Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (2024)


I've enjoyed a lot your build. Was by far the one that worked out the best for me between the 3 builds I tried to put together this league. Thank you for putting all this together!

This is my first league playing PoE, so I'm probably just missing something since you mentioned in the build notes having considered The Adorned, but it was not worth using. I tried for fun on PoB my adorned 145% (30~ div) with 2x magic corrupted jewels with double crit multi (2 div/ea.), maybe for a total of 40 div if you add a usable implicit on jewels. This configuration would give me 25%~ more damage than having 3x triple crit multi jewels, which i could not find on the trade for less than 10 div each (30~ div total, or the current cost as I'm writing this of 53 divs for the 3 cheapest jewels on trade).

Here is my PoB: https://pobb.in/YZY39KzK1aVm
I added 3 passive tree configurations. For the jeweless, Non-Adorned/Rare & Adorned/Magic versions. Here what both versions added to the jeweless:
Non-Adorned: +998,368 Hit DPS (+24%)
Adorned: +1,272,608 Hit DPS (+30%)

This is my PoE.ninja for reference: https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/emileking/Babajeee
* Note that on there I don't currently run the Rational Doctrine. I might get it later, but it looked like a 2 div double crit multi corrupt jewel was giving me as much DPS, if not more, as the 8 div Rational Doctrine.

Maybe be this is a league or league stage kind of thing, but I'm just putting this in here in case it could be a slight upgrade.

thanks a lot for the guide again, learned a lot!

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (1)

Posted by
on May 4, 2024, 2:40:06 PM

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (2)

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (3)

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WarPig17 wrote:

Having a great time w/ the build. Good league starter (just ran through campaign w/ ice nova) and rolls through maps up to t16 generating a lot of currency along the way. I got to level 100 and am grinding out last handful of remaining challenges. My damage is pretty far from ideal so stuff like t17 bosses are still sort of kicking my ass, but I can't complain too much. Will link my POB, if anyone wants to take a gander and see where I can make obvious improvements. Pondering just going into mageblood first and then incorporating GG amulet, clusters, etc. as my stats are finely balanced atm and difficult to make swaps. Cheers.


- Replica Farrul's Fur and replace silver flask -> diamond. You'll be crit capped so you'll need an Empower 4 as well
- If you have issues with suffixes after that, I wouldn't focus on spell suppress currently. You can drop some str/dex (if you need to drop more, +30 dex on tree is fine).
- You don't have cold exposure, either from gloves implicit or frost bomb
- Clusters and more base jewels (PoB "trade for these items" with weights 1.0 hit dps, 0.8 life, 0.8 mana). To save points I would drop Ritual of Stillness, Elemental Focus, Coordination, Sanctity, Throatseeker, and the block Staff Mastery.


emileking wrote:

Non-Adorned: +998,368 Hit DPS (+24%)
Adorned: +1,272,608 Hit DPS (+30%)

I took another look at Adorned. It is true that your setup gives more damage but it misses out on 3x 7% max life. Using my own PoB as a baseline:
- baseline (3x life/triple multi): 3639 life, 9436046 dps
- adorned with 2x +18% multi/+14% multi/1% cold pen: 3273 life (-10.1%), 10022671 dps (+6.2%)
- adorned with 2x 7% life/+15% multi/1% cold pen: 3865 life (+6.2%), 8803697 dps (-6.7%)

Overall, adorned is close, but I would say it's not worth it.

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (4)

Posted by
on May 4, 2024, 4:48:50 PM

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (5)

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Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (9)

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (10)

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (11)

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Thanks for that solid advice. I added quite a bit (amulet, gloves, jewels, replica farrul, etc.), augmented my skill tree, and got POB sDPS per hit up to ~ 3.5M (not sure how to calculate 'true' dps). Still pretty far from your aspirational mirror-tier sDPS but serviceable. With good rolled maps T17 have become consistently doable (while also pushing limits w/ back to basics).

T17 Mini Ubers are still scary, defenses are OK but definitely have their limits vs their haymaker moves. However my damage is now scaling to a point where they melt pretty fast, but I definitely still get one shot. Certain mobs are worse than others (tunneling crabs omg), and certain bosses are worse than others (citadel uber expedition is a horrible fight for example). Haven't taken any shots at the big Ubers yet but I can imagine at least a couple are doable at my current DPS + defenses, but hard to say.

Thanks again for keeping this fun build up to date. Been one of my favorites ever. Take care.

https://pobb.in/xZ0Z0GBFNHcB (cull swapped out from CS links for mapping)

Last edited by WarPig17 on May 7, 2024, 5:41:04 AM

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (12)

Posted by
on May 7, 2024, 4:29:46 AM

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Enjoying this build, finally finished it (non perfect but further investment would be very expensive). I focused more on dps, still almost never die

Last edited by Akisailent on May 11, 2024, 2:54:00 PM

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (13)

Posted by
on May 11, 2024, 2:50:37 PM

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (14)

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (15)

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (16)

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (17)

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (18)

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (19)

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (20)

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Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (23)

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Hey again,

I'm trying to figure out where my next real damage upgrades will come from, I assume the +4 necklace and helical ring?

This is my pob https://pobb.in/5dImc00YAtDQ, I'm supported by my wife who is playing an Aurabot, which is why my stats, etc are high.

Also considering The Annihilating Light Quarterstaff

Another edit, swapped to Annihilating light, oh mah gawd my deeps just rocketed for a 2 div upgrade.

Old pob before Annihilating https://pobb.in/D1d4oro5HHmT

Last edited by SirLimbo on May 11, 2024, 5:29:05 PM

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (24)

Posted by
on May 11, 2024, 4:44:31 PM

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (25)

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (26)

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (27)

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (28)

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First timer here trying out this build. I could really need some help with upgrades. I have tried my best but i feel like I'm stuck.

I die alot... I'm impressed with all you lvl 100. I'm stuck at lvl 92 and just keeps dying, usually like twice a map (t16).

I don't know if I need more evasion/armour or if it spell suppression i should focus on. all tips are much appreciated.

Link: https://pobb.in/IzSPqYAZiFSU

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (29)

Posted by
on May 15, 2024, 11:56:36 AM

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (30)

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molten shell is a terrible choice, you would be vastly better off running arcane cloak since it scales with something we actually stack as well as offering a chunk more damage while its up. You also have some nonsensical support choices, increased crits does nothing meaningful for molten shell, bonechill only works if the skill applies chill so you should swap to cold snap + bonechill and use a blink of your choice without links, ele with attacks only applies to attack skills not spells and you need to run a curse. Either run frostbite or assassins mark, given that you have not stacked much in the way of crit frostbite is probably more damage. Additionally this build is not one where you want to be close to enemies, you want to stand about a screen or so away, cast a bunch of frostbolts and then hold down ice nova on the frostbolts until everything in range is dead.

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (31)

Posted by
on May 15, 2024, 5:17:12 PM

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (32)

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Just wanted to say I'm still playing the build, continues to be enjoyable. Probably put 250-300d into it since my last post (grinding t17s for frags & scarabs is really profitable) and managed to get up to 5.5M sDPS per hit. In theory there are still some upgrades floating out there (most achievable being awakened spell echo for around 100d), but feeling like it'll be hard to push much further. With that said this does all content already so what's the difference? Thanks again, cheers. Gear linked below (gems/jewels are basically cookie cutter from POB).

POB: https://pobb.in/7-g3xryFGxS4

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (33)

Posted by
on May 15, 2024, 6:54:19 PM

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CarbotZergling123 wrote:

molten shell is a terrible choice, you would be vastly better off running arcane cloak since it scales with something we actually stack as well as offering a chunk more damage while its up. You also have some nonsensical support choices, increased crits does nothing meaningful for molten shell, bonechill only works if the skill applies chill so you should swap to cold snap + bonechill and use a blink of your choice without links, ele with attacks only applies to attack skills not spells and you need to run a curse. Either run frostbite or assassins mark, given that you have not stacked much in the way of crit frostbite is probably more damage. Additionally this build is not one where you want to be close to enemies, you want to stand about a screen or so away, cast a bunch of frostbolts and then hold down ice nova on the frostbolts until everything in range is dead.

Cheers for the answer!
the support spell is only there to lvl for sell. but maby they are in the way? I did som changes to the tree and added more stun resistance. that worked well, but I still have a hard time going past lvl 94.

I know my crit chance is very low, but i'm not sure how to increase it. Maby i should get a new weapon with one more blue gem to run crit strikes instead of empowerd?

I f*cked up with the molten shell, I realise it should be Imomortal Call. so i will try that instead.

New link: https://pobb.in/7CTCaexC2lz1

Last edited by JompaN on May 17, 2024, 6:00:54 AM

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (34)

Posted by
on May 16, 2024, 6:09:22 AM

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (35)

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It states that it is 2 button build, but there are actually 4 (5 with Enduring cry but that is not for dmg).
1. Ice Nova of Frostbolts
2. Frostbolt
3. Cold Snap
4. Assasin's mark
My small brain wants less buttons, any suggestions? Ignore the low level gems, I am levelling them :D https://pobb.in/1UUokovCUZ85

Edit: POB added

Last edited by Pliskins on May 19, 2024, 7:15:06 AM

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (36)

Posted by
on May 19, 2024, 7:07:34 AM

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (37)

Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (38)

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Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (40)

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Templar - [3.24] Frostbolt/Ice Nova Hierophant | 100m DPS | All Content - Forum - Path of Exile (2024)
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