under “Agent prioritization”)

Reddish leafspot

Tentatively identified as

Mycosphaerella sp.

P: Ascomycota

C: Dothideomycetes

O: Capnodiales

F: Mycosphaerellaceae

R. ellipticus The pathogen was tentatively placed in the genus Mycosphaerella based on spore morphology, it is possibly that this sexual spore stage is linked to asexual stage of Septoria, as mentioned for the red leafspot listed for the field collections made in India; Wu et al. (2013) list Mycosphaerella confusa F.A. Wolf as associated with R. ellipticus in China, but state that the pathogen has a broad host range; other Mycosphaerella species associated with the genus Rubus, but not specifically listed as associated with R. ellipticus, are M. fragariae (Tul.) Lindau (broad host range) and M. rubi Roark (narrow host range) (Wu et al., 2013); Mycosphaerella species can have detrimental impacts on crop plants, i.e. M. fijiensis and M. musicola (black and yellow sigatoka) affecting cultivated and wild banana and plantain (genus Musa); Mycosphaerella polygoni-cuspidati is being evaluated as a control agent for Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica) in the UK and Canada, as yet Mycosphaerella species have not been used as biocontrol agents.


Interveinal leafspot

Tentatively identified as anamorph, (possibly Diplodia sp.), of Botryosphaeria sp.

P: Ascomycota

C: Dothideomycetes

O: Botryosphaeriales

F: Botryosphaeriacea

R. niveus / R. ellipticus

The pathogen was tentatively identified from diseased field material of R. ellipticus. It is currently unknown if the intraveinal leafspot collected from R. niveus is caused by the same species. Most Diplodia/ Botryosphaeria have a broad host range and species of the genus have not been used as BCAs.



P = phylum; C = class; O = order; SF = superfamily, F = family

Classification Collected from

Comments Biocontrol Potential

Interveinal leafspot

Tentatively identified as Colletotrichum sp. (possibly

two species), of Botryosphaeria sp.

P: Ascomycota

C: Sordariomycetes O: Incertae sedis

F: Glomerellaceae

The pathogen was also tentatively identified from diseased field material of R. ellipticus showing interveinal lesions. Potentially two different species of Colletotrichum were associated with the lesions. It is currently unknown if Colletotrichum sp. is also present in the intraveinal leafspot lesions collected from R. niveus. Colletotrichum species have been used as biological control agents, mostly developed as a mycoherbicide based on host specific forms (formae speciales), i.e. northern jointvetch (Aeschynomene indica) (Collego

TM), round-leaved mallow (Malva pusilla) (BioMal ®), Hakea sericea (Hakatak®). Use as a

classical agent include C. clidemiae against Clidemia hirta on Hawaii, C. gloeosporioides f.sp. miconiae against Miconia calvescens in French Polynesia and Hawaii. Impact has been variable (Winston et al., 2014); since Colletotrichum sp. has not been recorded previously as a pathogen of R. ellipticus, it is likely that the one or two species listed here are primarily endophytes rather than primary pathogens.


Leafspot (other) R. niveus A fungal leafspot not easily assigned to either of the other leafspots mentioned above based on macroscopic symptoms observed in the field; could represent a different species



Figure 4: Prioritized natural enemies collected in India a) Aphthona piceipes; b) Apoderus

sp.; c) Coraebus coerulens; d) Oomorphoides sp.; e) Pseudocercospora sp./Pseudocercosporella sp.; d) Phragmidium sp.(uredinia)

a b

c d

e f


Figure 5: Prioritized natural enemies collected in India a) Aphthona simlaensis ex R. ellipticus; b) Phragmidium sp. (microcyclic?) ex R. niveus




7.3 Inoculation studies

Natural enemies have as yet to be exported from India or China for further evaluation

under quarantine conditions in the UK. However, Hawaiian plants of R. ellipitcus

were sent to China in order to assess their susceptibilty towards the uredinial stage

of the rust (tentatively identified as Phragmidium sp.). Inoculations were carried out in

the CABI facilities in Bejing by Huanhuan Wan, who showed that the Hawaiian

genotype is susceptible to the rust with sporulation occurring between 14-18 days

after inoculation. Cross inoculation using the rust ex R. ellipticus to infect R. niveus

resulted predominantly in leaf chlorosis and only very limited sporulation on

R. niveus. Conversely, inoculation of R. ellipticus with the rust ex R. niveus did not

result in sporulation. This would indicate that if the rust ex R. ellipticus and R. niveus

belong to the same species, formae speciales within this species could exist which

are adapted to individual hosts within the Rubus genus.

7.4 Agent priorizitation Based on literature research, field observations as well as consultation with

biocontrol experts the following natural enemies have been prioritized for export and

preliminary specificity assessments and evaluation as BCAs for R. ellipticus and

R. niveus.

Arthropod species

Arthropods agents could be assessed for their biocontrol potential for either of the

two invasive Rubus species.

From India

• Aphthona piceipes/ Chrysomelidae (ex R. niveus)

• Aphthona simlaensis/ Chrysomelidae (ex R. ellipticus)

• Apoderus sp./ Attelabidae (ex R. ellipticus)

• Coraebus coerulens/ Buprestidea (ex R. ellipticus and R. niveus)

• Oomorphoides sp./ Chrysomelidae (ex R. ellipticus)

• Sibinia sp./ Curculionidae (ex R. niveus)

• ? Acleris enitescens/ Tortricidae (ex R. ellipticus)


To date official export permits have been granted by the Indian authorities for

A. piceipes, C. coerulens, Oomorphoides sp. and Sibinia sp.

From China

• Coraebus cf quadriundulatus/ Buprestidea (ex R. niveus)

• Unidentified leaf-rolling beetle/Attelabidae (ex R. niveus)

• Unidentified sawfly/ Tenthredinoidea (ex R. niveus)

• Unidentified species/ Tortricidae (ex R. niveus)

Additional insects ex China previously identified for having potential as BCAs (Wu et

al., 2013; see section 10, Supplementary Materials, Table 5).

• Chlamisus setosus/ Chrysomelidae (ex R. niveus and R. ellipticus)

• Chaetocnema spp./ Chrysomelidae (ex R. niveus and R. ellipticus

• Epiblema tetragonana/ Tortricidae (ex R. niveus and R. ellipticus

• Involvulus sp./ Curculionidae (ex R. niveus and R. ellipticus)

Export of agents from China can be facilitated through the CABI China office in


Fungal pathogens

From India

• Phragmidium sp. (uredinial species) (ex R. ellipticus and R. niveus)

• Phragmidium sp. (microcyclic? species) (exclusively ex R. niveus)

• Pseudocercospora/ Pseudocercosporella sp. (ex R. ellipticus and R. niveus)

From China

• Phragmidium sp. (uredinial species) (ex R. ellipticus and R. niveus)

• Pseudocercospora sp./ Pseudocercosporella sp. (ex R. ellipticus and

R. niveus)


Additional pathogens ex China previously identified for having potential as BCAs (Wu

et al., 2013)

• Hamaspora benguetensis Syd. (ex R. ellipticus)

• Hamaspora rubi-siboldii (Kawagoe) Dietel (ex R. ellipticus)

Rusts species dominate the recorded fungal natural enemies from R. niveus and as

part of the scoping study for biological control of R. niveus on Galapagos the species

Phragmidium himalense J.Y. Zhuang and Phragmidium mysorense

(= Phragmotelium mysorense Thirum. & Mundk.) have been identified as the primary

candidates for evaluation as BCAs based on their reported narrow host ranges and

damage caused to the host (see section 10, Supplementary Materials, Table 6). For

R. ellipticus only two Phragmidium rusts have been recorded, P. bulbosum (Fr.)

Schltdl. and Phragmidium orientale Syd. & P. Syd. (Farr and Rossman, 2016; Wu et

al., 2013), however two Hamasporium species also have been highlighted previously

as potential BCAs (Wu et al., 2013).

The damaging pathogen tentatively identified as Pseudocercopsora sp. or

Pseudocercosporella sp. could have potential as BCA for R. ellipticus since the

species Pseudocercospora heteromalla (Syd.) Deighton, recorded from R. ellipticus

in India (Farr and Rossman, 2016), is reported to have a narrow host range (Wu et

al., 2013). Conversely, the cercosporoid pathogen collected from R. niveus would not

be suitable as a biocontrol agent should its identity be confirmed as

Pseudocercospora rubi (Sacc.) Deighton, recorded from this host in Asia and known

to have a wide host range. It will be crucial to obtain formal taxonomic identification of

the pathogens deposited to prioritize their evaluation accordingly.


8. Recommendations for Future

Research Building on the results of the second project phase, as well as on research

conducted by Wu et al. (2013) and as part of the scoping study undertaken

for Galapagos further research into the potential of selected natural enemies

as biological control agents for R. ellipticus and R. niveus on Hawaii is


Export permits for four prioritized agents from India have been granted and

additional permits, including permits for fungal pathogens, should be pursued

in order to commence host specificity evaluations. Export procedures of

agents from China could be facilitated by the CABI China office in Beijing.

Further survey work at different times in the growing season should be

undertaken in the native Himalayan region in collaboration with national

institutions, primarily to re-collect prioritized insect and pathogen species for

export, as well as to compile more comprehensive data on the natural enemy

guild of the two Rubus species. Additional surveys would also facilitate the

collection of leaf material from of a range of native R. ellipticus and R. niveus

populations to be used for a molecular comparison with material of exotic

populations on Hawaii to establish the origins of introductions. This will be

important to achieve optimal match between biotypes of potential biocontrol

agents and those of the invasive Rubus species.

Preliminary host-range testing of exported agents against closely related non-

target species (i.e. Rubus macraei and Rubus hawaiiensis) should be

conducted in the UK, together with studies focusing on agent life-cycle and

biology. This will aid the selection of the most promising agent(s) for more

comprehensive assessments.

A proposal spelling out work to be conducted based on these

recommendations has been submitted to HISC for FY 2017.


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Invasive Fungi. Raspberry rust - Phragmidium rubi-thunbergii. Retrieved February 21, 2016, from /sbmlweb/fungi/index.cfm

Zhuang, J.-Y. (1986) Uredinales from East Himalaya. Acta Mycol. Sin. 5(2): 75-85. Zhuang, J.-Y. (2012) Flora Fungorum Sinicorum: Uredinales (IV). Science Press,

Beijing 41: 254. Zhuang, W.-Y., Ed. (2005). Fungi of northwestern China. Mycotaxon, Ltd., Ithaca,

NY, 430 pages.


10. Supplementary Materials The subsequent information concerning R. niveus was compiled by Carol Ellison, Kate Pollard and Norbert Maczey for the final report of the scoping study “Investigation of potential biological control agents in the native range of mora (Rubus niveus), for control of the species in the Galapagos Islands” funded by the Government of Ecuador.

Table 5. List of arthropod natural enemies with classical biological control potential recorded from R. niveus from the literature*

Species name and classification

Geographical distribution

Host range Comments and biocontrol potential

Chlamisus setosus C: Insecta O: Coleoptera F:Chrysomelidae Warty beetle

China Possibly restricted to the genus Rubus. Feeding of larvae assessed, fed on: R. ellipticus, R. niveus, R. sumatranus. R. wallichianus, R. irenaeus R. lambertianus, R. tephrodes

Congeners are known to be monophagous or oligophagous (Tan et al., 1980, Reu and Del-Claro, 2005). In the field, adults and larvae fed on leaves, often producing feeding scars on the abaxial surfaces.

Chaetocnema spp. C: Insecta O: Coleoptera F: Chrysomelidae Flea beetle

China Possibly restricted to the genus Rubus. Feeding of adults assessed, fed on: R. ellipticus, R. niveus, R. wallichianus, R. irenaeu. No feeding occurred on plants of other genera.

Two morphological forms of species in the genus Chaetocnema were collected. Adults consumed a great deal of leaf material. Species from this genus have been used in successful weed biocontrol (Winston et al., 2014)

Epiblema tetragonana C: Insecta O: Lepidoptera F: Tortricidae Leaf-rolling moth

China (widely distributed) and Europe

Possibly restricted to the genus Rubus. In no-choice host tests, larvae showed a narrow host range, surviving only on species in the genus Rubus. Larvae fed on: R. amabili, R. ellipticus, R. niveus, R. lambertianus, R. reflexus. No feeding occurred on plants of other genera.

Larvae heavily damage twigs and appeared to suppress the growth of branches and buds, which could reduce the size and affect the architecture of the plants. This species has been recorded in both Asia and Europe. Species from this genus have been used in successful weed biocontrol (Winston et al., 2014)

Involvulus sp. C: Insecta O: Coleoptera SF: Curculionidae weevil

China Possibly restricted to the genus Rubus. Feeding of adults assessed, fed on: R. ellipticus, R. niveus, R. wallichianus. (Note: only three species tested in the genus Rubus and all were fed on; but no feeding occurred on plants of other genera.)

Colourful, shiny bronze weevil that feeds on R. niveus buds. The damage to buds causes them to wither, suggesting that it may effectively reduce plant stature. Preliminary tests showed a narrow host range based on adult feeding, and only three Rubus species were fed upon. Note: Involvulus is now separated into three separate genera – Apoderus, Attelabus and Rhynchites.

* Data from Wu, et al. (2013). C = Class; O = order; F = family; SF = superfamily


Table 6. List of fungal natural enemies with classical biological control potential recorded from R. niveus from the literature and data bases

Species name and classification

Geographical distribution

Host range Comments Key references and biological control potential

Hamaspora acutissima

P: Basidiomycota C: Urediniomycetes O: Pucciniales F: Phragmidiaceae

Australia, Far East Asia (China, Indonesia, Japan, New Caledonia, Papua-New Guinea, Philippines, Taiwan)

Widespread in Asia, restricted to the genus Rubus; recorded from at least 19 species (R. alceifolius, R. calycinoides, R. elmeri, R. formosensis, R. fraxinifolius, R. glomeratus, R. laciniatostipulatus, R. oluccanus, R. nantoensis, R. nesiotes, R. niveus, R. parkeri, R. pectinellus, R. pyrifolius, R. rolfei, R. rosaefolius, R. setchuenensis, R. swinhoei, R. tagallus.)

Does not appear to be very damaging.

Spermogonia and aecia unknown; therefore could be heteroecious (may have a secondary host). Has distinctive very long, threadlike teliospores

Monoson, 1969; Yun, 2016a.


Hamaspora longissima

P: Basidiomycota C: Urediniomycetes O: Pucciniales F: Phragmidiaceae

Asia (China, India, Java, Taiwan) plus one report from Africa (Ethiopia)

Rust, widespread in Asia, restricted to the genus Rubus; recorded from at least 14 species (R. australis, R. ellipticus, R. friesiorum, R. lambertianus, R. ludwigii, R. moluccanus, R. niveus, R. pinnatus, R. rigidus, R. steudneri, R. taiwanianus, R. transvaliensis, R.Volkensii, R. xanthoneurus.)

Does not appear to be very damaging.

Spermogonia and aecia unknown; therefore could be heteroecious (may have a secondary host).

Has distinctive elongate teliospores.

Monoson, 1969; Yun, 2016b.


Phragmidium assamense

P: Basidiomycota C: Urediniomycetes O: Pucciniales F: Phragmidiaceae

China (Yunnan), India (Assam)

Restricted to the genus Rubus; recorded from at least 7 species (Rubus coreanus, Rubus flosculosus, Rubus idaeopsis, Rubus lasiostylus, Rubus mesogaeus, Rubus niveus)

Synonym = Phragmidium coreanum

Uredinia and telia only described

Cao et al., 2000.


Phragmidium barclayi

P: Basidiomycota C: Urediniomycetes O: Pucciniales F: Phragmidiaceae

Asia (China: Nyalam, Yunnan; India Nepal, Pakistan)

Attacks Rubus species native to Asia. Recorded mainly from Rubus subgenus idaeobatatus (R. austrotibetanus, R. hoffmeiterianus, R. niveus), also Rubus subgenus Rubus, specifically R. koehleri.

Uredinia and telia recorded.

Taxonomic entity unclear, possibly: Phragmidium barclayi = Phragmidium rubi sensu Barclay which may = P. microsorium = P. bulbosum (current name)

Kakishima et al., 2002.


Requires further investigation

Phragmidium coreanum

P: Basidiomycota C: Urediniomycetes O: Pucciniales F: Phragmidiaceae

China Recorded from R. coreanus, R. coreanus var. tomentosus, R. innominatus, R. niveus

Synonym = Phragmidium assamense Guo, 1989.


Phragmidium griseum

P: Basidiomycota C: Urediniomycetes O: Pucciniales F: Phragmidiaceae

Asia (China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, USSR)

Restricted to the genus Rubus, subgenus Idaeobatus; recorded from at least 18 species (specifically R. aculaetiflorus, R. conduplicatus, R. croceacanthus, R. crataegifolius, R. illecebrosus, R. micophyllus, R. mingetsensis, R. minusculus, R. morifolius, R. nesiotes, R. niveus, R. palmatus, R. rosifolius, R. rosifolius var. maximowiczii, R. rosaefolius var. tropicus, R. spectabilis, R. trianthus, R. wrightii)

Uredinia and telia recorded. Yun, 2016c; Wei, 1988.



Species name and classification

Geographical distribution

Host range Comments Key references and biological control potential

Phragmidium himalense

P: Basidiomycota C: Urediniomycetes O: Pucciniales F: Phragmidiaceae

Nujiang District,

Yunnan Province, China; Tibet

Recorded only from Rubus niveus Spermogonia, aecia and uredinia unknown. Telia pulvinate and compact. (Could be microcyclic species found in Kulu valley, India?)

Zhuang, 1986


Phragmidium incompletum

P: Basidiomycota C: Urediniomycetes O: Pucciniales F: Phragmidiaceae

Himalaya, Nepal Recorded from Rubus niveus, R. paniculatus Taxonomic entity unclear, not included in Species Fungorum

Requires further investigation

Singh & Palni, 2011.

Possibly high, but taxonomic entity unclear

Phragmidium microsorum

P: Basidiomycota C: Urediniomycetes O: Pucciniales F: Phragmidiaceae

India Taxonomic entity unclear Species Fungorum states that Phragmidium microsorum is a synonym for P. bulbosum (current name) with wide host range (recorded from 28 Rubus species, not including R. niveus). Widespread Eurasian species.

Urediniospores and teliospores only described.

Requires further investigation

Patil et al., 2004; Sarbhoy & Agarwal, 1990.

Probably low, but taxonomic entity unclear

Phragmidium mysorense


P: Basidiomycota C: Urediniomycetes O: Pucciniales F: Phragmidiaceae

Pakistan Rubus niveus is only recorded host Aecia found in Pakistan (uredinia and telia not found)

Taxonomic entity not included in Species Fungorum, not even as a synonym. Assumption Phragmidium mysorense = Phragmotelium mysorense

Muhammad Asim Sultan et al., 2006.

Probably high, but taxonomic entity unclear

Requires further investigation

Phragmidium nambuanum

P: Basidiomycota C: Urediniomycetes O: Pucciniales F: Phragmidiaceae

China, Japan, Taiwan

Recorded from at least 8 Rubus species: Rubus subgenus Idaeobatus (specifically R. crataegifolius, R. innominatus, R. kinashii, R. mesogaeus, R. phoenicolasius, R. pirifolius, R. simple) and Rubus subgenus Cylatis (specifically R. xanthocarpus).

Uredinia and telia described Wei, 1988; Yun, 2016d.


Phragmidium rubi-thunbergii

P: Basidiomycota C: Urediniomycetes O: Pucciniales F: Phragmidiaceae

China Himalaya, Japan

Recorded from Rubus subgenus Idaeobatus (5 species), specifically R. hirsutus, R. idaeus, R. nishimuranus, R. niveus, R. parvifolius, R. pileatus

Probably = Phragmotelium rubi-thunbergii (current name)

Uredinia and telia described

Yun, 2016e.


Phragmidium shensianum

P: Basidiomycota C: Urediniomycetes O: Pucciniales F: Phragmidiaceae

China Recorded from 5 species of Rubus

(R. idaeus, R. niveus, R. parvifolius, R. rosaefolius and R. triphyllus)

Uredinia and telia described Zhuang, 2005.



Species name and classification

Geographical distribution

Host range Comments Key references and biological control potential

Phragmidium shogranense

P: Basidiomycota C: Urediniomycetes O: Pucciniales F: Phragmidiaceae

Pakistan (Kaghan valley, Shogran; Azad, Kashmir)

Recorded from at least 4 species of Rubus (R. pungens, R. fruticosus, R. niveus, and R. penduculosus)

Telia described (spermogonia, aecia and uredinia not found). Telia scattered not in typical pulvinate structure of microcyclic rusts.

Afshan et al., 2011.


Phragmidium tibeticum

P: Basidiomycota C: Urediniomycetes O: Pucciniales F: Phragmidiaceae

China, Tibet Recorded from 2 Rubus species (R. co*ckburnianus and R. niveus)

Zhuang , 2012.


Phragmotelium mysorense

P: Basidiomycota C: Urediniomycetes O: Pucciniales F: Phragmidiaceae

India (Nandi Hills, Mysore State)

Recorded from 2 Rubus species: R. niveus and R. rugosus (unresolved name) = R. formosensis (accepted name)

? = Phragmidium mysorense

All spore stages recorded from Rubus niveus

Requires further investigation

Ragunathan & Ramakrishnan, 1973; Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, 1942.

Probably high, but taxonomic entity unclear

Sphaerulina westendorpii (anamorph Septoria rubi)

P: Ascomycota C: Dothideomycetes O: Capnodiales F: Mycosphaerellaceae

Ubiquitous Pathogen recorded from many countries across the globe; from at least 46 species of Rubus.

Requires further investigation

Guo, 1997a.

Probably low, but taxonomic entity unclear

Mycosphaerella confusa (anamorph Pseudocercospora rubi)

P: Ascomycota C: Dothideomycetes O: Capnodiales F: Mycosphaerellaceae

Largely Asia Largely recorded from Rubus species from Asia (28) Requires further investigation

Guo, 1997b.

Probably low but taxonomic entity unclear

Meliola rubiella var. indica

P: Ascomycota C: Sordariomycetes O: Meliolales F: Meliolaceae

India (Tamil Nadu) ?Recorded only from Rubus niveus Potential host specific, but does not appear particularly damaging to its host

Requires further investigation

Hosagoudar, 2006.


P: Phylum; C = Class; O = order; F = family


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Rubus species, R. ellipticus var. obcordartus and niveus ... · R. (Phase 2) The potential for biological control of the two invasive Rubus species, R. ellipticus var. obcordartus - [PDF Document] (2024)
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