What's with the recent hate for open world games? (2024)

  • 3 days ago



    Terraria felt much more lively to me.

    >first time exploring the forests
    >my first scare trying to break into the dungeon when the guardians found me
    >exploring the beaches for the first time
    >finding my first pair of hermes boots
    >finding my first hookshot
    >first time I ever discovered a sky island

    And NONE of this needed cinematic drivel to hype it up. It was 100% pure gameplay.

    >Sorry you can't appreciate a game that doesn't hold your hand constantly.
    If this was the only criteria for what makes a game good then Paper Mario Sticker Star would be a masterpiece, ACgay. What makes Terraria suck is that none of its gameplay systems are particularly interesting or engaging, and it's all in some sh*tty procgen world like Minecraft, and the bosses are spongey monotonous minmax fests that are more about numbers than skill, and this sh*t just keeps piling and piling up which is why the majority of people that play it end up consulting a wiki at some point in a deaperate attempt to keep themselves from losing any and all interest.

    >What makes Terraria suck is that none of its gameplay systems are particularly interesting or engaging, and it's all in some sh*tty procgen world like Minecraft,
    Sounds like a skill issue. Sorry you can't adapt on the fly.

    >You're doing it right now. You're refusing to admit that I'm about it being unskippable. Otherwise you would've easily admitted that what I said was true. But you don't want to. You're afraid of admitting that I was right on something.
    Good games are allowed to have cutscenes.
    >Sidestepping the argument? Poor form. Why can't I build a rocket shield INSIDE the shrine, if it's an intended solution?
    You can build it outside? Just leave the shrine? Not all shrines can be resolved with rockets or other devices? Are you seriously asking this sh*t? PLAY THE GAME AND FIND OUT.
    >le absolute freedom
    Nice of you to bring up your old schizo argument of something NOBODY SAID.
    >if game has puzzles that can be solved in multiple ways why can’t I just godmode?
    It wouldn’t really be a puzzle or a game, wouldn’t it, moron? You are unable to grasp nuance, it’s always black and white.

    >Good games are allowed to have cutscenes.
    And what is your argument for it being unskippable?

    >You can build it outside?
    But why? Isn't it an intended solution? Sounds like they didn't intend it, if they made such a silly restriction.

    >It wouldn’t really be a puzzle or a game, wouldn’t it, moron?
    The game lets you skip everything anyway, BESIDES THE INTRO CUTSCENE, so yeah it's not like anything in the game matters. Weird priorities the Zelda team has.

    >you can skip all of the dungeons and shrines and koroks and quests

    • 2 days ago



      Sounds like troonyraria is hyper linear cinematic troony wiki slop

    • 2 days ago



      >first time exploring the beaches
      Seriously? The "oceans" in Terraria are a fricking sham, a single water stage in Mario 3 (an NES game) has more secrets than a Terraria beach. It'd make sense to shill for Minecraft beaches, which have buried treasure and shipwrecks and Ocean monuments but Terraria's world design is fricking trash.

      • 2 days ago



        >Terraria beaches don't have buried treasure
        oh no no no someone hasn't played the game!

        • 2 days ago



          now now, Randall, we don't use that type of language here

          I accept your troonycession, Eric

    • 2 days ago



      >And what is your argument for it being unskippable?
      It’s a great game thus it’s allowed to have a 5-minute prologue which is pretty short for a 3D Zelda game. I don’t understand why you seethe so hard at the prologue of a Zelda game you didn’t play.
      >But why? Isn't it an intended solution? Sounds like they didn't intend it, if they made such a silly restriction.
      The devs certainly don’t have a list of every intended solution of each shrine you fricking moron, they gave players more wiggle room to try different solutions to a lot of the puzzles (not all). The intended solution is sometimes hinted when you enter the shrine or by the tools provided. God damn, take an IQ test because you’re obviously clinically moronic if you cannot understand this.
      >The game lets you skip everything anyway, BESIDES THE INTRO CUTSCENE, so yeah it's not like anything in the game matters. Weird priorities the Zelda team has.
      It doesn’t, there are multiple shrines and other puzzles you can’t cheese. You obviously didn’t play the game and you’re just sh*tposting at this point, I’m done with you.

      • 2 days ago



        >It’s a great game thus it’s allowed to have a 5-minute prologue which is pretty short for a 3D Zelda game
        Wrong. There is NEVER a justification for a game to have an unskippable cutscene. The fact that you actually tried to argue this just makes your argument look even worse.

        >The devs certainly don’t have a list of every intended solution of each shrine you fricking moron,
        Then that leaves them even less of an excuse as to why they're putting in arbitrary restrictions.

        >It doesn’t, there are multiple shrines and other puzzles you can’t cheese.
        Let me guess, you think koroks can't be cheesed, right?

        >fly in a straight line with a glider
        Yeah, but others are clearly sh*tposting. haha

        • 2 days ago



          >Wrong. There is NEVER a justification for a game to have an unskippable cutscene. The fact that you actually tried to argue this just makes your argument look even worse.
          Wrong, truly great games are allowed to have a prologue as a setup to the events of the game and the goal of your main quest in the grand adventure you’re about to embark in.
          >Then that leaves them even less of an excuse as to why they're putting in arbitrary restrictions.
          Blame your low IQ, you are unable to grasp nuance.
          >Let me guess, you think koroks can't be cheesed, right?
          A lot of them can’t, they have simple solutions and basically rely on you to find them, pop a balloon or some simple puzzle, what’s your point?

          • 2 days ago



            >Wrong, truly great games are allowed to have a prologue as a setup to the events of the game
            If it was a great game, it wouldn't need a prologue cinematic. The GOTY of last year, Armored Core 6, let you skip it entirely, so you could get right to the robot action. The runner-up GOTY, Pizza Tower, also let you do that. Zelda just can't compare.

            >Blame your low IQ, you are unable to grasp nuance.
            Where's the nuance? They clearly didn't want you putting a rocket on a shield in a shrine, but didn't stop you from bringing one in. It just looks like they were lazy.

            >A lot of them can’t, they have simple solutions and basically rely on you to find them
            Walking in a straight line, or flying in a straight line, hardly seems like a puzzle to me.

            • 2 days ago


              You can bring rocket shields into shrines, if the devs didn’t want you to use them then all zonai devices would be disabled. Are you actually moronic?

        • 2 days ago



          >fly in a straight line with a glider
          If that’s the only solution to the korok puzzle then it’s not cheesing. You don’t even know basic video game slang LMAO.

          • 2 days ago



            The "intended solution" is to make a wacky, overly elaborate vehicle with 500 parts, so you can get a seed. If you can do the same with a glider with a fan taped to it, then the puzzle is underwhelming if not downright bad.

            So you yourself just admitted Terraria is about just walking in a straight line? Like New God of War or The Last of us part 2? Kek, nice Hallway simulator cinematics. At least a boss rush like cuphead doesn't waste your time with cinematic ore-digging "gameplay"

            Go on, try beating a boss by doing nothing but walking forward.

            • 2 days ago


              >The "intended solution" is to make a wacky, overly elaborate vehicle with 500 parts, so you can get a seed. If you can do the same with a glider with a fan taped to it, then the puzzle is underwhelming if not downright bad.
              Literally never happens.

            • 2 days ago


              Kek, the most importance sequence boss Wall of Flesh you literally do just walk in one direction and shoot at it behind you, bosses in Contra or Megaman which are fricking NES games are more intricate than that. Nice way to immidiately dispute your own argument

            • 2 days ago


              ACgay doesn’t know sh*t about video games, more news at 11.

    • 2 days ago



      >Sounds like a skill issue.
      Not a skill issue because I just described why Terraria isn't about skill. It's about numbers and minmaxing equipment just to get through its sh*tty boss rushes because nothing else in its equally sh*tty procgen world is actually interesting.

      • 2 days ago




        >I hate exploration
        >why can't I kill the moon lord with the starting copper sword?!
        >why am I expected to grow stronger and get better equipment and improve my defenses and health?! Where's my awesome QTE final boss where I press x to perform a heckin chungus finisher?!

        • 2 days ago



          Why does terraria forces me to punch trees and fight braindead booger enemies at the start?

          • 2 days ago



            Technically you don't have to do that. Trees aren't vital to progression, last I recall.

            The fact that you said nothing that actually disputed the problems in Terraria that I pointed out and even shifted the goalpost (is it about skill or not, ACgay?) is a concession in itself. Time to go to bed and admit your game is ass.

            Terraria is about skill, otherwise we wouldn't have threads up constantly about how the game filters people. Infact there's a thread up right now!


            Crazy how people get filtered by Duke Fishron and Skeletron.

            You can bring rocket shields into shrines, if the devs didn’t want you to use them then all zonai devices would be disabled. Are you actually moronic?

            So why can't you make a rocket shield in the shrine?

            • 2 days ago


              >Terraria is about skill

            • 2 days ago


              In Terraria you can beat Moon Lord by sitting in a bucket of honey and lava with a campfire and heart lantern to. Tears of the kingdom you beat ganon by fighting him in a sword duel.

            • 2 days ago


              >Terraria is about skill
              No it isn't, it's about setting up and basically letting the game play itself.
              Hell the first reply to your thread even said that


            • 2 days ago


              >Crazy how people get filtered by Duke Fishron and Skeletron.
              Seems like you can't handle criticism

              In Terraria you can beat Moon Lord by sitting in a bucket of honey and lava with a campfire and heart lantern to. Tears of the kingdom you beat ganon by fighting him in a sword duel.

              Skill issue

              >Terraria is about skill
              No it isn't, and it's funny that you mentioned that thread as a counter argument when just a cursory glance at it shows everyone complaining about how Terraria is a grindfest that incentivises minmaxing just to get through bosses, and if you modded the game to take out the minmaxing then you're just left with a rather boring boss rush instead because fundamentally that's all it amounts to.

              >Terraria isn't about skill!
              >yes I had to spend 50 hours grinding for items, building an arena, and reading about meta strategies on various wikis, B-BUT THAT DOESN'T COUNT!

              Meanwhile, when facing Ganon you... whack him with your sword a few times. lol.

              >In Terraria you can beat Moon Lord by sitting in a bucket of honey and lava with a campfire and heart lantern to.
              Right up until the phantasmal deathray one shots you. lol

            • 2 days ago


              >grinding and reading a wiki
              Kek, And I accept your troonycession that troonyraria is a wiki game 😉

            • 2 days ago


              I played Terraria for 18 hours and got bored after beating le final boss 10 years ago.

            • 2 days ago


              >final boss 10 years ago
              Funny, because the Moon lord wasn't released until the 2015 update. You didn't play the game.

              >what do you mean I can't build an arena and read a wiki to take the skill out of a Ganon fight, you mean I have to actually.... fight him? Gulp, scary! Too hard for me, I'll go back to my wiki game!

              >fight a static object that doesn't move
              Sure thing pal. Ganon really earning his keep there.

              What's with the recent hate for open world games? (1)

              >ACgay has been pushed into a corner so badly that he's now literally arguing that 50 hours grinding for items, building sh*t in his procgen world and reading wikis counts as "skill"
              Your constant Zelda meltdowns have absolutely fried your brain at this point. This is amazing, please keep going.

              If you're so skilled, then go fight Moon Lord without any powerups or upgrades. Go on.

              >Why isn't that true for every shrine? Stop limiting me. Why is this game such linear cinematic sh*t?
              Because each shrine is different in concept? Why do you want to bypass every shrine, do you suck that much at video games? Pray tell how you bypass a shrine that starts you off with no equipment and you have to beat all the enemies that two-shot you?
              It’s so amusing to see you struggle with a concept as simple as this.

              >Why do you want to bypass every shrine,
              Because the game said I could? Because fans said I could? You said freedom was good, why not let me skip it all?

              >Pray tell how you bypass a shrine that starts you off with no equipment and you have to beat all the enemies that two-shot you?
              sounds like moviesh*t to me.

            • 2 days ago


              >If you're so skilled, then go fight Moon Lord without any powerups or upgrades. Go on.
              You first, since you're the one arguing that Terraria is about skill.

            • 2 days ago


              Moon Lord requires tons of planning, while Calamity Ganon just sits there and smiles. Doing things is too videogamey. Wouldn't want to ruin the "epic spectacle victory lap" or whatever.

              >>yes I had to spend 50 hours grinding for items, building an arena, and reading about meta strategies on various wikis, B-BUT THAT DOESN'T COUNT!
              Because it's not a skill, it's basically just reading instructions.

              But you're relying on strategies made by people who've played the game for hundreds of hours, and it requires you to spend hours setting up arenas and speccing items for specific purposes. Not my fault you can't fight the moon lord as is.

              >static object
              >Because the game said I could?
              Where? The game never says this, there is an intended solution to every shrine but you are encouraged to think outside the box.
              >BUT THE FANS SAID
              not an argument.

              >there is an intended solution to every shrine but you are encouraged to think outside the box.
              Then why can't I build rocket shields inside the shrine? Why can't I build vehicles anywhere I want?

            • 2 days ago


              >Then why can't I build rocket shields inside the shrine? Why can't I build vehicles anywhere I want
              That would be thinking inside the box 😉

            • 2 days ago


              Then why can't I sneak into the gerudo outpost in BOTW? Why can't I skip the tutorial areas in either game? 🙂

            • 2 days ago


              Why can't I skip the wall of flesh? 😉

            • 2 days ago


              >Calamity Ganon just sits there and smiles

            • 2 days ago


              >Kek I bet you think a bucket of Legos is a skilled videogame too with that reasoning, you just want to build your way out of every problem instead of learning a damn boss attack pattern
              He says, while getting filtered by Skeletron.

              "Planning" by your own definition is, and I quote, spending "50 hours grinding for items, building an arena, and reading about meta strategies on various wikis". So you concede that Terraria is not about skill, cool!

              >"Planning" by your own definition is, and I quote,
              That's your definition of planning. I YOLO bosses with whatever I have. Arenas aren't necessary. Sorry you need them though.

              Why can't I skip the wall of flesh? 😉

              >Dumb story based limitation
              >gameplay limitation

            • 2 days ago


              >I YOLO bosses with whatever I have.
              Prove it, then.

            • 2 days ago


              >spoonfeed me!
              No, I don't think I will.

              >sounds like moviesh*t to me.
              >shrine removes your equipment and you have to complete it while extremely vulnerable and with only your wits and an extremely limited amount of weapons, arrows and no healing items
              >this is moviesh*t because you don’t spend 50 hours mining rocks and punching trees

              This is your argument against old Zelda games though.

              >wtf why does this dungeon require the hookshot?! OUTDATED ZELDA DESIGN!

              You argued against item gating. Now lie in your bed.

            • 2 days ago


              >You argued against item gating. Now lie in your bed
              Sounds like a you problem

            • 2 days ago


              I literally never said that and a shrine removing your gear and items isn’t “item gating”. Keep embarrassing yourself, it’s quite amusing.

            • 2 days ago


              >I never said that
              You're lying again. Every thread you complain about how item gating is bad. You don't get to defend it now.

              But planning is diametrically opposed to thinking on the fly. You spent several posts saying that Moon Lord required minmaxing/wiki'ing in advance and now you're suddenly arguing the exact opposite, likely because you were ridiculed for aguing the former was a good thing and now you're desperately trying to save face.

              >But planning is diametrically opposed to thinking on the fly. You spent several posts saying that Moon Lord required minmaxing/wiki'ing in advance
              That's an issue, not an issme. The fact that I can beat Skeletron is something 99% of people ITT can't even claim, so skill is a little beyond people here.

              >Ganon in BOTW, Ganondorf in TOTK. Both the same cinematic spectacle boss where they barely move and you press a wacky cinematic QTE to instakill them. It's like I'm playing Uncharted.
              Why do you lie about something that is so easy to very? Strange cope but ok.


              What's with the recent hate for open world games? (2)

              Thank you """open world""" games.

            • 2 days ago


              >That's an issue, not an issme.
              Nah, that's you blatantly contradicting yourself to save face.

            • 2 days ago


              Just like how you said I was a liar when I complained about the unskippable intro cutscene in TOTK, and then refused to prove a way to skip it?

              >You're lying again. Every thread you complain about how item gating is bad. You don't get to defend it now.
              Proof? I love all Zelda games, even Skyward Sword.
              >see[...] #
              That’s not the entire bossfight, it’s a cherrypicked webm you didn’t create.

              >Proof? I love all Zelda games, even Skyward Sword.
              Another lie. You've called people trannies for suggesting that Zelda return to some of the older conventions in LTTP and OOT, like traditional dungeons and item gating. How can you like those games and then call people trannies for liking them?

            • 2 days ago


              >Just like how you said I was a liar when I complained about the unskippable intro cutscene in TOTK, and then refused to prove a way to skip it?
              noun BRITISH
              the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counteraccusation or raising a different issue.
              "the parliamentary hearing appeared to be an exercise in whataboutism"

            • 2 days ago


              Cool whataboutism, bro. I accept your concession.

              You're the one who called me a liar, when I said an objective fact. So now prove me wrong. Show me a way to skip the cutscene.

              What's with the recent hate for open world games? (3)

              Why are you accusing me of this weird sh*t? I love the 2D games, the old 3D games, I love BotW and TotK.

              You've never played TOTK, otherwise you would've never claimed that the cutscene was skippable.

              I'll be waiting on your proof, by the way.

            • 2 days ago


              I accept your troonycession that you lost and got raped.

            • 2 days ago


              >You've never played TOTK, otherwise you would've never claimed that the cutscene was skippable.
              Great games are allowed to have that.

            • 2 days ago


              I accept your troonycession that you lost and got raped.

              More skippable than the Cutscene that is everything before Troon lord.

              Sorry bud, moving the goalpost won't help you squirm your way out of this one.

              >Great games are allowed to have that.
              But you said it didn't have that to begin with. If you didn't, then apologize and admit that you were wrong.

            • 2 days ago


              >If you didn't, then apologize and admit that you were wrong.
              Sounds like a you problem 😉

            • 2 days ago


              >But you said it didn't have that to begin with.
              All I did was demonstrate that you contradicted yourself about Moon Lord, you just moved the goalpost in a panic.

            • 2 days ago


              >But you said it didn't have that to begin with. If you didn't, then apologize and admit that you were wrong.
              I didn’t say it so I’m not apologizing for it. I like the game prologue, it was cool and not overly long like other Zelda games (which are still great btw). Plus, I am an authority on Zelda games and I proclaim that a game as great as TotK is allowed to have it.
              I apologize for nothing.

            • 2 days ago


              More skippable than the Cutscene that is everything before Troon lord.

            • 2 days ago


              Sorry bud, moving the goalpost won't help you squirm your way out of this one.

            • 2 days ago


              Why are you obsessed with a 1 minute cutscene in the prologue of a 200 hour game?

            • 2 days ago


              >one minute

              TOTK fans confirmed for being liars.

              >But you said it didn't have that to begin with.
              All I did was demonstrate that you contradicted yourself about Moon Lord, you just moved the goalpost in a panic.

              You misquoted. Sorry bro. You said the moon lord could be trivialized, and to prove it you brought up a bunch of BS from speedrunners and wikis, but you never understood the preparation behind it. Meanwhile Moon Lord can be beaten without an arena, as long as you know how to fight well. This includes mastering air combat.

              Hopefully that clears things up.

              >But you said it didn't have that to begin with. If you didn't, then apologize and admit that you were wrong.
              I didn’t say it so I’m not apologizing for it. I like the game prologue, it was cool and not overly long like other Zelda games (which are still great btw). Plus, I am an authority on Zelda games and I proclaim that a game as great as TotK is allowed to have it.
              I apologize for nothing.

              >I like the game prologue
              Then you like movie games. How can you be an authority on anything?

            • 2 days ago


              >title of the video is opening cutscene and intro
              Nice self-own.

            • 2 days ago


              >You said the moon lord could be trivialized, and to prove it you brought up a bunch of BS from speedrunners and wikis, but you never understood the preparation behind it.
              Now you're just completely making sh*t up in a panic. Wonder what your next tactic will be.

            • 2 days ago


              What I said was the truth. continue to seethe.

              >title of the video is opening cutscene and intro
              Nice self-own.

              Anon, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and ignore any part where there's button prompts, like the stupid snoy walk-and-talk hallway. or the dumb tutorial segments after, which are again just scenes of exposition followed by a hallway. The cutscene itself starts at 10:45 and goes well past the 14 minute mark. Is that a "1 minute cutscene" to you, liar?

            • 2 days ago


              Nope, your history revisionism doesn't change

              But planning is diametrically opposed to thinking on the fly. You spent several posts saying that Moon Lord required minmaxing/wiki'ing in advance and now you're suddenly arguing the exact opposite, likely because you were ridiculed for aguing the former was a good thing and now you're desperately trying to save face.

              Cope, ACgay. You lost.

            • 2 days ago


              Irrelevant, it’s shocking to nobody that zelda games have prologues, the game is excellent so the intro doesn’t matter.

            • 2 days ago


              >But you said it didn't have that to begin with. If you didn't, then apologize and admit that you were wrong.
              Sorry but the prologue only lasts a few minutes compared to the 200+ hours of pure gameplay. As I mentioned, great games with tons of gameplay and content are allowed.

            • 2 days ago


              Nope, your history revisionism doesn't change [...]
              Cope, ACgay. You lost.

              Irrelevant, it’s shocking to nobody that zelda games have prologues, the game is excellent so the intro doesn’t matter.


              Looking up sh*t and grinding isn't skill, ACsnoytroony

              >Sorry but the prologue only lasts a few minutes

              Why are you obsessed with a 1 minute cutscene in the prologue of a 200 hour game?

              >one minute cutscene

              I shouldn't need to tell you this, but a one minute cutscene is not the same as a "few minutes". Once again demonstrating that you're arguing in bad faith.

              Why did you say it was one minute long? I expect an apology for your little lie.

            • 2 days ago



              Nope, your history revisionism doesn't change [...]
              Cope, ACgay. You lost.

            • 2 days ago


              You're the one that needed strategies fed to them by a wiki.

            • 2 days ago


              >Sorry but the prologue only lasts a few minutes
              >one minute cutscene

              I shouldn't need to tell you this, but a one minute cutscene is not the same as a "few minutes". Once again demonstrating that you're arguing in bad faith.

              Why did you say it was one minute long? I expect an apology for your little lie.

              Enjoy paying $70 to “make your own fun.”

              >No argument
              I accept your troonycession.
              You lost and got raped.

            • 2 days ago


              Nope, that was you, Mr. "Moon Lord requires tons of planning" lmao

            • 2 days ago


              On the fly planning, which means being able to make things up as you go. If you got confused, then don't worry. It's just an emulator bug. I wouldn't worry too much. 😉

            • 2 days ago


              >On the fly planning
              Literally an oxymoron and you trying to save face again.
              What you actually said was just "planning" and before that you were even defending Terraria's minmaxing bullsh*t and prepping for bosses in advance. Now you're suddenly pretending you can do it right from the get go.

            • 2 days ago


              So is it confirmed that ACgay is a baby gamer who needs “planning” to fight a boss?

            • 2 days ago


              Sorry if you can't comprehend it. It's okay if the matter is a little too complex for you.

            • 2 days ago


              I can comprehend it perfectly. You think Terraria being a minmaxing wiki procgen game is a good thing and even mocked the idea of beating Moon Lord from the start, then when everyone laughed at you you suddenly changed your tune completely.

            • 2 days ago


              >even mocked the idea of beating Moon Lord from the start,
              As it turns out, a boss should not only be a skill check, but a DPS check and a stat check. If you don't like it, too bad. Go back to playing Uncharted.

              Why would I want to skip the prologue of a great game? It’s only a few minutes and the game offers an excellent experience of pure gameplay and exploration.
              >prologue sets up the events of the game
              >shows that Ganondorf even as a piece of beef jerky makes Calamity Ganon (a force of pure evil that nearly wiped out all life in an apocalyptic event) look like a walk in the park
              >Even the sword created to defeat evil shatters in contact with him
              >post-BotW full power Link is a joke against him
              >turns out the extinction event of 100 years prior are just this mummy’s hate farts
              >it all comes together in the end
              >ending is a contrast to the intro
              >it’s absolutely kino

              ACgay actually thinks that dropping Link in a sh*tty Zelda-branded Minecraft clone with no “Legend” to set up the goal and the adventure would be a better design choice.

              >prologue sets up the events of the game
              This is a video game, not a movie. I do not care about the events of the game.

              >shows Ganondorf
              Since he's a complete pushover, this means nothing.

              >even the sword created to defeat evil shatters
              And then it's promptly brought back thanks to convenient plot magic. The player never earns it, it just magically comes back because Zelda turned herself into a pickle or something.

              >post BOTW full power Link is a joke
              Then why does he go down like a b***h in his final form? Why is even his "best form" a cakewalk compared to a pre-HM Terraria boss?

              >ending is a contrast to the intro
              If I could kill Zelda for being a worthless annoying b***h, then yeah it would be kino. But I hate all cinematic bullsh*t, so it ended up disappointing.

            • 2 days ago


              >As it turns out, a boss should not only be a skill check, but a DPS check and a stat check. If you don't like it, too bad. Go back to playing Uncharted.
              I disagree, sounds like troonyraria is a no skill troony wiki game.
              If you disagree, the only option you have is to have a nice day 😉

            • 2 days ago


              >This is a video game, not a movie. I do not care about the events of the game.
              Sounds like a you problem, I love Zelda games and I care so it matters. My taste > your taste.
              >Since he's a complete pushover, this means nothing.
              Completely and utterly false.
              >And then it's promptly brought back thanks to convenient plot magic. The player never earns it, it just magically comes back because Zelda turned herself into a pickle or something.
              False, you didn’t play the game.
              >Then why does he go down like a b***h in his final form? Why is even his "best form" a cakewalk compared to a pre-HM Terraria boss?
              Show us how you easily beat Ganondorf, oh wait you didn’t play the game.
              >If I could kill Zelda for being a worthless annoying b***h, then yeah it would be kino. But I hate all cinematic bullsh*t, so it ended up disappointing.
              Incel drivel, nobody cares what you think, your opinion is worthless. You didn’t play the game, you didn’t even buy it, why would the devs cater to an incel hom*osexual like you?

            • 2 days ago


              >stat check
              So not skill, like people were saying from the beginning. Your love for Terraria is so inconsistent because it's an obviously sh*t game, lol.

            • 2 days ago


              You’re arguing in bad faith, you keep the definition of cutscene as vague as possible so you can reform your argument, the encounter with mummy Ganondorf is only a couple of minutes at best but to you a cutscene is everything in the prologue + tutorial whenever it fits your argument.
              I’m not apologizing for sh*t, you’re now in the phase of your cope where you desperately beg for validation to soothe your bruised ego. Regardless of the length, the prologue of TotK is acceptable because the game is great.

            • 2 days ago


              >You’re arguing in bad faith, you keep the definition of cutscene as vague as possible so you can reform your argument
              Wrong. I am using the most commonly accepted definition of a cutscene, one that I'm sure even you would agree on.

              >a segment where there are ZERO button presses whatsoever, and the game is entirely on autopilot
              I already told you that, for the sake of this discussion, I would give you some leniency and not consider the intro walk and talk segment a cutscene. I wouldn't even consider everything afterward to be a cutscene. For all intents and purposes, I am focusing solely on the 4 minute segment of ZERO button presses. You HAVE to agree with this defintion. I'm not giving an option otherwise.

            • 2 days ago


              On the fly planning, which means being able to make things up as you go. If you got confused, then don't worry. It's just an emulator bug. I wouldn't worry too much. 😉

              Nope, ACsnoytroony.
              I accept your troonycession that you lost and got raped

            • 2 days ago


              Why would a video game NOT having an opening cutscene? Thats just expected.

            • 2 days ago


              Why have it be unskippable? You said it yourself, only snoys care about story. So let me skip it.

            • 2 days ago


              Sounds like troony cope from you

            • 2 days ago


              Why would I want to skip the prologue of a great game? It’s only a few minutes and the game offers an excellent experience of pure gameplay and exploration.
              >prologue sets up the events of the game
              >shows that Ganondorf even as a piece of beef jerky makes Calamity Ganon (a force of pure evil that nearly wiped out all life in an apocalyptic event) look like a walk in the park
              >Even the sword created to defeat evil shatters in contact with him
              >post-BotW full power Link is a joke against him
              >turns out the extinction event of 100 years prior are just this mummy’s hate farts
              >it all comes together in the end
              >ending is a contrast to the intro
              >it’s absolutely kino

              ACgay actually thinks that dropping Link in a sh*tty Zelda-branded Minecraft clone with no “Legend” to set up the goal and the adventure would be a better design choice.

            • 2 days ago


              False, I only state facts and unmasked your childish arguments. I am an authority on Zelda games as proven by my hundreds of hours on each game and ownership of physical copies. You are nothing but a schizo who spews lies and half truths to feel superior.
              >le four minutes of no button presses
              Irrelevant, the game offers hundreds of hours of pure gameplay.

            • 2 days ago


              What's with the recent hate for open world games? (4)

              >False, I only state facts

              Why are you obsessed with a 1 minute cutscene in the prologue of a 200 hour game?

              >1 minute cutscene

            • 2 days ago


              >cannot define cutscene

            • 2 days ago


              A cutscene is a segment where the game is basically on autopilot, and your character (along with other characters) is moving of their own accord, and there aren't any button presses required on the part of the player.

              Or if I'm going to be more accurate, let's use Mirriam-Webster's definition of a cutscene.

              >"a noninteractive video sequence that occurs between segments of a video game and depicts part of the game's background or storyline"

              Does that clear it up for you, sweetie?

            • 2 days ago


              But you claimed that the intro of TotK was a two hour long cutscene? What happened?

            • 2 days ago


              It's a two hour cutscene by my definition, since I consider boring walk-and-talks to be glorified cutscenes, but you wanted to be technical about the definition, so I argued on your terms and even used the "official" definition. Even when I give you the absolute benefit of the doubt, you were still wrong.

            • 2 days ago


              >my definition
              ACsnoytroony, so why do you refuse to define that one? 😉
              I accept your troonycession tat you lost and got raped 😉

            • 2 days ago


              My definition of a cutscene is a little more broad. Basically, if it exists for a purpose other than offering a good challenge, and it cares more about wacky cinematic spectacle, then I can easily discard it as a cutscene. Like a QTE in Metroid Dread or a special attack in Xenoblade Chronicles.

              >This is a video game, not a movie. I do not care about the events of the game.
              Sounds like a you problem, I love Zelda games and I care so it matters. My taste > your taste.
              >Since he's a complete pushover, this means nothing.
              Completely and utterly false.
              >And then it's promptly brought back thanks to convenient plot magic. The player never earns it, it just magically comes back because Zelda turned herself into a pickle or something.
              False, you didn’t play the game.
              >Then why does he go down like a b***h in his final form? Why is even his "best form" a cakewalk compared to a pre-HM Terraria boss?
              Show us how you easily beat Ganondorf, oh wait you didn’t play the game.
              >If I could kill Zelda for being a worthless annoying b***h, then yeah it would be kino. But I hate all cinematic bullsh*t, so it ended up disappointing.
              Incel drivel, nobody cares what you think, your opinion is worthless. You didn’t play the game, you didn’t even buy it, why would the devs cater to an incel hom*osexual like you?

              >Sounds like a you problem,
              Nah, it's objective fact that video games are not about storytelling.

              >Completely and utterly false.
              I showed proof of him being a pushover. Where's your proof?

              >Incel drivel, nobody cares what you think,
              Incel? Bro, imagine using terminology that originated from Facebook, and unironically trying to use that as an argument. You might as well call me a chud.

              >When you trivialize
              Didn't you say trivializing Troon lord didn't count?

              To even think about trivializing the moon lord, if it's even possible, you need to spend hours reading up on wikis and grinding for items and building an arena. Never did it myself, since I prefer a little more action.

            • 2 days ago


              >My definition of a cutscene is a little more broad. Basically, if it exists for a purpose other than offering a good challenge, and it cares more about wacky cinematic spectacle, then I can easily discard it as a cutscene. Like a QTE in Metroid Dread or a special attack in Xenoblade Chronicles.
              Seems like a worthless troony cope then

            • 2 days ago


              Sorry if I have higher standards.

            • 2 days ago


              You play troony wiki games, you have The lowest standards imaginable.

            • 2 days ago


              So it is trivially easy, because reading a wiki is the least skillfully thing possible

              Funny how you admit troonyraria is a troony wiki game now 😉

            • 2 days ago


              >stat check
              So not skill, like people were saying from the beginning. Your love for Terraria is so inconsistent because it's an obviously sh*t game, lol.

              You play troony wiki games, you have The lowest standards imaginable.

              I didn't say it was easy. Just to get to that point, you have to hunt out rare accessories, then reforge every last one of them, and then build your arena down to the tiniest detail. One slight thing off, and you're dead.

              Sorry, it's not fun when a final boss can be killed by a guy in his underwear. Sometimes a progression of challenge is good. Infact it's always good. Again, go play Uncharted if you want the final boss to just be press x to win cinematic drivel.

              That's a total emulator bug you moronic troon. Nobody playing on native Switch hardware experienced this. That's what you get for being a poorgay.


            • 2 days ago


              That's easy as frick and requires no skill.
              literally just a troony wiki game, ACsnoytroony

            • 2 days ago


              It's a bug, it's your job to prove it isn't 😉

            • 2 days ago


              >Nah, it's objective fact that video games are not about storytelling.
              Nope gameplay is the most important aspect but the setup in Zelda games is done well, I played the games and you didn’t so my opinion > your opinion.
              >I showed proof of him being a pushover. Where's your proof?
              You talk the talk but you don’t walk the walk. If he’s such a pushover show us how you easily beat him 🙂
              You can’t assume something is easy just because you watched someone else do it.
              >Incel? Bro, imagine using terminology that originated from Facebook, and unironically trying to use that as an argument. You might as well call me a chud.
              Irrelevant. You sound like a bitter incel because you want to murder a female character in a pegi 12 game.

            • 2 days ago


              What I said was the truth. continue to seethe.

              Anon, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and ignore any part where there's button prompts, like the stupid snoy walk-and-talk hallway. or the dumb tutorial segments after, which are again just scenes of exposition followed by a hallway. The cutscene itself starts at 10:45 and goes well past the 14 minute mark. Is that a "1 minute cutscene" to you, liar?

              Looking up sh*t and grinding isn't skill, ACsnoytroony

            • 2 days ago


              What's with the recent hate for open world games? (5)

              Why are you accusing me of this weird sh*t? I love the 2D games, the old 3D games, I love BotW and TotK.

            • 2 days ago


              Cool whataboutism, bro. I accept your concession.

            • 2 days ago


              >You're lying again. Every thread you complain about how item gating is bad. You don't get to defend it now.
              Proof? I love all Zelda games, even Skyward Sword.

              What's with the recent hate for open world games? (6)

              Thank you """open world""" games. #
              That’s not the entire bossfight, it’s a cherrypicked webm you didn’t create.

            • 2 days ago


              >gameplay limitation
              I accept your troonycession that troonyraria is a troony cinematic wiki game of lineartiy

            • 2 days ago


              >Moon Lord requires tons of planning
              >I YOLO bosses with whatever I have.
              Wait, so which is it?

            • 2 days ago


              Moon Lord is the kind of boss where you have to think on the fly. An arena doesn't really prepare you for the tons of crap he throws your way. I just drink a gravitation potion and go with whatever I think'll work. I die a few times, but it's worth it to see him crumble.

            • 2 days ago


              Nah, he just sits there and dies to troony tears.

            • 2 days ago


              But planning is diametrically opposed to thinking on the fly. You spent several posts saying that Moon Lord required minmaxing/wiki'ing in advance and now you're suddenly arguing the exact opposite, likely because you were ridiculed for aguing the former was a good thing and now you're desperately trying to save face.

            • 2 days ago


              "Planning" by your own definition is, and I quote, spending "50 hours grinding for items, building an arena, and reading about meta strategies on various wikis". So you concede that Terraria is not about skill, cool!

            • 2 days ago


              >Then why can't I build rocket shields inside the shrine?
              Why can’t you fricking read? I’m not going to repeat myself so you can just make another bullsh*t strawman argument. This has already been explained to you, YOU WOULD KNOW THE ANSWER IF YOU PLAYED THE FRICKING GAME. Stop asking questions if you are going to ignore the answer, you absolute baboon.

            • 2 days ago


              For a game that touts freedom, it's an unnecessary restriction. Sorry, it's bad game design. 🙂

              >But you're relying on strategies made by people who've played the game for hundreds of hours, and it requires you to spend hours setting up arenas and speccing items for specific purposes
              Which again isn't a skill. You can't even call the people who made those "strategies" skilled since they just threw themselves into the enemy until something worked.
              If we were talking about a fighting game or rythym game you'd have a point but it isn't.

              >Which again isn't a skill. You can't even call the people who made those "strategies" skilled since they just threw themselves into the enemy until something worked.
              Sounds like a (You) problem.

            • 2 days ago


              >Sounds like a (You) problem
              Sounds like not an argument 😉

            • 2 days ago


              >spoonfeed me!
              No, I don't think I will.

              This is your argument against old Zelda games though.

              >wtf why does this dungeon require the hookshot?! OUTDATED ZELDA DESIGN!

              You argued against item gating. Now lie in your bed.

              >For a game that touts freedom, it's an unnecessary restriction. Sorry, it's bad game design. 🙂
              But enough about troonyraria

            • 2 days ago


              >For a game that touts freedom, it's an unnecessary restriction.

            • 2 days ago


              >Sounds like a (You) problem.
              You're the one defending Terraria. If you're out of arguments then you concede and admit that Terraria requires no skill.

            • 2 days ago


              >But you're relying on strategies made by people who've played the game for hundreds of hours, and it requires you to spend hours setting up arenas and speccing items for specific purposes
              Which again isn't a skill. You can't even call the people who made those "strategies" skilled since they just threw themselves into the enemy until something worked.
              If we were talking about a fighting game or rythym game you'd have a point but it isn't.

            • 2 days ago


              >static object
              >Because the game said I could?
              Where? The game never says this, there is an intended solution to every shrine but you are encouraged to think outside the box.
              >BUT THE FANS SAID
              not an argument.

            • 2 days ago


              Did you really call the example shrine that demands strict combat skill a "movie"? Fricking kek you're a broken record moron, you can only spew buzzwords when faced with things you don't like.

            • 2 days ago


              >nu-Zelda fans shriek and scream at the idea of a game using item gating
              >but now item gating is a good thing!

              You guys don't know what you want.

              That’s not Ganon and that’s not your webm, you didn’t play the game. You don’t even know the name of the final boss.

              Not an argument. Tell me why you so vehemently defend a spectacle boss with no challenge.

            • 2 days ago


              Seems like you are making a bad faith argument, I accept your troonycession

            • 2 days ago


              >Not an argument. Tell me why you so vehemently defend a spectacle boss with no challenge.
              You don’t fight Ganon in TotK and the final boss has like 5 phases. Your webm means nothing.

            • 2 days ago


              Ganon in BOTW, Ganondorf in TOTK. Both the same cinematic spectacle boss where they barely move and you press a wacky cinematic QTE to instakill them. It's like I'm playing Uncharted.

            • 2 days ago


              >Ganon in BOTW, Ganondorf in TOTK. Both the same cinematic spectacle boss where they barely move and you press a wacky cinematic QTE to instakill them. It's like I'm playing Uncharted.
              Why do you lie about something that is so easy to very? Strange cope but ok.

            • 2 days ago


              >sounds like moviesh*t to me.
              >shrine removes your equipment and you have to complete it while extremely vulnerable and with only your wits and an extremely limited amount of weapons, arrows and no healing items
              >this is moviesh*t because you don’t spend 50 hours mining rocks and punching trees

            • 2 days ago


              >what do you mean I can't build an arena and read a wiki to take the skill out of a Ganon fight, you mean I have to actually.... fight him? Gulp, scary! Too hard for me, I'll go back to my wiki game!

            • 2 days ago


              I think we have to admit that Zelda is essentially a kids idea of what a grand adventure looks like:

              > freedom!
              > open air!
              > I can fight anything, go anywhere
              > no restrictions!
              > exploration!

              there's a reason they call it a "sandbox". Cuz it isn't the adults playing in it...

            • 2 days ago


              3ric,you lost and got raped

            • 2 days ago


              lmao, had to resort to changing the name calling cuz you were getting banned for it earlier, huh?

            • 2 days ago


              Eric, you lost and got raped

              >final boss 10 years ago
              Funny, because the Moon lord wasn't released until the 2015 update. You didn't play the game.

              >fight a static object that doesn't move
              Sure thing pal. Ganon really earning his keep there.

              If you're so skilled, then go fight Moon Lord without any powerups or upgrades. Go on.

              >Why do you want to bypass every shrine,
              Because the game said I could? Because fans said I could? You said freedom was good, why not let me skip it all?

              >Pray tell how you bypass a shrine that starts you off with no equipment and you have to beat all the enemies that two-shot you?
              sounds like moviesh*t to me.

              Sounds like troony cope to me, skill issue

            • 2 days ago


              there we go, that's the Randall we know!

            • 2 days ago


              What's with the recent hate for open world games? (7)

              >ACgay has been pushed into a corner so badly that he's now literally arguing that 50 hours grinding for items, building sh*t in his procgen world and reading wikis counts as "skill"
              Your constant Zelda meltdowns have absolutely fried your brain at this point. This is amazing, please keep going.

            • 2 days ago


              Castlevania 3 in 80 minutes demands more skill than Turdrarria demands in 80 hours, this baby gamer should play actual vidya instead of grindy wiki hallway games

            • 2 days ago


              What's with the recent hate for open world games? (8)

              ACgay is now in his EIGHTH YEAR of Zelda seething.

              Literally wasted almost a decade of his crying on Ganker. The ultimate Humiliation Ritual

            • 2 days ago


              What's with the recent hate for open world games? (9)

              >Literally wasted almost a decade of his crying on Ganker
              Oh he's been here way longer than that, remember, prior to Botw his thing was plaguing Metroid threads claiming everyone loved Other M and that Metroid now is bad because it's too sexualised.

              I genuinely don't understand him. Whether he actually hates Nintendo or if he thinks he's making people mad this requires an insane level of commitment.

            • 2 days ago


              He was so obnoxious in Metroid Dread threads.

            • 2 days ago


              What's with the recent hate for open world games? (10)

              >Literally wasted almost a decade of his crying on Ganker
              Oh he's been here way longer than that, remember, prior to Botw his thing was plaguing Metroid threads claiming everyone loved Other M and that Metroid now is bad because it's too sexualised.

              I genuinely don't understand him. Whether he actually hates Nintendo or if he thinks he's making people mad this requires an insane level of commitment.

              Maybe you guys should stop ruining Metroid discussion with coombait. Just saying.

              >b-but I wanna jerk off to Samus!
              Then go to the p*rn boards. I want to discuss video games.

            • 2 days ago


              Never posted coombait but the fact is that you ruined Dread threads multiple times with your schizophrenic bullsh*t.

            • 2 days ago


              >criticizing a Nintendo game is "ruining a thread"

            • 2 days ago


              >Meanwhile, when facing Ganon you... whack him with your sword a few times. lol.
              you didn’t play the game 🙂

            • 2 days ago


              What's with the recent hate for open world games? (11)

              Thank you """open world""" games.

              uh oh stinky.

            • 2 days ago


              That’s not Ganon and that’s not your webm, you didn’t play the game. You don’t even know the name of the final boss.

            • 2 days ago


              >>yes I had to spend 50 hours grinding for items, building an arena, and reading about meta strategies on various wikis, B-BUT THAT DOESN'T COUNT!
              Because it's not a skill, it's basically just reading instructions.

            • 2 days ago


              >Crazy how people get filtered by Duke Fishron and Skeletron.
              Seems like you can't handle criticism

            • 2 days ago


              >Terraria is about skill
              No it isn't, and it's funny that you mentioned that thread as a counter argument when just a cursory glance at it shows everyone complaining about how Terraria is a grindfest that incentivises minmaxing just to get through bosses, and if you modded the game to take out the minmaxing then you're just left with a rather boring boss rush instead because fundamentally that's all it amounts to.

            • 2 days ago


              >So why can't you make a rocket shield in the shrine?
              You can, there is a shrine about attaching rockets to objects and to your shield. You can enter shrines with shield rockets but very few of them can be bypassed with them. You can’t pull out zonai devices from your inventory inside the shrines.
              You’re like a little moronic impressionable child, you saw someone bypass ONE shrine and assume that all shrines can be bypassed with a shield rocket.

            • 2 days ago


              >You can, there is a shrine about attaching rockets to objects and to your shield
              Why isn't that true for every shrine? Stop limiting me. Why is this game such linear cinematic sh*t?

              You aren't skilled enough to play expert mode you gay, you complain Zelda shrines made for children are too hard and you need God modes to solve them. Akso LMAO'ing at you only picking the middle difficulty expert and not the ACTUAL hard mode Master

              >not the ACTUAL hard mode Master
              LOL get with the times grandpa. Legendary on Zenith Seed is the new true difficulty.

            • 2 days ago


              >Why isn't that true for every shrine? Stop limiting me. Why is this game such linear cinematic sh*t?
              ACsnoytroony, literally bad faith because you don't believe that

            • 2 days ago


              >Why isn't that true for every shrine? Stop limiting me. Why is this game such linear cinematic sh*t?
              Because each shrine is different in concept? Why do you want to bypass every shrine, do you suck that much at video games? Pray tell how you bypass a shrine that starts you off with no equipment and you have to beat all the enemies that two-shot you?
              It’s so amusing to see you struggle with a concept as simple as this.

        • 2 days ago



          The fact that you said nothing that actually disputed the problems in Terraria that I pointed out and even shifted the goalpost (is it about skill or not, ACgay?) is a concession in itself. Time to go to bed and admit your game is ass.

        • 2 days ago



          Why can't I skip the gay boring baby bosses like Skeletron or Eye or Cthulhu and fight Moon lord from the very beginning? You whine about TOTK not letting you have god-mode instasolves for every shrine and puzzle. I complain about Turdrarria not letting challenge myself to fight the final boss from the very beginning as a skill check. We are not the same.

          • 2 days ago



            If you could build a celestial sigil from the start of the game, you'd still complain that the boss is too hard and that he should be nerfed. lol

            Kek, the most importance sequence boss Wall of Flesh you literally do just walk in one direction and shoot at it behind you, bosses in Contra or Megaman which are fricking NES games are more intricate than that. Nice way to immidiately dispute your own argument

            >Kek, the most importance sequence boss Wall of Flesh you literally do just walk in one direction and shoot at it behind you
            So how do you deal with the constant lava pools? How do you deal with the buildings jutting out everywhere and blocking your path? What weapon do you use to handle the Hungries? And pray tell, how do you outrun him in expert mode, where he's faster than the player using anything that isn't spectre boots?

            • 2 days ago


              Skill issue

            • 2 days ago


              You aren't skilled enough to play expert mode you gay, you complain Zelda shrines made for children are too hard and you need God modes to solve them. Akso LMAO'ing at you only picking the middle difficulty expert and not the ACTUAL hard mode Master

            • 2 days ago


              Sounds like you are having a troony meltdown over criticism of troonyraria 😉

            • 2 days ago


              KEK holy sh*t ACgay should just leave, he keeps burying himself deeper.

            • 2 days ago


              He can't play a game unless a wiki tells him how to make every boss as easy as possible by (in his own words) wasting 50 hours to grind first so it's easy for baby gamers like him. Zelda actually makes you figure everything out mid-fight, a game with SKILL required

            • 2 days ago


              Exactly, if he played BotW he would piss and sh*t himself over the part where you should perfect parry Calamity Ganon.

  • What's with the recent hate for open world games? (2024)
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