[PDF] WISCONSIN FFA. and WISCONSIN. FFA FOUNDATION Annual Report - Free Download PDF (2024)



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DEAR WISCONSIN FFA SUPPORTERS, It’s amazing to think another year of FFA contests, conferences, and achievements have come to an end. We’re excited to share the 2015 Wisconsin Association of FFA and Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Report with you, our way to spread the news of our members’ experiences which you’ve made happen, both in and out of the classroom. We all have much to be thankful for!

Cheryl Zimmerman

Executive Director Wisconsin Association of FFA Wisconsin FFA Center, Inc.

The theme of this year’s report is community service. While so much recognition is made on local, state and national stages, and rightfully so, it’s still the local communities which support and reap the benefits of our FFA members’ hard work and dedication to the agricultural industry. Our agricultural instructors and FFA advisors have been so creative and diligent in their efforts to involve their students in the local communities, but also helping them realize they can make a difference around the world. We applaud these leaders, as well as the fundraising efforts of the Wisconsin FFA Foundation for the more than $550,000 raised in the last year! Thank you for doing your part to support the Foundation and, in turn, our vital programs. They support the Wisconsin Association of FFA membership, which is also at an all-time high of more than 19,400 students! It is valuable work we are committed to – empowering and training today’s youth to be the agricultural leaders of tomorrow. This task is something we take seriously and know you do too. Thank you for being our partners and friends.

Jeff Hicken

Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Consultant, State FFA Advisor Wisconsin Association of FFA Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Jeff Hicken Wisconsin FFA Advisor

Sara Schoenborn

Executive Director Wisconsin FFA Foundation




When we think about the FFA, we often think about leadership and career development. But so much of the success of FFA members hinges on their ability to connect with and also give back to their communities. FFA members in Wisconsin have been touching others’ lives through local community projects such as leaf raking, food drives, collecting warm jackets to donate to area shelters and so much more. Some FFA chapters have taken the approach of helping others to far-reaching countries by packing meals, shipping donations and even drilling wells. Yes, the FFA teaches leadership and the skills needed to develop a successful career, but it is this “service” attitude that will make our students well-rounded and giving individuals. Part of the FFA motto is “living to serve.” FFA members are taking this concept home and showing community leaders that the students of today know how to be responsible and give of themselves. The Wisconsin FFA Foundation had another amazing year, raising a record-setting $555,496.07! Those dollars are helping FFA members all across this state to grow, learn and be of service. As a past FFA member, I see this holding true to the full circle of membership. I enjoyed so many opportunities through the FFA, and learned skills which I still utilize today. And now, giving back to an organization that has given me so much seems easy and logical. Donors, thank you for your support and I hope that you see that the dollars you invested in the FFA are resulting in community-minded and service-oriented individuals. The world is a better place because of the positive things we do and the service that we give. So think about joining your local FFA members in their next community service project!

Lori Lulich Board President




Lori A. Lulich | President

Regional Ag Sales Account Manager, Midwest Family Marketing


Derrick Papcke | At-Large Director Partner, CRT Papcke Farms LLC

Janice Schyvinck | At-Large Director

Director of Public Relations, Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association

Luke Wiedenfeld | At-Large Director

Julie Larson | Past President

Line Leader—Madison Plant, The Kraft Heinz Co.

Travis Holt | Vice President

Retired Agricultural Education Instructor at Clear Lake High School

Nick Hemling | Treasurer

Mark Zidon | University Ag Ed Program Representative

Senior Sales Development Representative, Merial Ltd President and CEO, Citizens State Bank of Loyal Director of Operations, ANIMART, Inc.

Scott Vosters | Secretary

Ag/Commercial Lender, The Bank of New Glarus

Jon Anderson | At-Large Director

President, Grade A Strategic Brand and Marketing Solutions

Robin Connelly | At-Large Director

Membership Services Supervisor, Organic Valley/ CROPP Cooperative

Tim Wyss | At-Large Director

Professor, UW-Platteville

Regina Oldendorf | FFA Alumni Representative Executive Director, Wisconsin FFA Alumni Association

Jeff Zobeck | WAAE Representative

Agricultural Education Instructor, Gresham High School

Alison Wedig | FFA Representative, Ex-Officio Wisconsin FFA President

Amber Vickers Keller | At-Large Director

Cheryl Zimmerman | Ex-Officio

Senior Vice President – Ag Banking, Town Bank

Executive Director, Wisconsin FFA Center

Jason Kollwelter | At-Large Director

Jeff Hicken | Ex-Officio (Non-voting)

Agriculture Services and Customer Owned Generation Manager, We Energies

Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Consultant, State FFA Advisor




5 1 0 2 – 4 1 0 2



Ethan Dado State Parliamentarian Advisor: Derrick Meyer


Maggie Larson State Vice President Advisor: Eric Boettcher


Matt Kortbein State Treasurer

Advisors: Nelda Bailey and Kelly Hubert



Leeah Luepke State Vice President


Advisor: Mark Zimmerman

Danielle Jentz State Vice President


Alison Wedig President


Advisor: Troy Lobdell

Hallie Kopczynski State Vice President


Advisors: Rachel Kroplien and Amanda Lietz

PHOTO: FRONT (LEFT TO RIGHT) Leeah Luepke, Kelly Wilfert, Hallie Kopczynski, and Kaitlyn Owens.

Kaitlyn Owens State Sentinel


MIDDLE: Maggie Larson, Alison Wedig, and Kati Kindschuh.


Advisor: Jamie Propson

Sally Albers State Vice President


Advisor: Beth Babco*ck

Advisor: Kim Houser

Advisor: Troy Talford

Kelly Wilfert State Secretary

Kati Kindschuh State Reporter

Advisor: Dan Robinson

BACK: Danielle Jentz, Matt Kortbein, Ethan Dado, and Sally Albers.


ALISON WEDIG Alison Wedig says the first time she realized the full impact of community service was while delivering food and presents to families at Christmas. At the time, the 2014-15 Wisconsin FFA President was a Darlington High School student and FFA officer, and she admits that finding houses in the Wisconsin winter night was less than exciting and a challenge for two young teen girls. At the last of six homes, Alison remembers the area was quiet and dark. The woman who answered the door invited Alison and her fellow FFA member in as she wanted to keep the presents a surprise for the children to open on Christmas morning. “Then when we gave her all the food, she just started crying, saying it was the first year she hadn’t been able to provide for her family’s holiday,” Alison recalls. “Her husband had just lost his job and I remember crying with her. That was the moment I realized we can help other people even when we think we can’t.” During the same holiday event, she remembers one family needed pillows, “the simple things we take for granted.” Alison began her FFA career as a freshman in high school and says that while agriculture wasn’t something she related to at the time, she fell in love with the leadership and service aspects of the organization, which in turn grew her love for the ag industry and those involved in it. Alison graduated from Darlington High School in 2013, and says that her FFA experiences truly fueled her desire to serve others, which she does now through a variety of collegiate organizations.

“We’ll have those hearts for service forever. We all want to come together to make a difference in our community, and that attitude continues.”

From FFA penny wars that paid for a local veteran’s memorial to canned food drives, and organizing care packages for those in military service, Alison says that FFA provides an outlet for service and instills a servant’s heart in all members who participate in these activities. “We’ll have those hearts for service forever,” she says. “We all want to come together to make a difference in our community, and that attitude continues.” As a state officer, Alison says she’s been honored to share this passion for community service with an even wider audience. She says while large projects make a large impact, smaller individual acts are equally important, such as mentoring, raking leaves for a neighbor or volunteering at a local school. Alison believes that caring for community is a lesson available to every FFA member. “The last line of the FFA motto is ‘Living to Serve,’” she notes. “As an FFA member, you want to continue to serve no matter what the capacity. As I look to my future life, I know this can be something I will do in the community I settle down in.”



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Brillion FFA members and Haitian craftsmen have combined efforts to build chicken pens for Haitian families located in the country’s rural areas. Together, they are bringing increased nutrition and potential income streams from a Wisconsin FFA community to a less fortunate area of the world. Pens for Hens was founded in 2014 by Gordie Gasch, a retired agricultural instructor from Brillion along with three former Brillion FFA members: Shawn Lamers, Renee Hermes and Kiana Gasch. It is now a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, which travels for one week each January to Mirebalais, Haiti. While in Haiti, volunteers and FFA members work with craftsmen to build the pens and then conduct seminars for Haitian families on the care and management of laying hens. In 2015, 50 families received pens and three laying hens from the Pens for Hens organization. The volunteers pay for their travel expenses, and donated money is also given to the Haitian contacts to follow up with the families once the FFA members leave. “These communities don’t have grocery stores and most families do not have electricity,” says Gordie. “Add to that a political argument with the Dominican Republic, which has led to an embargo on most eggs coming from that country.” The Brillion FFA members also used Pens for Hens as their state-winning Marketing Plan Career Development Event and displayed a booth at the 2015 National FFA Convention. Many FFA chapters raise money to help make Pens for Hens a success, and use it as part of their own community service programs. Gordie explains that a simple 5-by-2-foot roofed pen and education on how to feed and water the hens has demonstrated the worldwide impact FFA members can have. As an example, Gordie relays that one Haitian mother has been thriving with her hens. She uses the eggs to improve the diet of her family and sells a dozen eggs a week for extra income. The Pens for Hens team is preparing for its 2016 trip and is excited to bring hens and pens to 100 Haitian families.



REVIVED PLAYGROUND In just 18 hours over the course of two Saturdays, Campbellsport FFA members and many other volunteers worked together to build a new playground in the Eden Community Park. “Members and non-members alike came together selflessly to better the Eden community,” says Jennifer Zimdahl, Campbellsport FFA President. “Though there was a lot that had to be put into the park to make it what it is now, every bit of effort, every generous donation, and every minute of weekends sacrificed by volunteers was well worth it when seeing local kids put the space to good use.”

“They saw a need and realized they could make an impact to fill that need.” Kirk Kramp

Campbellsport FFA Advisor Kirk Kramp says he serves as a trustee on the Eden Village Board and the park’s need of renovation came up in a board meeting discussion. Just two blocks from his home, Kirk says it was not a secret the playground was used little, as it had just six swings, three slides and what he calls “a bad sandbox.” He brought the idea to his FFA chapter and it didn’t take much to convince them this would make an excellent community service project. Planning began in November 2014. They stepped right in and began fundraising efforts for the new park equipment. “We drafted a letter to send to everyone in the town and village of Eden,” explains Kirk. “We also contacted companies directly and raised more money.” The village and town paid $7,400 for the new border and mulch as part of their maintenance plan, while the Campbellsport FFA raised $5,150 in donations and $3,500 in local grants. FFA members even created a survey for the Eden elementary-aged students to find out what type of equipment they like to play on, Kirk says. “This helped us select what we needed to add to the playground. The members really put thought and time into this project.”

By May 2015, all preparation was complete and on May 16, the volunteers spent the day removing the old board and mulch, and the following Saturday on Memorial Day weekend, they installed two benches, two climbers, a rocking horse, merry-go-round, balance beam, new mulch and new border. Kirk says he’s really proud of the students that planned and showed up to help those days. “They saw a need and realized they could make an impact to fill that need.”




For the first time, more than 2,000 people in a rural African village have access to clean water, thanks to the determination and service of the Cochrane-Fountain City FFA. A well was drilled in Mawanda, Uganda, during the month of May 2015 after an initiative began in Wisconsin the previous fall. The Walk for Water project was the inspiration of the FFA chapter’s president at the time, Taylor Thoeny, who had learned of the need through various FFA conference presentations. Advisor Chris Jumbeck says that the original goal of the Walk for Water charity event was to raise $2,500 toward the digging of a new well in Uganda. The Remembering Jesse Parker Foundation of Tomah and Tomah Rotary Club matched what was actually raised, nearly $6,000, an accomplishment Jumbeck says the entire chapter is quite proud of. Chris explains that before the new well was drilled, the children would travel far to collect dirty water from a small hole, and climb steep terrain with full buckets on the return home. They had to do this several times a day, a large reason many young girls were prevented from attending school. The new well is located near a primary school with more than 920 students and on it is a plaque which reads: “Living to Serve Cochrane-Fountain City FFA, WI, USA.” The Parker family attended the Cochrane-Fountain City FFA’s annual banquet in April 2015, thanking the FFA students and community, as well as sharing an update on the well and pictures of the children gathering clean water.




In mid-April 2015, more than 80 people came together at the Colby Fire Hall and packaged 41,688 meals of beans and rice casserole, which were sent to schools and orphanages in Haiti. This community service project is the result of a partnership between the Colby FFA chapter and national non-profit, Meals of Hope. Melissa Ploeckelman is the FFA advisor at Colby and says that students were inspired after the 2014 Wisconsin FFA Convention to fight global hunger and make a difference in others’ lives. She says it was truly a blessing knowing that more than 40,000 children would have a nutritious meal because of the Colby community’s efforts that day. While the sun shined, these volunteers each had a role in the meal packaging process. Some scooped soy protein, beans, rice or vegetables while others inserted vitamin and seasoning packets. Still more volunteers weighed the packages (each enough to feed six people) and sealed them, finally putting them into boxes. Local football players helped with the heavy lifting and volunteer firemen even showed up on their days off. “I participated because I wanted to make a difference,” says Colby FFA President Chelsea Stuttgen. “After it was over I felt overwhelmed by how many meals we packed and how big of an impact it will make.” Many local business people, parents and other volunteers also were part of the Colby team. Thirty-three local businesses in all donated to the event. “Dreaming big is about helping big and serving big,” says Melissa. “I am so proud of my students. They taught me more about service than I ever knew.”



ANONYMOUS ANGELS December is always a busy month, but the Manawa FFA Chapter spent a portion of their 2014 holiday season giving back to the local community. Sandy Cordes is the chapter’s advisor and she says every year members develop a service project. While traditionally the project has been helping to fill the local food pantry by collecting donations, last year’s group wanted to add something special. “They were discussing poverty and said they had witnessed the large amount of children without mittens at the elementary school during recess,” Sandy notes. Community member Brenda Thyssen had been a wonderful resource for the Manawa FFA over the years and was also well-known for her mittens made from used sweaters, Sandy says. Thyssen and members of the local senior citizens’ group gathered with Manawa FFA members in fall 2014 and in one day, the volunteers made more than 100 pairs of wool, cashmere or cotton sweater mittens for local children. “Service is important because a community helps one another,” says Jared Zielke, a Manawa FFA member. “We’re part of Manawa’s community, meaning we need to help and give back.” In the second week of December, FFA members collaborated with the food pantry volunteers and packed 200 care baskets. Sandy says the mittens, combined with items from the food drive and then fresh food products donated from local farms, made the baskets very special. Local firefighters delivered the holiday gifts to families. “One of my favorite things is watching my students be able to identify a need, develop partnerships and realize they are a part of something greater than themselves,” Sandy notes. “I especially like the anonymity. Helping someone without being specifically thanked is a powerful gesture.” She also shares the heartwarming story of a young girl showing the FFA members her new mittens while they were volunteering with literacy activities at her school. “She came up and said: ‘Did you see my mittens? They’re beautiful. I got them from an angel at Christmastime.’ My class had made them and their eyes grew wide. I love my students, and how they are seeing the way they fit into the community and everyone is intertwined.”



TILAPIA TEAMWORK It smells a little fishy in New Richmond, where the agriscience department and FFA chapter have been busy raising, harvesting and fileting tilapia for their local community. FFA Advisor Rachel Sauvola says the recent harvest was the most successful to date. “This project proves school and community collaboration is a powerful thing.”

In four hours, New Richmond agriscience students gathered 535 tilapia from tanks then moved them to the school kitchen and harvested 96 pounds, 10 ounces of meat with the help of 39 volunteers. Rachel says that gathered around the filleting table were current students teaching and learning, as well as Patrick Olson – New Richmond School District (NRSD) Superintendent, Tom Wissink – principal, several students’ grandpas, former students and colleagues, STEP worker Dave Crosby, Jean Weiler and Colleen Sexton from Hudson Hospital, Randy Calleja representing Westfields Hospital, culinary students, and more. Rachel says another dozen people helped behind the scenes to make this project successful. Karen Brummer, the NRSD Nutrition Supervisor, Duke O’Flanagan and all the custodians facilitated summer feeding, Bob Parent and the maintenance crew helped with tank heating issues, while various consultants assisted with the growing process. The tilapia is sold to local hospitals and also the school’s nutrition department. From this particular harvest, Hudson Hospital bought 30 pounds to feed their staff, patients and community, Rachel explains. “Tilapia also will be served in school lunch very soon as Karen purchased a third of the lot for us to sample,” she adds. The day after this particular harvest, Sauvola and students headed to Westfields Hospital to serve fish tacos with Calleja and his staff. “Students love to eat the products they grow and take great pride in sharing with their friends and peers that they had a hand in raising it,” she says.



GENEROSITY FOR GEORGIA Georgia was on the mind of FFA students at Weyauwega-Fremont High School last year. They weren’t thinking of the U.S. southern state either, but the country located where Europe meets Asia. Melano Durmishidze, a Georgian exchange student attending Weyauwega-Fremont High School, joined the local FFA chapter and inspired a community service project she could bring home after she left Wisconsin in June 2014. In just under a month, the Weyauwega-Fremont FFA collected more than 20,000 pieces of used clothing, shoes, books and toys for a Georgia orphanage in Salkhino. The project was named “Generosity for Georgia.” Melano had a life-changing experience while attending the National FFA Convention in 2014, notes Sandy Dykes, the Weyauwega-Fremont FFA advisor. She explains the time at convention really made the exchange student excited to become more involved in FFA, teaching her and others the impact FFA has on our country and our world, Dykes explains. After four months of planning, the chapter began collecting items and then had to raise money for shipping. “The original cost was $1,000 per box and we had 15 boxes,” Sandy notes. With donations and help, the total shipping was lowered to only $1,500. Six months and an overseas barge trip later, the boxes finally arrived in Salkhino and Melano herself helped hand out the items to the 180 children living at the orphanage. “She said their faces were priceless.” “Generosity for Georgia was a bigger success than we ever imagined,” says Liz Hillskotter, the FFA chapter’s past president. “Our members really learned how great it feels to give to those less fortunate than us. After seeing the impact we made in the orphanage, I strongly believe we all gained a new understanding of community.”

“We are all given a little spark of madness; have a grateful and courageous heart and you will move mountains.” Melano Durmishidze

Melano says the following about the experience: “Be realistic. Demand the impossible and always be thankful to people who help you. Remember that nobody makes it alone. We are all given a little spark of madness; have a grateful and courageous heart and you will move mountains.”



Three new members were inducted into the Wisconsin FFA Foundation’s Blue and Gold Society at the 86thWisconsin FFA Convention in June 2015. These generous donors have made the commitment of a $10,000 contribution to the Foundation over a 3-year period or less.The prestigious Blue and Gold Society began in 2001 and currently includes 23 members including those inducted in June 2015: (from left) Ken Seering, The Family of Dr. Gordon J. Iverson and Amber Vickers Keller. Ken Seering served as the Denmark agricultural instructor and the district’s FFA advisor for 30 years. He also held positions on the Wisconsin Association Vocational Agricultural Instructors Council, State and National Agricultural Education Councils, and State and National FFA Foundation Boards. Dr. Gordon Iverson, affectionately known as “Doc,” was a member of the Shawano FFA in his youth and a veterinarian for more than 50 years, opening a number of his own clinics. He passed away in 2011. Amber Vickers Keller was the first female Wisconsin FFA President in 1989-90 and served as treasurer the year prior. Today, she serves on the Wisconsin FFA Foundation Board of Directors and as Senior Vice President–Ag Banking at Town Bank.


Roger King, an agriscience teacher and FFA advisor at Holmen High School, was named Wisconsin’s 2015-16 High School Teacher of the Year. State Superintendent Tony Evers said this of Roger: “Roger King is a recognized leader in the Farm to School movement. He is a great mentor to beginning teachers and knows his success depends on others. One administrator described him as being all about working with others.” Roger carries his agricultural classroom lessons into various areas of community service. He volunteers and supervises 4-H and FFA students at the LaCrosse Dairy Breakfast each year as well as coaches football and serves as co-chair for the La Crosse County Interstate Fair Small Animal Barn Committee. Roger teaches students problem-solving skills, especially through the school’s greenhouse, where they grow food that is then served in the cafeteria.

LE ADERS’ LEGACY In the 2014-15 campaign year, past state officers contributed $12,178.57 to the Leaders’ Legacy initiative. The Leaders’ Legacy fund of the Wisconsin FFA Foundation was created in September 2014, after the announcement that the Foundation had reached a milestone $500,000 in annual donations. This fund allows past Wisconsin Association of FFA state officers to showcase their ongoing support of the FFA organization through financial contributions. Leaders’ Legacy dollars directly benefit leadership programming within the Wisconsin FFA, specifically state officer training and scholarships, leadership conference for all FFA members, State FFA Honors Band and Chorus and chapter visits throughout the year.















4,400 2014/15

4,180 4,590






4,382 3,900 2010/11







4,100 4,000 3,900 2010/11



















4,451 4,382

4,300 Alliant Energy Foundation



Kraft Heinz Company 4,100 Oscar Mayer Madison

17,000 16,500



4,000 3,900











Rural Mutual Insurance Company







3,100 3,000


Organic Valley/CROPP Cooperative




Culver Franchising System, Inc.

3,800 3,700



Badgerland Financial






CHS Foundation

3,381 2,900 2,800 2011








PROFICIENCY AWARD WINNERS Agricultural Communications Brittany Cupery | Randolph Cambria-Friesland FFA | National Finalist Sponsored by Filament Marketing

Agricultural Education Ashley Zimmerman | Spencer FFA | National Winner Sponsored by Cooperative Network, The Country Today and the Clarence A. and Caroline L. Strohschein Endowment.

Agricultural Mechanics Design & Fabrication Dakota Heine | Jefferson FFA | National Winner Sponsored by Ag-Bag/ Miller- St. Nazianz, Inc. and Foth Production Solutions, LLC

Agricultural Mechanics Energy Systems Nick Gallitz | Jefferson FFA | Sponsored by Cooperative Network and Wisconsin Public Service

Agricultural Mechanics Repair & MaintenancePlacement Ryan Schmitt | Juda FFA Sponsored by Foth Production Solutions, LLC and Sloan Implement Company, Inc

Agricultural Processing Luke Alsum | Randolph Cambria-Friesland FFA | National Finalist Sponsored by La Crosse Milling Company and Mill Haven Foods

Diversified Crop Production-Entrepreneurship Kaleb Cauffman | Fennimore FFA

Nursery Operations Anton Pohl | Plymouth FFA

Sponsored by Wisconsin Agri-Business Association

Sponsored by Millhome Nursery and Greenhouses, Denmark FFA Alumni and Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors

Diversified Crop Production-Placement Josh Anderson | Wisconsin Dells FFA Sponsored by OXBO International Corporation

Diversified Horticulture Production Shana Hardy | Viroqua FFA Sponsored by Section 8 FFA Alumni Affiliates and Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors

Diversified Livestock Production Casey Lobdell | Darlington FFA Sponsored by ANIMART, Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association, and Johnsonville Sausage, LLC

Emerging Agricultural Technology Tabitha Weister | Marshfield FFA | National Finalist Sponsored by GROWMARK, Inc. and Wisconsin Public Service

Equine Science-Entrepreneurship Jessica Stancer | Randolph Cambria-Friesland FFA Sponsored by Marshfield FFA Alumni and Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors

Sponsored by Direct Enterprises, Inc. and Wisconsin Dekalb Asgrow Sales Team

Food Science and Technology Stephanie Thiel | Plymouth FFA | National Winner Sponsored by Seneca Foods Corporation.

Agricultural Services Tyler Endres | Lodi FFA | National Finalist

Food Service Morgan Klumpyan | Plymouth FFA

Sponsored by Dairyland Seed Company, Inc.

Sponsored by Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors

Agriscience Research-Integrated Systems Carlie O’Donnell | Big Foot FFA

Forage Production Ben Holzmann | Plymouth FFA | National Finalist

Sponsored by Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors

Agriscience Research-Plant Systems Faith Carpenter | Big Foot FFA Sponsored by Midwestern BioAg, Inc.

Beef Production-Entrepreneurship Brett Jones | Darlington FFA Sponsored by ANIMART, Nasco, and Wisconsin Cattlemen’s Association

Beef Production-Placement Hannah Olsen | Berlin FFA Sponsored by American Foods Group

Dairy Production-Entrepreneurship Kaila Wussow | Bonduel FFA | National Winner Sponsored by Accelerated Genetics, Ag-Bag/ Miller-St. Nazianz, Inc., and ANIMART

Sponsored by Organic Valley/CROPP Cooperative, Inc.

Outdoor Recreation Brianna Beseler | Cochrane-Fountain City FFA Sponsored by Cochrane-Fountain City FFA Alumni and Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors

Poultry Production Alex Costello | Campbellsport FFA Sponsored by GNP Company and Wallace H. Jerome Endowment

Sheep Production Morgan Eilers | Waupaca FFA | National Finalist Sponsored by Big Sky Suffolks, Waupaca FFA Chapter and Alumni, the Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative, and Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors

Small Animal Production & Care Nichole Wilson | Janesville Craig FFA Sponsored by MAI Animal Health

Equine Science-Placement Molly Schwister | Lodi FFA | National Winner Sponsored by Edward J. Okray Foundation, Inc.

Agricultural Sales-Placement Nick Leystra | Randolph Cambria-Friesland FFA | National Finalist

Organic Agriculture Kimberly Zills | Waupaca FFA

Sponsored by H&S Manufacturing Co. and Kuhn North America, Inc.

Forest Management Kenny Pettit | Granton FFA | National Finalist Sponsored by Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors

Fruit Production Elizabeth Knoebel | Jefferson FFA Sponsored by Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors

Goat Production Abby Sabel | Chilton FFA Sponsored by LaClare Farms and Montchevre-Betin, Inc.

Grain Production-Placement Matt Kortbein | Tomah FFA Sponsored by Wisconsin Corn Growers Association

Dairy Production-Placement Lindsey Rettenmund | Wisconsin Heights FFA | National Finalist

Home and/or Community Development Georgia Radtke | Weyauwega-Fremont FFA | National Finalist

Sponsored by Ag-Bag/Miller-St. Nazianz, Inc., ANIMART, Lely North America

Sponsored by Glenn L. and Sonja Linder Endowment, United Cooperative and Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors

Diversified Agricultural Production Emily Gilbertson | Marshfield FFA

Landscape Management Carter Drake | Fort Atkinson FFA

Sponsored by Milk Source, LLC and Wisconsin Public Services

Sponsored by Lulich Landscaping, LLC

Specialty Animal Production Dylon Pokorny | Waupun FFA Sponsored by Amherst FFA Alumni and Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors

Swine Production-Entrepreneurship Sally Albers | Sauk Prairie FFA Sponsored by Wisconsin Pork Association

Swine Production-Placement Matthew Ries | Lomira FFA | National Winner Sponsored by Willow Creek Farm

Turf Grass Management Sean Smedema | Randolph CambriaFriesland FFA | National Finalist Sponsored by Keith A. Gundlach Endowment and Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors

Vegetable Production Grandon Scheil | Barron FFA Sponsored by Gumz Farms, McCain Foods, Inc. and Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors

Veterinary Science Hannah Glennon | Amherst FFA Sponsored by Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association

Wildlife Production & Management Natasha Hales | Waupaca FFA | National Finalist Sponsored by Dunn-Hill Marketing LLC, Dr. & Mrs. Louis Arrington, and Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors



Aquaculture Sponsored by the Wisconsin Aquaculture Association

John Birr | Oconto Falls FFA Dairy Sponsored by Foremost Farms USA, Nasco, Saputo Cheese USA Inc., We Energies and the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board

Brandon Pankratz | Auburndale FFA Tony Ward | Clinton FFA Hannah Nelson | Ellsworth FFA Paige Nelson | Ellsworth FFA Tyler Heine | Jefferson FFA Carley Krull | Lake Mills FFA Andraya Errthum | Lancaster FFA Mikayla Endres | Lodi FFA Ashley Magnuson | Neillsville FFA Erica Helmer | Plymouth FFA Colin Uecker | Watertown FFA Caleb Hamm | Waupaca FFA Organic Agriculture Sponsored by Organic Valley/ CROPP Cooperative, Inc.

Logan Doll | Gillett FFA Rachael Valeria | Pulaski FFA Allison Schulist | Stevens Point FFA Start-Up Sponsored by Sartori Company and ST Paper LLC

Chelsea Stuttgen | Colby FFA Isabelle Hudson | Ellsworth FFA Kimberly Hudson | Ellsworth FFA Keslyn McKahan | Ellsworth FFA Ryan Stilen | Milton FFA Keegan McMullen | Plymouth FFA Sarah Albers | Sauk Prairie FFA Emma White | Tomah FFA Allison Hardy | Viroqua FFA Shannon Lamb | Waunakee FFA

Food Products and Processing Systems:

Power, Structure, and Technical Systems:

Shad Goplin | Whitehall FFA

Junior Level Individual

Junior Level Individual

Junior Level Team

Melissa Konkel | Big Foot FFA

Abby Field |Wonewoc-Center FFA

Aaron Carpenter and Julia Cvicker | Big Foot FFA

Junior Level Team

Junior Level Team

Senior Level Individual

Christina Gordon and Travis Buss | New Auburn FFA

Ryan Wollin and Kyler Bork | Adams-Friendship FFA

Amelia Hayden | Big Foot FFA

Senior Level Team

Senior Level Team

Senior Level Team

Miriam Smith and Katy Vacula | Big Foot FFA

Cody Simmons and Fred Running | New Auburn FFA

Plant Systems:

Social Systems:

Junior Level Individual

Junior Level Individual

Junior Level Individual

Jillian Turbeville | St. Croix Falls FFA

Levi Kindschi | Reedsburg FFA

Danielle Wrzesinski | Big Foot FFA

Junior Level Team

Junior Level Team

Brandon Easterly and Dylan Lang | Adams-Friendship FFA

Bailey Wurzer and Georgia Mobley | Wrightstown FFA

Maddi Edinger and Lindsey Hella | Wrightstown FFA

Senior Level Individual

Senior Level Individual

Carlie O’Donnell | Big Foot FFA

Mikayla Grinnell | Big Foot FFA

Senior Level Individual

Senior Level Team

Rosa Spooner | Big Foot FFA

Makayla Bartle and Kendall Verhulst | Barron FFA

Maggie Westrick and Celina Leick | Wrightstown FFA Environmental Systems:

Junior Level Team

Senior Level Team

Anthony Gordon and Zachery Rehder | New Auburn FFA

SPEAKING CONTEST WINNERS Creed Speaking Braden Kundert | Badger FFA

Parliamentary Procedure Amery FFA

Sponsored by the Family of the late Brian Krull and Milk Source, LLC

Sponsored by Cooperative Network and Dr. Gerald R. Matteson Endowment

Discussion Meet Beth Zimmer | River Ridge FFA

Prepared Public Speaking Jared Retzlaff | Omro FFA

Sponsored by Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation

Sponsored by Adams-Columbia Electric Cooperative, BMO Harris Bank and Floyd Doering Endowment

Extemporaneous Speaking Alex Brand | Ellsworth FFA

Quiz Bowl – Junior High Stevens Point FFA

Sponsored by Daily Dairy Report, The Country Today, and Wisconsin Public Service and Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors

Sponsored by AgStar Financial Services, ACA

Job Interview Trent Dado | Amery FFA

Quiz Bowl – Senior High Amery FFA

Opening and Closing Ceremonies – Junior High Stevens Point FFA Sponsored by Cooperative Network

Opening and Closing Ceremonies – Senior High Darlington FFA Sponsored by Cooperative Network

Junior High Essay Contest Emily Dahlke | Adams-Friendship FFA Sponsored by Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors

Sponsored by AgStar Financial Services, ACA

Sponsored by Kuhn North America, Inc.


Emily Herness | Whitehall FFA Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association

Lindsey Rettenmund | Wisconsin Heights FFA

Stephanie A. Thiel | Plymouth FFA

Blain’s Farm & Fleet

Brandon Anding | Granton FFA

Kevin Johnson | Granton FFA

Cooperative Resources International

Matthew D. Anderson Endowment

Elstad Brothers Endowment

Kailyn Ripp | Waunakee FFA

Taylor Thoeny | Cochrane-Fountain City FFA

Ciera Ballmer | Clinton FFA

Auna Kaufmann-Schwartz | Holmen FFA


Wisconsin Agri-Business Association

Walter and Delores Bjoraker Endowment


Jason Roth | Juda FFA

Kadence Walsh | Mauston FFA

Alex Costello | Campbellsport FFA

Destiny M. Kraus | Fort Atkinson FFA


Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association

UW-Madison Collegiate FFA (FISC)

Abby Sabel | Chilton FFA

Alison Irene Wedig | Darlington FFA

Harold and Geneva Beals Endowment

Rachel Leege | Sauk Prairie FFA

Matthew D. Anderson Endowment

Blain’s Farm & Fleet

Trent Dado | Amery FFA

Dr. Virgil & Ann Martinson Endowment

Ryan Schmitt | Juda FFA

Kelly Wilfert | Mishicot FFA

Wisconsin Agri-Business Association

Kaylyn Lund | Stoughton FFA

Foth Production Solutions, LLC

Wisconsin Agri-Business Association

Katie Engevold | Whitehall FFA

Louis M Sasman Endowment

Abbey E. Williams | La Farge FFA

Star Blends

Erin Marchant | Brodhead FFA

Jennifer Shutter | Green Bay-Preble FFA

Emily Gilbertson | Marshfield FFA

Rodney O Kittelsen Endowment

UW-Madison Collegiate FFA

Danny and Robin Connelly Family and Organic Valley

Kenneth K Heideman Endowment

William Marshall | Kickapoo FFA

Alex R. Sievert | Bonduel FFA

Kaila Wussow | Bonduel FFA

Jamie Gilbertson | Marshfield FFA

Wisconsin FFA Convention

Matthew D. Anderson Endowment

Cooperative Resources International

Kenneth K Heideman Endowment

Riley Miller | Evansville FFA

Grace Skarlupka | West De Pere FFA

Elizabeth Yanke | Sauk Prairie FFA

Zachary Gilbertson | Marshfield FFA

Wisconsin Rural Opportunities Foundation, Inc.

Wisconsin Agri-Business Association

Arnold & Katherine Cordes Endowment

Kenneth K Heideman Endowment

Megan J. Redford | Cambridge FFA

Ashleigh Sternitzky | Marshfield FFA

Ashley C. Zimmerman | Spencer FFA

Dakota Michael Heine | Jefferson FFA

Foth Production Solutions, LLC

Kenneth K Heideman Endowment

Bernie and Marty Staller Endowment

Robert and Herta Laatsch Family Endowment

Karley Reissman | Marion FFA

Hannah Taylor | Poynette FFA

Lisa Zoromski | Freedom FFA

Kyle Herbrand | Sauk Prairie FFA


Matthew D. Anderson Endowment


Wisconsin Rural Opportunities Foundation, Inc.

WPS Farm Show Food Vendors

John & Hattie Van Wychen Endowment



Ashley Zimmerman | Spencer FFA Ashley’s diversified livestock Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) began with several trips to her grandparent’s farm. After overcoming the obstacle of housing her livestock away from home, Ashley has grown her herd to incorporate Simmental beef cattle, Berkshire hogs and market lambs. She also has grown her projects extensively and taken on several new roles. She works with her parents and siblings to make decisions on feed rations, breeding programs and livestock management practices. By experimenting with feed and exercise programs, Ashley has accomplished having successful live and carcass champion Berkshire hogs and Champion Bred and Owned Simmental cattle. She plans to pursue a degree in agricultural education at UW-River Falls with hopes of attending Kansas State University for graduate studies.


Starting with simple repairs and moving into more complex ones, Ryan’s SAE is focused on agricultural mechanics. Ryan is now able to overhaul engines, clean carburetors and perform routine maintenance both at home and at Johnson Tractor. When on the job or at home, Ryan does his best to fix equipment while saving as many old parts as possible. He strives to meet his customers’ needs, while saving the cost of new parts. Ryan takes pride in the knowledge and experience he’s gained and loves sharing it with others. One of his greatest accomplishments was fixing a Dixon lawn mower after a more experienced mechanic couldn’t quite get it right. Ryan plans to attend UW-Platteville to major in mechanical engineering and ultimately work as an engineer for an agricultural company.


Alex Costello | Campbellsport FFA When raising a small rafter of turkeys wasn’t meeting his customer’s needs, Alex’s interest in starting his own business began. His SAE program started six years ago with just 40 Bronze Turkeys, but through customer demand he has expanded to 130 laying hens, 305 broilers and 40 turkeys which he now markets and sells in his community. In order to expand his operation, Alex purchased a more diversified array of laying hens, remodeled his family’s retired milk house and tie stall barn, and paired up with various local families and businesses to sell his eggs and birds. One of the most important parts of Alex’s SAE is flock health. Maintaining this survival rate percentage keeps Al’s Chicks and Farm Fresh Eggs running efficiently. Alex’s interest in poultry has led him to attend UW-Platteville this fall to earn a degree in animal science.


Carlie O’Donnell | Big Foot FFA Carlie’s SAE focuses on the research and development of a customizable, natural fertilizer. Throughout the past three years Carlie has been researching the effect of varying vermiculture materials on compost tea nutrient values which has allowed her to successfully produce a compost tea with customized nutrient levels. Her work did not come easily. Carlie’s greatest challenge when beginning each step of her process was a lack of knowledge, but with the assistance of her advisors, she has been able to continuously increase the intensity level of her research. Carlie’s project not only allowed her to produce a specialized compost, but also to expand her deductive reasoning and logical thinking skills which will help her tremendously through life. Carlie plans to attend a four-year university to major in law and society. Her career goal is to become a civil rights attorney.


CAREER DEVELOPMENT EVENT WINNERS Agricultural Communications Granton FFA Top Individual: Jillian Tyler | Granton FFA

Farm Business Management Riverdale FFA Top Individual: Trevor Troxel | Riverdale FFA

Sponsored by Cooperative Network and United Cooperative

Sponsored by GROWMARK, Inc. and Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors

Agricultural Issues Forum Wrightstown FFA Sponsored by UW-Platteville Agriculture Student Council and Wisconsin National Farmers Organization

Agricultural Sales Riverdale FFA Top Individual: Alexis Luedtke | Beaver Dam FFA Sponsored by ANIMART and Star Blends

Agricultural Technology & Mechanical Systems Monroe FFA Top Individual: Joel Faith | Monroe FFA Sponsored by RCI Engineering and United Cooperative

Agronomy Cochrane-Fountain City FFA Top Individual: Montana Lins | Riverdale FFA Sponsored by United Cooperative

Dairy Cattle Evaluations & Management Pulaski FFA Top Individual: Dawson Nickels | Watertown FFA Sponsored by Associated Milk Producers Inc.

Dairy Cattle Handlers Activity Top Individual: Danielle Warmka | Waupun FFA

Floriculture Stanley-Boyd FFA Top Individual: Colton Nelson | Stanley-Boyd FFA Sponsored by Wisconsin Florists Foundation

Food Science & Technology Thorp FFA Top Individual: Taylor Thoeny | Cochrane-Fountain City FFA Sponsored by Brakebush Brothers Inc.

Forestry Stanley-Boyd FFA Top Individual: Kody Meyer | Edgar FFA Sponsored by Midwest STIHL

Horse Evaluation Plymouth FFA Top Individual: Taylor Riley | Fennimore FFA Sponsored by The Country Today and Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors

Land Judging Pecatonica FFA Top Individual: Trevor Gilson | Pecatonica FFA Sponsored by Jerry Steiner and Denise Bertrand Family

Sponsored by FarmFirst Dairy Cooperative

Environmental & Natural Resources Marshfield FFA Sponsored by Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors

Livestock Evaluation Palmyra-Eagle FFA Top Individual: Ryan Isaacsen | Palmyra-Eagle FFA Sponsored by JBS-Green Bay

Marketing Plan Wrightstown FFA Sponsored by Duffy Grain, Inc.

Meat Evaluation & Technology Jefferson FFA Top Individual: Hannah Taylor | Poynette FFA Sponsored by Tom & Jesi Betley and Wisconsin Association of Meat Processors

Milk Quality and Products Juda FFA Top Individual: Morgan Adkins | Juda FFA Sponsored by Foremost Farms USA

Nursery/Landscape Osceola FFA Top Individual: Michael Murphy | Osceola FFA Sponsored by Northeast Wisconsin Technical College—Landscape/ Horticulture Program

Poultry Evaluation Brillion FFA Top Individual: Brooke Brouillard | Brillion FFA Sponsored by Wisconsin Poultry and Egg Industries Association

Safe Tractor Operators Contest Top Individual: Ryan Schmitt | Juda FFA Sponsored by Red Morrison Endowment

Veterinary Sciences Marshall FFA Top Individual: Jenifer Zimmerman | Marshall FFA Sponsored by ANIMART

Wildlife Kiel FFA Top Individual: Myles Malone | Plymouth FFA Sponsored by Wisconsin FFA Foundation Annual Fund Donors




ANIMART Renk Seed Roundy’s Supermarkets, Inc.

Agropur inc Brownfield Ag News Citizens State Bank of Loyal CNH Industrial Capital GROWMARK, Inc. Jennie-O Turkey Store John Deere Kikkoman Foods, Inc Lakeside Foods, Inc. Midwestern BioAg, Inc. Southwest WI Technical College Union Bank & Trust Company Westby Cooperative Creamery Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation Wisconsin Farmers Union

Andrew Kube Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. Collegiate FFA, UW-Madison Digi-Star LLC East Central/Select Sires Ellburn Coop First Capitol Ag Foremost Farms USA Greater Madison Convention and Visitors Bureau Kent Nutrition Group Lallemand Animal Nutrition Nasonville Dairy, Inc. Quality Liquid Feeds UW-Madison Dept. of Animal Sciences We Energies Foundation Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators Wisconsin Dekalb Asgrow Sales Team

GOLD U.S. Army ROTC 3rd BDE GreenStone Farm Credit Services Wisconsin Public Service

SILVE R DuPont Pioneer Local CHS/LOL Member Cooperatives Merial Ltd. Monsanto Company’s Middleton Site Seneca Foods Corporation The Country Today Wisconsin FFA Alumni Association


NATIONAL CHAPTER AWARDS Sponsored by: Roundy’s Supermarket, Inc. 1st place | Waupun FFA 2nd place | Waupaca FFA 3rd place | Weyauwega-Fremont FFA Student Development Winner: Thorp FFA Chapter Development Winner: Waupun FFA Community Development Winner: Waupaca FFA Gold Chapters, advancing to nationals: Adams-Friendship, Badger, Barron, Big Foot, Cochrane Fountain City, De Pere, Freedom, Granton, Holmen, Lodi, Manawa, Marshall, Mishicot, Owen-Withee, Prairie Farm, Randolph Cambria-Friesland, Sauk Prairie, Shullsburg, Spencer, Stanley-Boyd, Stevens Point, Stratford, Thorp, Waupaca, Waupun, Weyauwega-Fremont Gold Chapters, not advancing to nationals: Campbellsport, New Richmond Silver Chapters: Amery, Cambridge, Clintonville, Colby, Elkhorn, Hillsboro, Mondovi, Omro, Osceola, Plymouth, Portage, Reedsburg, Southern Door, Spooner, Tigerton, Tomah, West De Pere, Wisconsin Heights, Wrightstown Bronze Chapters: Baldwin-Woodville, Baraboo, Boscobel, DeForest, Evansville, River Valley, Watertown Superior Chapters: Darlington, Glenwood City

CHAPTER WEBSITE COMPETITION Sponsored by Louis and Sandra Arrington Endowment

Cashton FFA



CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP GROWTH AWARDS Overall State Winner for Increase in Membership Sun Prairie FFA (+260) Largest Percent Membership Increase Sun Prairie FFA (1,000%) Largest Chapter Waupun FFA (352 total members) Largest Percentage of School Population involved in FFA Juda FFA (71%)


Adams-Friendship Almond-Bancroft Arcadia Baldwin-Woodville Barron Bayport Berlin Black River Falls Bowler Cadott Chilton Chippewa Falls Clinton Cuba City D.C. Everest East Troy Fort Atkinson Freedom Granton Janesville Jefferson Johnson Creek Juda Kickapoo Lakeside Lutheran Lancaster Lincoln Lomira Marathon Markesan Marshall Medford Milton Mishicot Montello Monticello Oakfield Owen-Withee Parkview Prairie du Chien Randolph CambriaFriesland Reedsburg Richland Center Rio Stevens Point Stoughton Sun Prairie Waterford Waupun Wausau Westby Whitewater Wisconsin Dells Wisconsin Rapids-Lincoln




Working on Peppermill Farms has been a significant part of Eric’s life for the past eight years. Throughout his time in the FFA, Eric has added responsibilities onto his role at his family’s farm. His tasks include operating and maintaining irrigation systems, planting corn, soybeans and alfalfa, collecting soil samples, spreading fertilizer, baling hay and harvesting corn, and soybeans. With hard work, time, and dedication Eric mastered the skills necessary to be a successful employee on the farm. He has gained skills such as spraying herbicides, collecting tissue samples, assisting with marketing decisions, side-dressing nitrogen, and purchasing crop inputs. In 2013, Eric completed a split-application nitrogen test plot that showed an 8-bushel per acre corn yield increase. Eric credits much of his knowledge to instruction from his father and hands-on work at the farm, and he plans to continue to learn even more while majoring in agronomy at Iowa State University.


Growing his businesses has always been a priority for Dakota. In fact, in the last seven years Dakota has taken his projects to the next level. Not only has his acreage and head of cattle increased, but also his knowledge, skills, and love of agriculture. Dakota started in agriculture helping his dad with cropland and the family beef cattle. Since starting his Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), he also has worked as a farming assistant at several farms feeding cattle, taking care of animals, and assisting with field work for various crops. Dakota started his Dakota’s Custom Works (DCW) forage production SAE with 40 acres and today he farms 175. He also saw growth in his DCW ag services SAE starting with 150 acres of custom forage, which has now become 630. Dakota increased his beef production entrepreneurship from three head to 20 head. This significant growth allowed Dakota to develop an even stronger passion for his agribusiness.

PROFICIENCY AWARD WINNERS Ashley Zimmerman | Agricultural Education – Spencer FFA As a member of the Spencer FFA Chapter, Ashley Zimmerman’s Supervised Agricultural Experience really grew when she began her position as assistant in her high school’s agricultural education department. She has always enjoyed assisting in the classroom, doing everything from developing educational materials and creating curriculum to teaching elementary school students about the importance of agriculture. Ashley expanded her chapter’s agricultural literacy program by creating lessons on popcorn, beef cattle, agricultural careers, biotechnology and many others to teach in the local elementary school. Ashley planned a weeklong Agriscience camp which allowed high school agriculture students to teach topics such as food science, animal science and many more to younger students. She is currently a freshman at UW-River Falls majoring in agricultural education. She is supported by her parents, Cheryl and Mark, who is also her FFA advisor.


PROFICIENCY AWARD WINNERS CONTINUED Kaila Wussow | Dairy Production, Entrepreneurship – Bonduel FFA Kaila Wussow of the Bonduel FFA Chapter received her first Jersey calf around the time of her first birthday. Since then, she has striven to raise animals that do well both in and out of the show ring. Her cattle have been recognized at national shows for their type and production abilities, and she is grateful for the large network of cattle enthusiasts that she has gained by showing cattle. Kaila’s Supervised Agricultural Experience includes 31 jersey cows and heifers, and two Holstein animals. She works hard to improve the genetic quality of her herd and realizes the importance of breeding for production and not only show animals. One of Wussow’s greatest accomplishments was receiving the George Barlass Herdsman Award at the Wisconsin State Fair. Kaila is thankful for the successes she’s had, experiences she’s gained and skills she developed that will help her continue to grow the business she has today. She is supported by her parents, Ronald and Nicolle, and her FFA advisor, Doug Raymakers.

Molly Schwister | Equine Science Placement – Lodi FFA A member of the Lodi FFA Chapter, Molly Elizabeth Schwister started her project at her grandparents’ Arabian horse training farm when she was five years old. Her grandmother taught and polished her skills to help Molly become the horsewoman she is today. Over the years, Molly’s responsibilities have grown tremendously and today she not only rides and trains her own horses, but gives beginner and intermediate level riding lesson and trains horses. She currently attends UW-River Falls and works at an Arabian horse training farm near school. This stable is home to 40 highly competitive Arabian show horses. Her duties include giving lessons to youth riders as well as training, conditioning and feeding the horses. By competing in national horse judging contests, she won a full scholarship to the Arabian Horse Judges School, and she looks forward to becoming a professional judge. Molly is supported by her parents, Michael and Laura, and her FFA advisor, Glenda Crook.

Stephanie Thiel | Food Science and Technology – Plymouth FFA Stephanie Thiel’s interest in food science initially led her to conduct an independent study in the area of research and development for cheese making. This allowed Stephanie to incorporate sciences, specifically microbiology and biochemistry behind food products. Stephanie worked as a youth apprentice in the microbiology lab of Johnsonville Sausage, LLC. She assisted microbiologists and chemists with their daily operations, gaining a better understanding of the bio-security measures behind the food processing industry. There Stephanie’s duties involved autoclaving, making media, plating environmental and harvest monitoring index swabs, preparing samples and maintaining records. As a member of the Plymouth FFA Chapter, she was a member of her FFA chapter’s national-qualifying milk quality and products CDE team. She is supported by her parents, Steve and Sheila, and her FFA advisors, Walter Taylor and Tracy Heinbuch.

Matthew Ries | Swine Production Placement – Lomira FFA Matthew Ries, of the Lomira FFA Chapter, was raised on a farrow-to-finish hog farm where he grew up helping his dad and uncle care for about 5,700 hogs each year. Today, the farm has 100 sows, with 20 sows farrowing every four weeks and producing roughly 180 pigs a week. On the farm, Matthew helps with driving machinery, mixing feed rations, and checking over the animals daily. He also pairs sires and dams for ideal genetics, gives vaccinations and helps work with the Wisconsin State Meat Inspectors. A skill that Matthew has developed over the years is nutrition management. He’s learned what is essential for their hog’s diets, types of feed additives, vitamin and mineral composition and how to maximize feed efficiency. The responsibility, work ethic and sportsmanship that Matthew has learned over the years will continue to expand and help him as he continues to farm with his family full time. Matthew is supported by his parents, Karen and Steven, and FFA advisor Dan Robinson.


NATIONAL FFA CAREER DEVELOPMENT EVENT RESULTS Dairy Cattle Evaluation and Management Pulaski FFA | 5th Place Team Mason Jouquet | 2nd place Individual Nathan Ferf*cki | Gold Individual Madelynn Gwidt | Gold Individual Emma Gwidt | Gold Individual

Agricultural Technology and Mechanical Systems Monroe FFA | 7th Place Team Joel Faith | 4th Place Individual Traiten Gorr | Gold Individual

Horse Evaluation Plymouth FFA | 1st Place Team Grace Schumacher | Third Place Individual Makayla Klumpyan | Gold Individual Vicki Payne | Gold Individual



National Speaking Contest Gold Listing Job Interview Trent Dado | Amery FFA | 2nd Place

Three Star Chapters – Adams-Friendship, Badger, Big Foot, Cochrane-Fountain City, Freedom, Granton, Lodi, Manawa, Marshall, Owen-Withee, Sauk Prairie, Shullsburg, Stanley-Boyd, Stevens Point, Stratford, Thorp, Waupaca, Waupun, Weyauwega-Fremont Two Star Chapters – Barron, De Pere, Holmen, Mishicot, Prairie Farm, Randolph Cambria-Friesland, Spencer

National Quiz Bowl Amery FFA | 4th Place

NATIONAL AGRISCIENCE FAIR Animal Systems Junior Level Individual

Amelia Hayden | Big Foot FFA | 1st Place Gold Science has been a passion of Amelia Hayden’s for as long as she can remember. Her desire to help people and her love of biotechnology led her to the FFA Agriscience Fair competitions. Amelia tested the effects of cinnamon on the growth of cells to find the optimal amount of cinnamaldehyde which could be placed into an organism’s diet and be beneficial toward growth. Her first year of research found that cinnamon bark was beneficial in lowering blood glucose levels. Her winning research found that making cinnamon 2 percent of an animal’s diet would be beneficial in lowering blood glucose levels and reducing the chances of diabetes, while still optimizing the growth of cells. Amelia is a Big Foot FFA officer and a member of the parliamentary procedure team. Her parents are Ed and Claire Hayden and her FFA advisors are Lisa Konkel, Jeanne Case and Zachary Markhardt. Environmental Services/ Natural Resource Systems Junior Level Team Lindsey Hella and Maddi Edinger Wrightstown FFA | 5th Place Gold

Plant Systems Senior Level Individual Carlie O’Donnell | Big Foot FFA | 3rd Place Gold Junior Level Individual Jillian Turbeville | St. Croix Central FFA | 5th Place Gold

HORSE EVALUATION The Horse Evaluation Career Development Event team at Plymouth High School (PHS) consists of Makayla Klumpyan, a freshman at UW-River Falls; Victoria “Vicki” Payne, also a freshman at UW-River Falls; Grace Schumacher, a senior at PHS; and Catharine Schalk, a senior at PHS. Grace Sonnentag, a senior at PHS could not attend due to major surgery just before the national competition. The team participated in practice competitions at the Illinois Horse Fair and Midwest Horse Fair. Each student has an Equine Supervised Agricultural Experience project that vary from working at local stables, teaching riding lessons, breaking-selling horses, and 4-H competitions. Many local farms and community members helped educate these youth since they started in the 4-H horse project at age nine, including their parents.

Power, Structural and Technical Systems Junior Level Individual Abby Field | Wonewoc Center FFA | 4th Place Gold Social Systems Junior Level Individual Levi Kindschi | Reedsburg FFA | 5th Place Gold

MODEL OF INNOVATION FINALISTS Community Development | Cochrane-Fountain City FFA Student Development | Thorp FFA




HONORARY STATE DEGREES The Honorary State FFA Degree is granted to farmers, school superintendents, principals, members of boards of education, chapter advisors, teachers, staff members in agricultural education, business people, and others who are helping to advance agricultural education and the FFA.

Bradley Anderson

Darci M. Meili

Linda Sattler

Agricultural Sales Representative for McFarlanes’ ; Wisconsin FFA Foundation Scholarship Sponsor

Administrative Assistant in Member Relations for Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation

Marshall L. Behling

Dennis Patterson

Laconia Agricultural Education Instructor and FFA Advisor; President of the Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators

Former Account Executive for The Country Today; Agricultural Education Instructor and FFA Advisor

UW-Platteville Meat Evaluation and Technology CDE Regional Contest Superintendent

Jack H. Ellickson

Derrick Papcke

Sales Representative for Animal Health International, Inc.

Dr. Tony Evers Wisconsin State Superintendent of Public Instruction

Donavon Taylor Chair of the UW-River Falls Department of Plant and Earth Science

Wisconsin FFA Foundation Board of Directors; Partner of CRT Papcke Farms LLC

Eric Treml

Edward C. Peck

State FFA President Supporter

Wisconsin FFA Foundation Board of Directors and Founder, President and CEO of Filament Marketing, LLC

Wisconsin FFA Alumni Council

Mike and Joni Wedig Amy Zernicke Wisconsin FFA Alumni Council

HALL OF FAME The Hall of Fame recognizes individuals who have made lifelong commitments and contributions to Wisconsin FFA.

Kim A. Havens Kim Havens grew up on a diversified livestock and dairy farm near Darlington. He served as Wisconsin FFA Vice President and State FFA President and was an agriculture education teacher at Janesville Parker for five years. Kim served the National FFA Foundation for seven years as Assistant Executive Director before beginning his own company, Havens Financial Services, Inc. He was also chairman and treasurer for the Wisconsin FFA Foundation Board of Directors. Kim continues displaying his passion of FFA as a lifetime Alumni member and new inductee of the Wisconsin FFA Foundation’s Blue and Gold Society.

Glenn L. Linder Glenn L. Linder was raised on a dairy and hog farm in Eastman. He was an active FFA member and then enrolled at the Wisconsin State University-River Falls (now UW-River Falls) and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Education. Glenn taught for 23 years at Pecatonica High School. During his tenure, he saw students earn 77 State FFA Degrees, 33 America FFA Degrees and advised eight State Proficiency recipients, two State Soil Judging teams and two State FFA Officers. Glenn is a lifetime FFA Alumni member and is a member of the Wisconsin FFA Foundation’s Blue and Gold Society.

Jim Marcks (posthumous) Jim Marcks was raised on a dairy farm near Black Creek. His plan after high school was to farm, however, he contracted polio. Once he recovered, Jim attended UW-Madison and earned a Bachelor and a Master of Science degree in Agriculture Education. For 32 years he taught agriculture at Luxemburg-Casco High School. He didn’t let physical challenges stop him from sharing his passion. During his tenure Jim saw his students earn a total of 72 State FFA Degrees and five first place proficiencies. He was a dedicated educator who made a lasting impact on his involvement in agricultural education.


DISTINGUISHED SERVICE CITATIONS The Distinguished Service Citation thanks individuals who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to assist Wisconsin FFA. Michael Klahr Michael Klahr is the event coordinator for the Alliant Energy Center. The Wisconsin Association of FFA has worked directly with Michael each year the State FFA Convention has been held at the Alliant Energy Center. Together, he and his team of talented employees have assisted the FFA in bringing the Wisconsin FFA Convention to Madison. The move to Madison and the Alliant Energy Center allowed for more workshop opportunities and the addition of the Career Show. Each year the Alliant Energy Center supports the convention through its outstanding services.

Janet Schneider Janet Schneider is currently serving as the president of the Wisconsin FFA Alumni Association. She also has served on the Alumni Council representing Section 10. Janet works for Stewart-Peterson as well as the family farm. Even though she was not an FFA member, she is an avid promoter of FFA and agriculture. Janet has been a member of the Campbellsport FFA Alumni, Fond du Lac Agribusiness Council and Moraine Park Technical College’s Ag Education Advisory Board. Her advice to FFA members is “Carpe Diem” – seize the day – and to always keep a sense of humor about life and work.

Equity Cooperative Livestock’s A Good Way to Grow Program Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association’s A Good Way to Grow Program raised almost $40,000 for the Wisconsin FFA Foundation’s Leadership Partner program. These funds make conferences and other opportunities possible for FFA members to hone their premier leadership skills. The Good Way to Grow Program funds were the result of 5 cents from each animal marketed at Equity facilities for one year. The funds came from Equity’s bottom line and not from the producer’s check, therefore, the collaborative efforts of the patrons and Equity provided this gift to Wisconsin FFA.

John H. Keel Photography John H. Keel Photography has worked with Wisconsin FFA for 20 years and supports FFA at both the state and local levels. Each year the Wisconsin FFA Officer Team visits John H. Keel Photography for its official photographs. The studio also provides its photography services to other local FFA chapters. John H. Keel Photography is represented by David Keel who has worked with the company for 45 years. David shares his talent for the betterment of the Wisconsin Association of FFA.

BLUE AND GOLD SOCIETY The Wisconsin FFA Foundation welcomed four new members to the Blue and Gold Society in 2015. Through their generous donations, Blue and Gold Society members have left their personal mark on Wisconsin FFA now and for years to come. The group is open to membership for any individual or couple who donates a minimum of $15,000 (new level as of January 1, 2015) over three years or less, or provides a letter of intent that they have set up a comparable planned gift. If you’re interested in membership to the prestigious Blue and Gold Society by making a major gift, creating an endowment or by naming the Wisconsin FFA Foundation in your will or as an account beneficiary, call Sara Schoenborn at 608-831-5058 ext. 3. Lou and Sandra Arrington Harold and Geneva Beals Walter and Delores Bjoraker Arnold B. and Katherine Cordes Floyd Doering Elstad Brothers Estate The Family of Matthew D. Anderson Dean P. and Mary Elstad Gagnon Keith Gundlach


Kenneth K. Heideman The Family of Gordon J. Iverson DVM Wallace H. Jerome Amber Vickers Keller Rodney O. Kittelsen Robert and Herta Laatsch Family Kevin and Julie Larson Family Glenn L. and Sonja Linder Virgil O. and Ann Martinson

Gerald R. Matteson Ken Seering Bernie and Marty Staller Clarence A. and Caroline L. Strohschein Thomas H. and Christine M. Thomsen, in honor of Mr. Thomsen’s father, H. H. ‘Tommy’ Thomsen Jim and Nodji Van Wychen, in honor of Mr. Van Wychens’s parents, John and Hattie Van Wychen

VIP AWARD RECIPIENT David Erickson David Erickson dedicated 40 years of service to Cooperative Network and the Wisconsin Federation of Cooperatives. He served on the Wisconsin FFA Foundation Board of Directors as well as the Sponsors Board. David has been a judge for a variety of state contests for the Wisconsin Association of FFA and has worked with State FFA Officers when attending the National Cooperative Youth Program. He has been recognized for his outstanding leadership skills and knowledge receiving numerous awards. David shares that FFA members are “a cut above the rest” and his commitment to youth is truly remarkable.


Clara Hedrich

Joan Behr has a long history as a strong supporter and promoter of FFA in the Upper Midwest. She grew up on a dairy and hog farm with six siblings in Waukon, Iowa. She began her career in the banking industry prior to transitioning into a job as a public relations specialist. Joan served four years on the Wisconsin FFA Foundation’s Marketing Committee as well the Wisconsin FFA Foundation Board of Directors. Joan is the director of communications and brand management for Foremost Farms USA. She volunteers much of her time to industry organizations, as well as those in her local community.

Former agricultural education instructor and FFA advisor at West De Pere, Clara Hedrich, has always had a long track record of providing students with real world experiences. Owning a goat farm allowed Clara the chance to use many of her personal experiences and resources to teach her students animal science courses. She accomplished so much in her 39 years of teaching, including becoming the second agricultural education instructor to receive their National Board Certification in Wisconsin, creating courses which meet science equivalency standards, and teaching urban students about the importance of agriculture in their community.

Terry Bernick Terry Bernick currently serves as the Wisconsin FFA Center executive assistant. She has worked for the Wisconsin FFA Center since 2001 and is a vital force in the operation of the Wisconsin Association of FFA. Terry works with National FFA to coordinate FFA leadership conferences in Wisconsin, creates online registrations and rooming lists for conferences, and more. She is a key reason that Wisconsin FFA conferences continue to grow. In fact, under her leadership, attendance at conferences has grown from roughly 700 people to now over 1,000. Her passion and dedication for agricultural education continues to influence Wisconsin FFA members.

Bob Meyer

Bridgett Nottestad Neu Bridgett Neu has a long history of serving Wisconsin FFA. She has served as vice-president of the Wisconsin Association of FFA, received an Outstanding Young Member award from the Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators (WAAE), and during the last 12 years Bridgett served as the executive director of WAAE. In that role she supported agricultural education instructors to ensure they were aware of the opportunities and initiatives that are available to them. Bridgett has participated in various trainings to gain skills and training to work more effectively as an association. She continues to dedicate her time and talents to advocate for agricultural education.

Bob Meyer was raised on a dairy farm in central Wisconsin. He was active in 4-H and FFA and served as a Wisconsin FFA State Officer. Bob pursued a career in broadcasting, starting as the “overnight guy” at WDLB in Marshfield. Now he is a part of the Brownfield Network team and is still is the “morning guy” on WDLB. Bob is a great friend to the FFA organization, he acknowledges FFA whenever possible through his radio broadcasts, and directly works with FFA members as often as he can. He is a great advocate agriculture, agricultural education and FFA.




PATRON - 1000024999

AgStar Financial Services, ACA Badgerland Financial CHS Foundation Culver Franchising System, Inc. Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association Landmark Services Cooperative Organic Valley/CROPP Cooperative, Inc. Renk Seed Roundy’s Supermarkets, Inc. Rural Mutual Insurance Company Wisconsin Public Service

GOLD 5000-9999

Alliant Energy Foundation American Family Insurance G & B Produce, Co./Crazy Fresh Produce GreenStone Farm Credit Services GROWMARK, Inc. Kraft Heinz Company Oscar Mayer Madison Land O’Lakes Foundation Local CHS/LOL Member Cooperatives MinnTex Citrus, Inc. - Iowa Seneca Foods Corporation ST Paper, LLC The Country Today U.S. Army ROTC 3rd BDE Wisconsin Agri-Business Association Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board

SILVER 1000-4999

A. Sturm & Sons Foundation, Inc. Accelerated Genetics Adams-Columbia Electric Cooperative Agropur inc. Alsum Farms & Produce, Inc. American Foods Group Anderson Pharms, LLC Animal Health International, Inc. Blain’s Farm & Fleet BMO Harris Bank Breeze Dairy Group LLC Citizens State Bank of Loyal CNH Industrial Capital

Collegiate FFA, UW-Madison Cooperative Network Country Visions Cooperative Dairyland Seed Co., Inc. Digi-Star LLC Direct Enterprises, Inc. DuPont Pioneer Edward J. Okray Foundation, Inc. Filament Marketing Foremost Farms USA Foth Production Solutions, LLC GLK Foods, LLC GNP Company Harmony Country Cooperatives JBS-Green Bay Jennie-O Turkey Store John Deere John Deere Financial, f.s.b. Johnsonville Sausage, LLC Kikkoman Foods, Inc Kiwanis Club of Downtown Madison Kuhn North America, Inc. La Crosse Milling Company Lakeside Foods, Inc. Lulich Landscaping, LLC MAI Animal Health Merial Ltd. Midwestern BioAg, Inc. Milk Products LLC Milk Source, LLC Mill Haven Foods Mondelez International Foundation Matching Gifts Program Monsanto Company’s Middleton Site Nasco OXBO International Corporation Sanofi Foundation for North America Saputo Cheese USA Inc. Sartori Company Siebert Associates, Inc. Southwest WI Technical College Star Blends The Andersons, Inc Tractor Supply Company Union Bank & Trust Company United Cooperative USAgNet LLC / Wisconsin Ag Connection We Energies Westby Cooperative Creamery Willow Creek Farm Wisconsin Auctioneers Association Inc Wisconsin Corn Growers Association

Wisconsin Dekalb Asgrow Sales Team Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation Wisconsin Farmers Union Wisconsin Florists Foundation Wisconsin Pork Association Wisconsin Poultry and Egg Industries Association Wisconsin Rural Opportunities Foundation, Inc. Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association

BRONZE 250-999

Associated Milk Producers Inc. Badger State Ethanol, LLC Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc Brakebush Brothers Inc. Charleston|Orwig Culver’s of Wausau Custer Farms, Inc. Daily Dairy Report Daluge Travel, LLC Dane County Ag Teachers Duffy Grain, Inc. Dunn Energy Cooperative Dunn-Hill Marketing LLC Durst-Larse Farms, LLC East Central/Select Sires Eau Claire Ford Elburn Coop Ellsworth Coop Creamery FarmFirst Dairy Cooperative First Citizens State Bank Fox Cities Builders Greater Madison Convention & Visitors Bureau Gumz Farms H&S Manufacturing Co. Hansen Farms, Inc. Herbert H. Kohl Charities, Inc. Heritage Farm Toys International Stock Food Corporation Kent Nutrition Group LaClare Farms Lallemand Animal Nutrition Lowe Manufacturing Co., Inc. Lulich Auction & Realty, Inc. Lulich Implement McCain Foods, Inc. McFarlane Manufacturing Midwest STIHL Millhome Nursery and Greenhouses Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club Montchevre-Betin, Inc. Nasonville Dairy, Inc.

National Farm Medicine Center North Central Irrigation Northeast Wisconsin Technical College - Landscape/ Horticulture Program Nutrition Physiology Corporation (NPC) Park Bank Premier Cooperative Quality Liquid Feeds RAM Trucks RCI Engineering Riverland Energy Cooperative Schroeder’s Flowers, Inc. Sheboygan County Farm Bureau Sloan Implement Company, Inc The Coburn Company, Inc. The Old Fashioned Town Bank Tractor Central Udder Tech Inc UW-Madison Dept. of Animal Sciences UW-Platteville Agriculture Student Council UW-River Falls Ag Ed Society & Alpha Tau Alpha Value ImplementBaldwin Location Viroqua Food Co-op We Energies Foundation Wisconsin Aquaculture Association Wisconsin Association of Meat Processors Wisconsin Cattlemen’s Association Wisconsin National Farmers Organization Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative WPS Farm Show Food Vendors Xcel Energy, Inc.

FRIEND 1-249

1st Farm Credit Services Ace Ethanol AgVentures LLC AltaGenetics USA Inc. Amery Regional Medical Center Arkdale Edge Acres Austad’s Super Valu, Inc. Badger Steel & Fabricating, Inc. Becker’s Trucking, Inc. Berlon Industries Blanchardville Cooperative Oil Association Bremer Bank Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. Brockway and Sons Trucking

Carter & Gruenwald Company, Inc. Castell Farm Central Wisconsin Cooperative Chippewa Valley Technical College Citizens Community Federal Bank Consumers Cooperative Oil Company CRT Papcke Farms, LLC Culver’s of Kenosha Culver’s of Waukesha Dairy Services Inc. DeLong Company, Inc. Dishno Ag Enterprises, LLC Eau Claire Cooperative Oil Company Fox Valley Technical College Franzen Trucking Fromagination Gerald & Ann Lintner Grant County 4-H Adult Leaders Gross Motors, Inc. Hines Auction Service, Inc. Kelley Country Creamery Lake Aire Agency Legacy Seeds Lodi Canning Company M&M Farm Meinholz Enterprises LLC Middleton Farmers Cooperative Midwest Family Broadcasting Mid-West Family Broadcasting - Eau Claire Pecatonica Cooperative Oil Co. Price Electric Cooperative Rosenholm Dairy LLP Scenic Rivers Energy Cooperative Scheps Dairy, Inc. Scott Implement Statz Bros., Inc. Superior Shores Farm Bureau The Ark Animal Hospital The Mutual Fund Store The Scharine Group Thill Crest Farm Tri County Dairy Supply, Inc. United Ag Cooperative United Veterinary Service Vets Plus, Inc. Voegeli Farm, Inc. W & E Radtke, Inc. Walworth Co Farm Bureau WESTconsin Credit Union Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek S.C.

MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS: In memory of Sandra Ace John & Darlene Arneson In memory of Matthew Anderson Michael & Patricia Knoll In honor of Jerry Ashenbrenner Amber J. Swenor In memory of Arnold Cordes Lorin & Winnie Preston In memory of Beverly Doerfer John & Darlene Arneson In memory of Floyd Doering Dennis & Carol Seefeldt In memory of Floyd & Betty Doering Barbara & George Groshek In memory of Pat Ehle John & Darlene Arneson In memory of Victoria Harter Bonnie J. Peterson, Dean & Mary Gagnon, Joyce E. Gust In memory of Dick Koltz Sartori Company

In celebration of Lakeview Dairy Berlon Industries In memory of Donald J. Loomans Lois Loomans In memory of Dillon Mueller Mishicot FFA Alumni In honor of Nicole Nelson Charlee Doom In memory of Edwin & Leona Patterson Larry & Susan Johnson In memory of Herbert Popp Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. In memory of Joshua Reimer River Valley FFA Chapter In celebration of Sarah Schauer Dianna Martin In memory of Francis Steiner Jeanette Steiner In memory of Peter Talen William Haley

Donor listing reflects all contributions made between June 14, 2014 and June 19, 2015, which coincides with the annual Wisconsin FFA Convention.



Louis & Sandra Arrington Big Sky Suffolks Joan Behr Jerry & Frances Cooper Richard & Peggy Daluge Paul & Kirsten Gross Kim & Leona Havens Allan D. Herrman Bret Iverson Amber Vickers Keller Family of the late Brian Krull Fred & Cindy Lawton Gerald R. Matteson Derrick Papcke Michael A. Sabel Ken Seering Jerry Steiner and Denise Bertrand Family

PATRON 500-999 Geneva Beals Rick & Gwen Dado Gerald Dryer David & Beth Erickson George & Laura Frye Andrew Kube Greg Rindsig Thomas H. Thomsen Tim Wyss

GOLD 250-499

Tom & Jesi Betley William & Deborah Boehm Beth Burgy Travis & Ellen Holt Darren Kittleson Ronald & Sue Klingaman David & Amy Kruse Ronald W. Martin William & Nancy Maurina Andy Moravec Kent & Candace Muschinske Roger & Jody Olson Mark Raduenz Brian Roe Dennis & Carol Seefeldt Sheri Sutton Dennis Tauchen Scott Vosters Jerry & Sharon Wendt Blaine & Fay Westberg

SILVER 100-249

Alan Albers Cortlyn & Judy Almquist Richard Ammon Jon & Rachel Anderson LaVerne & Beverly Ausman Thomas & Tammy Beard Dale M. Beaty Marie Bucko Elam & Barbara Buttles Andrew & Katherine Christenson Mark & Ellen Cook

John & Karna Croft Mark Denk Aaron Dietsche Charlee Doom Mike Dunse Cybil Fisher Frank & Judy Friar Gary J. Geisler Josh & Reba Gotham Preston Green Tim & Jane Griswold Joyce E. Gust Lowell Hagen Oren Hammes Nancy Henck Martin Heuer, Ret. Jeff & Sheri Hicken Darrell Hines Dayton Hougaard William & Jacqueline Hustad Todd Jensen Larry & Susan Johnson Daryl & Katie Jones Justin Jorgenson Chris Keil Michael & Patricia Knoll Jason Kollwelter Jayne Krull Larry Lader Charles & Aralda Larson Mark & Dianne Lelle Russ & Christine Lindner Larry Lindsay Robert & Dorothy Luening David & Lori Lulich Tom & Barbara Lyon Janet E. Meister David & Lisa Meyer Julie Micke Robert Morrison Kenneth & Joyce Natzke JR & Bridgett Neu Nickolas J. Palkowski Jake & Tolea Peissig Whitney Peissig Terry C. Petersen Bonnie J. Peterson Glenn Petrick Larry Pfeil Howard “Dan” & Jean Poulson Lorin & Winnie Preston Tim & Jean Preuninger Richard E Ralph Kimberly & Dean Redington Chad Rhinehart Russell & Karen Rindsig Richard & Lois Rossmiller Joshua & Brenda Rowley Kaleb Santy Irvin & Mary Sather Linda Sattler Dave & Lisa Schaefer Robert & Karyn Schauf Sara Schoenborn David & Jolynne Schroepfer Richard & Sue Schultz

Randy & Valerie Schwandt John Seehafer Jeanette Steiner William Sullivan Dwight & Ruth Swenson Melissa Sylte Troy Talford Harold & Thelma Tech Lester Unferth Joe & Mary Beth Waldo Teresa Waters Dave & Jackie Weiland Kathy Wendt James & Judith Werth Luke Wiedenfeld Otto H. Wirth David A Wolfe Dr. Allen & Joan Wysocki Amy Zernicke Jeffrey Zobeck

BRONZE 50-99

John & Darlene Arneson Scott Baier Robert Baker Justin Bauer Nile Beck Ross & Melissa Bender Travis Berg Jennifer Bergmann Del & Jan Bodart Derek Brander Kimberly & Mitchell Dehn Ronald E. Deiter John & Neiva Fett Robert & Peggy Fischer Dean & Mary Gagnon Bill & Susan Gnatzig Gilbert Graber Gary & Jennifer Gracyalny Barbara & George Groshek LaMar Hereford David & Bernadine Hornby Andrew & Janet Huppert Wayne & Beverly Jansen Ronald Jenkins Christine M. Jumbeck Broc Kensmoe Raymond Kuehl Chuck & Mary Lou Kugel Paul A. Larson Thomas & Lee Ann Lindahl Alan Mazna Vince & Amy Michalski Daryl & Cynthia Miller Roman Molls, Jr. Sheryl Nehls Ben & Nicole Nelson Kevin Niebur Christopher & Lynn Olson Wallace Peck Dean H. Peterson Jeff & Jill Pinter Todd Prescott Mark Puliafico Ralph & Judy Rabach

Kent W. Rice Edward and Amy Richel David Rizzardi Donald & Mary Russell James & Susan Sacker David R. Schlies Terry & Sharon Schroepfer Harvey & Susan Shuler Ruth Siegmund Gene Sirianni Leonard L. Splett Marty & Melissa Sprecher Bruce & Rachel Stafne Todd T. Stanek Andrew & Lisa Talbott Carl Treml Terry & Paula Treu Jeanie Untiedt Lee Van Wychen Gary Vorpahl Bob & Marcia Voss Fran Wagner Tom & Sandy Wells Alan Wichmann


Arlan Anderson Nicole Barlass Carolyn Basse Brion & Aralda Bell Stanley Bergum Thomas Bleck Steven R. Boe Jonas & Jen Bradley Traci Brewer Michael & Susan Brugger Roger & Susan Byom Lori Chapman David & Heidi Clausen Richard & Marjorie Colby Amy Jo Cross Dawn Doran Scott Eastwood Jonathan Eckelberg Dale & Janice Edlin Jack Ellickson Bill Emery Sheila Everhart Tim & Angela Feider Mark and Tanya Genke Bernal & Kathryn Granger Edward & Gloria Greschner Robert Hagenow William Haley David & Geri Henningfield Gary & Mary Hildebrandt Ronald & Jean Hinkfuss Anita Hoffman Donald D. Honadel Dan and Denise Huntington Wendy J Kannel James & Joyce Kasper Daniel Kendall Alison Kepner Brett & Natalie M. Killion Dan & Christy Kitzhaber

Andrea Klahn Keith & Lynn Kolpack Donald Larsen Michael Leahy Agnes Lee Barb Lee Donald G Lightfield Lois Loomans Jeffrey Lueck Amy M Maier Jeff Malcore Dianna Martin Wayne & Donna Martin James & Anne Massey Ardith McDowell Darci Meili Lyle & Linda Mercer Arch Morton, Jr. Clarence Olson Milton & Kay Olson JoAnn Otto Bill & Betty Outhouse Tracy Pape Natasha Peterson Jeffrey & Marcia Pethke Stephanie Prahl Linda K Priske-Georgeson Jamie Propson Fred Pumper Pamela Puntney Daniel & Debra Raemisch Jennifer Rake Michael Rasmussen Robert & Patricia Reddell Paul Redig Chester & Linda Rhinehart Lori B Ripp William & Marilyn Ross Peter Roycraft Tyler Sailsbery Kimberly Schadrie Dwayne Schneller Richard Schoenborn Becky Schollian Dale W. Schultz Bart & Janice Schyvinck Thomas and Patricia Sebranek Betty Sellenheim Norma Skroch Gary & Dorsay Solum Abigail Staff Peter & Ruth Stern Amber J. Swenor Michael Tassoul Todd A Taylor Jennifer Thompson Alan D. Thorson William Timm Steven & Jane Tucker Marian Viney Kristin Warner Emily Watson Todd M. Wehler Cathy Wendt Larry Wiedenfeld Shirley M. Ziegler


PATRON - 1000-4999 1992-93 State Officer Team 2013-14 State Officer Team Marshfield FFA Alumni

GOLD 500-999 Amherst FFA Alumni

Denmark FFA Alumni Sauk Prairie FFA Alumni Section 8 FFA Alumni Affiliates Stoughton FFA Alumni Waupaca FFA Chapter & Alumni Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators

Elkhorn FFA Alumni Fennimore FFA Alumni Lomira Community FFA Alumni Mishicot FFA Alumni Mondovi FFA Chapter National FFA Organization

SILVER - 250-499

1991-92 State Officer Team Abbotsford FFA Alumni Argyle FFA Alumni Bloomer FFA & FFA Alumni

Big Foot FFA Alumni Brodhead FFA Alumni Cochrane-Fountain City FFA Alumni

BRONZE - 100-249

Clear Lake FFA Alumni De Forest FFA Alumni Fort Atkinson FFA Alumni Freedom FFA Chapter Granton FFA Alumni Green Bay Southwest FFA Chapter Gresham FFA Alumni Gresham FFA Chapter Luxemburg-Casco FFA Chapter Mauston FFA Alumni New Glarus FFA Alumni

New Richmond FFA Alumni Oconto Falls FFA Alumni River Valley FFA Chapter Turtle Lake FFA Alumni Waunakee FFA Alumni


Black River Falls FFA Chapter Brookwood FFA Chapter Janesville FFA Alumni






$ 413,522 Industry Partners


$19,606.00 to Chapters (6.8%)

$ 99,050 Individual Partners


National chapter award, membership awards, career development

$15,214 FFA Related Partners


$27,710 Fundraising Events $555,496 TOTAL



event team awards, website competition and chapter grants.

$168,340.74 to Programming (58.5%) Leadership conferences, proficiency awards, career development events, state officer training, State FFA Convention activities, state-level grant projects.

$99,930.70 to Individuals (34.7%) SAE grants, scholarships, state officer leadership awards, cash awards for agriscience fair, proficiencies, career development

You can be a financial partner to Wisconsin FFA members! To support the annual fund, simply make a secure online gift at www.WisconsinFFAFoundation.org, call 608-831-5058 or send a check payable to “Wisconsin FFA Foundation” to 1241 John Q. Hammons Dr, Ste 200; Madison, WI 53717.

events, participation in national band, chorus and talent, Stars Over

We also have a number of special partnership options available to suit your interests and serve our FFA programming. Visit us online or contact our office to learn more about these options.

*The difference in funds received in the year but not distributed as FFA program support is due to funds being allocated as support next year, endowment contributions received, programming costs incurred by the Foundation directly and funds used for Foundation operations.

America awards.

$287,877.44 TOTAL*


The Wisconsin FFA Foundation celebrated new fundraising accomplishments this year, notably the record-breaking total of $555,496.07! This success was due to initiatives such as the Leaders’ Legacy Campaign, an opportunity for past state officers to support current state officers and other FFA members. Our past state officers donated a total of $12,178.57 to the Leadership Partner Program. New members of the Blue and Gold Society contributed $57,632.57. This unique group of donors includes individuals or couples who have committed to a minimum $15,000 gift over three years or less, or have established a comparable planned gift to the Wisconsin FFA Foundation. The Wisconsin FFA Foundation’s surplus was utilized to support proficiency awards previously funded by the National FFA Foundation and reallocation of funds to support program areas due to the Blue and Gold Society growth.

Temporarily Permanently Restricted Restricted 2015 Total

2014 Total

$ 305,985

$ 492,991


$ 222,940

In-kind contributions



$ 388,532

$ 307,128

Accounts receivable



Prepaid expenses



Total current assets

446,759 378,902


Year ended July 31, 2015 Unrestricted

July 31, 2015 and 2014




$ 26,130


$ 555,055




$ 1,055

$ 1,055

Accumulated depreciation



Equipment – net




Certificates of deposit

$ 154,064

$ 152,099

Fundraising events 46,169





Investments 907,337 894,085

Investment return (14,147)





Cash held for endowment



Miscellaneous - - - - -

Cash surrender value of insurance



Total other assets 1,124,777 1062,673

Total support and revenue 262,676 323,192 26,130 611,998 609,559 EXPENSES Personnel 111,415


- 111.415 113,945

Professional fees





Office expenses





Telephone 1,216


- 1,216


Printing 7,812






$ 1,571,536

$ 1,441,663

6,900 928


Postage 3,072


- 3,072


Accounts payable

Sponsored projects 189,047


- 189,047 169,560

Accrued payroll and expenses



Scholarships 97,901


- 97,901 85,294

Travel 7,898


- 7,898


Total liabilities



Advertising 3,683


- 3,683


Insurance 1,396


- 1,396



Occupancy 6,600


- 6,600


Information technology






Conferences and meetings 19,497





Golf outing supplies and fees






Investment management fees











Miscellaneous 1,742


- 1,742


Total expenses 494,871


- 494,871


Net assets released from restrictions 235,355 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS








$ 525,594



$ 522,434

Temporarily restricted

357,497 269,660

Permanently restricted

616,315 590,185

Total net assets


$ 1,499,406


$ 1,571,536 $1,441,663

459,874 -

87,837 26,130 117,127 149,685

Net assets - beginning of year 522,434 269,660 590,185

1,382,279 1,232,594

NET ASSETS - END OF YEAR $525,594 $357,497 $616,315

$1,499,406 $1,382,279


WISCONSIN ASSOCIATION OF FFA www.wisconsinffa.org | (715) 659-4807 | (608) 267-9255

WISCONSIN FFA FOUNDATION www.wisconsinffafoundation.org | (608) 831-5058

[PDF] WISCONSIN FFA. and WISCONSIN. FFA FOUNDATION Annual Report - Free Download PDF (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.