Marshfield News-Herald from Marshfield, Wisconsin (2024)

A A A A A EVENING, APRIL 7, 1943 MARSHFIELD NEWS-HERALD, MARSHFIELD, WISCONSIN ELEVEN Like So Many 'Napoleons' -Classified Ads are Little But Mighty! Classified Advertising INFORMATION All ads are restricted to their proper classification and to the regular style of type The publisher reserves the right to edit or reject any classified advertising copy. Errors in advertisem*nts should be ported immediately. The Marshfield NewsHerald will not be- responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Advertising ordered for irregular insertions takes the one time rate. No ad taken for less than a basis of three lines.

Phone Your Ad To 1000 Count four average words to the line. An average word contains five letters. Ads ordered for three or six times and stopped before expiration will be charged for only the number of times the ad appears and adjustments made at the rate earned. Special rates for yearly advertising upon request. Special attention given to mail orders.

Cash must accompany all out-of-town ads. The words "over 17 years of age" must be incorporated in every advertisem*nt soliciting the employment of boys and girls. Wiscoi.sin law forbids advertising during school sessions for the labor or service of any child of permit age. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Daily rate per line for consecutive insertions: Minimum of 8 lines One time .15 Three times .12 Six times .09 Minimum Cash .50 The News-Herald makes an earnest effort to keep its advertising columns free of deceptive and dishonest announcements. Readers are requested to report any unsatisfactory dealings with any advertiser.

Announcements Flowers CUT SPRING FLOWERS And potted plants, at reasonable prices, are available in a fresh variety at T. HEFKO, FLOR- IST. Phone 194. Societies and Lodges Marshfield Chapter No. 78 Regular Convocation of Marshfield Chapter No.

78, R. A. April 12th at 7:30 P. C. Madison, E.H.P.; Alex Johnson, secretary.

B. P. O. ELKS NO. 665 Regular meeting of B.

P. O. Elks No. 665, will be held every second and fourth Monday of each month. second April meeting will be held on April 26th.

Fred Braem, E.R. J. Kohl, Sec. Strayed, Lost, Found 10 gas ration book for license No. 486030.

Henry Haffenbredl, R2, Auburndale. LOST Gas ration book, No. F44515S2. Phone 532. John Rembs, 202 W.

4th. Automotive Automobiles for Sale 11 1941 FORD SUPER DELUXE 4 DR. SEDAN Excellent Cond. Throughout BOULEVARD MOTOR CO. COME over our better used cars.

Its worth your time! Paulson Auto Co. WE BUY, SELL EXCHANGEUsed cars of all makes. Bauman Auto W. First St. Ph.

197. Trailers For Sale 11B PALACE COACH HOUSE TRAILER--For sale. E. P. Umhoefer, 907 S.

Cherry. Auto Trucks for Sale 12 TON-Ford truck. Enclosed body. 1936 model. New motor.

Inq. Clover Cream Dairy. Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts 13 TIRE RECAPPING Bring your tires to Ward's. All recapping expertly done by factory trained men latest equipment used. Get guaranteed recaps.

MONTGOMERY WARD CO. Drive in now fo: check lubrication change for Spring driving. Home Service Station. A-1 MOTOR OVERHAULING The motor of your car will hum quietly, smouthly efficiently after you've had it overhauled at GARAGE. Ask us for a free estimate.

WRECKING-4 1936 Nash Coupe, motor parts overdrive. Patterson Auto Salvage, 14 mi. S. W. of Mfla.

on Hy. 10. WELDING WORK- Your broken machinery smoothly and permanently repaired. Acetylene equipment Dependable work, always. Mfld.

Hdwe. Auto Co. Motorcycles and Bicycles 15 1941 Harley-Davidson Rebuilt: Reasonable LAUBY CYCLE SERVICE Business Service Business Services Offered 18 Get ready for Easter. Ladies' hats, 40c, caps, 30c: men's hats, 50c, caps, 25c. White Hat Shop.

CUSTOM BATT MAKING -Recarding your old wool quilt battings or carding new wool into quilt battings. 25c per lb. Batts made from your wool knit goods, 50c per lb. No cotton or woven goods. L.

Stickler, 1900 River Merrill. VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRWe do expert work. See MERKEL ELECTRIC co. Phone 598. COMPLETE LINE -Walltex and wallpaper.

Sample books to select from. L. Kohl, 110 W. 4th. Beauty Parlors 18A SPECIAL THIS WEEK Vaper Marcel machineless oil permanent, $4.00.

Modern Beauty Shop, 107 E. 4th. Phone 209. Cut Bob, $4 up. Croq.

waves, $2.50 Coralee Bty. Shop, over Ward's Store. WASH TUBBS SUBMARINE! Business Service Beauty Parlors 18A When you come to MiLady's it is our duty, To transform you into an Easter beauty. Phone 917. Employment Help Wanted--Female 32 CLEANING LADY WANTED Two days a week.

Phone 244. GIRL Or woman for light housework. One lady in family. Phone 1045-R, or ir.q. Lawrence Apfel, 308 W.

Cleveland. TWO GIRLS OR WOMENWanted for work in Macson Photo Co. over McCain's. See Mr. Blodgett.

STENOGRAPHER WANTED Give experience qualifications in first letter. Write Box News-Herald. GIRL- Wanted for housework. One child. Call afternoons or evenings.

Ph. 929-R. GIRL WANTED--For office work. Apply at Adler's Vienna Bakery. WANTED Women for part time work mornings.

Marshfield General Hospital WAITRESS WANTED- -No experience necessary. Apply Elmer's Ice Cream, 117 N. Central. Help Wanted -Male 33 ALL AROUND MAN- Wanted to drive truck. Inq.

415 E. Edison St. Ph. 293-J. MEN WANTED -For War Production work.

Apply at the Stratford Rendering Stratford. PIN BOYS WANTED AT HUB CITY BOWLING ALLEYS CHEESE FACTORY HELP WANTED Good wages. Apply at office. Marshfield Co-operative Dairymen's Ass'n, 801 E. Second.

Help--Male and Female 34 MAN WIFE--Wanted to work by month to operate farm. Write P. O. Box 167, Marshfield. MAN AND GIRL Wanted to do watering and planting in greenhouse.

Apply in person. T. D. HEFKO, FLORIST MIDDLE AGED COUPLE To work on dairy farm. Must milk.

Johnson's 853 S. Cent. Situations Wanted- -Female 36 WASHINGS WANTED CALLED FOR DELIVERED PHONE 1094-M Financial Money to Loan 40B Farm Loans at Promptly Made Wood County Investment Co. MARSHFIELD. WISCONSIN SEE US ABOUT A LOAN FOR SPRING NEEDS Automobile Personal Loans PROMPT SERVICE Bank Rates--Liberal Terms The BANK WAY -The BEST Way CENTRAL STATE BANK Livestock Horses, Cattle, Other Stock 48 5 Brown Swiss heifers, 1 to 5 months old.

Arnold Nitschke, Granton, 2 mi. S. of Lynn. 1 BLACK MARE-4-yr. old, wt.

1500; 1 black gelding, 2 for sale or will trade for cattle. Elmer Witt, Loyal, R. 1. 25 sheep, some with lambs by side. 9 yr.

old work horse. Fred Clintsman, Greenwood, R3. 45 YOUNG PIGS For sale. Inq. Norman Dallendorfer.

Phone 640-J. Holstein bull- Well marked, ready for service. Reas. 11 m. W.

Pittsville on 73, or M. E. Sherwood. Ambrose Martin, Pittsville JUST ARRIVED! Carload of N. Dak.

horses at my sales stables. Dr. F. Warsinske, 601 S. Maple.

35 WELL BROKE Home raised horses. Will trade used farm machinery or sell on terms. FRED LAKOSKY, LOYAL GOOD SUPPLY-Of horses at all times. Also used tractors. R.

Paulson Sons, Neillsville. Poultry and Supplies 49 Web's Groc. Hewitt Chick Starter, 100 $3.60 Laying Mash, 100 $3.41 50 large Leghorn hens, good layers. 1 yr. old.

Robert Canfield, R3, Granton. Wanted--Livestock 50 WANTED -Holstein bull of serviceable age. Mike Schiferl, Hewitt, Ph. Black 177. HORSES FOR SALE- Good farm horses that are well broke to work and dependable.

Can be bought at the Round Barn, Marshfield. W. J. Murphy. BUY VEAL Every until 11.

Beef cattle any day. Will finance you for dairy cows horses. S. M. P.


15-1500 pigs weighing 40 lb: up. Ernest Dittner, Spencer Ph. 2893. FOX HORSES FOX CATTLE DEAD OR ALIVE Up to $25 at your place; or 2c per on live horses, delivered to us. Write or call collect X-6631, Neillsville.

Kurt Marg Fox Farm. $5 and up for dead disabled horses cows Spindler's Minkery. Ph. Stratford 108 Collect. Dead, disabled horses, cows, $5 up.

See or ph. Hilgemann Fur Farm, ph. Stratford 207F4 collect. THE Equity Co-op. Shipping Ass'n.

will ship livestock every Tues. forenoon from Soo Line stockyards. Little pigs booked every shipping day. F. J.

Durst, Mgr. Ph. 1107-M, 269 or 838-M. WILL BUY CATTLE Calves hogs at Soo Line Stock Yards every Wed. until 4 p.

m. Chris Paulson. 1211 S. Chestnut. Ph.

27 WE PAY down dead horses cattle. We also pick up pigs. Prompt service. STRATFORD RENDERING co. Phone 211F13 We Pay Phone Calls WE -Pay $10 for down crippled horses and cows if fit for fox feed.

Also buy standing horses. Lone Pine Fox and Fur Ranch, Phone 211F13 Stratford. FRESH COWS Springers and bulls bought. sold exchanged. Top prices paid daily for beef cows.

Phone or write Aaron Mintz, Marshtield. Res. ph. 244. Farm, 4 mi.

W. of Mfld. on H. Phone 1137-W. Merchandise Articles for Sale 51 COLUMBIA WINDOW SHADES -And Venetian blinds in stock.

Schonhardt's, 500 S. Central. HOUSECLEANING SUPPLIES Winterite wall cleaner, Climax wallpaper cleaner, Dic-A-Doo, No-Streke, Old English polishes, wax floor polish. Full line of new shelf paper. Noll Hdwe.

Co. EASTER GREETING CARD HEADQUARTERS Largest selection in Central Wisconsin! Cards for Servicemen Civilians. Also complete line of Easter gift wrappings, seals, napkins, Easter egg decorations. MFLD. BOOK STATIONERY WANTED Sewing machines, oilstoves, iceboxes washers.

Mfld. 2nd Hand Store, 315 N. Central. Ph. 347-W.

WOOL CARPETS- -Nationally known 12, $29.50 up. SCHONHARDT'S. IDEAL REFRIGERATION To properly preserve your food supply. On demonstration at MITTEN'S, 337 S. Central.

2 Dining room tables, chairs, rockers, 4 beds, 1 dresser, 2 commodes, library table, 2 wardrobes, other articles. Mrs. Geo. Schmidt, R. 3, Marshfield.

REBUILT ARMY SHOES Are not rationed Get yours while we still have some in stock. SANDY'S, 444 S. Central Ave. NOW IS THE TIME To insulate and before you do, have your home owned insulation company give you a free estimate. Over 800 homes now insulated with pulp wool in and around Marshfield.

Phone 785 or write Marshfield Insulating Co. INLAID LINOLEUM- -From 79c sq. yd. up. Printed linoleum, 29c sq.

up 9x12, $3.15. Also full stock of burlap back linoleum. SCHONHARDT'S, 500 S. Central. Nice Merchandise Fellas COPR.

1943 BY NEA Articles for Sale 51 Ladies' wardrobe trunk, like new, $25; ladies' Elgin white gold wrist watch, $49, sell for price; G-E hand vacuum cleaner. N. Central. Phone 884-RX. ELEC.

HOT WATER HEATER And 30 gallon hot water tank. In excellent condition. Inq. Cole's Music Store, 734 S. Cent.

Articles For Rent 51B INVALID WHEEL CHAIR For rent. Inq. Dr. Warsinske, Phone 7 Business and Office Equipment 54 BOUND BOOKS Ring time books, sales books, receipt books. Mfld.

Office Supply. Farm Equipment 55A FARMMASTER Masonite Brood- er House. Roofs, sides ends made of strong inch Masonite tempered Presdwood. Windproof, heat water resistant. Size 10 12, priced at $119.50.

On display at SEARS, ROEBUCK CO. 6 Tractor tandem disc; 2 sec. spring tooth. 4 mi. mi.

E. Stratford. Bothe Bros. Hay. Straw For Sale 56A LOOSE HAY OAT STRAW For sale.

Joe Binder, 702 W. Bakerville St HAY -Baled. Close in Marshfield Rozellville on Hy. Ed Schilling, Stratford. 40 TON- Good mixed baled hay.

Will take cattle. Harry C. Wenzel, Ph. 629 or 622-W. Machinery and Tools 61 UNIVERSAL MILKERS SALES 8 SERVICE W.

H. LUDWIG. 212 E. 3rd St. SURGE MILKERS Available for Clark and Wood County.

Used elec. Clean Easy Milker, like new for sale. A. C. MARKS, 913 S.

Maple St. Seeds. Plants. Flowers 63 SEE YOUR DEALER FOR BADGER BRAND SEEDS Complete Stock EBBE BROS. IMP.

CO. Distributors 410 S. Ash St. Phone 177 Specials at Stores 64 MARTIN'S Pay Highest Market Price For Eggs Red Triumph Seed, $4.25 cwt. Chippewa Seed, $3.89 cwt.

Red Riv. Valley Seed, $3.59 cwt. Conkey's Lay Mash, $3.35 per 100 FARM SEEDS Early late potatoes, clovers, timothy, lawn grass, etc. Hybrid corn. We now carry the famous Doughboy Flour and a complete line of Chicken Feed.

WEBER'S SUPER MARKET Wearing Apparel 65 COAT- plaid spring coat, 20. Man's navy blue suit grey topcoat, 38-40 Good cond. 915 Western Ave. BOY'S SPRING SPORT wool. Tan, size 36-38.

Practically new. Were $9 will sell for $5. 919 Western Ave. Wanted--to Buy 66 WANTED TO BUY GIRL'S USED BICYCLE PHONE 465-J MAYTAG WASHERS WANTEDWill pay cash for your old machine. Fair Store Basem*nt.

ADVANCED PRICES- On popple bolts, veneer saw logs. Write for new prices specifications. RODDIS LUMBER VENEER Marshfield, Wis. Res Results! DON'T ANSWER THESE CLASSIFIED ADS They Have Appeared in The Marshfield NewsHerald and Brought Results! 25 1942 INTERNATIONAL TRUCK -Two speed axle and new dump box. Verland Berrett, Greenwood, 4 mi.

2 mi. E. RESULTS USED REED BABY BUGGYFor sale. Good cond. and reas.


M. REC. U. S. PAT.

OFF. Merchandise Wanted--to Buy 66 WANTED 2,000 gallons of pure maple syrup. Hub City Jobbing Marshfield. HIGHEST Prices paid for waste paper a and rags. L.

Shapiro Sons, rear of Normington's Laundry. WANTED TO BUY Used Delco light plants 32 volt motors. Linden Elec 1004 N. Cent. WANTED TO BUY -Used vacuum cleaner with attachments.

Write Box News-Herald. Rooms and Board Rooms Without Board 68 PLAZA HOTEL Comfortable, modern rooms. Special weekly monthly rates. 24 hour service. Sleeping room, avail.

Apr. 11. Suitable for 1 or 2. Board if desired. 506 S.

Maple. Ph. 1062-J Real Estate for Rent Apartments and Flats 74 4-rm. upper flat, ptly. priv.

lge. garden, garage. Elderly couple pref. Ph. 1013-R.

3 ed. 3-ROOM Available A now. Phone rent. No. Heat- 3 between 9 a.

m. 5 p. m. ONE-2-room flat, and one 3- room flat for rent. Inq.

A. Dallendorfer, phone 40. APARTMENT--For rent. Four rooms and bath. Phone 789.

4 ROOM Ali modern upper apartment. Vacant now. Inq. 706 E. Doege St.

PLEASANT-All mod. 2 or 3 rm. lower furn. apt. Priv.

bath ent. Ph. 1012-J after 6 p.m. MODERN Upper apartment, 3 rooms bath. $16.00 per month.

Inq. 504 E. 4th St. 6 ROOM UPPER APT- small children. 207 South Maple St.

Geo. W. Sheffield. STRICTLY MODERN 3 room upper Water heat hot water furnished. 316 N.

Central. 3 ROOM--Mod apt. with bath. Priv. ent.

Adults pref'd. Inq. 309 N. Central. Ph.

743-R after 6. Farms and Land for Rent 76 160 A. O11 50-50 crop share basis. State what pers. you have.

P. O. Box 167. Marshfield. 200 A.

FARM-For rent. 8 room house; large barn; 11 mi. from Mfld. 205 W. 5th.

Ph. 1097-M. 120 ACRE Dairy farm. Must have own personal. Ph.

636-J. or inq. 509 W. Bakerville. 80 Acre Farm known as Theo.

Kautza farm in Spencer Township. H. E. ANDERSON, 203 S. Cherry 134 A.

FARM--For rent or sale. 1 mi. N. of Spencer. Inq.

Spot Bar, Marshfield. Garage for Rent 76A GARAGE FOR RENT Inquire 205 W. Fifth street. Phone 1097-M. Wanted To Rent 81 WANTED TO RENT- -Farm with full line of personal.

Ph. 1125-W, Wis. Wis. HOUSE- 4 or 5 rooms. Close in.

Responsible party. No children. R. H. Bruley, Route 1, Mfld.

WANTED House with acreage, from 3 A. up to 40 A. Boy, 17, wishes work. Has his own team. Write Box Real Estate for Sale Houses for Sale 84 Homes Farms In Dairyland See W.

H. LUDWIG 212 E. 3rd Street New N. Side Mod. Home, $2750 Small Home, S.

Side $1700 Small Home, E. Side $2250 W. H. LUDWIG, 212 E. 3rd St.

VERY FINE HOME -North side, all modern, stoker. hot water heater, double garage, large garden. Can deliver in week. W. H.

LUDWIG, 212 E. 3rd St. PRACTICALLY NEW 5 room house 9 acres. Mostly modern. $2300.

Terms. H. E. Anderson, 203 S. Cherry.


H. LUDWIG, 212 E. 3rd St. Real Estate for Sale Houses for Sale 84 IF YOU WISH TO BUY- Or -sell home, farm, city property, see H. E.

Anderson, 203 S. Cherry Street. SMALL HOME 2 blocks from Central Ave Center of business section. Good repair. $2500.

H. E. Anderson, 203 S. Cherry ALL MODERN 7 ROOM HOMEWell kept up. With all modern conveniences Beautiful grounds.

2-car garage. Excellent location. Inq. 201 S. Cedar st.

Phone 212. Farms And Land For Sale 83 Farms And Homes In Dairyland W. H. LUDWIG, 212 E. 3rd St.

80 A. Auburndale. 60 plowed, bal. pasture, 7 A. timber, gently rolling land.

Fine barn silo, cemented, steel stalls and cups. House fairly good. Price $3200. Easy terms. W.

H. LUDWIG, 212 E. 3rd St. 120 ACRES -With personal, 2 mi. E.

of Vesper. $6500. H. E. Anderson, 203 S.

Cherry St. 105 A. FARM--For sale. 30 A. wood lot; spring water.

New house with furnace; water barn. Silo, 12. Near school. Will sell with or without personal property John Pralguske, mi. 1 mi.

mi. S. of Withee. Farms and Land for Sale, Trade or Rent 83A 120 A. FARM- -With mchy.

110 A. under plow; good Mrs. Robt. Schultz, Spencer, 6 mi. SW.

Land For Sale or Rent 83C FOR SALE OR RENT-120 acres pasture woodland. Fenced water. W. Bauer, R5, Mild. Wanted -Real Estate 89 FARMS WANTED We are listing farms for our 1943 farm list to be mailed to buyers in various parts of the U.

S. GRAHAM LAND OFFICE WANTED TO BUY- Strictly modern 5 or 6 room house. Will pay cash or terms. Ph. 549-R.

Farm Auction Calendar FARMERS List your auction in this space. Write, call or phone the News-Herald office for details. APR. 9 CHAROLETTE LE ROUX auction, 2 mi. W.

of Sherry. Sale starts 1:00 p. m. John Tenpas, Thorp Finance Clerk, rep. by Louis Joosten.

APRIL 10-HERMAN KOEPPEN auction located miles west of Colby or: County Trunk N. Sale starts 10 A. M. W. E.

Cook, Thorp clerk. APRIL 12 JOHN F. PASSOW auction, mi. N. of Granton on old Fred Tyler farm.

Starts 11:00 a. m. W. J. Murphy, Thorp Finance Clerk.

APR. 14-CARL EINER PEDERSEN auction located mile north of Withee, then mile east and mile north. Starts 12 sharp. Floyd Johnson, Dorchester State Bank, clerk. APR.

15 PETER M. JOHNSON auction located 3 miles north and 3 miles cast of Greenwood. Sale starts 9 A. M. Carl Olson, Thorp Finance Clk.


of Wis. Rapids, or mi. N. of Kellner. Starts 12:00 p.

m. Wm. Obermeier, GRAHAM AUCTION SERVICE Clerk. Legal Notices 91 NOTICE OF SALE STATE CF WISCONSIN WOOD COUNTY IN COUNTY COURT Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, a body corporate, Plaintiff -VSAnna Gauger, Clara Zeidler, William Gaugand Bertha Gauger, his wife, Albert Gauger and Elsie Gauger, his wife, Esther Gauger, Wood County and State of Wisconsin, Defendants. By virtue of a judgment of foreclosure and sale made in the above entitled action on the 17th day of February, 1942, the undesigned, Andrew Lund, a Referee for that purpose duly appointed will sell at the front door of the court house in the city of Wisconsin Rapids, Wood County, Wisconsin, on the 22nd day of April, 1943, at 11:30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the real tate and mortgaged premises directed by said judgment to be sold and therein described as follows: West Half of East Half of Southeast Quarter also Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter Section Three (3), in Township Twenty-four (24) North.

of Range Three (3) East containing Eighty (80) acres, more or less, according the Government Survey thereof, in Wood County, Wisconsin. Terms of sale cash. Dated this 8th day of March, 1943. ANDREW LUND Referee M. S.

KING, Plaintiff's Attorney Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. (Mar. 10-17-24-31-Apr. 7-14) the Parental Rights of Ralph James in and to Frieda Mae James, an abandoned neglected and dependent minor child. THE STATE OF WISCONSIN: To Ralph James.

You are hereby summoned to appear before the Juvenile Court of Wood County, Wisconsin, at the Court. House in the County Court Room in the City of Wisconsin Rapids, Wood County, Wisconsin. on the 27th day of April, 1943, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, then andothere to show cause, if any you have, why your parental rights in and to Frieda Mae James, an abandoned, neglected and dependent child, should not terminated. Hereof fail not at your peril WITNESS the Hon. Frank W.

Calkins, Judge of the Juvenile Court of Wood County, Wisconsin, this 30th day of March, 1943. FRANK W. CALKINS Juvenile Judge (Mar. 31-Apr. 7-14) STATE OF WISCONSIN WOOD COUNTY JUVENILE BRANCH In the Matter of the Termination of News- Classified Ads Bring Results.

Phone Your Classified Ads To 1000 TAYLOR COUNTY NEWS A. R. Roeber, Phone AUGUST ROEBER SR. I DIES MONDAY NIGHT Services for Early Medford Resident Will be Held Thursday Medford Funeral services for August Roeber 81, one of Medford's old timers, will be conducted Thursday afternoon from the Ruesch Funeral Home and Community Evangelical Church, with interment in Evergreen cemetery. Mr.

Roeber died late Monday evening of a heart attack following a short illness. Mr. Roeber was born in Watertown, Aug. 13, 1861, spent his early years in that area, and came to Medford in 1886, the year following the devastating fire which leveled most of the city. He was employed as a tinsmith by the fir mof Schultz and Nostetz, and later went into business for himself.

He followed the tinsmithing trade and hardware business until a few years ago. During his years in Medford he served as city treasurer for two terms and as alderman of the Third Ward for three terms. He was a member of the first Fire and Police Commission in the city. He is survived by his wife, nee Emma Schubert. and 11 children: Walter, Antigo: Henry, Milwaukee; Alvin, Oshkosh; Paul, Cambridge; Hermer, William, and August Medford; Mrs.

Carl (Edna) Bethke, Mrs. Anton (Lena) Brown and Mrs. Melvin (Agnes) Holioway, Franklin, and Mrs. Helmuth (Selma) Schoenherr, Chicago. GOODLAND SIGNS BILL TO AID STATE SCHOOLS Madison-(P)-The Joint Finance Committee's bill appropriating $200,000 to the Emergency Board elementary and high schools for, financial distress became law yesterday with Governor Goodland's signature.

The appropriation becomes available immediately. Other bills signed by Goodland grant full corporate powers and free filing privileges to U. S. Navy clubs; recognize the NorthMilitary and Naval Acawestern. Lake Geneva as an approved military school, and enable mutual savings banks to invest unlimited sums in Government and Government guaranteed obligations, one-half of deposits in municipal bonds, and up to 70 per cent of the valuation of real estate if the loan is to be amortized monthly in 15 years.

NO-ACCIDENT RECORD Milwaukee The Milwau- 218, Medford. TWO ALDERMEN AT MEDFORD DEFEATED Johnson and Neder, Veterans, Lose to Newcomers in Politics Medford A number of changes were made in the roster of public officers in the city of Medford as a result of Tuesday's else tion, with only 537 votes cast to the entire city. In the First Ward, William Johnson, who has served on the City Council for a number of terms, was defeated, 124 to 88, by Walter Tappe, a newcomer in city politics. George Brost, the incumbent alderman in the Second Ward, retained his office, winning over Edward Jensen 70 to 49. In the Third Ward Edmund Gruber, also a newcomer in city politics, defeated Joseph Neder, a veteran of several terms, by a vote of 106 to 95, the closest tally in the entire city election.

Much interest was shown in the race for assessor, with William Hoppe winning over John Kostner by a substantial majority of 323 to 193. Both were aspirants for the office left vacant by the resignation of Arthur P. Salzwedel. who held the position for several terms. Arthur Latton.

the only candidate for justice of the peace, garnered a substantial vote, with scattering votes cast for the other vacancy in the same office, for which there was no candidate. First home of European civilization is said to be the island of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea. HERMAN SEIDE RESIGNS FROM DEFENSE COUNCIL Madison (P) The vacancy on the State Council of Defense left by the resignation of Herman Seide, president of the Wisconsin State Federation of Labor was filled yesterday with the appointment of William Nagorsne, secretary and treasurer of the Federation. Governor Goodland, who made the appointment, sent Nagorsne's name to the Senate for confirmation last night. In a letter resigning his post, Seide said: "As much as I would like to accept the appointment, I sincerely regret because of my present illness and upon the advice of my physician, it will be necessary for me to limit my activities on any present appointments of this nature." EDUCATOR DIES Mt.

Vernon, John kee ordnance plant of the U. S. Benjamin MaGee, Rubber Company this week com- Cornell College, pleted 1,000,000 hours of work Springs. without a lost-time accident, saf- a heart attack. ety director George Schultz an- four children nounced.

Temperature of Alexander the Great is said to not increased by have been left-handed. under it. ENEMY COUNTRY Answer to Previous Puzzle LAKE ON BA INTER NE REL GOT NOT ATT INN REED SERVE CODE ERROR ROE TENSE AS PEAS LE LAKE LC EDEN BE ALLOY OD KEEN STERN ASEA EAR LEI ERN NW AT ONER NO ARRANGEMENT 44 Explosive 65 Anesthetic sound VERTICAL 47 Belongs to it 1 Article 49 Auto 2 Soup-fin 50 Donkey shark 53 Vegetable 3 Varnish 55 Three (comb. ingredient form) 4 Lout 57 Group of 5 Lure 6 Aged 59 Boil slowly 7 Satellite 60 Disturbance 8 Exist 61 Therefore 9 Rodent 62 Sun god 10 Unfasten 63 Sled for 11 African finch hauling logs 12 Paradise 64 Pillage 18 Onward 22 25 55, president of died at Excelsior yesterday following His widow and survive him. boiling water is applying heat HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted country 5 Allied planes it 9 Its capital is 13 Toward 14 Rough lava 15 Genus of plants 16 Footless 17 Era 19 Artificial, language 20 Cubic meter .21 Males 22 Grain 24 Tree fruit 25 Not (prefix) 26 Paddle a boat 27 Egypt (abbr.) 29 Its is 119,000 square miles 32 Earn 36 Full extent 38 Trap 39 Short for opossum 41 Sign 42 Before 43 Father 20 Stalks 23 Fear 26 Lift up 28 One of its ports is 29 High mountain 30 River (Sp.) 31 Type measures 33 Male sheep 34 Anger 35.

Nine and one 37 One of its industrial cities 40 Encountered 43 Not in verse 44 Piece of timber 45 On top of 46 Piebald 48 Agitate 49 Vatican is located in this country 50 Near 51 Withered 52 Movie actor 54 Be indebted 56 Fish eggs 58 Folding bed 60 Regius Professor (abbr.).

Marshfield News-Herald from Marshfield, Wisconsin (2024)
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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.