The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

the CLEVELAND DAILY PLAIN DEALER. 1 VOLUME XII. CLEVELAND, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 5, 1856. NUMBER 83. ecial No sooner did he turn the full bent of his gaze upon them, than Thomas (for he and his brother composed the two) took to his feet with all the fright of a startled cur, yelping and crying out "Arrah but the blastin spirit arfter me, but diril of chance will I give him to catch me," while MichdnAi1 aeo, exit oufronting his turn they startled and surprised stranger, and marking that he still kept silent, exclaimed, are ye that haunt this dismal spot By your gait -ye abould be a marn But that yer wild looks and howling toves, betray re are not one If ye be odeal spake dacently unto we, and quickly ton 1 charge ye, or By the loly Virgin, I'll dash yer body and soul Into purgatory Without a moment's pause for sairation, Seeing that the stranger still stood "rapi" and gazing steadfastly at him, he cried out again with a menace of his are "Moother gald righte.

ye are a spearit Ole from Satan's blamin house to stale GRAy cur Then seeing the stranger about to approach be continued making a step backwards and uplifting his axe "oil! off! come not near me. re sprewlin, howlin spalpeen" and down came his axe, but ere his aimed blow, fell his arm was quickly arrested and its purpose defeated while the voice of the startled stranger said "why do you abuse me thus, bare done you no harm, nor seek to do you any, I was but practising my voice, a common thing. not unusual to this place I ween." "And a'rent ye a speerit of the divil" inquired MIKE peering closely in the stranger's face." No, miy good fellow, no more than you are, I am desh and blood have tongue and voice, ere, nose and feeling even as much as vou. "Sure and it's just what 1 moother may, ye were some Socrates with stones in yer windpipe and shaven head whom Loft hearn Father M' tell on, clearing way to say and nosters" in church, may the lord bless ver for -paking for as sure a3 I am livin I would have killed ye dead." In a word, our "bould son of Erin' explained to to the supposed ghost what a mystery his nightly visitations had created, how his mother was doubtless almost "distilled to jelly" with fear, bow he haunted her sleep and his "sleep no more MACBETI" or MAGGIE as he said had weighed with anful terror on her mind, and much more which we will spare the reader the detail, leaving the imagination to draw its own conception. Sutlice that during the delivery of his explanation, the stranger lenghed heartily, while he assured MIKE whose doubts were now entirely dissipated, that since he had been the innocent cause of alarm he he would accompany him to his home and "clear up the mystery" thither both went, the stranger's profession made known, much laughing indulged in, some old whisky drank, and on departing he left the following slip of paper in Mike's hand, which THOMAS and himself finally spelled out to read as follows: Messrs MIELD FORREST, MA AGERS OF THE THEATRE, Pass -on my benefit night.

GEORGE W. JAMISON. THAT BLESSED BABY. A STORY FOUNDED UPON A MELANCHOLY FACT. I made a friend once, perhaps a friend for life.

Time will determine; for, as all friend- must, we parted, aird since that particular day, when my friend, in company with two rascally looking dock-loafers, in seedy black, hats with crape on -do you know, my dear reader, that a mOurning is affected by cectain delicately fingered gentlemen, who are deeply disconsolate in consequence of the loss of an uncle every month of the year- such is a solemn fact, if you don't. was about observe, my particular friend, when last seen by me, after we had with swelling, overflowing wrung each other's hands, was very demurely following the two kind gentlemen in crape embellished hats, who, each having Al handle of' hisold hair trunk in possession, and that supposed valnable article between them, were making an air line ment, Buttalo docks. Oh! 'twas a never to be-forgotten phase of my life--his history. I should have married before this time had not his picture been belore It in vivid coloring. But there it was, and such a chapter as it is read 10 me, made Miss Whillemena Dolphenus Seraggels, the soap -maker's daughter, all old maid, and myself, what I am miserable, good for nothing, known as the gentleman in 21, where I exist, in a fourth rate, one horse hotel, in Catfish alley.

I remember the day when I first saw Jehulit Saddlebags. A lovely morning it The lake had just fairly opened. I think it was in the month of May; nay, it must hare been, for OIl my desk WAS 8 bunch of flowers in a tumbler, which, Dolphenus had presented me the evening before, and among them I found a pink hued billet, as I thought, but it wara bit of pretty poetry from the poor girl. never shall forgive myself for inspiring such hopesall about Mar flowers, Hope's bowers, love's hours, and all that sort of thing. which gentlemen of a certain style of air frequently take from tender hearted young ladies.

A boat had arrived from Ohio, and in less than half an hour after she had touched the dock, an anxious individual, with his coat on his arm--now I remember it wa2 a warn day--entered my office. He had run. or rather walked the gauntlet, for he was too fat to run it, between sixty -three velling hackmen, of all colors, draymen full eighty, of lung- stouter even than those of the hackmen-all of which, with most diabolical looks, had poked their whips into his face, and offered him hacks, carriages, drays, hotels and a rast deal of other like property. he said, and while he was trying to get his scattered senses, a dozen of the crew got into A tight regarding the "real hotel," and the excitement increasing, he got out of the crowd a4 fart A4 possible. The gentleman came into any office- Now, dear reader, don't take me for a beg vou will not do have done nothing to merit such an opinion; and because have an office, really do not deserve to be written down a lawver, at least not till am proved guilty of being one.

I am no lawyer, as I ain living mAI. Did it ever steal over you, dear reader, when you first made the acquaintance of an individual, that between yourself and the other party, there WAS sort. of mysterions tie -a kind of nfinity-which was unaccountable! If the law of transmigration is correct, rest assured that you have been sheep of same herd, or perhaps, pupies of the same parentage ages since; at any rate, in ten minutes, my new acquaintance and myself were old friend-, and the origin of his visit was laid down before me. Jehulit Saddlebags was an old Ohio farmera widower, with sons at home to work the farm, while he, having in the war of 1812, agreed to fight for our sacred homes and liberty, was after his pension papers, and required my opinion as to the course to pursue to get his pay from a grateful country. My heart WAS in my hand the moment no the old hero had told me his tale.

Jehulit Saddlebags should hare my heart, hand and purse--the latter a beautiful bead one from Dolphenus, with 8 counterfeit five, and eighteen pence in change within it--all should but it was not, for I sent him to Catchum go if necessary to further the old man's claim; Skinum over the way, and in due time the old fellow received his first pension money, they taking liberal slice out for fees. Jehulit and I were then fast friends. There was only about years difference between us. Dav after day forty we talked of the horrors of war, for the old man had witnessed an engagement not more than ten miles from where he was actually postonce really expected to he called into ed, and battle himself. Thus he could speak from experience.

Time wore on -he sometimes thought the last of the "life guard," but I told he was friend, that go WAS up. Those life had become rather too old a joke, so he him, 38 a guards abandoned that idea; but daily he dropped into office, and left the old farm to the home. care of my the I think it was about three months after Mr. boys-evidently in no hurry to go Saddlebags had obtained his first quarterly payment of seventy-five dollars, when he intimated to me that he had found A nice new boarding house, where the people were very kind, after 1 DILLA PLAIN AND WEEKLY, DEALER. BY PUBLISHED DAILY, THI .3.

ES'. LI, PLAIN noR SIREETS. BUILDINGS, CORNER OF SUPE cents. Dally per At 1 03 ADVERTISING, A3 AGREED CRON BY THE FLETCLAND ASSOCIATED 1836. PRESS, January ALC 5 8 9 3 1,64) 2,25 2,62 8,0) 439 1.00 0,00 4,00 4,00 3.13 8.15 1,09 8,00 5.23 6,12 6,00 9,00 10,25 11,5 0,0) 9,00 10,54) 12,00 18,10 18,14) 10 20,00 w.

12,00 1 16,00 A 18,00 10,00 12,00 19,50 16,00 20,20 22,75 17,50 26.000 30,00 20,00 38,73 82,54 11,25 20, 2,00 44,00 43,00 DU, 92.50 18,10 20,00 44,00 37,20 44,78 06,25 02,6: ri. 52,00 61.25 78,73 89,00 40,03 00,00 10,00 90,00 100,0 .0 half placed www in Special column of busithan usual rates. Leaded and double the contracts ordinary will be understood to appt. rafts. advertising of the Advertiser, and all oui to he inn cute in by the Advertiser will to charger sort accompanied with written directions, wil a rule and charged accordingly.

00 tor six, ume and twelve months, twenty to tie vi Miremeng, Military, Charitable and Re per cent ditorial column will be charged at the discount. in suare, euch insertion, under head busi rate 0.0 per All the weekly one Square do or leas, tor three to te pall for advance. 2 00 as dally. pare or for a longer time than three Ver a cent 30L $11 and Workly will he charged per daily buis Marriages ol yrorly and deaths 20 pavable quarterly. centa.



Cleveland, 0. Jy31 PORTER, ATTORNEY ATLAW, Superio 100 BARLOW, Superior Street, ATTORNEYS Cleveland, Ohio. LAW. Ontice No. FREDERICK HOVEY, MERRILL BARLOW.

COON, ATTORNEYS Buildings corner AT of LAW. Superior in Merchants Bank 300 Bauk Streets, Cleveland, V. M. R. KEITH, JULIA nov25 SEARS.

ATTORNEYS House, AT Cleveland, LAW, augurier the W. S. C. OTIS, Weddell oLio. C.

SEARS. at Law otice, Parson'a Block, R. P. SPALDINO, PARSONS, Superior Strept, ATTORNEYS ('leveland. Otio.

k. C. PARSONS United States Commissioner, and reb28-rit Master D. C. PARSONS, in ABBEY, ATTORNEYS AND Chancery.

Councellers at pincet, Law. Cleveland, OLio. City a 2 REUBEN WOOD, WM. ABBEY. Councellers at Law und Solicitors fu Chance.


GENERAL GATES, ou the AGENT, River, CLEVE fuor LAND. arit Superior actention Street. Given to the purchase, sale and shipment o1 al: el Grau and Pork, Lime, Si. NC. Also, to the Chartering and Freightinz of Vessels, aDo all 4 of A GENERAL AGENCY NATURE.

N. 0. Cleveland. REFER howu Bankers, Bulalo TO E. H.

N. do., Lyon Chicago. Window, Milo Kinne, Budalo. 5.

P. Brady, Detroit. M. Murick de DABco*ck HORD, WHOLESALE in all kinds 01 Groceries. Foreign and Manufac Domestic Li and Wines, Fancy of Goods, Toys, Confectionaries, Also, Nu.

10 Water binoet, 4. Onio. E. I. BABco*ck, n.

24422 H. MURD, BRANCH, GROD. GEN and COSIMISION MERCHANT, oc15 Ex. Superior St. USSY ME SINCLAIR, STORAGE, ShipWholesale Dealers in Glass, Fish, Malt Plaster, No.

To on the advance Duck and 12. Street. Cleveland, Ohio. Cash M. B.

vie Morgan Wick. W. M. Stauly In. A.

on de 1a 10.. Wheeler, ridge Buffalo; I. lisley, Bankers, Johnson, Broker, T. J. Howe, Cashier and Mer.

halts Putsburgh. 1'a. J. M. and CUMMINGS comminion Merchants, Daders WHOLESALE in 183 Forcign all 195 Wines River 204 Luor-, and Vails, NOR.

97 and 93 on the Dock. Cleveland, Salt, Drugs Nos. Oi0. dec10m18 CRAW SON, INSPECTORS AND vealers In Onio. Fish, Pork, Particular Jame, attention and Cut paid Meats, to consign- River Cleveland.

c. and ensl: the name. PHYSICIANS. with 1 view to being fully propared for the practice of Surgery 09 well as Medi. ine, and also to being to to calla more promptly has with himself A BECKWITH, Western Prom.

Ion of Surgical and hological Amatory in the comer Superior St. and Publio Square. k71.1m-m6 T. AND CLEVELAND, M. been relieved PHYSICIAN from his duor linty Hospital l'hyaician, will devote to those of private practice.

Ouce Block, Superior Street. Residence, No. 15 nov1 Pros pec. Struct. DR B.

DENTIST-(Graduate A. of the HALLIWELL, Cleveland Medical SURGEON C'ollege,) taxing hi, or the City and surrounding Districts for hr patronage which continuane he has oftheir enjoyed tor favors. the must 4 yearsit a a RI. THE PRICE sing. Tooth.

I for. I. assures all who that hit that hi. work shall not he surpas ed in neatMiry by any. Work WARRANTED.

ortice over Tal4, corner vi and P'ublic Square. JI. to practice WRIGHT, prof: sion M. st his office No. 190 CONTINUES Lake Part opposite the at: Marine ation will ilorpital.

be pain to the teeth and gums, practice He will also devote a portion or his thee to the general Malicine. houra from TX A.M. to 12 and from 2 to 5 P.M. nov1b CHA (LATE OP SPRINGFIELD, -DR. L.

810 1a3 Info in the lenl dold tor several years. and many wonder ul cures, would most respectfully the citizens of Cleveland and country generally, that he has remove! his odice to FRIE STREET, "Where he receive the examine their cases, preant relieve them of their pufferings, if desired. Those who lave been givea up as locurable by other I'byalciana, are ARTICULARLY romested to call. can be by a lock of hair cut from the right Ale of their heal. the var, or in person, na they choose None doubt a correct examination by this £3 wt are now 1 over hundred cares rereived by mail, from Now York, Vermont.

Canada and Massachusetts. Hours for examing Patienta, 10 A. and 2 P. M. For Those wishing a J'rivate Examiuation, will be AccomTERMS, CASH, INVARIABLY.

Charge for F. 00 6 00 Every subsequent Mel farntited on reasonable tering. L. P. TAYLOR.

4 2mig BUILDERS. ARCHITECTURAL CARVING, Plaster MODEL- Or. a no of every description, furnished to order by E. TOLTON. 123.6m* Clothiers Block: Corner Superior and UR R.

en the corner of Sherid and Euclid Sts, Cleveland, PORTER, ARCHITECTS.Uhto. jan2 M. BLACKBURN. Architect and Sua perintendent of Buildings. No.

30 Oregon Cleveland. Ohio. HOTELS. A BRIGGS -CORNER RAN. Coln4 and Wells Streets, Chicago.

"FLOYD FRENCH. T. CLAIR HOTEL, (FORMERLY EXCHANGE HOTEL,) cormir of Penn aud St. Clair S8. argh, i W.

MEDICINES. GAYLORD and Grocers, No. 80 WHOLESALE Nunerior Street. AND 4. 0.

0. E. AXES, Y. D. O.

C. HAMMOND. Dante and Metall Dealer In Drugs and Chemicals, C. RUDOLPIT, IMPORTER, No. 81 Ontario St.

4 J. H. AND CIA CABLES. DEALER Office IN at No. 11 ANCHORS Rouse's Lick, C'irvelant, tu Agent for J.

Post'a Anchors. A Commission A BAST, FORWARDING AND Pork, Fin 1 Lard, TS on the Dock, and 200 Dealers in Salt, Flour, Grain, River Ciereland, Ouio. C. CURSES. BUSINESS CARDS.

A Land ARON Agent, 82 Ontario Street. BRATESALL and BROTHERS, DEALERS Merchants, ineyurd Block, toot of superior Supet. 14. BRATENAHL, 026 BRATENAII. AND SEED STORE, NO.

6 ONTARIO Street. J. STAIR MIN would call the attenion of Farmers, to their valuable stock of Field seeds, consisting in part of Large Red ('lover Spring Wheat, Pure Reaped Timothy, Canada Field leas, Kentucky Blue Grass, White Belgium Carrot, Orchard Large Altringham Carrot, English Grass, Mangle Wurtzel, P'ure Rel Top, White Sugar Beet, White Dutch Clover, Puta 'Turnips, GARDEN SEE'S. Our stock of (lardon Seeds is now complete. They have been procured from the most desirable sources, and we hare taken to procure the must denirable kinds for cultivation.

We rust that the enviable reputation ofour a for years prust will continue to us a full share of public Catalories containing a list of our Seeds, Implements, an be bad on application either in person letter. STAIR SON, march13 Ontario Street, DRAWING AND PAINTING SCHOOLS. ALBERT KOLBE, Corner of Water end st. ('lair st's, pposite the Post Untice, keeps the Water Colored Paintings by Biter, Achenbach, Lessing and T. ooper': Studies of Animals, Canton's Landscape Drawings, Ruins of Famous Castles of Gerinany, Haul's tudies of Landscape Drawings, Romantic Sconce the Rhyne.

I. Baumbarcer's Studiog of Landscape l'aiuting and Drawing, Exercise of C'olouring, The Flower Garden of the Young La lies Drawing School, the Technical and Architetural Drawer. E. AND L. PORTER, ou C.


D. No. 21 South Third street, be. ween Market and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, Das for sale PANINH HIDE, DRY AND GREEN, SALTED PATNA KITE, TANI OIL TANNERS' AND C'URRIERS' TOOLS at the LOWEST PRICES and upon the best terius. All kinds of Leather in the Rough wanted, for which he highest market price wil he given in cash, or taken in er.

change for Ilides. Leather stored firee of charge and sold ou july7h3-ly CLEVELAND MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Organized in 1819. vitice in Rouse'e Block, Corner Superior Street and Public square. This C'ompany insures Dwelling Household Furni are, all kinds of Buildings (except special hazardous) Merchau lize.

Vessels In port, and other property against Load by Fire. ipou favorable terme, will adjust and ray. as here sofore. D. N.

(ipo. B. Senter. ten. Mrgatt, Tease P.


SENIER, Sec. Treas fob 19.1v R. ALBERTSON, Corner of Superior Street and the l'ublic juare, is now opening Now Goode 'urba-ers in his line are invited to call and examine the Stock and 'rices. J. R.

NEW ELECTRICAL STAFFORD'S OLIVE combining TAR--THE Atmuspheric Inhalation of the Odor of Olive Tar, (which odor is Drygen,) with the external application Tar, DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND are at once relieved and cured. No nor CONTAGIOUS disease can be taken or comrunicated where the Odor of Olive Tar is perceptible. AT FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE BY ALL Janl TOSLAH STACY, CONFECTIONER, Corner of Euclid Street and Public Square. Will give per. sonal attendance on FESTIVALS, DINNERS, PARTIES, Taking the responsibility of the entire entertainment.

Having secured the services of a more killful and experienced workman lux than Vlands, all bc has competition before enumerated and employed, below, imitation JELLIES, will in in the furnish this most market. Confectionery, style, Game, dery. ICE CREAM, WATER FANCY ICES. BISCUIT PUDDING GLACE. ORNAMENTS PYRAMIDS.

WEDDING, FANCY FRUIT CAKES, BRA FRUIT, ROMAN PUNCH, PRESERVES, CHARLOTTERUSSES, MURINGUES, FRENCH MOTTOES, BEEF A LA MODE, OYSTERS, Boned Turkev. with Jelly, Chicken Salad, Tounges, In Jelly, and all kinda of Game. Cut Glues China, Cutlery and Waiters furnished if required. dec3 TACKSON LYMAN, MANUFACTURers and Wholesale Dealers in Tobacco, Soutf, and Segars. The trade can be supplied, by calling at Gravity place, Columbus Street, Cleveland, Ohio.

b32) JOIN LYMAN. ITTLE KEYES ARE OFFERING FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH, or would exchange for some city property, some very fine Farming Lauds well sit I dated Milla, near the State Roads, of Iowa. County Seate, Flourishiug Villages ONice over 64 building. Superior St. SAWING, AND ALL kinds of and Fancy Scroll works for l'iano Manu acturers and Carpeuter, done by.

HENRY MUELLER, fe19.y Hewit'3 Steam l'ower Block, Clerelaud, Ohio. DIKENIX FOUNDRY -L. PARMLEE Manufacturers ofSTEAM ENGINES, for Boats, Propellers, Flouring and Saw Dills Tanneries, Factories, Gearing, Ilorse Powers, Corn Crackers, Hark Mills, and Castings generally. Also Railroad Work, Turning and Fitting. 1- Corner of Light-Honse and Meadow ats.

Cleveland, March 21-t, 1855. q12y P. A Improved CHILD, P'attent Melodeons, MANUFACTURERS Muribut's Block, Second OF and Third Stories, No. 161, 100 and 168 Ontario Street, Cleve. land, 0.

TOWER Mattrasa JACKSON, Manufacturer; STEAM Gravity I'l ice. CURLED ColumnbugStrept, Cleveland, 0). be b81 TITI DUE REGARD TO COST, W. WARREN, 180 SUPERIOR ST. CORNER OF SENECA Invites special attention to the following Viz: SHAWLS, WOOLEN LONG SHAWLS, A large Stock on hand, to he sold at fair priore, but NOT AT COST.


GRAIN BAGS, In Quantitias to suit Jan14 Copartnership Notice, NITE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY 4.1 GROCERY COMMISSION BUSINESS bere aud in New York, under firm of W. J. GORDON (at the old stand of W. J. Gordon,) Coiner of st.

Clair and River CLEVELAND, 0. AND GORDON FELLOWS, at Nos. 11 aud 10 Reaver Street, (near Broadway) NEW YORK Br this arrangement the subscribers expect to afford mivan tages to the trade of THIS CITY AND CHIO generally, no now culoved hv any other WESTERN LOCALITY. 'The CLEVELAND HOUSE will constantly keep sample packages of most articles held by the NEW YORK HOUSE (in addition to their own stock.) which will enable buyers t4 choose their place of purchasing Chers or in New York) without going east. WILLIAM J.

FELLOWS. GORDON. GEORGE A. Cleveland, February 1st, N. FELLOWS has been for many years a partner in the old house of Yelverton Fellows, New York, which dissolved this day by its own limitation.


Purchasera are Invited to examine. fehA W. J. GORDON. 1856.


6AME PARTIES CIDER FIRY OF GORDON FELLOWS, Commission Merchants, AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, NOS. 14 16 BEAVER ST STREET. Between Broadway Broad Streets, NEW YORK. near Bowling Green, fabi J. GORIXIN.

1356. A. FELLOW GORDON FELLOWS, Commission Merchants, AND WHOLESALE GROCERS, NOS. 14 16 BEAVER STREET, Between rear Broadway Bowling Groen, Broad Street, NEW YORK. fel4 HURD, Wholesale Grocers Commission Merchanta, No.

16 Water Street, Cleveland, Ohio. 'The above orm would respectfully call the attention of Grocers throughout the country to their stock of (toods, which they are now receiving from the East, and which they are confident they can Nell at prices that cannot Tall to please. Their selections this Spring have been unusually good, and were made before the late advance. and they Hatter themselves that the goods they now oder to the trade cannot be excelled as regards the quality and mice in this market. To country expecting to go East in the Spring.and whose Fall supples have failed to meet the demand through the winter, we would say that you con here replenish your Stuck at prices that will leave examination you a of good margin.

Stock, 'To such we would aiso say that an in our our together with the knowledge ot the rise that go their market. line ale now taking, will emir induce recelpts them of Gond this week are 20 to make this Coffee, 150 chesta Tea, 50 bbla Molasses, and a minor large Groceries. assortment of Folacco, Fruits, Cigars, Spices and other S. 8. BOYLE, SFRED'K.


AND NOTES AND BA WHITTLESEY, No. 80 Water Street, near Old Slip. New York, have constantly on land aud manufacture to order. BAGS tor FLOUR, GRAIN, SALT, BUCKWHEAT, HAMS, Would also ca' the attention of Country Merchants to their of SEAMLESS AND FARMERS' BAGS, And of NILLERS' BAGS, Designed and printed to order, expressly for their use. our tacl*tice are such that we can supply from 10,000 to 20,00 Bays per Aloo Importers and dealers In GUNNY BAGS AND RAGGING.

And various kinds of THREAD and TWINE, both LINEN and COTToN, of which we are receiving continual supplies. Jurily THE (. S. PAT. ENT MARBLE CO.

(CAPITAL No. 398 Broadway, corner Walker St. St. Now ork. Are prepared execute all for MANTLES, TABLE TOPS, COLUMNS, PEDESTALS, PILASTERS, SLABS, In ot Sienna, Brocatel, l'yrances, Neapolitan, and all fancy Darbles, equal in strength, tauty and durability to real marble, and in respects superior thereto and at lens than half the cost.

Unlike marbleized iron. wood, or slate, it la wholly tree from all objections which are urged agaiust more surface work, where paint, copel varnish, front the temporary polish and beauty of the article. Mantles from 95 to 4 HI, Orders from Bulldera, Cabinet Makers and otherg solicited, and satisfaction guarantiel. Agents for rhe principal cities treated with PETER P'ree. JOSEPH LAMB, oct21-ly LOVEL G.

MICKINS, V. Pres. COMMERCIAL MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Custom louse Foot of superior Street, (levelaud, Ohio. This Company insured Hulla, Cargoes, and Freights of Steamers, 1'ropellers, and Sailing Ved. sola, on liberal terms.

AlsO CARGOES OF CANAL BOATS ON TIE OITIO CANALS. Merchandise in transit from Eastern Cities, and Risks upon Buildings and their contence. "The insured participate annually in the profits of the Company. Martin B. Scott, Isaac L.

I Hewitt, Pillo Chamberlin, TRUSTEES. Augustus Handy, Samuel F. Lester, W. J. Guyles, Greene, Henry Harvey, If.

N. Gates, Jonathan Gillet, H. Hanna, Haul R. Hutchinson, Willian J. Gordon, Arthur Hughes, Sainuel Williamson.


Vice President. L. I. ITT, The lourer. A.

TIDALE Acretury. IMPORTANT TO HOUSE KEEPERS AND The HOPE MILLS, "1 FELTON and 71 BEEKMAN NEW YORE. Principal Office 103 FRONT STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Nor. 96, 87 and 88 Hudson Stropt, Jersey City.

The Proprietors of this long and well known COFFEE AND SPICE ESTABLISHMENT. Continuo to prepare the Best PHARMACEUTICAL POW. DERS In use for BREAD, TEA AND OTHER JAK EA, They also prepare Mustard, Cocoa, and many other articles of dally use in every family, which they offer upou the mOst reasonable terius. Catalogues sent to deniers who rethem. B.


advised to Inquire for HOPE MILL articles. July30-ly MILTON AND MCFARLAND, 33 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK, Manufacturers of the World Renowned SALAMANDER SAFES, BANK VAULTS, BALTIMORE DEPOT, 145 I'ratt Street. DEPOT, 14 Howard Street. aug99-ly C. A.

J. C. 27 FULLER, CORTLAND ST. New-Mork. JOB LOTS OF DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, Embroideries, Laces, Ribbons, Dress Trimmings, And YANKEE NOTIONS, From A UCTIO DAILY.

NEW YORK MILLINERY. SUMMONS Wholesale and Retail MILLINERY and STRAW GOODS Warehouse, 504 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. AIRS. S. express IS purpose NOW of selecting IN noveltien EUROPE, for the FOR Spring Trade, which will arrive and he rowdy for inspection ou or about the first of March.

Southern and Western Merchants and Mil liners are respectfully invited to cell and examine the be fore purchasing elsewhere. Pattern Bonnets always on hand ulu sent by express to any BAGS BAGGING. NOYES WHITTLESEY, No. bu, Water near old ado, N. York.

ITAVE constantly on hand and manufacture to order, Bags and Sacks, Sowed aud Seamless, for all uses, and of every desirable lo and quality. They would call attention unequalled facilities for making and printing BAGS OR SACKS TOR FLOUR. MEN, HOMINY, BUCKWHEAT. HAMS, SALT, SPICES, all of which they furnish to arder, in the most approved style of design and printing. aud with quickest despatch.

Also lupor. ters and Dealers in GUNNY RAMS AND BAGGING. and various kinds of Thread and Trine, both Linen and Cotton, of which we ave receiving continual plies. mar10 NEW YORK 1856. SPRING TRADE.

1856. EASTMAN SHELDON TOWNSEND No. 17. Murray Street, Near Broadway, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF PR. SAMUEL STRONG'S Fever Destroyer.

confidently of ita "virtupa." Mark this fact. S. STRONGS FEVER DESTROYER" Comes not from obscure persons, acarcely known to any one; neither dopa it erninate from a source," as la too often the case with quack but it le the unequivocal and per. fact testimony, voluntarily rendered, of individuals of the Brat standiug in society, or occupying high oficial stations and pro. fessional distinct who have on their own person and in their own familice fury and fully tested the sanative virtues of the true Fever Destroyer.

TIE FEVER DESTROYER. Attacks the very root of the disease, and its action is so enor getic that its curative effects are plainly manifest in 12 houre after it is taken, and the second package fruquently produce results which bottles of other popular remedies had failed to accomplish. It will not only destroy the disease, but also eradicate the minute of it from the system, and re-establiah healthy action in the vital CAUTION! There la a Counterfelt on this article, as on almost all popular remedies of the day. Observe, then, the (tenuine has the minix ture Portrait and written Signature of SAMUEL STRONG, M. to counterfelt which la felony.

S. M. STRONG Cleveland, O. Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of DR. STRONGS FEVER DESTROYING PILLS.

To all orders and communications must be d. a For through sale the by States. GAYLORD 00., and all respectable druggiste IMPORTATIONS. "BEST FREEMAN lava Just completed negotiations with number of the largest Houses in New York, by which our tire stock of FANCY GOODS will he selected expressly for by their buyers now in France, England, Scotland, Austria and the various other markets, where the choicest fabrica of the World are produced, the of which will be centined to our own sales. This Stock will ha ready for exhibition for the ly Spring Trade.

IN VIEW OF THIS ARRANGEMENT, we shall offer from this time, OUR ENTIRE STOCK of ve. ry thing in the way of WINTER GOODS at such prices secure their prompt and Immediate WITHOUT REGARD TO COST. our Stock is vet full and complete. A full variety of I'lain and I'laid French Merinoes, Wool Plaid and Figured De Laines, Bark and Fancy Silka, Cloaking Velvets, ladies' Cloths, superior Gents' Cloths and ('as simores, Flannels of all grades, Blankets, Brochea, Long and Square Shawla, Wool Long Shawls--very low, Gents' TravelIng Shawls, Brochea and Wool Scarfs, and any quantity of othgoods adapted to the season. Our assortment of embroideries is not equalled in the city.

All who want PRY GOODS will call and we will suit them in quality and price. BEST FREEMEN, Jan11, 93 Superior Street. EXTRAORDINARY be closed out before the FIRST OF MARCIL At and under THE ORIGINAL COST! T. HARNEY, No. 104 SUPERIOR STREKT.

WIll commence on MONDAY. Th of January, to offer st greatly reduced prices, his large and attractire stock of DRY GOODS! Having in view extensive altarations for the enlargeMent of my in the Spring, I have decided to RUSH OFF the balance of my Winter Stock at UNPARALELLED LOW PRICES! Such as will suit the pocket and the times. Jani7 WHOLESALE STATIONERY attention STORE of th business community to their complete and extensive assortmen of BLANK WORK, varying from the mallet PASS BOOB to the largest DEMI. Alto, a complete assortment of BLANKS, NOTES DRAFTS, ORDERS, BILL BOOKS, LETTER AND BILL FILES, CAP AND LETTER TAPErS, ENVELOPES, SCHOOL STATIONERY Blank beoks made to order. Jan5-ly Margaret Lay, VS.

Cuyahoga County, ('ourt of Corn. Pleas. Alphonzo Lay. A take notice that LAY, the 31st DEFENDANT, 1836, the WILL Plaintint Aled in said d'ourt that the of Common marriage contract her now petitition tor a existing be. tween and Defendant, mar be nis-olved.

Allertug as dross neglect of Duty and labitual for tune year. That mhl cause will be for tearing at the Mar term of said Court. 1836. HOVEY BARLOW. April 1, '66.

8wd. a 14. for Plaintif. IS NOT THE ADVERTIsem*nT OF A WORTHLESS COMPOUND, got up by Rome quark to defraud the public, but the simple notice A new Remedy Inch ac juired unprodented popularity whereever introduct. DR.

S. STRONG'S FEVER DESTROYER" Is a positive and one for every form of Intermittent and Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Ague and Fever. The most ample experience, supported by testimony of many of the moet distinguished men in Ohio, fully Justides us in ppoaking the SPRING DRESS GOODS. PERRY GOOD AS)sortment received this day CO'3, MISCELLANEOUS AN INCIDENT IN TIE LIFE OF A TRAGEDIAN. eartl: hath bubbles, as che water has-.

And these are of Twilight was about sinking in the lap of night, a blustering day in. September '32 wag about closing its fitful existence. Fitful indeed, by starts pleasant, as the sun shone brightly from its exalted eminence, by fits obscured and the boundless vault of eternity palled by darkly frowning clouds, while from off the lake came a gale as fierce as old Boreas ever blew hushing the sound of human voice and almost drowning the sense of morta hearing. At such EL time Demosthenes of old sought the sea -shore to improve his uncultirated roice, at such times men hare oft sought the sea-aide to lift their reices abore the bowling wind and Wally roaring Waves. at this time that dis.

-the subject of this sketch- mgirt it to practice his own notes which though naturally fine loud and deep, had by a few months neglect lust iheir full roundness, strength and compass and power of inflection to that degree necessary to artistic execution. He was above the middle height, of finely proportioned and developed tigure with a large and somewhat classic head, around which clustered rich ringlets of jet, while a pair of deep black eyes, large and lustrous lit up a countenance used to the expreasion of every emotion of which the human heart is ausceptible; his attire was 8 suit of sable and his generul carriage that of dignity and resport. He paced the shore, nOW with quick strides. then with slow and stately steps, now threw himself in Et backward posture, now in a bending one, and various were the evolutionaand ing maneuvres lie went through which to the ere of' the unpractised might Well appear singular to the intelligent in such matters could only be looked upon 118 01re of the 21- ercises of the dramatic school, and to which erery great artist has paid particular attention though the generality of actors deem such minutiae of two tritting a nature to he regarded (poor silly fools they.) Thus nightly for a week had he been seen. Not quite a hundred rods distant from where thus appeared, there stood at the time We write (and if they have not been removed, still stand) a dozen or less hovels.

The denizens of sone of these habitations had perceived the nightly visitations of this individual, and were lost in "fear and wonder" as to who and what he could and sure" said an old woman whose forehead was wrinkled with the frosts of titty winters "heis some ghae, come to haunt the spot, may the howly speerit save us from his acril sight moother we hear enough of that, no goblin is he, re forgot there's no evil speerits stirring Ameriky. (The honest fellow doubtless believed in the tea theory of DAVY HUME, or. that this was a land "That when the brains were out, the man would die; and there an end." "Yay ye and ST. PATRICK's curse light on my head if I supke false, I've same him walk up and down the shore, night after night, howling and roaring as though the divil with all his blasting imps, armed with pitchforks were poking him through the ribs." "Ye sae thrue THOMAS" answered the old woman, "for I saw him meself and heard him cry out when he caught me eye," "Slape no more Maggie, Maggie, ye ba'h murthered elana" and a divil of a wink have I closed my are there thrae nights past; iver thinking of his horrid prophecy, which holy Many save from coming true." "Well moother darlint don't take on so, was MiCHALL's reply, "I'll go down strait and make him speak dacently to me, or dash his ugly skull to ye so MIKEL, and ye THOMAS, away along with you and help your brother drive the devil spirit back to purgatory sure." At this time the lake was unusually rough and breakers dashed up against the shore with all the violence of their pristine fury, the wind though lulled into a comparative calm, was still high, andswept along the shore shaking the many hundred trees that then lined the banks, until they seemed ready to start from their roots and full headlong into the surging waters, it was a wild hour, its very turbulence, its torrent, tempest and whirlwind (as may well be said, suiting to the purpose and object of he who to the benighted Emeralders appeared as an apparition troubled spirit, walking the earth after haring quit its mortal tenement. And there he walked as the wind rose and the twilight deepened, giving utterance with accompanying gestures and action to the varied passages most familiar and best adapted to the exercise of his elocutionary powers.

To those who watched him from an o'erhanging bank his voice was full of "sound and fury" but bore to them no meaning, had ONE been there to listen and comprehend, they would have taught upon the rising wind something like unto the following: for Four lives! why how now, ho! from whence ariseth thi4, Are we turned and to ourselves do that Which beaven bath forbid the ottomitos." Or, "Avaunt! and quit my sight! Let the earth hide thee The hones are marrow lear, thy blond is colt Thou hast no speculatiou in thore exes Which thou dost glare with!" Or perhaps" Melctal's voice, Where are his eyes? Have they put out his eyes? las Ge.lor turned the little evening of the old man's life to night before its Or may be quickly: I find something to tear to rend, were worth 11? Something most rarenons and bloody, Sowething like Gesler! a woll! No, No, A weir a a lamb to Gesler! natural Hunger makes a wolf a savage, aud savage 93 Ile is' Or, Death in -la! all Syracuse Starta up upon her hilla, and Her bundred thousand -he shouts! -and then Ila: Ila: I can but laugh: 1 cannot speak 10 thee I can but play the maniac--and laugh. 'Thy Land: oh! let me grasp thy wanly hand! lols on honest one and so je ruin Or perhaps the stricken deer go The Lart ungalled playFor some must watchWhile some must sleepThus runs the world away!" Or perchance, must teem, ('reate her child of apleen; that it may live And be thwart disnatur'd torment to her! Let it stamp wrinkles on ter brow of youth! With cadent tears fret channels in her cheeks; Turn all her mother's pains and benefta To laughter aud contempt; that she may feel How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is To have a thankless child!" Or, thou speak 'st false Upon the next tree shalt thou bang Alive, Till famine cling thee; if thy as speech be soothe I care not If thou dost for cue mueb." Perhaps: "lIad be the motive and the eue for parien That I bare, he would drown the stage with tears, And cleave the general ear with horrid speech Make mad the guilty and appal the free C'onfound the Ignorant and amaze indeel, The very faculty of eyce and ears." Thus going on taking no "note of of time," lost to all but the feelings and thoughts imagination and fancy, lost to all external things sure those that shaped themselves fantastically and wore weird images and scenes around him, experiencing that height and depth of mental being which lifts us above the clouds, and fills us with forms that as they exhale, that strange undefinable feelshape ing none but those who have quaffed deep of the nectar of the gods aud cut of ambrosial food can e'er know. These were Lia feelings when suddeuly on looking up lo! two brawny sons of Erin on the jutting bank above met his sight, gazing which on could him with tind consternation and awful tertor utterance in word; might exclaim such things te and overcome Ci Like a summer cloud, without our THE SPIRIT OF LAKE ERIE, learning who and what he was, and how much inoney the treagury of the country WA? pouring into his lap. I never shall forget the look of the old man, when he intimated to me his intention of not returning to Ohio. This was about a month after he had found his new home.

I see him now 48 he paced iny office floor. On his bushy, SnOWwhite head, was stuck a broad-brimmed hat, at an angle behind of about 16 degrees. His honest, open countenance, fired up with the rosy hue of a green, healthy old age; his ample check shirt collar, "a la Byron," under which WA3 a black silk handkerchief, the ends hanging down about a foot; no coat, but a hard looking dark vest; blue factory cotton pants, which, as he strode back and forth, the legs of the said pants would work up and down, say about eight inches each, and within about foot of a pair of heary cowhide brogans, tied with leather strings; under these, coarse blue socks completed the picture. The strode my old friend, the life geardsman of the sainted WASHINGTON, as he was fain to beliere himself at times, from the fact that he had stuck to it so long. Back and forth in my little office, with his hands in his pocket, walked the old soldier, his eyes on the toor, his red face ever wreathed in a broad sinite--he, infrhe land ef lore! actually bead over ears in love.

One day said my old friend to me, "I am going to open a grocery down near where I board; don't you thing it will pay -ha, with, say one as sistant-only one; manage prudently, you seego, won't it-need somebody, don't to help in the store- -make something, can'tI-got capital -put in at least a couple hundred dollars, sure to 40, don't you thing so 1 the case at once, "My dear Saddlebags, von are about to commit some extraordinary act, do believe. Now, let me give you sone good adrice; what are rou about to do, tell me? "Marry a nice a said the old fellow, "a very nice gal, one of the Van Ransaleare of Al-good blood in the family. Ha, she is a nice healthy gal," said the old nan, emphatically; "a fine gal n3 you'll find in a thousand, and only thirty-only thirty, young healthy gal--only thirV. My old friend was what is called in common parlance, "a goner." The lorely female, from the Van Ransalear atock, had shot him in the tenderest spot. The oll soldier, who had caped inany a wound, because he wan't there, was this time badly truck, becanse he WaR thermite Poor many life an guardsman.

hour with my old friend, to convince him of the folly of love. I actually did this, notwithstanding the lovely Dolphenuz, and the vast amount of soap which waR daily being converted into that trash, called gold, by her dear parent, the worthy Mr. Seraggles; my interest in that quarter, being really, good reader, one of the heart; at least, I thought sO. Yes, I ridiculed the idea of love in my old friend, but it was 110 use; he not only loved her, but she was such a nice gal, and at the house they all spoke so high of her, and she thought so much of him, and was from such good stock, marry her he would. I had never seen the house at which my friend Saddlebags boarded, till I paid him a visit a day or two after the consummation of the marriage.

On the morning of that eventful dav, he waited upon me in a very spruce style of costume for the occasion, without a cont, how. ever, and in rather desperate pecuniary circ*mstances, offering to pawn hie watch for A five dollar bill, to pay the little justice, who was to officiate, and also to purchase wine for the bird'es friends who would be present; and as I was the only friend the old soldier had in the quarter, he pressed 10C strongly to be on hand, also. had to decline, as engagements at the moment in another part of the city prevented. I however provided him with the needful, took his watch 84 security -business before friends, dear reader--and on his leaving to go after the little justice, over the old market that was then, (and never forgave that man for his agency in the asked where he hoarded; he told me for the first time, Blackwood Block, Seneca Stivet. What! can it be? Blackwood Block.

My good old friend certainly is wrong--not there, surely. I would have called him back, but he had gone. I expected to get a visit from the old soldier, and my five dollars the next day, for his shop, he said, was in full blast, but nothing came, nor the next, nor eren the next. I began to think that he had gone to Slab City on A wedding tour. A week rolled over, and at last he AT peared.

But alas! what a change had come orer him The bright, cheerful look had departed- One was blood shot; the other black and blue, the skin peeled from his nose, and once neat apearance, woe begone and dirty. The pensioner was A sad picture to look upon, and I thought of my own case in connection with Miss Scraggles, and began to reflect. It was dreadful to look upon. The sight of the old fellow was enough to take the starch out of me, when I pondered upon the matrimonial cOlnection which promised to exist between the admiring Willemena Dolphenus and the lodger on Cat fish Alley. bardly had the courage to ask the particulars.

"My dear friend, what hag come over you? what's the row who has panted your profile ch How -how is Madam?" Mr. Saddlebags raised his embellished eyes, cast a most rueful glance round the office to assure himself that we were alone, and in a most funeral tone of voica said: "Muddles, (my name is Zacharis Muddles dear render) Muddles," said he to me, "ask more questions; you have acted honestly and frankly in vour advice to me about this, this -confounded, cussed unlucky affair: would that I had taken that advice; 'tis 100 late; I'm in for it. Muddles, come see how Madam, 49 vOu call her, is; Blackwood Block, first door; my store in the basem*nt. You'll know it by a row of pipes, a plug of tobacco, and a string of dried apples in the window. Come without fail this afternoon.

I want you to see her and--and -the rest of us. After dinner I took the shady side of Seneca, street, and soon came to the well known Blackwood Block, brick four-story structure, with rickety, dilupidated wooden stoops, old hats poked the broken window panes, a combination of odors coming from the open front doors, and alip-shod females in the back- ground. saw, too, the soldier's commercial warehouse in the basem*nt, and the row of dried apples and pipes and tobacco through the window glass, hanging conspicuously. I knew the place, and saw the terrible mistake the lifeguardsman had made. Oh, woman, woman, thy name is frailty.

The pensioner in lore; he WAS sold. basely sold. 1, 100, was in lore, somewhat, but not infatuated; and perhaps I too, was blind; at any rate, hearing that Mr. Scraggles had lost heavily by endorsing for. 3 friend, added to the picture of Mr.

Saddlebags victimized, I thought best to cut loose from the adoring Miss Scraggles, and did so a month after, fearing in I did not, some kind of a sell wonld be practiced on me. Watching a moment to see that I WAS not observed, as, dear reader, I had in those days a little regard for appearances, I dived into the pipe and tobacco warehouse, and found the old man behind counter. A row of glass jars on 1 shelf held the stock in trade almost entirely, and halfa dozen decanters filled with a rascally compound called wine, gin and brandy, completed the assortment. The bride was with her friends in the parlor back of the store. I thought they were rather noisy.

Laughing, shouting, and oaths, too, came out of that room. looked at the victim, my honest open-hearted old friend, and contemplating his bruised countenance, and sorrowful aspect, asked in a whisper for an explanation of the ruin. "Drunk, Mr. Muddies, all drunk; see here," said he, pointing to his eves and nose, "and on'y a week of our honey mOOD gone, don't you think I am a happy man?" The door opened from the noisy room at this mowent, and a brazen-faced woman with an infant in her arms of, I should judge, six months old, came in the store and passed behind the conuter, pushed the old wan rudely aside, and seizing 3 decanter passed back into the room. Saddlebags, who in the name of wonder is that," said I "Ny wife, my drunken wife, my bride of a week, and -andber brat," said the old soldier, Muddles, the gal has swindled me, the people hare swindled me, she aint from the Van Ransaleer stock, this house is vile hole, I never knowed it at the time.

My pension has ruined me, but the worst taken in is the young un. They kept that out of the war till the job was over. was a widderi it would be some consolation, but she's a wicked un, a dreadful wickod un as never wAs married. Jehulit Saddiebags you 're badly sold." The old soldier who had looked on at many an infantry drill unmoved low wept like a mill-sluice. I took his hand, what more could I do.

Words would not console him, and there are moments, dear reader, when silence is the best simpathy one can manifest. A week after this event, Dr. Saddlebags came into my office, paid the borrowed money, ADd whispered to me that "she bad gone for 0 day or two into the country for the health of that blessed baby after robbing his till of the last cent," and he was determined to take adrantage of her abHence to close off the stock, and had settled upon one final more in the matter before she could get back, namely -to run uray. He told me where he was going, but I must keep dark on that head; 80 I wont mention the place for fear Saddlebags will take the cars and trouble him for the balance of' that pension. He wres prompt for a reteran of four score and ten, soon converted the entire furniture and contents of the warehouse into ragh, a sum amounting to seventeen dollars and twenty cents.

The well-known little auctioneer with the red face and the big nose, did the business in an off-hand style. After dark he had his old hair trunk brought to my oflice preparatory to a start, and the start you were told of in the opening of this story. Should Mrs. Saddlebags ever weet him, he had better nerd er have been born. As for that little justice, once Ofer the market, I have had my rerenge in a quiet war upon him, for his stupidity in not reading the character of the lady be made Mrs.

Saddlebags.I rote against him every time be Comes up for Worthington's Safety Steam PUMP. AND FIRE ENGINE. TX THUS MACHINE, THE SIMPLEST Pump, POSSIBLE combination of team with a double acting is attained. The st Am piston la attached to one end oi the piston rod. and the plunger the Pump to the other.

The It steam pump. piston moves plunger, back and forth in its cylinder, carrying with the and causing it to cliver a CONTINUOUS POWERFUL STREAM, A moment's redection will show that the interposition of Crank. FlyOr other derive for producing ROTARY MOTION. B.OP For any who may tavor them wi'l their patronace. We ara prepared to do work is our line upon 24 favoral.

tc da one in the c'ity. We have bu: rule aud at lA to but the best of and our work in a finch d. durable wanner, and we think those whoui we have worked for tegrity to this fact. Mr. FRY will give him attention to the Gra'nine Department ADd Mr HOWLET! to Den ug and shop work.

We will meution to those unacquainted with u4 our work, that we took the drst P'remium at by State aud County Fury 1865, for the tr st specimens. and sign P'alp'ing. FiFase look in upon U. at our Shop No. 50 ater Strat site the P'ost Unlice.

1 M. J. GE HOW LETT. March 19, dim BLUNT'S EDITION OF THE NAUTICAL and Astronomical Ephemri: for 1956; 50 cia. For sale by HAWKS BROTHER, fal8 Post Office liall.

('leveland. Proposals for Erecting the Custom House at Detroit, Diiel. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. March 10, 1866. DROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THIS DEPARTMENT until the day of May, 1-56.

at 12 o'clock at noon, for the construction of the Detroit, Michigan, Custou: a rording to the plans and spari. at this Department; and proposale to be either for the whole building, or 'or the dicorent kinds of the work billy of parcels should accompany each bid. with the amount cach item, and the total amount of each carried out; the Depart. went reserving the right to reject the proposals boroby invited, should the interest, of the Cited States require it. Ninety per (CHL.

of the amount of work done And materials delivered, cording to contract pricer, (bald amount to be ascertained by the estimate of an Agent of the Department, appointed for that, will be paid from time to tina as the work and ten per cont retained until the completion of the contract and arceptance of the work, by the Agent Contracts will be awarded only to master builders ani! IC. chanics, and the assignment thereof, except by the Secretary of' of the Treasury, will be a foririture of the same. Each inust be accompanied by a written guarantor. signed by two persons, (conided to he so by the l'. S.

District Attorney or DIstrict Judge of the said District, In the sun of 420 ww, that the builder will, when required, it his proposal be accopted, enter into a contract and houd, with proper and for Its faithfol performance. A sample six Inches square of' the stone proposed to be used, and showing the character of the dressing, should where practi. cable, be sent to the Department. The Bidder should also state where the quarry Is located. Plans, and working drawings, can be examined on and after the of April.

1356, and other information oh tained on application to ibe Department, or at the office o1 the Collector of the Customs at petrolt. The proporals muat be sent to this Department, aldressed to the tary of the Treasury, (endorsed for Detroit Cuetom louse, and will be opened at 1 oclock P. of the laat day named for rocciving the same, presence of the bidders, Many choose to attend. JAMIES GUTHRIE, mar26.1w Secretary of the Treasury. CARPETS-10 PIECES ENGLISH Velvet Tapratry, of the meet desirable st lea: rex-lved this day.

at S. RAYMOND ENDALL DEWITT ARE NOW opening a large assortment de Laires, Berage de Lanes, Challis Brilliants, French (uintz Ging. haws, Robes, to which they invite attention. KENDALL 125 Superior Street. TEW YORK, BREMEN S.

MAIL The shipe comprising this line are the WASHHIGGINS. These steamers atop at Southampton, both going And INGION, Capt. E. CAVENDY: HERMANN, Capt. EDWARD returning.

PROPOSED DATES OF From SouthFrom From ampion for New York. Bremen. New York. Maturday. Wednesday.

26 Feb. 23 Feb. ASHINGTON. Feb. 28 Bar.

22 Blar. 25 ERMANN. bar. 22 April 19 April April 19 Stay 19 Mar 21 17 Juue 14 Jauc 19 14 July 12 July 16 HERVANN. 13 Aug.

Aug. 18 9 sept. 10 6 (t. Oct. 8 4 Nov.

Nov. 5 Nov. 1 Nov. 29 Dec. 29 Dec.

29 Dec. 01 Stopping at Southampton, both going and they offer passengers proceeding to London and Havre, advantage over any other route, for the economy of time and money. PASSAGE FROM NEW YORK TO SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. First Cabin, Main Saloon, $180; First Cabin, Lower Saloon ale0; Second do. $60.

All letters and newspapers must pass through the P'ost Office. No bills of lading will to signed or parcels received on the day of sailing. An experienced Surgeon la attached to each ship. For freight or passage, apply to H. SAND.

11 South William Street, New York, A. HEINEKEN Bremeu, CROSKEY Southampton, WM. ISELIN, Havre. Marked l'atters, we French expected Flowera Horse hair Skirts (the laFRENCIT GOODS! last week. THOSE FRENCH Fashion:) Bruselles Voila, together ETTBERG with variety HAUSMANN'S.

of Silk henille have arrived at test C'. LINIERR, ARTIST IV HAIR AND JEWELER, 577 Broadway, AV. A opposite the Metropolitan Hotel. All kinds of Ornamental ilair Work mar27a2dly made to order. TRUNKS -TRAVELING PACKING TAYLOR, GRISWOLD CO, would be not only but wa-leful; tor the reason thrit the alternate motion of the pistOL very Que which It lA necessary 10 to the Pump.

Therefore. when a crank is employed, the rectilinear motion must ulinitely be re stored in an Indir way. of moliticarlon of this simple engine. embracinz the Great Steam Expansion and Condensation. been very sure applied to CirY NITER WORKS.

Three engines, each capable of delivering 500.000 000.000 Gallons per Day, have been need for MORE THAN TWO YEARS at the div of Savanuah, to elevate water 120 fret high, thr ugl. 2705 fort 16 inch main; a da contract har just been concluded with the cly for a similar service. In regar! to tbe reports chow an a result as has been attained: in the The uno migned odore the rollon In.g and plaors to this vicinity for reference. S. NAVY.

Al the Nary Varda at Brooklyn and Washington: Mints at Philadalphia and California; Asey Vice, Now York: Hospital at Brooklyu, LINES OF AMSH'PSAND BOATS. Collin': Breton: Have; U.S. Pacide Jail Van lerbilt': Nicar? qua; Savannal; Charleston; Norfolk de Baltimore; Pall River: ouington; Norwich; Union Ferry l'o. Now Jerwy City Ferry. SUGAR REFINERIES.

Mesas. Booth Edgar; Howell Greer, Turner a. D. Harris: Boston I finery; Bristol FACTORIES, Litchfeld Oil; Hecker's Mills: Lowell Bleachery: Thompsonville Carpet Globe Print Work-: American Print Works: Lowed tuning Atlantic De Laine Pacide Mills; Mills; Warren Manufarturine Hayward Rubber N. D.

Car Spring U. lon White Glue Leak Atlantic Forge: Burdon's Machine Shop, Factory. GAS WORKS. New York. Brooklyu; New Haven; Washington: Baltinor.

Alexandria: Jersey City; Knoxville; Savannah: Port Cumberland; Toronto. WORKS. let. Glend :11: Albany; Idson; Poughkeepsie; Let 3p. rt: Manhattanville; Ron Greta Mountain: Ra num; Richardson Mount Sarage; Port Henry; Stockbridge.

MINES. Bethlehem Zinc; Reed Gold; Feat. Coal For. rustdale. QUARRIES.

Shaler Hall; Middleser; Sliddletown; Russ Reid. A. R. STATIONS. Long Island; Erle; Hudson River; Cleveland Penn.

Irving HOTELS. New York. Nicholas; Astor House; Howard's; Merchant's; DISTILLERIES IN NEW YORK. Ely; Johnson Lazar. us; Barnard; Fire Asylums at Vulca: Trenton Kaleigh: Naval Hospital; ity Hoepital, Brooklyn.

FOUNTAINS. Greenw ed Cemetery: Mesara. D. Danio, J. A.

WRECKING PURPOSES. New York Hoard of Under. writers; Budalo Mutual; Amner. Trans. Oswego N.

Western; Milwaukiv; Boston Relict Co. HENRY R. WORTAINGTON. diy. 28, Broadway, New York.

Convict Labor tor iiire. PROPOSALS WILL BE REED at the otter of the Ohio Penitentiary until the such dav of April at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, tor the bur of troth Firy to one Hundred Convicts, in this for not exewding Ave years. Bids would he preferred for the manufacture of metal Type Carriage Axles and Try Squares Ax-Helves; Frame for Buck Bids also 10 corrid. ered for the of an ether k'nd of articles not at present manufactured or on in ch- Prion. 'The Dircerors reserve the right.

to discriminate to faror of Auch bids 8 they "in their judzment may mOst conducive to the interests of the biate." and such as will least condict with the mechanical interests, No bids can be received for less than Twenty, nor more than the Fifty kind wen of' on work euch couract: the bidders are required to specity and the probable amount of shop room ed, and the price for labor per day 1 el litu. Shops will be fir. and the discipline maintained at the use of' the State but no fuel and successful to give satisfacturs securisy. I'. Directors.

J. MORRIS. marl54k w6w Ohio "We are with You!" A TIE NING UP SEASON is at hand, FOR the undersigmd PAINTING would any the are prep arou to do louse Painting. Graining. Sign Painting, 5, PH office.


The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.