[FROM JUNE 29, 1882, THROUGH AUGUST 3, 1882.]

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.



CONTRA TOTAL: $175.40.






Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.


Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.


The latest reports of the riot in Egypt ten days since give the numberof Europeans ascertained to have been killed by the enraged Egyptians at340. Things are becoming alarming in Egypt. Among the new matters bearingon the question is the threat of the British Comptroller at Cairo to resignif Arabia Pasha is made a part of the new Ministry; the growing hostilityof the troops at Alexandria against Europeans; the arrival of a Russianman-of-war; the dispatching of two gunboats from England to guard the SuezCanal; and the Sultan's repeated objection to a conference on the Egyptianquestion.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.


The railways running into Denver have reduced the rate from the MissouriRiver to Denver and return from $38 to $30.

Arrangements have been made for a twenty-five hour train between NewYork and Chicago over the Central and Lake Shore roads, to commence in July.

The latest discovery in oil wells in Pennsylvania is a bore that yieldsone hundred barrels an hour. Nature seems to be bearing the electric lightmarket.

The Jewish refugees from Russia are coming to this country by hundreds.About 1,000 are now en route thither across the Atlantic. Thousands havealready arrived at New York.

The United States census report shows that in 1880 there were about 4,000,000adults in this country who could not read or write, and that there are asmany white as black ignoramuses.

There are now in the bonded warehouses of the United States about 85,000,000gallons of whiskey on which the tax amounts to $76,000,000. The time forthe payment of a considerable portion of this tax is near at hand.

Fort Leavenworth has been designated as the place for the contest forarmy prizes in shooting for the present year, the contest to commence onthe 16th of October. Gen. Sheridan will be present and deliver the prizes,six in number.

According to the report of the director of the mint, the total productof gold for the year was $34,700,000, and of silver $13,000,000. Coloradotakes the first place among the producing states with a yield of more than$20,000,000; California follows with a yield of nearly $19,000,000.

Last April a well was bored in Washington County, Pennsylvania, by theNiagara Oil Company, and the Scientific American considers it tobe the greatest "gasser" of modern drilling days. Contrary toexpectation, the sands at first were not found to be regular or of an oilbearing description. Drilling was continued, however, for six months toa depth of 2,200 feet. Then a fissure was struck containing gas of mostextraordinary volume and pressure. Tools weighing more than 800 pounds werethrown out of the hole more than fifty feet above the derrick, with a noisewhich rendered conversation impossible within 300 yards of the works.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.



Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

J. S. Mann has gone east.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Winfield has concluded not to celebrate.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Wellington had a $12,000 fire last Friday night.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Indian war-dance at Arkansas City the Fourth.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

G. W. Gully of Kansas City was in the city last week.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Friday at 2 o'clock Guiteau will leave this wicked world.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Joe Harter has been "under the weather" for the past few days.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Rev. Canfield went east Monday and will probably be absent about twoweeks.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Charlie Bahntge is again at his post in Read's Bank after a severe attackof bilious fever.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Justin Porter left for his home in Omaha Monday after a two week's visitwith us.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

The Courthouse square has been plowed up preparatory to sowing it downin blue grass.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

We are glad to state that Mrs. Dr. Emerson is able to drive out againafter her long illness.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Dr. Graham and his son Alvah returned Saturday night from a three week'svisit in the east.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Mrs. A. T. Shenneman is spending this week in Wichita with her parents,Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Walters.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Gen. Green returned from a week's stay at Geuda Springs Sunday. He ismuch better after the trip.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Mr. Shepard Crabtree, a substantial farmer of the Arkansas bottom, spenta few moments in our office Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Rev. J. E. Platter and family are enjoying a visit from Mrs. Hamill andMiss Bessie Platter, of Chillicothe, Ohio.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Miss Kate Millington returned from Fort Scott last week. She spent threeweeks there which were thoroughly enjoyed.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Hank Paris is now running two sprinklers on the streets and is doingthe work of keeping them well sprinkled in prime order.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Capt. L. Stevens, of Floral, an old COURIER subscriber, dropped in Saturdayand spent a few moments in pleasant conversation.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Mr. J. W. Curns brought in a sample of oats Friday from Dr. Rothrock'sfarm, which was five feet ten inches high, and still growing.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Mrs. A. B. Lemmon and family came down from Newton Saturday. They intendspend- ing the summer here and at Independence, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Judge Torrance held court Monday forenoon and granted a divorce in theIreton case. Mrs. Ireton gets $300 alimony. Court sits again July 5th.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Geuda Springs is booming quite a popular Sunday resort for our pleasure-lovingyoung people. Some eight or ten couples went over last Sunday.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

The Cowley County delegation left for Topeka Monday evening on the SantaFe. They were accompanied by a large delegation of "visiting statesmen."

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

In spite of the heat the church services at the different churches lastSunday were well attended, though it kept those present very busy stirringup the atmosphere with fans, hats, and anything serviceable.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

A very pleasant party, members of the Ivanhoe Club, assembled at RiversidePark Thursday afternoon to picnic and have a good time. Quite a number werepresent.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

H. C. McDorman was in from Grouse Saturday and reports his corn to betasseling. He thinks some of his corn is large enough to carry off the $10reward of P. H. Albright & Co.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

DIED. Frankie Mays, aged three years, died in this city at the residenceof his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Constant, on the afternoon of the 24thinst., of spinal affection. He had been ill ten weeks.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Mr. J. S. Rothrock, a merchant of Seeley and also postmaster of thatplace, was in the city Saturday and made the COURIER office a call. He ishighly pleased with the outlook for good crops around Seeley.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Mr. Samuel Lowe, of Moroa, Illinois, the gentleman with whom we had aninterview on the prohibition subject and which was published in the COURIERon March 6th, has arrived with his family and will hereafter reside amongus.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Rev. and Mrs. Cairns are making preparations to start next week for athree month's visit in Scotland, their native home. It has been thirty yearssince they left there. We wish them a pleasant and safe journey and an enjoyablevisit.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

W. A. Smith came down Monday from Wichita and returned Tuesday. He wasaccom- panied by Miss Agnes Lynch, one of Wichita's most accomplished youngladies. They took in Geuda Springs in company with Miss Smith and Will Wilson.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

The immense harvest now being gathered is causing holders of old wheatto dispose of it, fearing that the prices may go down. With the marketingof the new wheat crop, a greater business will open here than ever beforeknown.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Mrs. Carrie Renick, residing in the eastern part of the city, was broughtbefore Judge Gans Monday and examined as to her sanity. The jury found herinsane, and that she should be sent to the asylum. She is about thirty-fiveyears of age, and has a husband and two children. Her insanity was causedby a recent severe illness.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

The stone and brick store building of J. E. Conklin, next to the NewYork store, is almost completed. This is a very commodious building, being80 feet deep, and having the frame building formerly occupying the frontof the lot joined to the main building for a warehouse, making over a hundredfeet of storeroom. It will be occupied by Hendricks and Wilson.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

R. B. Pratt's steam thresher, bought of Brotherton & Silvers, arrivedSaturday on the Santa Fe and was taken out by him Monday evening. He passedthrough the streets with the traction engine in full blast, and it drewmuch attention. The machine was put to work on Tuesday threshing out ofthe shock, and R. B. has already engaged all he can possibly thresh thisyear. This makes three or four steam threshers that have been turned loosein the county this season.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Abe Steinberger, of the Winfield Courant, and Sam J. Goman, whohas for some years past represented a fancy grocery and fruit house at St.Louis, have consummated plans for the establishment of a weekly paper atKansas City, to be known by the suggestive name of the "Grip,"the first number of which will make its appearance on the 1st of August.


Abe and Goman would make such a paper hum from the start. We understandthat the Courant has been purchased by Mr. Leftwich of Larned, andthat the name will be changed to the Telegram and run as a Democraticpaper.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

V. M. Ayres, one of the Arkansas City millers, was up Saturday and calledon the COURIER. He is a very pleasant, agreeable gentleman, and we hopewill never pass us by when visiting Winfield.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Louie Zenor was severely crippled last week by a wagon turning over onhis foot. He is now much better and is taking to his crutches nicely.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

The editorial force of the COURIER is absent this week attending theCongressional matinee.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Col. Alexander leaves Thursday morning for Royalieu, Florida, where hewill make his future home.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Strayed. A young bay sucking colt from my place in Winfield. Any informationin regard to the same will be rewarded.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

The matrimonial market has been extremely dull during the past week,only two licenses being issued.


Geo. R. Wagoner to Lilly D. Hopp.

Timothy Hart to Mrs. Elizabeth Smith.


Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

THE MARKETS. Today (Wednesday) are quiet, with prices as follows: Hogs$6.75 to $7.00. Wheat, new 85; old 80 cents per bushel, corn 65. Potatoes65 to $$1.00. Chickens $1.75 to $2.40 per dozen, eggs 12-1/2 cents. Butter12-1/2 cents per pound. Small vegetables in abundance and prices low.


Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Mr. C. H. Connell took his departure for Topeka, Kansas, on Tuesday,where he will take up his residence and enter into the practice of law.Mr. Connell will be sincerely missed from our city, both in a social andbusiness way, for his friends are legion, and we congratulate Topeka onreceiving so intelligent and moral a young man in their midst.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Mr. J. F. Martin brought us in some very fine samples of ripe tomatoesfrom his farm in Vernon Township, Tuesday. They are very large indeed forthis season of the year, and he has eight thousand vines from which he willbegin to market tomatoes next week. Mr. Martin is an experienced gardener,and not a small amount of the splendid vegetables seen in Winfield comesfrom his farm.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

On last Friday evening Miss Mary Berkey was agreeably surprised by anumber of her young friends, who called to spend the evening with her asa sort of recognition of her sixteenth birthday. Miss Mary is a bright,sensible girl, and can entertain company right royally, and the time waspassed very pleasantly.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

John Randall and Charlie Doan have embarked in the mercantile businessat Floral. They have selected a good little town to start in, for Floralis situated in the center of a very rich agricultural country, and someof Cowley's best and most substantial farmers reside near it.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

J. T. Stone brought us in a sheaf of Clawson wheat from his farm sixmiles west, in Vernon Township, Saturday. The Clawson is a new variety forthis country and Mr. Stone secured the seed in Michigan. The straw is immenseand the grains, resembling very much the California White wheat, are aslarge and plump as any we ever saw. The sheaf has been on exhibition inour office and many of our best farmers have examined it closely and expressthe opinion that the variety surpasses in quality and is preferable to anykind now raised in the county.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

The ladies of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of this city sometime ago organized a "Band of Hope" among the children.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

DIED. Geo. Brown, the Marshal of Caldwell, was shot and instantly killedby a cowboy in that city on Thursday night of last week. Some men had raiseda disturbance at a bawdy house and Brown went to arrest them. While attemptingto disarm one of the party, he threw a revolver up to Brown's face and shothim over the left eye, scattering his brains all over the floor. Caldwellis greatly excited, and it is probable that after this latter experiencesome steps will be taken to prevent the recurrence of such scenes by disarmingcowboys as soon as they enter the limits of the city. The guilty party,as usual, escaped to the Territory.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

The young ladies of the Broom Brigade, being drilled in the Lecture Roomof the M. E. Church by Capt. Gary, are acquiring a great deal of proficiencyin handling that homely instrument of household warfare. When fully equippedwith the best weapons of the kind, they will no doubt prove combatants notto be despised in the conflicts that housekeeping always engenders. Theirfuture husbands will quail and tremble, after a single experience of theirprowess, whenever they hear the ominous words, "Present broomsticks!""Charge scrubbing brushes!" Their entertainment on the eveningof the Fourth will be an important feature of the Methodist Exposition.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

In obedience to the order issued from regimental headquarters, Old Veteranregiment, of Cowley County, the following line officers were present.

H. C. McDorman, Captain Dexter company.

A. A. Jackson, Captain company at Seeley.

Wm. White, Captain company F, Rock.

W. H. Bonnewell, First Lieutenant, Vernon company; Daniel Maher, representingcompany H; James Kelly, First Lieutenant, company A.

On motion Capt. Wm. White was elected chairman and Lieutenant James KellySecretary.

On motion Captain Charley Steuven was elected Colonel, T. H. Soward Lieutenant-Colonel, and Captain James Vanorsdal Mayor.

After a harmonious talk the meeting adjourned to meet at the call ofthe Colonel commanding.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Mr. T. C. Green brought in a sample of White rye Tuesday, raised on hisfarm ten miles north of here on the Walnut River, that beats any we eversaw for well filled heads and rankness of growth. The stalks are six feetten inches high and as large as good sized pipe stems. He says it standsso thick on the ground that it will bear up a man's hat anywhere in thetwenty acre field. The estimated yield is sixty bushels to the acre. Itwill be ready for the reaper Friday. The field was pastured all winter anduntil prairie grass afforded good grazing for stock. Mr. Green has one ofthe best farms in the county, the greater part being bottom land, and heis a very extensive wheat, corn, and stock raiser. The sample of rye ison exhibition in the COURIER office.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

DIED. In Winfield, Kansas, Monday, June 26, 1882, after two years anda half of severe, but patient suffering, Julia M., wife of Mr. C. A. Bliss.

Mrs. Bliss was born June 3, 1887, in northern Illinois, near Beloit,Wisconsin, where her parents removed while she was but a child. She remainedin Beloit until after her marriage with Mr. Bliss, Feb. 7, 1855. In thespring of the following year, 1856, Mr. and Mrs. Bliss were both convertedand baptized into the fellowship of the Beloit Baptist Church. The followingAugust they moved to Topeka, Kansas, where they remained for ten years,when they moved to Columbus and remained two years. In 1870 they came toWinfield. They have been very closely identified with the early historyof Kansas, and earnest advocates of all its moral and material progress.In Topeka, Columbus, and Winfield, they were constituent members of theBaptist Churches formed in these cities.

It may be well said of Mrs. Bliss that "she did what she could"in the home circle, in the church, and in the community. Her deep devotionand piety made her heed the Savior's injunction to remember the poor, theneedy, and the afflicted. How often while she was able was she seen witha loving heart and full hand ministering to their wants.

The whole community sympathize with the bereaved husband, daughter, andhis sister, Mrs. Rigby, who has been so closely identified with her so manyyears. Another sister and two brothers are also left to mourn her loss.. . . J. C.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Wheat Crop in 1882.

First marketed from Cowley County and from Kansas, grown on Prof. Hickok'sfarm three miles southeast of Winfield by Beaumont Bros., 3,000 bushelsfrom one hundred acres, and threshed by O. A. Pratt in 3-1/2 days. The firstcar was loaded last Friday for Bartlett & Co., of this city, for onedollar per bushel. The whole delivered before Wednesday of this week. Lowesttest 61 lbs. per bushel. Varieties: 14 acres volunteer, 11 bushels per acre;30 acres Little May, 19 bushels per acre; and 56 acres Fultz at a littlemore than 40 bushels per acre. This wheat was heavily pastured all winterand until late in the spring.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

No Celebration at Winfield.

The Executive Committee on 4th of July Celebration, after due consideration,has resolved not to celebrate at Winfield this year, and all preparationsare declared off. . . .

By order of the committee. J. P. SHORT, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.


Officers and Comrades of Cowley Legion No. 16, S. K. A. O. U. W.:

We, your committee appointed for the purpose, respectfully submit thefollowing:

WHEREAS, We have heard of the death (after a long and painful illness)of Mrs. Julia Bliss, beloved wife of Comrade C. A. Bliss, and, althoughwe recognize that the dissolution has long been expected, and thereforedoes not fall with the overwhelming force of a sudden bereavement, we yetconcede, in the loss of a wife and counselor an irreparable privation; and,while we extend to our brother our consolation, we trust that his griefmay be tempered by the peace and rest which has followed a long and weariedwaiting.

Resolved, That we extend to Comrade Bliss our fraternal sympathiesand condolence, in token whereof Cowley Legion No. 16, S. K. A. O. U. W.,will attend the funeral in a body.

Assembly Rooms, Winfield, June 27, 1882.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Soldiers, Attention.



H. L. Wells is hereby reappointed Adjutant with rank of Captain. Rev.P. F. Jones is appointed Chaplain with rank of Captain. 1st Lieutenant JamesKelly is appointed Quarter Master with rank of 1st Lieut. J. B. Magill isreappointed Sergeant Major, and will be respected and obeyed accordingly.By order of C. E. Steuven, Col. Comd. Regt.

H. L. WELLS, Adjt.


Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Local Notes from a Busy TownArkansas City.

A fourth of July picnic is all the rage.

Dr. Shepard has returned from his visit to Canada.

Our "Opera House" is loomingat least "talk" is.

Johnny Walker has sold out to O. G. Godfrey.

MARRIED. Dr. Vawter and Miss Alma Dixon were married last Wednesday evening.

We think some of the young men who have been seen with questionable charactersthe past week would do well to remember their obligations to the church.

Chas. Chapel will teach the "infant class" the coming fallatleast he is taking "lessons."

Mr. and Mrs. Matlack, W. D. Mowry, Miss Linnie Peed, and others visitedGeuda Springs Sunday.

Mr. Harry Hill has returned from Baldwin University, where he has beenattending school.

Is Blakely to be married or not? Will he board at the City Hotel? Somebodyplease answer.

Our Y. M. C. A. has almost expired. We want Carnes to come back.

The Methodist folks are building an addition to their church.

We are informed that Mr. Guto Coombs will start soon for the east, wherehe will remain the coming winter and give his interesting lecture on "Elocution."He has the voice, but we think he would do better to join his cause to SusanB. Anthony "On Woman's rights." Ask Miss P. her opinion on thesubject. JUNIUS.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

The water was allowed to run through the canal with both floodgates openlast Sunday in order to wash out the mud deposited in the bottom. It didthe business effectually. No fears are now entertained of the filling ofthe canal with debris. Traveler.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

New Salem.

Dear Readers of the Courier:

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." I think if thatsaying is true, there will be plenty of dull men and women in Salem, forhard work seems to be the order of the day.

Mr. G. D. Vance is running his self binder almost crazy. Runs it allday and part of the night, but changes horses so they will not get too tired.

Mr. George Burdette gave out while harvesting and was very ill for twodays, but is all right at present. You may think I am not at work when writingitems, but today I have been chief cook for a whole grist of harvest hands,and having a few moments leisure I will spend it in telling you some ofthe Salem doings.

Master Frank Pixley celebrated his birthday one day last week by havinga few friends to tea, and although Olivia failed to be there, it was a verypleasant affair, and Frank's mamma knows how to make the best of birthdaycakes, and I presume he knows this better than I. Many returns of days andcake is my wish.

Mr. Bovee is the possessor of a nice new buggy.

Mr. C. C. Chapell is going to be a festive agent for washing machines.Thinks of going away to Arkansas. Don't you forget to wash your face, Chris,when you go to see the "Rackensack gals."

Mr. Gledhill has sold his good farm to Mr. Nelson Peters. Mr. Gledhillwill shortly bid adieu to his Salem neighbors and try his fortune elsewhere.May she not prove a fickle goddess, and may happiness come and make herhome in the heart of the lonely wanderer. Mr. Peters will soon be a happyfarmer if many acres can bring joy to his heart. Over seven hundred acreswe believe are his Salem possessions.

Miss Amy Buck was almost wild with pain from concentrated lye in hereye. Sweet oil, we think, is as good as anything to stop the burning.

Mr. Dalgarn and quite a number of the Salemites are losing their chickenswith cholera. Sulphate of soda put in water for them to drink is an excellentpreventative and remedy.

Mr. J. Hoyland has had ripe peaches since the 15tth, but as they arescarce he will not have them long. Peas, beans, beets, etc., are now servedin different styles and dished up to the hungry harvester.

Mr. and Mrs. Causey finish off, we hear, on raspberry short cake. Theyhave nice berries now ready for market, and large quantities of vegetablesfrom their garden goes to Colorado or somewhere besides Salem.

Mrs. Root, of Winfield, was the guest of Mrs. Brooking last week.

Mr. Watsonburger had a very sick horse a few days ago, supposed to besun-struck. It is better and bids fair to get well.

Mrs. Shields is decidedly betterhas almost regained her usual health.

Messrs. Wells, Peters, and Bextel have bought a new threshing machineand want to thresh almost everybody. Will begin next week.

There is much talk of a new schoolhouse near the station. It will bea very nice addition to our neighborhood if it is built as commodious andimposing as the committees are plan- ning for. We only hope that it maybe built ere long and the Salemites who are away attend- ing school comeback and learn all that is necessary in the home school.

Rev. Graham spent one day last week in delivering babies, ordered forthe young people mostly.

Farmers are in excellent spirits, for the wheat will yield a bountifulsupply. Oats are very good and corn is trying to grow in double quick tomake up for lost time. It is certainly doing finely. Perhaps I can get moreitems next time. Everyone is too busy now to be communica- tive. May youall be happy if you can find out the way. OLIVIA.

June 24th, 1882.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Orchard Cottage.

EDS. COURIER: Ed., couched in terse and pointed words (we notice in thelocal column), is your sorrow over our late illness. But having faith inyour great sympathetic heart, we can but believe you will in kindness viewour infirmities, e'en though it be with a critic's eye. Really, Ed., wehardly know why we used those big words. Perhaps the big wheat crop threwour mental machinery out of balance. For instance, if you were to com- mencecutting around a thirty acre field of wheat that would yield forty bushelsto the acre, and when you arrived at the center of the field, the grainall being shocked, you should find the shocks so tall and close you couldnot get the reaper and team out of the field, don't you think that the firstlocal you wrote would contain some big words? Or perhaps luxuriatingon fruit of late has caused softening of the brain. But more likely still,the use of those big words, or superfluous words, was the effect of readingso many St. Jacobs Oil advertisem*nts in the columns of the COURIER, forwe have heard some terrible words used and anathemas pronounced againstthe COURIER for their insertion in news and editorial columns. Some haveaccused me of having political aspirations. Politically my highest aspirationis to be a good law-abiding citizen. Object in writing for the COURIER:Intellectual improvement. But to the disease, "con amore,"Italian, with love; earnestly. "Aut vincere, aut mori,"Latin, either to conquer or die. Con amore, aut vincere, aut mori."In all life, as well as in the capacity of a COURIER correspondent.Our ambition. With love; earnestly, either to conquer or to die. (Trying)The remedy, a homeopathic dose of editorial ipecac.

I perused with much interest the editorial on third parties, the bodyand substance of which I heartily indorse. "In union there is strength."Let the temperance people of all parties vote for St. John and not act thefool and get defeated by voting temperance in three different parties. Temperancetoday is vastly more important to Kansas than anti-monopoly and green- backs.But I have faith in Kansas and wisdom. Mr. Editors, I have no sympathy withpersons or parties that are constantly proclaiming the corruption of others.A guilty boy is ever ready to accuse some other boy. We need a nationalprohibition law as well as anti-monopoly laws, but for the present, statesmust do what the government does not do. We need a more ade- quate currency.The National banking system, the best this government ever had, is not perfect.A perfect system might soon liquidate the national debt.

June 24. Another week of grand harvest weather. Ten days more such weatherand Vernon's 130,000 bushels of wheat will be harvested. Day by day thekeen blades are pressed to the golden grain. Every manner of implement isbeing used, from the cradle to the header, and all are doing good execution,too. The luxuriant blades of the maize are furled to the breeze, and thefarmer rejoiceth accordingly. M. LEWIS.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Otter Township Items.

Eds. Courier: I will send you a few items from this vicinity. On Sundaynight a week, the livery stable of Cedarvale burned to the ground. Valuedat $750 and insured for $450. Two more will go up in its stead.

Quite an excitement was caused in the Vale Friday by a man by the nameof Walters breaking away from the constable and knocking a man over thehead with a club. It seems that Walters had been arrested by Spears, accusedwith abducting Spear's daughter, and after being fined by the justice, hewas running over the town pretending to be trying to raise the money, whenhe struck Spears and almost killed him. He then broke for his horse andleft town. Up to the present writing he has not been captured, but it isstated that they have him and one of his confederates surrounded in a bunchof timber near Grant Creek. The result will be given next week.

N. Belveal has sold his farm to a Mr. Denning, of Winfield, where Mr.Belreal has moved.

Myles and McCanley are in the Territory looking up a cattle ranch.

A young man with a duck-bill hat was around last week correcting a mapof Cowley and taking subscriptions for the same. They are a good thing,but rather expensive. OTTERITE.


Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Public Sale. There will be a public sale of farming implements, householdgoods, and stock by B. F. Gledhill, of Richland Township, four miles northof New Salem Station, Wednesday, July 12th, at 10 o'clock.

Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

The Winfield post office will be open on the 4th of July from 8 to 9A. M., and 12:30 P.M. D. A. MILLINGTON, P. M.


Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

Star Valley.

EDS. COURIER: Mr. James Walker has bought a new buggy which cost him$150. Now, girls, watch your chance for a buggy ride.

Miss Rena Wilson met with quite a serious accident the other day. Hermother told her to go and chop some wood, but instead of chopping the woodshe chopped her foot. She was, however, able to get out to Sunday schoolSunday.

Charlie Burton and Mr. Richards gave out in the harvest field last Saturdayafternoon.

Mr. R. L. McGuire talks of putting a new house on his place this fall.I wonder what it means.

MARRIED. Miss Minnie Walker and Mr. J. C. Martindale were united in theholy bonds of matrimony last Saturday at Winfield. Miss Walker is one ofthe brightest and prettiest little ladies it has been my lot to meet, andJack secures a prize. May they live long and enjoy all the pleasures thatthis world can afford.

Albert Baxter says he is going to get a new buggy.

Our Sunday school is progressing finely under the superintendency ofMrs. Acres.

Mr. Geo. Walker has returned from the east, where he has been visitingfor sometime past.

Some of the young men of this neighborhood intend going after applesthis fall. SUE.


Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.

FINE SHEEP. 600 sheep for sale. Inquire of S. W. Chase, five miles southeastof Winfield.

[Note: There have been ads infinitum for St. Jacob's Oil. After printingone or two, have ignored the rest. MAW]


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Senator Teller has returned from Carlisle much pleased with the evidenceof progress among the young Indians. He says the boys are doing well atfarm work, and learning the practical part of agriculture. They need moreland, and he will ask for means from Congress to purchase about 200 acresmore, which can be worked profitably. Some twenty-nine or thirty of theboys and girls are placed with the farmers of the neighborhood during thesummer vacation because there is not enough for them to do on the schoolfarm.


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Omnia Township.

EDS. COURIER: Your paper is a welcome visitor to our homes each week.

Politics are at a fever heat in this part of the county. There was ameeting of the Anti- monopoly party at Baltimore last Saturday night, butnot being there, I cannot tell what was done. I think their object was toget up a grand rally and picnic. I read with much interest your speech onpaper. Of course, we could not judge with what power and eloquence it wasdelivered, but will say that there were some good ideas advanced. The peopleare largely to blame for the condition that they are in at the present time.They have surrendered their power to the hands of moneyed men, manufacturingcompanies, and monopolies. You and I can recollect when every farmer hadhis bunch of sheep and would shear, work, and carry his wool to the cardingmachine; then the women had their wheels and looms and would manufacturetheir own wear, and people would live on what they raised, and a great manyof the farmers would have their sack of gold and silver and would hang itup in an old reticule against the wall or throw it up on an old cupboard.But how is it now? The people shear their wool, roll it in the dirt andgrease, send it a thousand miles for someone to wash, and give the railroadsomething to freight, then pay a commission agent so much per pound forhandling dirt and grease, all of which they could have saved by a littlelabor. The producers will sell their pork on foot at 5 cents and then buytheir bacon back at 15 cents; sell all their wheat and buy all their flourthencurse the monopolies. And that isn't all. I said that money used to layaround in old sacks. How is it now? If a man has a few dollars he goes straightto the bank, deposits it, then the banker turns around and loans the people'smoney at 25 percent, and gets rich off of it. Then they will curse the banksfor extortion. Why don't they loan this money to one another and thus helpeach other? No sir! If one neighbor goes to another to borrow a few dollars,he has to secure the loan by chattel, and it appears that people have lostconfidence, and while they are in that condition will not befriend one another.

Mr. Editors, to return to the political situation, the people are largelyto blame. Some will say, "I won't go to the caucus or the election."This is just what the schemer wants. A few dollars in each township canbe more serviceable than a convention. Then these stay-at- homes will howland swear when their interests are not looked after.

There is another class that will think what they want, but not loud enoughfor their next neighbor to hear. We want to tell what we want and tell whereinwe have been wronged and we need not go out of the party to be heard. Ifthe party then fails to hear and heed, after we have done our duty thoroughly,I for one will step down and out. And here goes to tell what we want ofour representatives, and what they must do or stay at home.

We, the Republicans of this part of the county, have agreed that thereare certain measures that must be carried into effect by our representativesanequal distribution of the railroad tax in the school district accordingto assessed value or number of pupils.

Some of the reasons why we exact this, the remote parts from the roadhelped build the road. While the road helped to advance the price of landnear it, it did not affect that which was 8 to 20 miles away. To illustrate:Mr. Jackson, on Silver Creek, sold 160 acres for $4,000 cash. A farm onTimber Creek, seven miles from the road, of 320 acres, much better thanJackson's, has been in the market and won't sell for $3,000. The partiesliving near the road are benefitted in a two-fold sense. Their propertyhas advanced and their taxes lessened. To illustrate this further: the districtthat Burden is in, the assessed value of the road and road property amountsto over $18,000, while other districts off of road, assessed value amountsto from $5,000 to $12,000; and such districts have to vote the extent ofthe law; 1 percent for teachers, and 1/4 of 1 percent, for incidentalsthencan scarcely support 3 or 4 months, which always demands a poor teacher.

Is this fair and just when we have paid as much for the building of theroads, according to our wealth, as they? Must our children in the remotedistricts grow up in ignorance, while our neighbors who were fortunate enoughto be thrown into a railroad district, can educate their children, and givethem a start in life; our's must grope their way in ignorance. This is givingthe strong district the advantage at the expense of the weak district. Thereare a great many people who borrow money and put it into stock. The assessorcomes around and assesses the land, then the stock. Now we are not findingfault with the loaner or borrower, the fault is, the man that borrows paystax on the land and tax on the stock and interest on the money, treble;the man that loans the money records his mortgage, sends it east, and sitsback and draws his usury, pays no tax, and wonders why everybody isn't smart.Now what we want is this, that every mortgage shall be assessed from therecorder's office at their face value, and taxes paid where the mortgageis recorded that will help to pay this three-fold tax on the borrower; thereis a law, I think, that persons living in other states holding propertyin this must pay tax where the property is held, but does not refer to mortgages.

We want our representative to look after the above and further anotherenactment. All property given in mortgage shall be the security and onlysecurity. I will not argue the reasons of this last clause for fear of beingtoo lengthy. I want the people of every township to set forward resolvingin every primary what they want and what they must have, and make the aspirantspledge to carry out their wishes or elect them to stay at home.

Now, Mr. Editors, comes the grandest problem to solve of all: the balance.Take this county for illustration. Winfield will probably send Bryan tothe legislature. Arkansas City claims the right for the man in her district,Mitchell. Burden claims the man in this district, E. A. Henthorn; and probablythe towns throughout the state will send 4 to 5 to the legisla- ture, andfour-fifths will be interested in letting the railroad tax stay where itis, and probably two-thirds are interested in real estate. Then where areour hopes? We heartily believe that the three men are honest and honorable.It is hard for a man to work against his own financial interest. GLEANER.


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.


A. J. Werden, Vernon Township, candidate for Supt. of Public Instruction.

Hiram T. Albert, Cambridge, candidate for County Superintendent.

E. S. Bedilion, candidate for re-election, Clerk of the District Court.

Alexander H. Limerick, Rock Township, candidate for Supt. of Public Instruction.

L. A. Millspaugh, Vernon Township, candidate, Clerk of the District Court.

Rev. P. B. Lee, Vernon Township, candidate for Probate Judge.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.


The nomination of Judge S. R. Peters as congressman at large gives greatsatisfaction in this part of the state. On his return he was tendered ahearty reception, participated in by several of our citizens and many representativesof adjoining counties, among the number Senators Hackney, of Winfield, andSluss, of Wichita, and Hon. John Folks, of Sumner County.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Dr. Cairns.

Rev. James Cairns, the pastor of the Baptist Church in this place, leavestoday for a summer vacation among the "banks and braes," the lochsand mountains of Bonny Scotland, his native land. He is one of the ablest,noblest, and most earnest specimens of a Christian minister. His heart isalways in the right place and he has the courage and energy which does stalwartwork in whatever he undertakes. His church has flourished under his ministrationsand the grand church building built here during his pastorate, the finestin the state, is largely due to his energetic work. . . .

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Charity Begins at Home.

It has been the policy of the Republicans of Cowley County to work togetherand to help our neighboring counties of the 13th judicial district wheneverwe could, instead of going further with our favors and assistance. The Republicansof Elk and Chautauqua counties have apparently adopted the same principle.They stood by us two years ago in the nomination of Judge Torrance and wouldno doubt have stood by Hackney in the late congressional convention, hadMr. Hackney remained on the track. They have never yet put forward a candidatefor a district or State nomination, but when they do, they can depend uponCowley County to be with them. . . .

In the late contest for Congress at large, Hackney did not announce himselfas a candi- date until after Redden [Butler County] had assured him thathe (Redden) would not be a candidate under any circ*mstances and would giveHackney a clear field for the Butler delegation, and it was not until itbecame apparent that Butler would support Hackney that Redden was inducedto become a candidate in the interest of Peters. . . .

[Millington tried to prove that Redden was a Skunk! That he was unableto keep his word to Hackney or Peters. That he wanted the position for himself!]

Millington ended up saying: "Our district failed because it wouldnot unite, and will continue to fail until harmony prevails."

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.


Why do the state officers of Kansas assess the railroad property of thestate at but a small fraction of its value? They put this kind of propertyat about one-sixth what the companies call it worth in their published exhibits,and the great state paper cannot muster courage to enter a protest or uttera word of censure. Just as long as this violation of law by the board ofrailroad assessors continues, local assessors will endeavor to protect theinterests of their constituents by keeping assessments down. Newton Republican.

As we understand it the state board of assessors is willing to assessrailroad property at its actual value just as soon as the counties makeup their minds to obey the law and compel township assessors to list allproperty at its actual value. It would be a manifest injustice to assessrailroad property at its full value when all other property is put on therolls at one-third or one-fourth its true value. Commonwealth.

[Millington.] The law requires that all property shall be assessed atit* real value and is right. The only trouble is that assessors after takingthe oath to assess according to law, deliberately violate the law and theiroaths. Now we must remedy this by making the violation of the law by assessingproperty for less than its real value a crime punishable by heavy finesand imprisonment and making it the duty of the Commissioners, County Attorney,and Sheriff to examine their returns and proceed against the assessors onprobable cause.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.


Kansas is bound to lead in remarkable productions. Our exchanges fromthat State abound in flattering comments on the "Kansas Queen,"a four-year-old cow bred by Capt. Stevens, of Cowley County, and weighing3,000 pounds. This wonderful cow, which is now the property of Col. W. L.Mullen, of Winfield, Kansas, is being exhibited at the principal towns alongthe Hannibal road, and is described by a reliable correspondent as purewhite, with a symmetrical form, rich creamy skin, erect head, medium sizedwaxy horns, mild, intelligent eye, clean limbs, fine upper and lower lines,and well-developed beefy quarters. She is 17 hands high, 10 feet aroundthe girth, and 16 feet in length. Her grandsire was an imported Booth short-horn,and her dam a high grade short-horn.. She has a well-rounded form and othermarked traits of the Booth family, and in the opinion of the correspondent,will tip the beam at 4,000 pounds before she is six years. Col. Mullen,who has a standing offer of $3,000 for the "Queen," will visitthe principal towns on the Burlington route between Quincy and Chicago,affording many readers of the Argo an opportunity to see the bestformed cow of her size and unquestionably the largest cow of her age inthe world.

Modern Argo.


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

James Lorton took in Geuda Springs Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Phil. Stout is at work again in the old shop. He couldn't stay away.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

The Board of County Commissioners met Monday morning with the full Boardpresent.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Green Wooden had his hack running between Arkansas City and the groundsTuesday.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Mrs. F. V. Rowland is spending this week with her "country cousins"in Richland Township.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Senator Hackney has had a large gilt sign put up over his office on thepost office building.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Mrs. Frank Williams came down Tuesday and will spend several days visitingfriends here.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

DIED. Mrs. P. J. Jones, wife of the painter Jones, was taken suddenlyill at Neodesha and died last Friday.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

During the three month's absence of Rev. Cairns in Europe, the Baptistpulpit will be filled by Prof. Trimble.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Louie Zenor is out on the streets again, but still on crutches. He isgetting on much better than he expected.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

The Ladies' Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church will hold anopen meeting Sabbath evening. All are invited.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Joe Bourdette and Billy Impson had a stand on the grounds at ArkansasCity on the Fourth and did a thriving business.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Mr. J. C. Fuller left with his family Thursday morning for St. Paul,Minnesota, and will spend the summer among the northern lakes.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Billy Impson's splendid soda fountain arrived Monday and he is now preparedto dish that beverage up to the thirsty citizen in the liveliest style.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

W. A. Lee has invented and patented an attachment to sulky plows whichis likely to make the gentleman some money and save horse flesh.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

The watermelon season will soon be upon us, and the small boy, the printer,and the doctor will prepare to mingle their happiness and chills together.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Father Kelly is arranging for a picnic to the members of his church onthe twenty-seventh of this month. It will be a very pleasant day for hispeople.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

The County Normal Institute opened Wednesday with between twenty andthirty teachers in attendance. We will give a full list of those presentnext week.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Mrs. McLean, of Michigan, who has been visiting the families of Rev.P. B. Lee, Rev. Snyder, and Prof. Marsh has gone to Oregon to complete hervisiting trip.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Capt. Nipp will be at Winfield Saturday with a lot of saddle, buggy,and driving horses for sale. The Captain has a fine lot of horses and isselling them very cheap.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Dr. Schofield has just completed one of the finest offices in the city(attached to his resi- dence) and has added to and greatly improved theproperty he purchased of J. P. Baden.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Mr. Cessna has a rifle made for his grandfather, Jonathan Cessna, in1811. It is one of the old style flint locks, silver mounted, and was hisgrandfather's constant companion.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Charley Fuller sold last week two steam-ship tickets from New York toLiverpool, by the Anchor line, to Rev. J. Cairns and wife. They will sailJuly 15th on the steamer Bolivia.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Phil. Stout has returned from Cottonwood Falls and taken his old shop,where he will hereafter be found. Phil. thinks Winfield and Cowley Countybeat the balance of the state bad.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Oll Pratt lost one of his oxen last Friday evening. He was driving thespan in front of the traction engine when one of the oxen got overheated,fell in the road, and died the next day.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

There is but one county paper taken in District No. 3, this county, GrandPrairie School- house. Mr. Daugherty takes the COURIER. A school districtwith only one county paper in Kansas is certainly a rarity.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Joseph E. Powell, the boy who stole a horse in Richland Township, pleadguilty, at an adjourned term of the District Court held Wednesday, and wassentenced to the state reform school until discharged by due process oflaw.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Miss Lena Bartlett started Tuesday morning for Fort Scott, to spend afew weeks with her sister. Miss Bartlett has been for a few years one ofthe best teachers in Cowley County. Her many friends wish her prosperityin her new field.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

The Exposition and Fair at the M. E. Church will continue all the week.Dinners and suppers are furnished for twenty-five cents. Admission to thechurch free, and twenty-five cents gives admission to the church and Artgallery.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

We were pleased yesterday with a social call from Mr. S. J. Rice fromthe very southwest corner of this county, in Bolton Township. Mr. Rice isa substantial farmer, a staunch Republican, a warm St. John man, and a manof ideas and of progress.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Dr. and Mrs. Black and their son, George, returned from New Mexico Tuesdayand will hereafter be content to make their home in Cowley. Apache Indians,mining camps, and kindred inconveniences are not relished as an every-daydose by many of our people.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Mr. H. W. Hall and her daughter, Edith Hall, of Burlington, Iowa, arevisiting Mrs. M. L. Robinson, who is a sister of Mrs. Hall. Major H. W.Hall is Inspector of the P. O. D. Free Delivery system, and was businessmanager of the Hawkeye under Frank Hatton.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Constable Siverd arrested Andrew Shaw, the colored man who attacked SamBurger, Tuesday, on a State Warrant charging him with assault and battery.Andrew will probably get six months in the bastille in which to ponder overthe foolishness of trying to bull-doze a man into paying him something thathe never earned.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

The show of the Methodist Church commenced in good shape on the eveningof the third of July, and an examination on our part showed a degree ofcompleteness that under the circ*mstances was surprising. It is but a littleover three weeks since active work com- menced, and the material that hasbeen gathered together in that time and put in proper shape, strikes onewith astonishment. The main room of the church presents a novel appearance.The place where the pulpit once stood is now occupied by a Chinese Pagoda,reaching well nigh to the ceiling; flanking it is the Persian and Indiabooths, arrayed in appropriate style. The middle of the church is occupiedby the American and North American Indian depart- ments. This embraces afair of itself, and most of the articles on exhibition are for sale. Thereasonable prices of the goods sold make this a successful feature. Oppositethese stands are the musical and the eating and drinking stands. The mostimportant feature is the Museum and Art gallery. The interest in the museumwill increase from day to day. Not a man or woman can go through withoutbeing both interested and instructed. It is the feature of the show. Anexcellent time to visit it is during the day, when more time can be givenit. The expenses of gathering so large a collection were necessarily verygreat, and we bespeak a liberal patronage, so that so commendable an enterpriseshall meet with the success it deserves.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

There is a good story afloat at the expense of our honored Commissioner,S. C. Smith, It is said that there was a baby show at Riverside Park onthe 4th, and that Capt. Smith was one of the judges. Each baby was takenseparately from the stand and after a good view delivered to its motheruntil the last, which was in the arms of the Captain; but there was no motheror other claimant for the little innocent and the worthy captain seemedto have an elephant on his hands. In his excitement he pulled out a silverdollar and offered it to anyone who would take the baby off his hands. Tohis great relief he found a taker of both and he left. After this he willnever dare to touch another baby.

Capt. Smith tells the story differently. He says he bought the baby squareout and paid a dollar for it, and just as he was marching off with his prize,a woman claimed it so vocifer- ously that he was obliged to give it up toprevent a row.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

There is but little danger of the martial spirit dying out in this countywhen even the girls learn the manual of arms and become proficient in companymovements. The Broom Brigade gave an exhibition of their proficiency inthe handling of brooms at the Opera House on the evening of the Fourth.There were a good many in attendance, and the girls under the leader- shipof Miss Leota Gary and Miss Lizzie McDonald went through the army movementsin a manner that surprised the "old vets" and completely capturedthe boys. After leaving the hall the Brigade marched to the church, andvery soon thereafter you could see their bright and attractive uniformsscattered over the house; but in each case they had a captive in the shapeof some handsome young gentleman. The girls will give another exhibitionon Friday night at the Hall.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Joe Mack comes to the front this week as one of the boss wheat raisersof Cowley. He brought in three large sheaves of wheat from his farm twoand a half miles southeast of this city, last Thursday, that are simplyimmense. Two sheaves of it are the "Boss" variety, and the otheris Fultz. The straw is five feet high, and the grains are large, plump,and beautiful. Many farmers while in the COURIER office have examined itclosely, together with other samples on exhibition, and are of the opinionthat it cannot be excelled for quality, yield, or rankness of straw. Thesamples will be sent to the State Fair. The "Boss" wheat is avariety that Joe Mack has propagated himself, and he has the only seed inthe county. It yields 48 bushels to the acre.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

County Treasurer Harden returned from Florida Tuesday looking much refreshedand invigorated over his trip. He shipped back quite a curiosity in theshape of a live young alligator about eighteen inches long and a year anda half old. The little fellow is frisky and has a good appetite for beefand fish. Mr. Harden also brought back some oranges and grape fruit, anda lot of lemons of various sizes together with lemon blossoms which he foundgrowing on the same tree. He is very much pleased with Florida, its temperature,and its products. He left Fred Hunt at Barton, where he will probably locatepermanently.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

A great change is noticed in the kind of vehicles used by our farmersand others for transporting themselves from place to place since the CarriageFactory was established here. Many farmers are now coming to town in neatspring wagons which are a grand improve- ment on the heavy farm wagons,and are much easier on their animals. The Factory has a large variety toselect from, and they are sold at prices which will enable everyone to securea light vehicle at very reasonable rates, and when you do get one of them,there is no risk taken as to quality of stock.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

The store building of Hudson Bros., is almost completed, and is now readyfor the shelving. This building is quite an ornament to Main Street, andmuch credit is due Hudson Bros., for the neat and substantial way in whichthey have had it built. They expect to move their stock of jewelry intoit about the middle of the month. The large plate glass windows will afforda fine display, and when temptingly arrayed with fine jewelry will drawa trade which will amply reward them for the enterprising spirit they havedisplayed in erecting so handsome a building.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

A. J. McCollum, of Fairview Township, brings a sample of spring oatswhich is over six feet tall and the most remarkable crop we have heard of.He has 20 acres of this and is now harvesting it. It will go at least 50bushels to the acre, and has been estimated at 65. He sowed last fall 12bushels of Fults wheat and now estimates his crop at 35 fold or 420 bushelsfrom 12 bushels of seed. [Fulse? Thought it was Fultz???]

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Mr. Platter has improved the appearance of his hedge fence along NinthAvenue by having it neatly trimmed. There are a good many others who shouldfollow his example, for hedge fences are very inconvenient and troublesometo pedestrians when they become so large as to overhang the sidewalk, asmany of them do in this city.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Mr. and Mrs. Conklin are enjoying a visit from J. C. Ellsberry, wife,and child, of Mason City, Illinois. Mr. Ellsberry clerked for Brown &Son for some time previous to his removal to Illinois, over a year ago.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Mr. N. C. Meyers was taken quite ill at his ranche in the Territory lastweek, supposed to have been caused by the heat. He was brought up to ArkansasCity Saturday.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Miss Lutie Newman has been in Cherryvale during the past week visitingher sisters, Mrs. O. F. Carson and Mrs. B. F. Turner.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Mr. H. Chance, of Tisdale, brought us in a bunch of red clover, raisedin his yard, last week that measured three feet in height.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS TO LOAN. Short time; personal security. Over P.O.


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

The Commissioners appointed S. J. Mentor trustee of Creswell Townshipvice Uriah Spray, resigned.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.


Now is the Winter of our Discontent made Glorious Summer by the GrandestCrop of Wheat ever Raised in any Country Under the Sun.


The past three years have not been years of overabundant success forCowley's farmers. Although raising crops that in Illinois, Indiana, or theNew England States would be considered good, in this country, where twentybushels of wheat and fifty bushels of corn to the acre is only rated as"fair to medium," the partial failures of 1880 and 1881 were feltby all. As the COURIER predicted last year, the time has come when a manwho owns an improved quarter section of Cowley County land has provocationfor being the happiest, most independent man in this broad Union. The wearywaiting, the toil and privation of ten years of pioneer life is now andhenceforth to be remembered only as the "history of the past."To the pioneers of 1870-1872 the COURIER more especially extends its congratula-tions on this "glorious Fourth," 1882. They it were who pushedout into the unbroken wilderness of prairie, fought hunger and thirst, drouthand grasshoppers, cut-throat mortgages at sixty percent, and all the attendantills of "fever `n ague," and reclaimed the beautiful farms andhomes scattered over the county.

The cause for all this rejoicing this year is the abundance with whichour harvests are being blessed. The wheat is being rapidly threshed andwe are therefore enabled to put down in black and white the exact extentof this blessing. Here are a few items.

Mr. F. J. Moore, who has been farming Joel Mack's place, threshed lastweek. He had thirteen acres of old ground wheat which yield 48 bushelsper acre. He had twelve acres of sod wheat on hand which one year agowas in prairie, from which he got 25 bushels per acre. He sold the wheatfor 86 cents per bushel, and from the twenty-five acres realized $744.76.The total expense of seed, cultivation, and marketing the crop was about$240.00, leaving a net profit of $500 off of 25 acres.

John Mehan, of Vernon Township, bought forty acres of growing wheat aboutthe 1st of June, for which he paid $270. Last week he cut, threshed, andsold it. There were 1,424 bushels, or 36 bushels per acre, and he sold itat 93 cents per bushel, or $1,324.32. The cost of the wheat and expenseof cutting, threshing, and marketing was about $543.00. This leaves hima net profit of $781.32 in one month, and just as good as if he had pickedit up in the road. Talk about Colorado mines, but we know of no better digginsthan a Cowley County farm this season. . . .

There were several ten foot stalks of corn brought in Saturday to takethe P. H. Albright & Co., premium, but several of them did not showup after they found the premium had been taken two days before.

P. H. Albright dined on roasting ears at Ben Clover's in Windsor TownshipTuesday. How does this sound for a Fourth of July local? Our Illinois friendswho have not yet plowed their corn will hereafter be willing to accord toKansas that meed of praise which she deserves.

Mr. J. G. Hammond, of Beaver Township, brought in a ten foot stalk ofcorn Wednesday from his field. Ten foot corn is the rule rather than theexception this week.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

P. H. Albright & Co.'s $10.00 Premium for the First 10 FootCorn Stalk Carried Off
By Fairview Township.

The $10 reward of P. H. Albright & Co., was carried off last Thursday,June 29, by

E. W. Donahue, residing ten miles up the Walnut, in Fairview Township,who produced two stalks of corn that filled the bill, measuring ten feetfour inches from base to tip. It was taken from a three acre field on theWalnut bottom, which was planted March 20th, and only cultivated twice.The hill was not nurtured for the purpose nor selected as the largest inthe field, for there were many the height desired. The farm on which itwas raised joins that of Mr. T. S. Green, the gentleman who brought in thesample of white rye noticed in the last issue of the COURIER. There werea great many farmers looking toward securing this premium, and some of themwould have carried it off on Wednesday, June 28th, if they had been ableto get to town. Another stalk was brought in Saturday from Liberty Townshipthat measured 10 feet six inches. Messrs. Albright & Co., immediatelyexpressed it to Hartford, Connecticut. They also sent a sample of Col. Loomis'volunteer wheat, which went 20 bushels to the acre.

The Premium stalk of corn is on exhibition at the COURIER office. Messrs.Albright & Co., have also offered a premium of $5 for the first loafof bread made by a Cowley Countty farmer's wife, from wheat grown this year.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

A Bad Negro.

Last Saturday a negro named Andrew Shaw attacked S. E. Burger on oneof the side streets of this city, without provocation and in a maliciousand dangerous manner. Mr. Burger, being physically weak and in poor health,was unable to offer but little resistance and was considerably bruised.The only cause the negro gives for his attack was that he had agreed towork for Mr. Burger for $1.50 per day, that he only worked a half a dayfor which he demanded a dollar, and Mr. Burger declining to pay him butseventy-five cents, the price agreed upon, he went about the street threateningto "take it out of his hide," and which he finally did. Severalgentlemen who must certainly have been misinformed as to the cause, encouragedthe negro and talked of raising money to pay his fine. We are glad to learnthat these persons have, after learning more of the case, changed theirminds and given Shaw the condemnation he deserves. He is a quarrelsome,contemptible fellow, lazy and good-for- nothing. While his wife works hardand earns a good deal of money, he stands around the streets half the timewearing a "biled" shirt and eating high-toned meals at the lunchcounter, some of which are bought with her money. This community don't wantany such characters around, and the sooner Shaw gets out, or makes up hismind to work, provide for his family, and respect the persons of citizens,the better off he will be.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Attention, Old Soldiers!

The old soldiers of Fairview Township will meet at the Little Dutch Schoolhouseon Wednesday, July 19th, at 3 o'clock p.m. All are urgently requested tobe present, as the field officers of the regiment will be in attendance.WILLIAM WHITE, Capt.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Messrs. Yellow Bull, chief of the Nez Perces, and White Eagle, chiefof the Poncas, addressed the people at the Arkansas City celebration Tuesday.Yellow Bull made a very good speech, detailing the wrongs which the governmenthad heaped upon his people by removing them from Idaho, where there wasgood water and good game, for this hot southern country. He is a fine-lookingIndian and quite intelligent. White Eagle is a fat, hearty-looking chap,and said he didn't have any desire to go on the war-path, but would be contentwith extra rations of beef and dog meat.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

We noticed one very significant thing at the Arkansas City celebrationTuesday. Every exhilarating citizen on the grounds was from Winfield. ArkansasCity was on her best behavior, while Winfield seemed to have gone abroadto make a fool of herself.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Recap: Information re candidates for county offices.

First three: Office of School Superintendent.

A. J. Werden, Vernon Township. Excellent Qualifications.

H. T. Albert, of Cambridge in Windsor Township.

"He has been a resident of and a successful teacher in this countyfor the last five years. For twelve years he was principal of the publicschools of Maytown, Pennsylvania, and Lazette and Cambridge schools in thiscounty for the last four years. His services have met with the highest commendationsand his experience and education place him in the front rank in his vocation.He has always been a staunch Republican, but has been crippled from boyhoodso as to unfit him for the physically laborious avocations of life, thoughnot so as to interfere with his efficiency as a teacher or superintendentof schools. There can be no doubt of his faithfulness and efficiency inthat position."

Alexander H. Limerick, of Rock Township.

"He is a native of Illinois. In the spring of 1863 he enlisted inCompany B. [?H.?], 93rd Ill. Infantry, was one of the heroes in the famousdefense of Alatoona Pass, where he was severely wounded and maimed for life,and was taken prisoner and was confined at West Point, Milan, Andersonville,Savannah, and Charleston. He has taught schools in Cowley County for thelast five years with eminent success and holds an "A" grade certificate.He is an amiable, energetic gentleman of retiring deportment and high moralcharacter, and is well qualified for the position he seeks. . . ."

E. S. Bedilion, Candidate for Re-Election as Clerk of District Court.

". . . held the office for several years and his promptness, accuracy,and gentlemanly deportment have met with the highest commendations fromthose who have had business with him. The court and attorneys all speakin his praise. His long experience in the position, his efficiency, andpure personal character are worth something to the people of this county.He is not a politician and the duties of his office will prevent his makinga personal canvass for the nomination, but none the less will he be happyif he receives it.

L. A. Millspaugh, Vernon Township, Candidate for Clerk of District Court.

"He is a bright, energetic young man of pure moral character, andvery popular where he is known. He has a first-class education and finebusiness qualities. A gentleman by instinct and education, a Republicanfrom intelligent convictions and associations, he is a worker who will makehis mark in the annals of the county and state and, though young, we predictfor him a bright future.

P. B. Lee, Vernon Township, Candidate for office of Probate Judge.

"He is an educated gentleman, of wide reading, clear judgment, andpractical ideas. He is a worker and pursues energetically whatever he undertakes.He is very popular and will receive a warm support of a host of friendswho have full confidence in his qualifications and that he would make amost faithful and efficient officer."


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Winfield's Celebration.

A number of our public spirited citizens concluded that it would notdo to let the Fourth pass without the citizens of Winfield and vicinitycelebrating in some way, the 100th anni- versary of the Nation's birth,so they got up a picnic at Riverside Park and arranged a program which proveda success, and drew a very large crowd with well-filled baskets from thecity and surrounding country. The forenoon was passed in a very agreeablemanner with music, singing, and various amusem*nts. At 1 o'clock, afterall had feasted sumptuously, the afternoon exercises began with music bya quartette selection from Winfield's best musical talent, consisting ofMessrs. Buckman and Snow and Mrs. Jewell and Swain, with Miss McCoy as instrumentalist,after which was the opening prayer by Rev. Cairns. The Declara- tion ofIndependence was read in a very able manner by Mr. Will Robinson. SamuelE. Davis then made his first appearance before the public as a speaker ina very eloquent and poetical oration. Sam astonished the audience by hispleasing manners and the ability with which he handled the subject of ourCountry's Greatness, and it was a production that is not only a credit andan honor to himself, but one of which everyone may feel proud, coming asit did from a young man who has grown up with Cowley County, and whom weall feel is one of "our boys." He was followed by Judges McDonaldand Tipton, who delivered very sound and flowery addresses, overflowingwith eloquence and true sentiment. These gentlemen are too well known throughoutCowley as able orators to make further comment necessary. After more musiccame the most interesting feature of the program to the mothersthe "babyshow." Three of our best looking old bachelors had been selected asjudges: Messrs. Will Robinson, S. C. Smith, and Henry Goldsmith. They wereto award the $3.00 premium to the prettiest cherub, $2.00 to the next, and$1.00 to the third. The boys gave the mothers a "fair and impartial"chance, and did their duty manfully, though their faces at times resembleda full bloom rose. A decision was finally reached and the following happymothers received the premiums. Mrs. David Wilson, first premium; Mrs. Rev.Lahr, second; and Mrs. Thorpe, third. There were several foot races, boating,and many sources of amusem*nt afforded those present. Taking the affairas a whole, it was a decided success, and the originators are entitled tomuch credit for the patriotic spirit shown in getting up the picnic.


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

That Big Atlas.

J. P. Edwards has completed the canvass of the county for the materialfor his Historical Atlas of this county with its townships and cities. Wehave seen some of the proof sheets and they are very beautiful, full andcomplete, being got up on a large scale and giving almost every varietyof information that can be thought of. While we have admired very highlyhis works for other counties, we think this will excel any former effort,and we advise all our people to secure each a copy before it is too late.The agent, Mr. A. W. Skinner, will be about taking subscriptions for a fewdays longer only, for he must soon depart for other fields.


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

The Horticultural Society.

Met in COURIER office, Mr. Martin in the chair, S. E. Burger electedSec. Pro tem.

General discussion as to exhibition of horticultural products at Topeka.

On motion Joseph Taylor, F. A. Williams, S. Maxwell, R. I. Hogue, andJ. Nixon were appointed a committee to collect specimens for the purposeof exhibition at State Fair Sept. 10, 11, and 12.

Mr. Martin exhibited some fine specimens of tomatoes ripened June 29.

G. W. Robertson reported his Amsden June ripened June 21, that were 8-1/2inches in circumference.

F. A. Williams had some fine specimens of perhaps Seedling peaches, 6inches in cir- cumference, fine flavor and high color. Curculio reportedas damaging the peaches.

G. W. Robertson reported he had planted 80 cherry trees along the publicroad; they were "Morello" variety. They are doing finely.

It was recommended that the committee on specimens meet at 2 o'clockSaturday, July 8th.

Moved to adjourn. Carried. S. E. BURGER, Secretary pro tem.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Some second-hand specimen of humanity cut a pair of pants all to piecesfor M. Hahn & Co., Monday evening. They were out on a dummy in frontof the store. The man who did it must be a contemptible, insignificant cuss.


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

The Fourth.

Winfield had no Fourth beyond the very successful Methodist demonstrationand a small gathering in the park. Our people mostly hied themselves toother fields and assisted their neighbors in unfurling the "gloriousbanner of the free." The larger part went to Arkansas City. An excursiontrain left at half past twelve consisting of four coaches, two combinationcars, and a baggage car, and loaded with about five hundred Winfieldites.A COURIER representative accompanied the train. The celebration was heldin a fine grove east of the city, on the banks of the Walnut, which wasso jammed full of people that it was almost impossible to get in. St. John'sbattery of this city furnished the "boom" to the satisfactionof all. We arrived too late to see the procession, which was an immenseaffair and extended from the city to the grovenearly a mile. The programat the grove was excellent. The Band discoursed sweet music and speecheswere made by Cal Swarts, J. F. McMullen, and others. In the evening a finedisplay of fireworks kept the 3,000 people entranced until nearly ten o'clock.

The Torrance celebration drew a crowd of 1,500 people. A number of speecheswere made and the folks enjoyed themselves as only the Grouse Creek peoplecan.

At Otto quite a pleasant gathering was had and the people enjoyed oneof the best social reunions ever held in that vicinity.

At Maple City another neighborhood gathering was held, and the overflowingpopulace given an opportunity to work off some of their surplus patriotism.

The Burden people also celebrated, and in the evening had a grand balland supper.


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: In the accident that occurred at the end of the south bridgeJuly 14, 1882, by which L. F. Wellman lost his life, this county lost oneof her most patriotic and devoted veteran soldier citizens, who served inCo. B, 24th Indiana Vet. Volunteers for four years and five months, andafterwards wrote the history of the Regiment in two volumes. The churchalso lost an earnest soldier of the cross. He enlisted in the sacramentalhost in 1853, in which service he remained active till death. Himself andhis companion were faithful members of the Baptist Church in this city forsome time, and he superintended the South Bend Sabbath school. In all therelations of life he was a modest good man; as a husband he was truly devotedto his companion, as a father, loving and affectionate, as a citizen, honest,industrious, and self-sacrificing. He desired to be buried by the Masonicfraternity, of which order he was a faithful member. This desire was overlookedin the overwhelming grief brought upon his dear but sorely bereaved family.He leaves a widow and four chil- drenthree daughters and one sonto mournhis untimely end. They have the sympathy of the whole community.

Can we not get a full record of all the soldiers who die in our county,regiment, company, and state, the length of time each served, when and wherethey died, and where buried, and have their graves strewn with flowers fromyear to year? FRATER.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

A Lady for Superintendent.

EDS. COURIER: As candidates for the office of county superintendent ofschools of the male persuasion and numerously circulating around solicitingvotes and blowing their own horn, allow me to say a few words in favor ofthe lady candidate. Everyone acquainted with Mrs. Caton knows that she ispre-eminently fitted for the office educationally. Women in promoting educationare more directly interested than men, as her status in society dependson the literary advance of the masses. In uneducated countries woman isa slave and often treated worse than the domestic animals. But the greatlever being used by Mrs. Caton's opponents and their friends is that shelacks muscle and endurancecould not visit the schools in cold weather. NowI would ask the urgers of these objections if they ever went sleigh ridingwith the girls; if they have, they can easily recall to mind how near theywere frozen to death many times, and would have backed out and gone homeif it had not been for very shame, as the cheery laugh of the girls toldhow keen was their enjoyment of the ride. Whoever heard of a woman failingto make a visit on account of the weather? Then women are more reliablethan men and have done more to refine, reform, and elevate society. Menhad formed Anti-slavery societies, but were making slow progress when womencame to the front and Harriet B. Stowe sent Uncle Tom's Cabin out,which like an irresistible force overwhelmed all the advocates of slaveryand made the United States free in deed as well as in name.

This has been repeated in the temperance reform now in progress. Menhad charged the ranks of intemperance and fallen back in disorder. Whiskeywas triumphant. But hark! A shout comes from Ohio, the women have come tothe rescue, and seizing the weapons thrown away by the men on their routehave charged home on hosts of iniquity, every fort is taken, every barrierswept, and seen the whole Nation take up the refrain. Kansas like a younggiant girds on her armor and sweeps the evil from her territory. StaunchIowa follows suit. And still the hosts of women keep the field, no falteringor falling back to the rear, no furlough asked for until the flag of intemperanceis struck down in every state of the Union. Every soldier of the late warknows what they owe to the noble women of this nation, in furnishing sanitarysupplies and acting as nurses in the hospitals. Thousands of soldiers todayowe their lives to these angels of mercy who, without any compensation orhope of reward, so nobly attended to the sick and wounded soldier.

None of Mrs. Caton's opponents charge her with incompetency, and herladylike deportment whilst visiting schools would have an elevating tendency;on the other hand, her male opponents on entering school would have to getrid of a quid or cigar stump, and on leaving beg leave of the school marmto light a cigar. Think of it, fathers, what a stimulating example for yourboys, whom you are trying to keep from using the filthy weed. In conclusion,I would say that though Mrs. Caton never could be Rude, yet she wouldassert with quiet dignity the rights of her office and with firmer wordsthan a Warden could use. She would make come to Limerick allteachers who failed in their duties in the schoolroom, thus combining allthe qualities of the other candidates. TISDALE.


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

The markets today (Wednesday) on wheat are a little higher than lastweek, being quoted at 80 to 84 cents per bushel. Hogs keep way up at $7.25per hundred. Corn still holds at 70 cents. Butter 12-1/2 cents; eggs 12-1/2cents. Potatoes 50 cents to 60 cents. Chickens $1.50 to $2.00. Blackberriesin active demand at from 10 cents to 12-1/2 cents per quart.


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.


Winfield, July 3rd, 1882.


All officers of the Regiment are requested to meet at the Courantoffice on July 10th at 3 p.m., to transact business pertaining to theReunion. A full attendance is desired.

C. E. Steuven, Col. Comd'g.

H. L. WELLS, Adjutant.


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

For Sale. A second-hand Randolph Header, in good condition, for salecheap.


Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

CARD. G. E. KNICKERBOCKER, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Udall, Kansas.Office and residence back of P. O.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

We have for sale on our ranch on Otter Creek, six miles southeast ofCambridge, eighty- five head of three and four year old native steers. VERMILYEBROS.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

LOST. A plat of Geuda Springs between the post office and the Santa Fedepot. Return it to the Commercial House and receive a suitable reward.A. W. SKINNER.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

For Sale. One Hapgood Sulky Plow, 14 inches with breaker, and one GardenCity Riding Cultivator, both as good as new. Will sell or trade. Call amile and a half up the Santa Fe track, on SAMUEL MULLEN.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

SORGHUM MILL FOR SALE CHEAP. A No. 4 Victor Canemill, nearly new withevaporators and pans, cooling tank, grates, and smoke stack, all complete.Call at Berkey's second-hand store, East Ninth Avenue, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

SHEEP FOR SALE. The undersigned will sell about 100 2 year old wethersand 350 Good Grade Merino Ewes. The sheep can be been on the Osborne placenear the Loan Tree schoolhouse, Richland Township, Cowley County, Kansas.S. J. SMOCK.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

BOSTON, KANSAS CITY, AND WINFIELD. The South American Piano and OrganFactories at Boston, Massachusetts, Branch house at Kansas City, Missouri.Special prices and terms will be given for a few days, by the representativeof the manufacturers. Call at once at Best's Music House.

Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.

Sealed proposals will be received at Room No. 2, McDonald building, until6 P. M., July 15th, 1882, for the erection and completion of a two storystone dwelling house and stone barn, on the farm of Arthur H. Greene, ninemiles south of Winfield. Bids will be received for the house and barn asa whole, or separately. Plans and specifications to be seen at the abovestated office. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids.



Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

WINNIPEG, Manitoba, July 3, 1882.

EDS. COURIER: While wandering around away from home I was requested byseveral of my friends to write and give them some account of my trip, scenery,etc., and as most of them are readers of your valuable paper, I thoughtI would address them and others through the medium of the same with yourconsent.

I left the city of Winfield May 29th. Crops looked better in Cowley thanthey did any place on the road to Kansas City. From this to Louisiana sawsome good wheat and a great deal of poor corn, and also between Louisianaand Chicago. After I got a little ways north of the last named place, itwas quite a treat to see either corn or wheat to speak of. From Chicagoto southeastern Iowa not much better. Hundreds of acres not yet plantedand never will be this yearpeople in these parts very much discouraged.

The Mississippi River was very high; the Illinois River running wild.Could see the wrecks of some houses in the drift. Looked very odd to seehouses sticking up out of the water a mile or more from the water's edge.Could occasionally see the top of a fence post, showing the depth of thewater in the fields. I happened to be in the vicinity of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa,during the fatal wind storm that visited that place, as well as Grinnel.Mr. Leonard Farr, whom most of the businessmen of Winfield know, sufferedits vengeance with the rest, having his nice barn blown to pieces. Was atVinton during the storm at Independence, Iowa. It was frightful the wayit shook things around at Vinton. It's amusing to see the Iowa people apologizefor talking about Kansas being the worst state for tornadoes.

While I was at Burlington, went to hear Gov. St. John deliver one ofhis famous temperance speeches to a very large audience at the Opera House,answering the many false statements made about the enforcement of the law,etc. The people were elated over his speech (temperance people, I shouldsay).

Arrived at Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 21st, where I met Mr. Neal Dowand wife. He was one of Cowley County's first settlers, and acted as townshipclerk for Vernon the first election ever held in the township. He marrieda Minneapolis lady, who is a model wife. They are blessed with two verypretty children to make home happy.

Was surprised to see such a flourishing city with seventy-five thousandinhabitants (last census). In the year 1881 there were $5,434,233 expendedin building improvements alone. They say this year there will be nearlydouble that amount. The principle charm of Minneap- olis to the pleasureand health seekers is found outside of its business centers. In the shadedstreets and grounds, the handsome lawns, the variety of unique and tastefulcottages, and the park-like appearance of the residence quarters, thereis an attractiveness seldom met with in a western city. Encircling the cityis a complete chain of beautiful lakes of various sizes and shapes, yetnearly all attractive and picturesque. Within the county there are saidto be ninety-five lakes, ranging in size from the little forty acre gemto the "Queen Lake," Minne- tonka. A good many of them are surroundedwith fine picnic grounds. On Lord's day they are visited by thousands. Touristsflock in here from all parts of the United States. It would take no smallvolume to give all the points of interest here due notice, so I will justspeak of a few and pass on. Cedar Lake is about two miles southwest of Uniondepot, covering about 300 acres. Its banks are handsomely shaded with foresttrees. Lake Calhoun is next to Minnetonka, the most popular lake, as itis accessible by hourly trains on the Lyndal narrow gauge road, which passesalong its eastern bank. On its banks is the beautiful Lakewood Cemetery,one of the loveliest cities of the dead I ever looked upon. Here in a prominentlocality is the tomb of the "Lady of the Lake," whose patheticstory attracts the sympathy of visitors, of which the most of our readersare probably acquainted with. Of the 200 lakes that surround Minneapolisand St. Paulthe two points are only nine miles apartLake Minne- tonka hasno peer as a summer resort on the American continent, or, I would ventureto say, in the world. It is situated 15 miles southwest from Minneapolis,reached from the city by two or three railroads. Covers about 16,000 acres,has about 25 bays varying in size from a mile to five in length, and froma quarter to three miles in width. Many of its bays are navigable for largesteamers which pass from bay to bay through inlets, presenting to the touristthe most pleasing scenery imaginable. This peculiar formation of the lakegives it an undulating coast line of about 300 miles, the greater portionsof its banks being covered with fine forest. Last year between the 1st ofJune and the last of September, the 13 steamers on the lake carried over85,000 passengers. One steamer, "City of St. Louis," built lastyear, cost $50,000; 150 feet long, 28 feet wide, carries 800 persons. Onebeing built now is a great deal larger than that one. Took its first tripyesterday; is 280 feet long. In addition to the attractive scenery, MinnehahaFalls is worthy of praise. A descent into the canon and visit under thefalls are truly grand. But enough. I must cease detailing accounts of thescenery before I fairly commence.

Started for Manitoba June 27th. The country for 60 or 100 miles northwestof Minneapolis is rough and hilly, covered with scrub timber of pine trees,and dotted over with beautiful lakes. The country known as the Red Riverbelt, in Minnesota, is as pretty a country as was ever createdwith the exceptionof being very flat, is a very little sloping. As far as the eye can carryandthat is no small distancethere is truly a picturesque prairie scenery. Thesoil is from 1 to 3 feet thick, dark loam underlaid generally with graveland sand. No corn raised north of Minneapolis 75 miles, the products beingwheat, barley, oats, peas, and potatoes. I think the yield of these areunder an average, unless it is wheat and oats. Wheat at the present timeis from 3 to 7 inches high and don't generally look very well. There arenew towns along the railroad, numbering about 30 from the head of the RedRiver to the mouth at Lake Winnipeg; population of the towns numbering fromabout 30 to 100 inhabi- tants, excepting Winnipeg.

As you cross the line each way, St. Vincent on the American side, andEmerson on the Manitoba side, it is quite amusing to see the display ofbad temper, accompanied by the usual amount of dreadful oaths at the delayof changing and overhauling of their private wardrobes before the eyes ofso many spectators. But having to be done, I think it was done very decentlyon the part of the inspectors.

As I made my trip to Manitoba to see for myself the country there isso much talk about of late, I will now proceed to give my side of the picture,which in all probability will be quite different from that of the Swedefrom his cold, mountainous country, or the hardy Mennonite that can liveon bread and water and keep warm by prairie hay, or the Canadian who whenhe asks you the question, "How do you like our country?" whosecountenance undergoes as many changes as you use ideas in expressing itforit is a fact, he can't see his country spoken of lightly without givingvent to his feelings in genuine English style. Of course, I can speak onlyof the part I know and what I learned of them. The country from the southpart of Manitoba to Winnipeg is very flat. A good share of it looks swampywhere you see ducks and other water fowls raising their young. The soilis varied but not so much so as with us; the dryer ground as a rule is arich black vegetable mold, working very much like clay. Much rain makesit very sticky, sticks to your feet like taffy to a boy's fingers. The depthof the soil ranges from a quarter of an inch to three feet. The wet landlooks like the alkali land in Kansas, only produces a heavy growth of vegetation.The products are about the same as spoken of in the Red River valley. Wheatseems to be the mainstay, sometimes raising as good a crop as the farmersof Cowley. They sow wheat here in May; begin harvest about the 20th of August.

Now I will speak of the ninth wonderWinnipeg. It claims a populationof from thirty to forty thousand. The real population is about 14,000. Itsstreets are made out winding with the curve in the river. Main Street isabout 125 feet wide and pretty near as muddy as it is wide. Not very manysubstantial buildings in it. The rock they use for foundations would hardlybe considered fit to build a stone fence with in Cowley. A building aboutthe same as Harter's Drug Store rents here for $300 a month. Small roomslike the one first door north of Star Bakery rents for $100 a month. Vacantlots on Main Street have changed hands for $1,500 a foot. A hotel very poor,compared to the Brettun House, is bringing $15,000 a year. Everything elseaccordingly. EMMERSON MARTIN.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.


Quite an agreeable surprise occurred at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.D. Bovee, at New Salem, on the evening of June 23rd. A company of twenty-oneladies and gentlemen called on them just as they were about to retire forthe night and put them in remembrance of the fact that it was the 25th anniversaryof their wedding and they had come to help them celebrate it. While Mr.and Mrs. Bovee were receiving and making their guests comfortable, a fewof the ladies were in the dining room preparing a wedding feast from theirwell filled baskets, which they had prepared and brought along for the occasion.By the time the host and hostess had their guests comfortably seated, thedining room door was swung open and Mr. and Mrs. Bovee were invited to supper,and acquainted with the fact that they were expected to be the guests oftheir friends for the evening. The bride and groom of the occasion wereplaced at the head of the table, and when the company became seated at thetable, Mrs. W. C. Douglass, in a neatly fitting speech, presented them withthe following presents. We give the names of the donors.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Douglass, Mr. And Mrs.J. S. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher, Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Johnson, Mr. andMrs. Theo. Pixley, and Messrs. W. McEwen and Ed. Christopher were the donorsof a beautiful silver cake basket and set of silver napkin rings. Mr. andMrs. N. T. Thompson, silver sugar spoon; Mr. Frank Pixley, silver mustardspoon; Miss Alice Johnson, silver sugar spoon; Mrs. Wm. Bell and Mrs. M.C. Porter, of Biggsville, Illinois, silver butter knife. W. C. D.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.


Dear Readers of the Courier:

When my physical strength gives `oer and I grow weary of booksand almostof life, I was going to say, but know that is wickedthen it may help towhile away a lonely hour by conversing with you through the medium of myinvaluable pencil. Time still goes on regardless of thoughts, hearts, andfeelings. And that is all perfectly right, for should he stop to read thehearts of even the Salemites, precious minutes would thus be lost.

Coming and going seems to be on the program lately. Mr. Buck was welcomedto home and friends a few days since, after a short absence.

Mrs. Watt has returned from Cleveland, Ohio, where she lingered for wearydays and nights over the suffering form of Mr. John Reif, her son-in-law,until his pains were stilled in the quiet sleep of death. After consigningthe lifeless clay to mother earth, the sorrowing mother and bereaved daughtercame back to make Kansas their home.

Mr. Doolittle, of Missouri, made a very short visit to his Salem cousins,Mrs. Marling and J. B. Doolittle, recently.

W. B. Hoyland, after a year's absence, has come home to stay. Friendsgreet him with the firm clasp of friendship, and he seems to think homeis the best place after all. We are always glad to welcome back the wanderers.

Mrs. Miles left us on Monday last for a visit to home and friends inIndiana.

Messrs. Gardener, Shields, Bextel, and Donfman have threshed their wheat.It turns out well and the grain is nice and plump. [Yes, they had "Donfman."]

Mr. B. F. Gledhill will have a public sale on the 12th inst., to disposeof farming implements, household goods, etc., preparatory to leaving Salem.

Harvesting and stacking are almost work of the past. Messrs. Buck, Hogue,and Sackett had their hands full and could not accommodate all by puttingtheir grain up in beautiful ricks, but worked hard to do as much as possible.

Mr. Kelsoe, of Grenola, visited his cousins Mr. and Mrs. Edgar, lastweek and they accompanied him home the 6th, remaining several days.

Mr. Rhodes, of Missouri, visited his old friends, the Dalgarn family,this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dalgarn, of Winfield, also visited in Salem thisweek.

Quite a number of our young people celebrated the Fourth by going toCherryvale and Parsons, and report an excellent time. Others took in thegood time at Torrance, while some got no further than Burden. Some few remainedat home and kept busy. I'll not tell how Olivia celebrated, but I know shecould scarcely get off from accompanying the happy party to Cherryvale.

Messrs. C. C. Crow and Bryant will do the carpenter work on Mrs. Watt'shouse.

Mr. J. B. Doolittle left Salem for Geuda Springs Saturday. His stay isnot definitely fixed.

Messrs. King and Perry have built small additions to their houses.

One of our energetic and intelligent ladies played Ruth part of a day,or, in other words, helped shock wheat.

C. C. C. had a double and twisted Fourth, as he took in the stale partof the Cherryvale goodies.

Chiggers are plenty. Items are not, so to the many dear readers I willbid adieu for tonight. OLIVIA.


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

BIG AD. KOOL CLOTHING. All Summer Klothing KUT TO THE KWICK, AND THEYARE GOING WITH A BOOM! WE ARE DETERMINED TO CARRY OVER NO SUMMER GOODS IFLOW PRICES will sell them, and we find the PRICES MAKE `EM GO. But owingto the lateness of the season, some lines of goods of which I bought veryheavily are not moving fast enough to please us, and we have put the knifeinto them and cut the prices wide open. They only need to be seen to beappreciated.

$3,500 worth of Men's, Boys', and Children's Hats marked down to bed-rock.Boots and shoes ditto.


As it is well known that I carry the largest and most complete stockof Clothing and Men's Furnishings, it is scarcely necessary to make thestatement here. If there be buyers of Clothing, Boots, and Hats, who havenot heretofore patronized me, I say come and see.


Outfitter for all Mankind.

Corner Main Street and Tenth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

W. C. ROOT & CO. OUR NEW SPRING STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES is fastarriving and we know that we can please you. We have just received directfrom the manufactory in Cincinnati an elegant line of Ladies' Fine Shoes,in French, American, and Curacoa Kid, and Pebble Goat, Button, and Side-Lace.These goods are beautiful in style and finish and have never before beenoffered in this market. Prices as low as the lowest. We are also agentsfor E. C. Burt's Fine Shoes. Our stock of GENT'S FINE SHOES is complete.The celebrated Boston Shoes of Lilly, Brockett & Co.'s make cannot beexcelled. These goods can always be found at our store. Children's shoesin immense variety. Be sure and call and see our goods and get our prices.W. C. ROOT & CO.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.



Loans: $127,061.36

Bank Building and fixtures: 10,900.68

Expenses and taxes paid: 1,311.25

Cash ........ $28,335.07

Exchange. 29,752.92 58,087.99

TOTAL RESOURCES: $197,861.28


Deposits: $140,811.80

Capital: 50,000.00

Profit: 6,549.48

TOTAL: $197,861.28

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.


Ninth Avenue, West of Post Office, Winfield, Kansas.

Carriages and teams furnished on short notice and reasonable terms.


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882. Editorial Page.

H. D. Gans, re-election to office of Probate Judge.

Chas. E. Steuven, candidate for Clerk of District Court.

T. J. Rude, of Grouse Valley, candidate for Supt. of Public Instruction.

Mrs. Will B. Caton, candidate for office of Supt. of Public Instruction.


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882. Editorial Page.


ED. COURIER: You in the last issue of the COURIER seem disposed to noticeand discuss the political questions now before the people of this county,and as I am negative to your political policy as expressed by you in youreditorial discussing the anti-monopoly movement outside the Republican party,I invite you to a discussion of the political princi- ples involved in theplatform of the (late Greenback party) as you call it, now as they are sameas you say you will do all you can to discourage. I hope you will be disposedto discuss them. I do not claim to be able to discuss any political questionwith you by at least ninety percent, but as the anti-monopoly answer yourargument I thought I would (unauthorized) try and say a good word for myparty hoping by your expressed desire to discuss (to discourage) you willcomply with this invitation. I will say that if you decline to do so, Iwould be thankful for the privilege of answering your editorial and I amready to negotiate for this privilege. D. B. McCOLLUM.

In answer to Mr. McCollum, we would say that we indorse a considerablepart of most of the anti-monopoly platforms we have seen, as good Republicandoctrine, but this is like indorsing the multiplication table or the lawagainst larceny which no party antagonizes. Some things in their platformprobably are not sound, but whether sound or not, it is evident that theywill never be put into force in form of laws until adopted by the Republicanparty to propagate his or their views, attempt to build a new party fromthe ground up, we consider it proof positive that they do not care a centfor the success of their ostensible principles but only care for the sameselfish or ulterior end.

In relation to the challenge to a discussion, we answer that we shallpublish such communications from others as, in our judgment, state the pointsof argument clearly, strongly, and briefly in courteous language; but weshall not throw open our columns to a set discussion with any politicalantagonist, for that would occupy much space which ought to be occupiedby matter of general interest.

It must be remembered that this is essentially a Republican paper, butever ready to help in all matters which are calculated to advance the interestsof our county, state, and nation. In these matters we are open to conviction.Convince us and we are with you.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.


Judge Campbell has announced himself as a candidate for county attorneyof Sedgwick County, and promises if elected to prosecute with vigor allviolations of law. Guess our Sedgwick neighbors had better try him, forwe have no doubt that "vigorous prosecution" would quickly wipeout the open saloons of Wichita, which don't seem to "put up or shutup" under the present regime.


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

(From Green's Real Estate News.)


Cowley County is on the south line of the state, one hundred and thirtymiles west of the east line. It is bounded on the east by Elk and Chautauqua,on the north by Butler, on the west by Sumner, and on the south by the IndianTerritory. It is about 244 miles from Kansas City, and 196 from Topeka,the capitol of the State.


Take the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad via Topeka and Newton,or the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern railroad, the latter being aboutone hour's ride the shortest route.


The county is very nearly square, being 33 miles in width by 34-1/4 milesin length.


The western one-third of the county or that portion which is situatedbetween the Walnut and Arkansas rivers, is composed principally of bottomand valley lands; generally these lands are very rich and productive; thesoil will vary in depth from 2 to 6 feet, and has just enough of sand mixedwith it to cause it to cultivate easily, and continually remain loose andmellow. These lands are free from stone. In this section are to be foundmany of our finest farms. Running streams of water are not so plentifulhere, however, as they are east of the Walnut River, where springs, branches,and small creeks are very numerous, and as a rule along the banks or bluffsof these streams are to be found more or less stone of different qualities,from the roughest, fit only for the building of fences to the finest magnesianlimestone suitable for the finest buildings. Here again we have some ofthe best valley land, and as fine farms as the stranger could wish to lookat.


The soil in this section is either deep black loam, almost free fromsand, or a sandy loam with more or less of the latter; but very seldom,however, is the latter in sufficient quantities to prove detrimental. Underthis is found a subsoil consisting of loam, clay, and gravel, all of whichis of so porous a nature that it readily absorbs dampness and the waterfrom heavy rains is so rapidly taken up by mother earth that within a fewhours after these rains have ceased, farmers are seen plowing their cornand the roads almost free from mud. The porosity of our soil is the acknowledgedcause of this locality being considered safe from the effects of any ordinarydrouth, as the surface is kept more or less moist during a dry time by evaporationfrom beneath. The soil is loose, in fact sometimes too much so, if plowedin the spring; hence the reason that it is not an unfrequent occurrenceto see farmers clear their ground, mark it off, and plant their corn withoutfirst plowing the same. The usual rule, however, is to plow it first, andwe think it much the best, although we have seen heavy crops of corn raisedthe other way.


This county is abundantly supplied with water, and that too of a splendidquality. The Arkansas River flows through the south half of the county.On the west at this point the bed of the river is from one hundred to threehundred yards in width, with sandy bottom, and bordered on either side withnarrow skirts of cottonwood and elm. It is a sluggish and dirty lookingstream, with its waters almost constantly muddy; in fact, it may be veryappro- priately called the "little muddy." The Walnut River crossesthe county from north to south, a little west of the centre of the county,and is a beautiful stream of clear swift running water, with gravel or rockbottom. This river affords our principal natural water power privileges.Almost every four or five miles along this river sufficient fall can befound to run mills or factories. Many of these points have already beenutilized. Again, further east we have Silver Creek, and still further, nearthe east line of the county is Grouse Creek, while from the northeast wehave Timber and Dutch Creeks, forming a junction some few miles above us,and entering into the Walnut just north of our city, these being our principalstreams, while the hundreds of tributaries to them reach almost all localities,and supply the purest of water for man or beast. The first mentioned streamis the only one within the bounds of the county whose waters are not clearas crystal. Unlimited quantities of good water can be obtained by diggingfrom fifteen to forty feet, the average depth being about twenty-five feet.


We have plenty of timber for all ordinary purposes. Each of the mainstreams above mentioned being bordered with timber. Cord-wood sells on thestreet at from $4.00 to $4.50 per cord, generally hackberry, oak, sycamore,mulberry, hickory, and pecan. Since the completion of our roads, coal hasbeen principally used for heating. This commodity costs us at present $6to $6.50 per ton for ordinary soft, and from $9.00 to $11.00 for hard coalaccording to quality.


In many localities in the county can be found the famous magnesian limestonein inexhaustible quantities. This stone is the finest in the state, andwe expect we might safely say that but few quarries in the United Statesproduce as fine a quality. Being almost entirely free from grit, and comparativelysoft when first taken from the ground, can be easily worked into any shapedesired; they can, and are being sawed with a common hand saw without difficulty.After exposure to the air they become much harder and continue to hardenas time lasts. As an evidence of the superiority, samples of them were sentto the Government architect at Washington, D. C., and there by him comparedand tested with samples of stone from many other quarries within and withoutthis state, and were finally adopted for the building of the United Statescustom and courthouse, now being erected at Topeka, the capital of our state,and are now being shipped by rail from this town, a distance of nearly twohundred miles for that purpose, while our quarrymen are constantly in receiptof orders for the stone from Kansas City, Leavenworth, Atchison, and manysmaller towns throughout the state. We have quite a number of quarries nearWinfield and large numbers of hands are constantly employed in getting outand shipping stone. They are easily quarried, being found near the surface.


The county was organized in the summer of 1870, and named after MatthewCowley, a brave Kansas soldier, and Winfield, then containing but one cheapbox house, was made the county seat. The county then contained a populationof 700. The government survey was made in January, 1871, and the Winfieldtown site was the first tract of land entered at the land office in thiscounty. The first assessment and taxation of property was in 1872.


As the land is purchased direct from the general government, titles cannotbut be perfect in the first instance. Of course, like all other localities,we have some imperfect chains [? DID THEY MEAN CLAIMS?] of title. That isimproperly and sometimes insufficiently released mortgages. Instances wherea deed made by one individual does not show on its face that the grantorwas unmarried; again a single lady may have had a title to land and afterwardsmarry and convey same under new name, without showing in the deed that sheis the original Miss or Mrs. so and so; wrong or indefinite descriptions,etc. These matters we always look up carefully in case of a sale, feelingthat in this matter we are more the agent for the buyer than the seller,and our duty is to see that the purchaser gets a perfect title.


Nearly every good tillable quarter section is occupied by an intelligentand industrious family, who are intent upon making a home. They are makingsubstantial improvements on their land, building such houses as they canafford, and generally beautifying their homes.


Considerable rail, board, and wire fence has been constructed, and theease with which good stone is procured has induced the building of muchstone fence; but the Osage orange hedge is destined to be the fence of thefuture in this part of the state. At present, growing crops and trees areprotected by a herd law, which requires every man to take care of his ownstock. Hedges have been planted so extensively that in a few years a majorityof the farms will be surrounded by an everlasting fence. Then the herd lawwill be abolished. Many farms are now completely fenced and sub-dividedby this hedge. It grows rapidly and makes a complete fence in three or fouryears.


Our crop of peaches this year bids fair to be immense, and most of theapple orchards which are old enough present very flattering prospects. Thetrees are thrifty, and the fruit thus far produced has been of an excellentquality. Cherries, grapes, strawberries, and raspberries have been thoroughlytested, the fruit is luscious and the crop abundant. Our fruit crop willbe a source of considerable revenue, as we can now ship to Colorado andNew Mexico markets at reasonable rates. Heretofore our excess of the peachcrop has gone to waste. This year we will ship great quantities of smallfruit also to the same markets.


Something over four-fifths of our people are agriculturalists; so far,our principal products have been wheat and corn. At present farmers areplanting a considerable amount of millet and sugar cane. The productionof the latter is stimulated somewhat by the flattering prospects of theerection in the early future of a large and extensive sugar factory at thispointall varieties of the cane are easily raised and grow very rank. Farmershave finished harvesting this year in the county 62,710 acres of wheat,a great deal of which it is estimated will yield from 20 to 35 bushels peracresome few fields will go much higher. We have now growing and lookingsplendidly 98,307 acres of corn which will probably average fifty bushelswhile some will go as high as 100 bushels per acre. Potatoes grow finelyand produce well, as well as all other kinds of vegetables. Flax is beinggrown quite extensively by some and does well. There are about 717,000 acresof land in the county, of which 600,000 acres are good for the growing ofall the crops mentioned. Many farmers, and particularly in the eastern partof the county, are turning their attention to stock-raising, and there arealready many quite large herds of cattle and sheep. The eastern part ofthe county has become a great grazing country. The whole county is peculiarlyfitted for such purpose. Its heavy growth of nutrious grass and many finesprings and streams of running water specially recommend it. Cattle, sheep,and horses could not do better than they do in Cowley County. Our stockof hogs are very fine, and increase rapidly, and no disease of any kindhas ever been among them. Much attention has been given to raising improvedbreeds of stock. There are many excellent flouring and several corn andsaw mills in the county.


According to the census taken in 1880, the county had a population oftwenty-one thousand five hundred and thirty-nine. This we think a good showingfor a county but ten years old, when we take into consideration the factthat it has been advertised but little, and until recently has been fortymiles from the nearest railroad point and thus inconvenient and troublesometo reach, as well as the fact that during all of this time all railroadinfluences as far as immigration is concerned has been thrown against it.Today she is the sixth ranking county in the State as to population. Hercitizens generally are intelligent, industrious, and enterprising. Theyare a reading community and are well informed on most all subjects. Theysupport schools, churches, and all benevolent and charitable institutionsheartily and in general are ever found ready to take hold and help any enterprisewhich is calculated to benefit and build up her citizens. They are socialin their manners and soon make the stranger feel at home, possessing noneof that cold formality so common to many localities in the Eastern States.Those who hesitate coming to Kansas on account of our society will findafter investigation our people as highly cultivated a class as can be foundanywhere.


There is a church organization in nearly every neighborhood in the county.Most of these hold their services in schoolhouses. A few have built excellentchurch edifices and others are "talking the matter up." Thereare already some very fine and large church edifices in the county. Manydenominations are represented. The leading are the Baptist, Presbyterian,and Methodist. The ministers are up to the average anywhere. Some of themare men of great talent and culture. The man who preaches to the keen, shrewd,thinking people of the west, or who teaches their children, must have brains,education, and grit.


The county contains 131 school districts, 119 of which have good comfortableschool- houses built; 53 of this number have been entirely paid for, while40 more are very nearly paid for in full. Districts usually issue bondsto get money to build their schoolhouses on short time, making them runnot longer as a rule than from five to seven years. But a few years moreand the balance will be paid for and the several districts out of debt.The people tax themselves freely for the support of common schools, andkeep them open the greater part of each year. We have a large number ofthoroughly educated and efficient teachers, and the schools are noted fortheir good work. In but few instances do our children have to go very farto school.


Our facilities for marketing our various products are now of the best,since the completion of our two different lines of railroad. The demandfor wheat at home is quite an item. The different mills buy and grind intoflour for home consumption, and shipment by rail to the localities west.Colorado and New Mexico are now both great flour markets for us, and manycar loads are shipped every month; while the demand is increasing daily.Again, our millers frequently take large Indian contracts which they fill,and the flour is hauled by teams into the Indian Territory adjoining uson the south, to the different agencies. The balance is shipped to KansasCity, the best wheat market in the west. The same, to a great extent, mayalso be said of corn, although the greater portion of this product is fedto stock at home and sold to stock men who have large herds of cattle inthe vicinity. There is a good demand for almost everything we produce westof us, where we get the best of prices. Shipments of various articles tothe counties west of us in our own state on the Atchison, Topeka & SantaFe railroad alone is simply immense when summed up.


The grasshoppers have visited us two different times in the last tenyears, but with the exception of one year, reached us too late to do anydamage, and that one year they did but little, as most of the corn was toohard for them to work on. We do not think they are likely to ever get thisfar south in time to injure crops, especially if planted reasonably early.The northern part of this state and the state of Nebraska suffer much morefrom their ravages, being so much nearer the regions of their origin. Chinchbugs and other small insects do not appear to be as troublesome here asin most localities farther east. The fact that we almost invariably haveheavy rains in the month of May, the month that our wheat matures, is thoughtto be a safeguard against damage by the chinch bugs.


There is hardly a finer climate, all things considered, in the world.Two different winters we have failed to get ice sufficiently thick to putup. We have seen good grazing in the month of February. This has occurredbut once in ten years, but it is quite common to have grass in March. Wescarcely ever have a snow fall of any consequence. Sometimes a snow of fourinches will remain on the ground for one day. Usually ground can be plowedduring most of the winter. The summers are warm, but not sultry. On thehottest days one will find quite a good breeze, and it matters not how hotthe day may be the night will be cool and pleasant.


For prices of lands the reader is referred to list on third page of thispaper, which will give him a very good idea of prevailing rates.


It is thought that we are no more likely to be troubled with drouth thanmost localities east or west by reason of our altitude. Cowley County isonly about 1,000 feet above the level of the sea, while out west of us,where they usually have it dry, the altitude runs all the way from 1,500to 3,332 feet. There is no more reason for fearing drouth here than in Illinois,Indiana, and Ohio. This season has been favorable and crops look well. Thereare but few if any counties in the United States whose average crops havebeen larger per acre for the last ten years than those of this county, andthe farmers feel so assured of a crop that instead of planting less on accountof a partial failure, they increase their acreage.

The climate here is by no means a dry one. There has been more complaintof too wet weather than too dry, since the country was settled. There isnot a locality in the west where there has been in the same time so fewfailures on account of drouth.


No county while new and while the soil is being newly disturbed, wherethe soil is rich and the vegetation rank, has been exempt from malarialfevers, and Cowley has had many cases of such fevers. But it has no marshes,swamps, sloughs, or standing water, no fogs or moisture laden air. It alwayshas a breeze, generally light but sometimes strong, and should be healthy,as it in fact is in all respects except as above. Many persons have comehere diseased or suffering from chronic complaints, who have very soon begunto improve and have since quite recovered.


Winfield, the county seat, is a young and prosperous city of about 3,500inhabitants. It is situated on a gentle slope on the left bank of the WalnutRiver, and just at the junction of Timber Creek with the latter. Is boundedon the north, west, and south with a beautiful strip of timber, and on theeast by a line of finely rounded mounds. It commenced to build in the year1870, the first buildings being what we term box houses, and very smallframes. Since then year by year has added more spacious and substantialbuildings, until now it has many large, beautiful, and costly structuresof brick and magnesian limestone, which compare very favorably with muchlarger cities. Winfield is the center of business for the county and hasthe reputation of being the best town according to its size in the state.The merchants carry large stocks of goods, and the trade justifies themin so doing. Her citizens are enterprising and intelligent, and her societyexcellent. But few towns, no larger in this or any other country, can turnout a greater number of educated, refined, and accomplished, and we mightas well say really good looking ladies, both young and middle aged, thancan Winfield. One needs only to visit the splendid costly churches and schoolhousesin our city to be satisfied as to the tone of morals of the place. The townnow has about twelve miles of stone sidewalk, constructed of the fine flagstone from our quarries near by, and it is estimated that from six to eightmiles more of this walk will be laid this season. This walk on the mainbusiness street is twelve feet wide including the curbstone; on principalcross streets eight feet, and the rest is four feet wide. Our streets arevery nearly always in fine condition.


The Presbyterian Church of Winfield is among the strongest of this denominationin the state, having 194 members; 250 children attend its Sunday schooland receive instruction from 20 teachers. Its church building, which isnow entirely paid for, is constructed of stone and brick and is 42 x 62feet in size, with a tower at the corner 14 x 14, surmounted by a spirecontaining a bell. The main audience room occupies the whole upper floor,while the basem*nt story is divided into three different rooms, which areused for different purposes. The building cost $8,000 and the furniture$1,500. The church is fitted with stained glass windows, hard wood pews,handsomely carpeted, and furnished with a fine organ. Rev. J. E. Platterhas been with this church for eight years.

The Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. P. F. Jones, pastor, has a membershipof two hundred and four. Scholars in regular attendance at its Sunday school175average attendance on service 400. The church is prosperous and constantlygrowing. Its church building is of magnesian limestone, is 40 x 60 feetin size with tower and entrance at corner; pulpit in rear endlecture room20 x 40 cut off front with folding doors and gallery same size above lectureroomoval ceiling 18 feet high at sides, stained glass windows and handsomelyfurnished, cost $10,000.

The Baptist Church, Rev. J. Cairns, pastor, has a membership of 210.Scholars attending Sabbath school 250. The church has just completed a verylarge and elegant house of worship, being built of stone, 60 x 70 feet insize, divided as follows: Main room 40 x 60, 3 good sized class rooms, Octagonlecture room, with sliding doors between same and main room, with stonetower 50 feet highall nicely finished and furnished. Seating capacity, 750.Cost of building $12,000. Furniture, $2,000. Rev. Cairns deserves much creditfor the energy and perseverance displayed by him in securing the erectionof such an edifice.

The Christian Church, Elder F. M. Rains, pastor; has a membership of67, have a fair sized frame church building, and contemplate erecting alarger one the present season. This church is prospering and steadily gainingin strength.

The Episcopal Church, Rev. C. H. Canfield, pastor, is a new effort inthis town, being some 24 months old only. Not having a building of theirown, they meet in the Courthouse. The membership of this church is not large,yet they hope to be able to build them a house of worship during the nexttwo years. Its Sunday school, under charge of W. H. Smith, is prospering.

The Catholic Church, Rev. Father Kelly, pastor, has a membership representing85 or more families. Has a neat frame church building, 32 x 52 in size,in which services are held twice each week.


The city of Winfield is divided into two wards, first and second, andeach having school buildings. That in the first ward is 45 x 56 feet withan addition 40 x 40 and basem*nt under the whole structure, while that ofthe second ward is 30 x 50 with two wings each 18 x 32 and basem*nt. Eachof these buildings are two story, built of magnesia limestone, well finishedand furnished, and heated with hot air. The first mentioned contains eightrooms and the latter four. The first ward building cost $12,000, while theother cost $6,000. They are both situated on beautiful plats of ground andare an ornament to the town. We usually have about 9 months public schooleach year. The number of scholars enrolled during the last term was over800. Both wards were under the supervision of one man, Prof. E. T. Trimble,one of the leading educators of the age, who was assisted by a corps ofcompetent and exper- ienced teachers, each of whom did their duty to theentire satisfaction of all parents.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882. [From Green's Real Estate News.]


This building is constructed of the celebrated Cowley County stone, coveringan area of 55 x 100 feet, three stories high with English basem*nt, southand east fronts, and double deck eight foot piazza along the entire fronts.On the basem*nt floor is a large and pleasant billiard room, barber shopwith baths, two large sample rooms, preparatory kitchen with elevator, icerooms, steam laundry, and drying rooms. On the first floor we find a largeand well ventilated office, reception room, reading room, lavatory, telegraphand ticket offices, and coat room. Adjoining the office are three largesample rooms. The dining room is large and well located, having south andwest windows. Adjoining it is the kitchen supplied with steam ranges andcarving tables, china and silver closets, store rooms, etc.

On the second floor are the double parlors, bridal chamber, parlor chamber,bath room linen closets, and fourteen large and airy chambers arranged insuits. On the third floor are twenty-six rooms with sufficient number oflinen closets, wardrobes, etc. The halls are spacious and extend entirelythrough the building north and south, east and west. Careful attention isgiven throughout to ventilation. There are three flights of stairs runningfrom the basem*nt to the second floor and two from the second to the thirdfloor. The entire building is heated by steam, and lighted with gas. Eachroom is furnished with marble basins and soft water. Stand pipes with hydrantson each floor. The boiler and engine house is built separate from the mainstructure, thus avoiding danger by fire.

All slop and waste water is taken from the building through waste pipesand underground drains, which are double trapped against sewer gas.

While there are some larger hotels in the State, we assert with considerablepride for Winfield, that the Brettun House is the finest, most complete,and convenient house in Kansas. See cut on another page. [EVIDENTLY GREENHAD WOOD CUT OF HOTEL.]


There are two good bridges across the Walnut River at Winfield, one west,and one south of the city. The first one is an arched iron bridge, 180 feetlong and 35 feet high. The other the same kind of a bridge with single span153 feet long. Each of these bridges rests on solid stone abutments. Thereis also one (an iron bridge) north of town and across Dutch Creek. Thisbridge is 100 feet long.


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.


The British war steamers are bombarding Alexandria.


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Sardines 10 cents a box. McGUIRE BROS.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

The circus is coming and will spread its thousand yards of snowy canvashere on August 2nd.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Mr. B. Goff, of Creswell Township, was in the city last week and tooka look at our agricultural display.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Jacob Wolf brought us in a 10 foot six inch stalk of corn from his fieldnear the Santa Fe depot, Thursday.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Mr. Al Mace of the Saybrook (Illinois) Gazette, who has been visitingMr. and Mrs. Berkey, left for his home last week.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

J. D. Guthrie came up Saturday to attend the meeting of the County CentralCommittee. He doesn't get to the Hub often.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

The Ponca Indians are marketing their first crop of wheat. Twenty-sixwagon loads were brought into Arkansas City last week by them.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Mr. Geo. Cairns returned home from his wanderings in Missouri last week.He has been assisting in revival work with marked success.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

The meeting of the Central Committee last Saturday was more largely attendedthan any meeting for years. Almost every township was represented.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

There will be a meeting of all the officers of Cowley County VeteranRegiment at the COURIER office on the 29th of July at 1 o'clock p.m. Letevery officer be present.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Mr. Rodocker picked up a Santa Fe baggage check on Main Street Monday.If anyone has lost a check, they can get it by calling at this office andpaying for this notice.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Mrs. Hamil [Hamill?], who has been visiting for some time with her motherand brother, Mrs. Huston and Mr. Platter, returned to her home in Chillicothe,Ohio, Tuesday morning.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Capt. White made a successful fight for additional representation forFairview Township and got it. This was the only change in representationthe Committee would make.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

McGuire Bros. Store at Tisdale was struck by lightning and partiallyburned, but we still hold the fort and want all the Butter and Eggs in thecountry. Will pay Winfield prices for the same.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Mr. Julius Goldsmith, a brother of Henry, who spent several months herein 1880, returned last week and will hereafter make his home in Winfield.He has been putting in his time in Clinton, Missouri.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

We are requested to announce a camp meeting to begin July 26th, 1882,in T. S. Green's grove, on the Big Walnut River, twelve miles north of Winfield,and four miles northeast of Seeley. Rev. M. L. Haney, of Illinois, willhave charge of the meeting.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Prof. R. B. Quay, of Kansas City, has been in the city for the past tendays in the interest of the Smith American Organ Company. He is possessedof unusual musical ability, and assisted very much in the singing at theMethodist Exposition last week.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

M. L. Martin of Vernon on last Saturday left us a briar on which were452 blackberries, most of them green, but a very large number of ripe orripening. Who can beat that? He also brought a bouquet of Zinnias, verylarge and a variety of colors.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Mr. John Isom, of Fairview Township, brought us in a bunch of onionslast week, mon- strosities in their way. The largest one measures thirteeninches in circumference, and was pulled before it was ripe. The five onionsmake nearly a peck.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

McGuire Bros. Store at Tisdale was struck by lightning and set on fireSunday morning. No one was in at the time and the fire gained considerableheadway before it was noticed and outsiders rushed in and put out the flames.The damage will probably be $150.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

The Kansas City, Lawrence and Southern Railroad Company has donated tothe Fair Association the free use of all the iron they need to build thebridge over Timber Creek to the Fair ground. This will be a great savingto the Association and a kindness that is appreciated.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

M. H. Markcum received a handsome and bulky present through the mailMonday from a friend in old Mexico. It was one of those immense Mexicanhats, trimmed all over with gold and silver braid. M. H. will wear it toSunday school next Sunday. Let there be a large attendance.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Uncle Robert Weakly brought in fifteen hundred bushels of his wheat Tuesdayand sold it for 83-1/2 cents per bushel. He has threshed but a part of hiscrop and realized 25 bushels per acre. He was compelled to sell a part inorder to relieve the overflowing condition of his granaries.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Mr. G. P. Andrews of Messina, New York, called Tuesday in company withhis brother, J. Andrews, stock man of Silverdale, and entertained us withcomparisons between Kansas and New York fruits and cereals. Our big sampleswere a wonder to our eastern friend. Call again, gentlemen.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

A little two-year-old child was bitten on the leg by a poisonous snakein the south part of town last week. The mother immediately made an applicationof turpentine and soda, keeping the wound well bathed in it, and in a fewdays the child recovered, with but slight evidence of the poison showingitself. It seems that whiskey is not the only remedy for snake-bite, afterall.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Mr. M. W. Babb has been spending the last few weeks in visiting creameriesin other localities, taking notes and getting estimates, and has maturedhis plans for a creamery at this place. He is now ready to take subscriptionsto the stock of the company and to lay before the people the whole subject.We hope all will take hold and give him the help and encouragement he needs.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

The atmospheric condition of our city was disturbed last Friday nightby the presence of Gene Wilbur and George Williams. They came down ostensiblyon business, but really to wear out Frank Jennings and Cap. Siverd at theirfavorite game of cribbageand it is unnecessary to say they did it beautifully.It is a good thing the writer wasn't present or they would never have carriedoff the honors they did.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

In our notice last week of Fourth of July gatherings, we omitted to mentionthe picnic in Prof. Hickok's grove south of town. It was a neighborhoodaffair. Prof. Hickok and Rev. Henderson gave vent to some pent up patriotismon the occasion, and Messrs. Crow, Barrick- low, and Burton discoursed somegood martial music. The exercises were interspersed by boat riding, swinging,etc. All enjoyed themselves, and especially, the many good things they hadto eat on the occasion.


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

The markets today (Wednesday) on wheat show a rise of four cents perbushel since Monday. It is now quoted at 87-1/2 cents. Corn brings 70 cents.New oats will be on the market by next week and the price on corn will bematerially reduced. Hogs still range high at $7.25 to $7.50. The wheat isbeginning to come in rapidly and in the course of a week the market willbe very lively. Butter brings 12-1/2 cents, eggs 12-1/2 cents, chickens$2.00 to $2.40. Potatoes 50 cents per bushel, turnips 25 cents. Blackberries10 cents per quart. Onions $1.00 to $1.25 per bushel, beets 75 cents. Cabbage1-1/2 cents per pound.


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Col. Mullen returned from the East last week, having sold his big heifer,"Kansas Queen," to a gentleman in Quincy, Illinois, for $2,500.He exhibited her in many of the towns of Kansas and Missouri, and made quitea speculation out of it. "Kansas Queen" was bred by Capt. Stephens,up on Timber Creek. Her grandsire was imported from England, a short-hornDurham, of the noted Boothe family. Her dam, a half-bred short-horn. Sheis pure white, and very finely proportioned in all her points. Weight, oneyear old, 1,000 lbs.; two years old, 1,800; three years old, 2,300; fouryears old, 3,000 lbs., and it is said by good judges that she will probablyweigh 4,000 lbs. when six years old. The present owners intend exhibitingher in Kansas next winter.


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Vale, Courant.

The Cowley County Courant, Daily and Weekly, is dead. The Dailydied on July 1st after eight months of fitful existence. The Weekly lingereduntil last week and died at the age of eight months and a week. The remainswere taken in hand by George Rembaugh and Sam E. Davis, and from its ashesa "thoroughbred" democratic weekly will be raised up. It willassume the name of Telegram, and once more the old condition of thingsis resumed, and the COURIER and Telegram, as in days of yore, willrepresent the principles of the two great political parties. And it is betterfor all that this is the case. The interests of the county, the state, andthe nation demand that there be two active, belligerent parties. There isa good, strong democratic minority in this county, and it needs an organ.Now that it has one, we hope to see it well supported. Messrs. Rembaughand Davis are live, energetic young men and can do the work as well or betterthan anyone we know of. Mr. Davis is a life-long democrat, by birth andeducation, and should have the full confidence and support of his party.The suspension of the Courant but illustrates what we have all alongknown to be a factthat it is impossible to bore a three inch hole with atwo inch augur. Mr. Allison tried it and was bruised. Mr. Black got allhe wanted and let go. But to Mr. Steinberger belongs the honor of mashingthe old thing all to pieces.

A newspaper is grown, not made. All the money one wants cannot make aten-year-old newspaper in six months. To be a success it must be built upfrom a solid foundation and its growth nurtured, and watched and cared for,until it is finally established in the homes and hearts of the peoplea citadelfrom which only the grossest mismanagement can dislodge it. So long as itspower is for good it will flourishwhen for evil its ruin and downfall arerapid and complete.

The Daily is dead, very dead, and will sleep sweetly until some venturesomeand mis- guided Gabriel imagines that his mission is to resurrect it. Hewill afterwards discover that he is a badly fooled Gabriel.


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

More Crops.

The crop returns keep coming in and every report shows a yield that makesthe farmer's face as broad as a clapboard. Had we been delegated the powerto regulate the rainfall and weather, none more favorable could have beenmade. The smallest yield yet reported in wheat is Col. Loomis' volunteerfield, which went 23-1/2 bushels per acre. Mr. Jacob Binkey, of Walnut Township,threshed sixty acres of his hundred acre field. The sixty acres gave him2,100 bushels, or 35 bushels per acre, of the finest wheat we have yet seen.Mr. Harcourt, of Rock, has also threshed a part of his crop and gets 30bushels per acre. Mr. G. T. Stone, of Vernon Township, threshed betweenfour and five acres of his Fultz wheat and got 203 bushelsover forty-twobushels per acre. It tested over sixty pounds. His crop of 55 acres willaverage 33 bushels. Our Illinois friends do not seem to be faring as wellas they might this year. We learn, from the Adams County (Illinois) paperthat "the corn crop is badly busted in this neighborhood," andalso that "The question of the hour with the poor farmer is whetherto sell his stock hogs or keep them." Send them to Kansas, friends;we can feed them. . . .


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.


Judge H. D. Gans, Candidate for Re-election as Probate Judge.

"He has been the incumbent for the last 8 years and has given generalsatisfaction. His familiarity with the duties of the office, his characterfor energy and integrity, and his wide popularity make him valuable to thepeople of the county, while the fees and emoluments of the office are notso large as to make it desirable on that account. His past services arehis best guarantees for the future."

T. J. RUDE, Candidate for Supt. of Public Instruction.

"He is a "rustler" as well as a gentleman and an accomplishedteacher. We have hereto- fore spoken more fully of his excellent qualificationsfor the office he seeks. . . ."

Charles E. Steuven, Candidate for Office of District Clerk.

Charles E. Steuven was a Union soldier, having served during the warin the 1st Iowa and 82nd Illinois for 4 years and 4 months, and arose tothe rank of Captain. He was in all the great battles of the east and waswith Sherman on his march to the sea. He was severely wounded at Chancellorsvilleand at Peach Tree Creek. He served till the close of the war and was honorablydischarged. He has been a resident of Winfield for the last five years andhas always been an active Republican. He is now the Colonel of the CowleyCounty Veteran Regiment. There is no doubt of his qualifications for theoffice he seeks, and if elected, will make a faithful and efficient officer."

Mrs. W. B. Caton, Candidate for Supt. of Public Instruction.

"She is a thoroughly educated and accomplished lady, with largeexperience in conduct- ing schools, in which she has proved herself a mostsuccessful and accomplished teacher. Her essays and addresses have beenmarked with clear cut sense, chaste and expressive language, and have beendelivered with grace and effect. Her kind heart and true womanly sympathiesare always with the children, and she is their confidant and assistant.She has sufficient health and energy to attend thoroughly to all the dutiesof the office and will make a faithful and efficient officer if elected."


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Creamery Meeting.

Mr. Babb has a direct proposition from a responsible firm to build andequip a creamery with capacity of 2,500 lbs. Butter per day, with ice housefor storing 600 tons of ice, for $5,800. It is proposed to organize a jointstock company to take hold of this enterprise, and that this matter maybe fully understood, Mr. Babb will meet all parties who feel an interestin this enterprise at the office of A. H. Doane & Co., Friday eveningnext, at 7:30 o'clock, and give them the points he has obtained in his recentinvestigations. Let all come who want a creamery established at Winfield.


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

A Wheat Tale.

Mr. William Osborn owns about seventeen hundred acres of land, part inthis county and part in Butler. Twelve hundred acres of this grew in wheatthis year and is now in stack. It was cut with headers and the stubble istwo and one-half feet high. The whole twelve hun- dred acres will average35 bushels per acre. One hundred acres of the patch is volunteer wheat.The yield from this will be about thirty bushels per acre. In addition tothe above yield, Mr. Osborn wintered 600 head of cattle on the green wheatand the straw of last year, for which he received $5.00 per head. Mr. Osbornwill sell about $25,000 worth of wheat this year.


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Township Primary Meetings.

The Vernon Township primary will meet at Vernon Center at 2 o'clock Wednesday,July 26th. P. M. WAITE, Chairman.

The Sheridan Township primary will meet at the usual place of votingin that township, on Friday, July 21st, at 2 o'clock p.m., to elect delegatesto the county convention and also to the Representative convention whichmeets at Burden on the 10th of August.

E. L. JOHNSON, Chairman.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Col. J. C. McMullen has been visiting in Northern Wisconsin about Appletonand the Fox River. He says that most of the native magnificent trees ofthat country have been cut down and taken away, not even utilizing themfor shade trees. They wanted foreign trees, or such as were not indigenousto the soil, for shade, and so they selected as the grandest, best, andmost beautiful that could be found the cottonwood tree, so common here thatit is almost despised. However, there they have miles and miles of rowsof these trees everywhere and they beautify the country beyond conception.The fact is we do not sufficiently prize this tree for shade; perhaps becauseit is indigenous here and costs us very little. If every householder hadtaken pains to put out plenty of cottonwoods at an early day, our countywould now be what it should be.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Sunday School Convention.

The annual convention of the 11th Sunday School District will be heldin the Baptist Church of Winfield on the 25th and 26th, commencing at 2o'clock p.m., Tuesday. An interesting program has been prepared. All Sundayschool workers in the district are members of this convention, and if possibleshould attend. C. HUMBLE, President.

R. C. ST. CLAIR, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.


The Republican Committee of Cowley County met at the COURIER office inWinfield, on Saturday, July 8th, at 1 o'clock p.m. Present:

Louis P. King, Beaver Township.

J. D. Guthrie, Bolton Township.

Capt. J. B. Nipp, Creswell Township.

J. V. Hines, Dexter Township.

Wm. White, Fairview Township.

W. P. Heath, Maple Township.

H. H. Martin, Ninnescah Township.

A. Hattery, Omnia Township.

Samson Johnson, Pleasant Valley Township.

Dan Maher, Richland Township.

S. P. Strong, Rock Township.

E. I. Johnson, Sheridan Township.

Ed Pate, Silver Creek Township.

W. C. Douglass, Tisdale Township.

P. M. Waite, Vernon Township.

S. Cure, Walnut Township.

T. J. Rude, Windsor Township.

D. A. Millington, chairman, of Winfield 1st ward.

T. H. Soward, secretary, of Winfield 2nd ward.


67th DISTRICT COMMITTEE...JUSTUS FISHER, Chairman; J. D. GUTHRIE, Secretary.Present: Louis P. King of Beaver Township; J. D. Guthrie of Bolton; J. B.Nipp of Creswell; Justus Fisher of Liberty; S. Johnson of Pleasant Valley.Cedar, Silverdale, and Spring Creek not represented. Voted to hold conventionat the office of I. H. Bonsall in Arkansas City. . . .

68th DISTRICT COMMITTEE...S. P. STRONG, Chairman; J. V. HINES, Secretary.

[Met at the office of T. H. Soward in Winfield.] Present: J. V. Hinesof Dexter Township;

A. T. Smith of Harvey; W. P. Heath of Maple; A. Hattery of Omnia; DanMaher of Richland; S. P. Strong of Rock; E. I. Johnson of Sheridan; Ed Pateof Silver Creek; T. J. Rude of Windsor. Otter not represented.


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Council Proceedings.

Council met pursuant to adjournment, Mayor Troup in the chair.

Present: Councilmen Read, McMullen, and Wilson, City Clerk and Attorney.

Minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

Reports of Treasurer for months ending May 15 and June 15 and of CityClerk for quarter ending June 15th were read and referred to Finance Committee.

It was moved that the Finance Committee be instructed to obtain fromPolice Judge reports of the business of his office for months of April,May, and June. Carried.

It was moved that the street commissioner be requested to make a reportof road tax collected by him, by next meeting of the Council.

Bills of Winfield COURIER for printing, $28.50, and J. E. Conklin fordirt on Main Street, $25.00, were referred to Finance Committee.

The following bills were allowed and ordered paid.

H. L. Thomas, crossings, etc.: $100.72.

Joseph Barricklow, crossings, etc.: $21.67.

Wm. Warren, crossings, etc.: $27.50.

Wm. Warren, crossings, etc.: $8.00.

C. H. Wooden, removing nuisances: $3.75.

City officers, salaries June: $7.90.

Bill of L. Burkhalter for $2.00 for team to funeral of Mrs. Sanborn wasapproved and recommended to the County Commissioners for payment.

On motion Council adjourned. M. G. TROUP, Mayor.

Attest: DAVID C. BEACH, City Clerk.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

DIED. INGHAM. On the 6th inst., Samuel Ingham, at the residence of hisson-in-law, N. T. Snyder, aged 68 years, 2 months, and 7 days.

He was born in Whitesborough, near Utica, New York, in 1814. When a youngman he entered into business in Oswego. In the year 1850 he moved to JerseyCity, New Jersey; from thence he moved to Michigan about 1865; and fromthence to Kansas in 1878. He has been a member of the Baptist Church somethingover forty years. In his middle life he was an active and successful merchantand businessman. He always sustained a high character and was much belovedwherever he was known.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Attention, Veterans! L. M. Lange, Judge Advocate, Dept. Of Kansas G.A. R., will muster a post in this city Thursday, July 13th, at 8 o'clockp.m. All old soldiers desiring to join the G. A. R. apply at once to T.H. Soward in this city.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

At a meeting of St. Johns Battery, First Kansas Artillery held on July8th, 1882, the following resolution was adopted and the Secretary instructedto furnish each of the Winfield and Arkansas City papers a copy for publication.

Resolved, That the officers and members of St. Johns Battery extendto the people of Arkansas City their sincere thanks for the hospitable mannerin which they were received and entertained by them on the Fourth of Julyjust past. J. M. REED, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

A Ride and a Picnic.

ED. COURIER: On Thursday the 6th inst., in company with E. A. Henthorn,senior editor of the Burden Enterprise, I started for the Sundayschool picnic convention in North Richland. We drove west to New Salem,past springing corn and numerous stacks of splendid wheat, to the "Gunnquarter," where Mr. Jas. Barr was threshing his wheat. Mr. Henthornbeing agent for the rental, we stopped, and there I saw as fine wheat asever threshed. The berry is full and plump, and the yield estimated at twentybushels per acre.

From here we drove to the city of Salem and then to the picnic in "Groom'sgrove," on Dutch Creek, arriving there at 11 o'clock. As the morninghad gathered quite lowery the crowd gathered slowly, and we had the pleasureof seeing how they came to such places. Some on foot, some in wagons, someon horseback, and some in buggies.

Through the courtesy of Mr. Henthorn, I was soon on a talking basis withthe leading men of Richland, Rock, and Omnia townships. Nearly all the good-lookingcandidates were present For representative were E. A. Henthorn, WashingtonWeimer, father of his country, and John Maurer. For county superintendentwere Mrs. Caton, Mr. A. H. Limerick, andwell, I was there, too.

After greeting old and new acquaintances, I looked for E. A., but hewas putting in big strokes among old friends, so I went to work for myself.Finding very soon that Mr. Limerick was way ahead of any other candidatefor superintendent, I rested until after dinner. As soon as that interestingceremony was ended, I found myself too full for utterance, but managed toask a few men if Mr. Henthorn could safely expect anything in that vicinity;and on being told more than a dozen times that he was solid, I borrowedhis pencil and a cigar, went to the buggy, and began taking notes with thisresult.

Called to order by Capt. Stephens; singing by the Richland Sunday School.I have forgotten the title of the song, but the little ones did well bothin singing and acting. Following the song was a speech by Rev. Thompson,of Omnia; then we were treated with a fine song by the Floral Sunday School,after which Prof. Limerick, of Rock, delivered an interesting address onthe general work and conducting of Sabbath Schools.

After another song by Floral, Mrs. Caton, of Winfield, made the neatestlittle speech it was ever my fortune to hear. The exercises concluded bysinging, and music from the Rich- land martial band, of which Mr. H. H.Hooker is leader.

I arrived home at sundown feeling that it was good to be there, evenif I did not make a vote. E. A. M.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Gen. A. H. Green is now issuing the eighth edition of his Real EstateNews. It is a twenty-four column paper and brim full of matter of interestto land buyers and home seekers. The matter contained in its columns isreliable and not overdrawn as many such publications are. The General isone of the live, energetic real estate men of the West, and does businessin a way that is satisfactory both to buyer and seller.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

We want Blackberries. Will pay top market prices in cash or trade. J.P. Baden.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

We, the undersigned milliners of Winfield agree to close our stores at6:30 p.m., until Sept. 1st.


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.


A grand anti-monopoly rally will be held on Timber Creek in Mr. R. W.Stephen's grove four miles northeast of Floral, after the style of a basketpicnic on Thursday, July 20th, 1882. Several speakers from abroad will addressthe people on the issues of the day. The occasion will be enlivened by vocaland instrumental music. Come one, come all with your baskets well filledand have a good time with us. THE COMMITTEE.


Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

For Rent. Furnished rooms with or without board. Call on Mrs. M. C. Tucker.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

For Sale. One Hapgood Sulky Plow, 14 inches with breaker, and one GardenCity Riding Cultivator, both as good as new. Will sell or trade. Call amile and a half up the Santa Fe track, on SAMUEL MULLEN.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.



Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.


Hon. C. R. Mitchell, candidate for representative for the 67th District.

J. S. Baker, Tisdale Township, candidate for representative from 66thDistrict.

S. G. Castor, Liberty Township, candidate for representative from 67thDistrict.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.


Hon. C. R. Mitchell, candidate for Representative for the 67th district.

"His ability, integrity, and experience in legislative matters togetherwith great influence and popularity among the leading men of the state makehis services in the important legisla- tion of next winter of the greatestimportance and value to the people of this county. He is sound on prohibitionand a strong Republican and no man in this state is held in higher respect."

Enos A. Henthorn, candidate for Representative for the 68th district.

"He is the editor of the Burden Enterprise, and makes oneof the liveliest papers in the statefilled with good sense, general news,and matters of local interest. A man who can get up such a paper will makea good Representative. Enos is a wide awake, ambitious man, and is growingmentally upward (not physically we hope, for he's tall enough now) and hasbroad and practical views of things. He is strictly reliable and would makea valuable Representative for his district and county.

Sam'l. G. Castor, of Liberty Township, candidate for Representative for67th district.

"He is one of our most intelligent and enterprising farmers, hasbeen a resident of Liberty Township for nearly five years, where he enjoysthe highest respect of all his acquaintances. He was several years a residentof Iowa and served two terms as a member of the legislature of that stateand acquitted himself with honor and credit. He has been an active Republicanever since the formation of the party and is a prohibitionist from principle.Should he be elected he will prove an energetic and valuable member forhis district."

J. S. Baker, Tisdale Township, candidate for Representative for 66thDistrict.

"He is a native of Rutland County, Vermont, the county of the nativityof Stephen A. Douglass and the editor of this paper; and of course, we thinkthat is abundant evidence of his fitness for the position. But as othersmay be so benighted as to think lightly of this, we will remark that hehas been a resident of this county for the last twelve years and has beenthrough all the early struggles and `knows how it is himself.' He is welleducated and taught school in his younger days, but he is a farmer by education,trade and profession, and is one of the most intelligent and energetic farmersof this wide awake county. He has always been a staunch Republican, andis a prohibitionist from principle. Should he be elected he will be aliveto all needed reforms in legislation, and will prove an able and efficientofficer."

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

A CARD. Hon. Jas. McDermott, Winfield, Kansas.

DEAR SIR: We the undersigned citizens of Cowley County, Kansas, anxiousthat an able and faithful man represent us in the coming legislature, andever mindful of the important legislation that will come before that body,unite in requesting you to become a candidate for the office of Representativefrom this district, July 11th, 1882.

Hackney, W. P.; Gridley, A.; Bethel, Jas.; Millington, D. A.; Greer,Ed. P.; Finch, Frank W.; Siverd, H. H.; Pryor, J. D.; Wilson, W. J.; Hunt,J. S.; Bryan, T. R.; Curns, J. W.; Harris, T. J.; Arrowsmith, J. W.; Hendricks,A. D.; Soward, T. H.; Story, R. C.; Reynolds, E. M.; Buckman, G. H.; Haight,N. A.; Cook, S. A.; Webb, L. H.; Fuller, C. E.; Hudson, W.; Wood, B. F.;Kelly, James; Shot, J. P.; Platter, Jas. E.; Gridley, A., Jr.; Asp, HenryE.; Trimble, E. T.; Roberts, W. D.; Moore, Wm. H.; Hackney, J. F.; Waite,R. B.: McMullen, J. C.; Lee, W. A.; Holloway, S. S.; and others.

WINFIELD, KANSAS, July 17, 1882.

Hon. W. P. Hackney, T. H. Soward, D. A. Millington, and others:

GENTLEMEN: I have received your very flattering call to become a candidatefor the legislature in this district, and after due consideration, haveconcluded to consent to the use of my name in that connection. At firstI did not regard the proposition favorably, owing to business interestswhich I thought might suffer thereby but upon the representations of friendsthat I might be able to assist to some extent in making the temperance lawsmore effective; in guarding the interests of Cowley County in the Congressionalapportionment; and in securing any other advantages that may be desiredfor the county and which may be attainable; I have overcome my reluctanceand hereby authorize my friends to use my name as a candidate before theRepublican District Conventionand if nominated and elected I will hold myselfbound to consider the interests of the people of Cowley County as of paramountimportance to all other interests, and will give my best efforts to maintainand protect them. Respectfully yours, JAMES McDERMOTT.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.



Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

U. S. District Attorney Hollowell was in the city Friday.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Remember the annual school meeting on August 10th at 2 p.m.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Mrs. Judge McDonald was taken very ill Sunday afternoon, but is now improving.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

John E. Allen left for Hennepin, Illinois, Thursday; he will be absentabout three months.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Mr. Evan Richards, formerly postmaster at Tannehill, is lying dangerouslyill at Lawrence.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Dick Fitzgerald, the Democratic bulwark of Silver Creek Township, wasin the city last Thursday.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Z. B. Myers threshed 35 acres of his wheat and got 37-1/2 bushels peracre.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Mr. G. W. Dutton, who is now holding forth at Red Rock, Indian Territory,was up Tuesday and will spend a week with us.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

The lightning struck Jerre Evans' barn Friday night and killed his finemare. This breaks Jerre's matched team.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Mr. O. S. Hurd lost a buggy, set of harness, and saddle Tuesday night.The thieves took the outfit from his stable.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Ex-Commissioner Gale was shaking hands among his friends Friday. It'shis first visit to the metropolis for a long time.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Mr. L. J. Davidson, of Sheridan Township, was in the city Tuesday andmade us a pleasant call.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

The United Brothers in Christ will hold a basket meeting on Silver Creek,two miles east of Tisdale, July 30th. All are cordially invited.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

DIED. Mrs. Susanna Gilkey died last Monday afternoon after a protractedillness. The remains were taken to Illinois for interment.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Bob. Stout had $29 stolen from the desk in his blacksmith shop Mondayafternoon, while he had stepped out for a moment.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Rev. Parks, of the A. M. E. Church of this place, will go to Wichitathis week, and on Sunday assist in dedicating a new church at that place.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Mrs. J. P. Short left on the Santa Fe Tuesday afternoon for Colorado,where she will spend five or six weeks visiting friends in Denver, Manitou,and Durango.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

M. J. Land, of Vernon Township, brought in a fine bunch of timothy Tuesdayfor our agricultural collection. It is four feet six inches high and cut3-1/2 tons per acre.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Capt. Stover, of Iola, and Mr. Fife, county attorney of Allen County,made us a pleasant call Wednesday. Capt. Stover is a prominent candidatefor State Auditor.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Dr. P. S. Williams, who conducted our normal last summer, will be inWinfield Tuesday, August 1. He will visit the normal and will probably givea public lecture.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Mr. Oll Pratt was in Saturday, the dampness having given his steam threshera day's rest. Oll is doing an immense amount of threshing this year, anddoing it well.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

Marshal Herrod is doing some excellent work on the streets this year.He is working mainly on the leading thoroughfares running in and out oftown, and is getting them in excellent condition.

Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.

MARRIED. Mr. A. J. Burgauer returned from the east with his bride Monday,and repaired immediately to his residence, which had been prepared to receivethem. The COURIER extends congratulations.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Will White, who has been publishing the Mulvane Herald, will starta paper at Geuda Springs in a few days. Will is a live, energetic youngman, and knows how to make a paper valuable to its readers.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

The road on the hill south of Col. Samuel's, in Liberty Township, isalmost impassable in consequence of being so rough. The proper authoritiesshould see that it is repaired at once, for a good many farmers are complainingabout it.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Col. N. C. Kenyon, of Chatsworth, Illinois, who visited here last summer,has disposed of his Illinois property and will remove permanently to CowleyCounty. Col. Kenyon is one of the best citizens of Illinoisjust such a oneas Kansas and Cowley County is glad to welcome.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

M. L. Martin of Vernon brought us the largest, smoothest, best lot ofpotatoes we have seen this year. By the way, the big bouquet of large gayflowers of many colors he brought in were dahlias. He has the grandest dahliaswe have ever seen, and makes them a specialty.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

The editor brought in a twig less than nine inches long with fifteengood sized apples upon it, from one of his apple trees in town. This attractedmuch attention in our office and Hon. T. R. Bryan tried to beat it by bringingin a twig about five inches long with sixteen apples on it. They were Siberiancrabs.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

W. H. Colgate will read in the Baptist Church on Tuesday, August 1stat 8 o'clock in the evening, under the auspices of the Baptist Sabbath school,THE CAPTAIN'S STORY.. This is a production of the greatest interest andMr. Colgate reads it with the best effect. A further description of thepiece and reading will appear next week.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Shenneman Lightning-Proof.

During the storm Monday afternoon the residence of A. T. Shenneman wasstruck by lightning and the north end considerably shattered. Mr. Shennemanwas in the room at the time, but was only stunned a little. His wife wasin another room and did not feel the shock. The room was filled with dustand smoke. It is consoling to feel that one is lightning proof in thesetimes of thunder and lightning.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Two bushels of wheat at 75 cents per bushel pays for the COURIER a year.Remember this friends, and now that fortune has favored you with abundantcrops, think of the years we have been furnishing many of you with the COURIER"against a good harvest." We have waited long and patiently andwe feel as we run over the names of those in arrears that we will be rewardedthis year.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Winfield Lodge No. 101, I. O. O. F., at its meeting on July 13th installedthe following members as officers for the ensuing term.

M. B. Shields, N. G.

W. H. Dawson, V. G.

Jos. O'Hare, Recording Secretary.

E. S. Bedilion, Per. Secretary.

R. S. Kroft, N. G.

J. H. Vance, L. S. U. G.

Howard, Warden, Bradt, Con.

O. H. Herrington, I. G.

Will Hudson, O. G.

L. B. Jolliff, R. S. V. G.

E. Youngheim, R. S. S.

J. W. McRorey, L. S. S.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

The School Board is having some long-needed improvements put on the schoolhousegrounds, in the way of stone sidewalks. The grounds are also being nicelygraded and will be fenced. A part of the grounds in front of both schoolhouseswill be fenced off and set to trees and bluegrass. Our public schools arethe bulwark of the commonwealth and the attention and care bestowed uponthem is the best index by which a community can be judged.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Abe Steinberger will, about August first, issue the first number of hisnew paper, "Grip," at Kansas City. Abe is possessed ofmore energy, grit, and perseverance than any man who has ever attemptedthe newspaper business in Kansas. His worst fault is his generosity. Allhe has is at the command of the needy and destitute, and he would give hislast farthing to buy bread for one in need. No child of adversity ever knockedat his door and was turned away empty-handed. If he ever becomes a richman, his heart must be hardened by some chemical process.

[Surprise! Suddenly the Courier praises former editor of defunct Courant.They did not spell his name properly however. Called him "Stienbarger."]


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

MARRIED. Mr. John Randall and Miss Ella Freeland were married Sundaymorning at the residence of the bride's parents, in this city. The affairwas a decided surprise to the many friends of the bride and groom. The brideis a very talented lady, possessing gifts of mind and heart that gatheredabout her a host of warm friends. Everyone knows John Randall, and a better,more generous, and whole-souled fellow never lived in any community. Thehappy couple left immediately for Floral, where Mr. Randall is engaged inthe mercantile business. May success and happiness attend them.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

DIED. It is with regret that we learn of the death of Mrs. B. F. Wright,of Pleasant Valley Township, which occurred last Sunday evening. She wasone of the finest women we have ever known, devoted to her family. She leavesa large circle of friends. She also leaves four sons and a daughter, allgrown to man and womanhood, and who are an honor to their parents and thecommunity. The loss of one who has contributed so much to his happinessfalls heavily upon Mr. Wright, and to him and the bereaved family we extendour heartfelt sympathy.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Winfield Lodge A. O. U. W. No. 18 on last Friday evening installed thefollowing officers for the ensuing term.

P. M. W.: J. F. McMullen.

M. W.: J. Wade McDonald.

Foreman: C. C. Greene.

Overseer: Geo. E. Rinker.

Recorder: Geo. Corwin.

Receiver: G. S. Manser.

Financier: Frank T. Berkey.

Guide: Thos. Meyers.

I. W.: W. J. Hepler.

O. W.: J. E. Snow.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

MARRIED. Mr. Addison Hazlett, of Harvey County, and Miss Anna Kennedy,of this city, were married at the residence of W. J. Kennedy, brother ofthe bride, last Wednesday evening. The wedding was a quiet affair and wasknown to but a few friends of the bride and groom. Miss Kennedy was a sisterof the gentlemanly agent of the Santa Fe railroad at this place.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Messrs. Green and Snyder, Land Brokers of Arkansas City, issued thisweek an edition of their Real Estate News. It is filled with interestingand valuable matter about Cowley County and Arkansas City, and will provea valuable medium for the promotion of immigration to that part of the county.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Hendricks & Wilson have for the past week been gradually transferringtheir stock from the old store to the new brick Conklin building, next toBairds. They are now thoroughly es- tablished in the new quarters, and haveone of the finest, most commodious stores in the city.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

The ladies of the "M. E. Church Loan Exposition," made nearly$400 out of it, clear of all expenses. They most heartily thank all thegood people of Winfield and vicinity for their very liberal support. Onbehalf of exposition. MRS. GEO. RAYMOND, President

S. S. HOLLOWAY, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

R. B. Pratt threshed last Wednesday 1,332 bushels of wheat with his machine.This is considered the biggest day's threshing ever done in the state. Themachine was set three times. Mr. Pratt says the wheat he has threshed sofar averages thirty bushels per acre.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Mr. J. H. Pearce, living on Dr. Graham's place, one mile north of town,was so unfor- tunate as to have a horse killed by the cars on Tuesday. Therailroad men are becoming extremely careless; it has been but a few weekssince Mr. Alec Graham lost a valuable cow near the same place.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

The first number of the new Telegram is out and presents thatneat and tasty appearance which Geo. Rembaugh, so well knows how to giveit. The local page is bright and the paper carries a large amount of readingmatter. Altogether the boys have done well.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Jack Foults returned from Iowa some weeks ago, and takes his old placewith Harry. Jack is perhaps a little older and decidedly handsomer. He returnsto stay, convinced that Kansas, Cowley County, and Winfield are far aheadof Iowa or Colorado.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

A. H. Doane, one of our best businessmen, was elected one of the Directorsof the Winfield Building & Loan Association at the last meeting of theboard, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of A. B. Steinberger,who has removed from the city.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

The Vernon Cemetery Association has enlarged its plat to three acresand is now pre- pared to sell lots to those who desire to buy and improve.This is one of the finest locations for a cemetery in the county. Call onthe secretary, P. B. Lee.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Dr. Cooper received a lot of tombstone advertising circulars throughthe mail Saturday, accompanied by a slip on which was written, "Readcarefully and hand to one of your patients." The doctor offers a standingreward for the perpetrator of this deed.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Capt. S. C. Smith brought in from his farm last week, a bunch of bluegrass eighteen inches tall. It was sown with wheat last fall and now thewheat has been taken off and the soil will be turned over to the blue grass.The stand is excellent.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Tuesday night was a picnic evening with horse thieves. Mr. Raymond hadtwo horses stolen, Mr. I. H. Kinney had his two ponies stolen, and Mr. Hurdlost his buggy, harness, and saddle. There was also a horse stolen fromnear Udall.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

We present this week the opening chapters of a deeply interesting storyfrom the pen of Will Wilson, our talented deputy treasurer. It will runfive weeks and is entitled "Delinquent Tax List."


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

The Ladies' Library Association will hold its regular semi-annual electionof officers on July 25th, at 2 p.m., in the Library Rooms. BY ORDER OF SECRETARY.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

A Successful Building Association Winds Up its Affairs and PaysOut.

Danville is remarkable for its building associations, and one of thebest ever organized in the city, the Peoples' Building Loan Association,has just closed a prosperous career and paid out. It was organized in 1873and ran eight years, six months, and two weeks. Most of the money of theassociation was loaned at 10 percent, before the 8 percent law went intoeffect. The weekly dues were 12-1/2 cents per share. The grand total ofits receipts for the entire time of its existence was $277,899.70. DanvilleDaily News.


The Winfield Building & Loan Association receives 12 percent on allits loans and its dues are $1.00 per month, and thus double those of theDanville Association. Ours, therefore,

ought to and we predict will pay out in less than four years.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Wake Up!

Winfield needs to wake up. For some reason or other the enterprise andinterest in public improvement that once characterized this community isdying out. While other towns about us are pushing out for new railroads,encouraging manufacturing enterprises, or fostering educational institutions,Winfield is calmly looking on, seeming to say that she has all she everexpects to hope for. This is suicidal policy, and the sooner we find itout the better. There are several things Winfield needs and must have. Oneis an extension of the Missouri Pacific railroad from Le Roy. It is withinour reach and we can get it by a long and strong pull. Another is the endof a division on the K. C., L. & S. This also may be secured by theright kind of an effort. We also need a woolen mill, which can be securedif we wake up sufficiently to realize its importance. The magnificent waterpower afforded by the Walnut River should be utilized by two or three moregrist mills. Another enterprise, and one which would be of more lastingbenefit to Winfield and vicinity than any other, is the building up of agood educational institution herea school higher than our high school andone from which scholars could take the junior course in any college. Thereare several such institutions in the state, and there is no reason why Winfieldmay not be able to sustain one. Our plan would be to raise say ten thousanddollars for building and furnishing. Then secure some good educator, suchas Prof. Williams or Prof. Wheeler, to take charge of the school, guaranteehim $1,000 per year and the tuition fees, providing that certain branchesbe taught and certain fees charged. This would secure the manager's heartycooperation in making the academy a success. An academy located on the eastend of 12th Avenue, with a magnificent boulevard extending to it, linedwith shade trees, would be a source of pride to our city and of profit tothe youth of Cowley and adjoining counties. This scheme is feasible. Whowill take hold of it?


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

A Sad Affair.

Grouse Creek valley is all worked up over a woman-beating scrape, whichoccurred Sunday evening. Terry Bullington was the attacking party and Mrs.Jeff Reynolds the victim. The two families live as neighbors and for sometime have had a misunderstanding between them engendering bitter feeling.Sunday evening Mrs. Reynolds took one of Bullington's cats, which was inher yard, and threw it over into the owners. This seemed to enrage Bullington,who picked up a stick and attacked Mrs. Reynolds, hitting her on the headand knocking her down twice, and afterward breaking the stick over her body.Mrs. Reynolds' husband is absent in Missouri, and the lady is badly injured.We cannot imagine what manner of man this can be who would attack and beata woman with a club, no matter what the provocation. He should hide hishead in shame for evermore.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Sensation in High Life.

For some time past the county has entertained out of its fullness atthe poor farm, a deformed boy, about twenty-two years old, named J. S. Helm.He is so deformed that he is unable to do anythingnot even to turn overin bed. Mr. Berger has had a cook for the inmates of the poor farm, in theperson of Mrs. Dillsaner, a fair and buxom widow of fifty summers. The widowseemed to take a fancy for the young fellow and proposed to take him toGeuda Springs and have him try the efficacy of the waters on his ailments.For this purpose she went to the poor farm Wednesday evening and broughtthe boy to town, intend- ing to take the early morning stage. Instead shepurchased tickets for New Albany, Wilson County, and left on the morningtrain.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Can't Trust `Em.

Mulvane, Kansas, July 14, 1882.

EDS. COURIER: In your issue of July 6th you say, "There is but onecounty paper taken in District No. 3, Grand Prairie schoolhouse." Thatstatement is a mistake and consequently not true. W. H. Keller, G. C. Edgar,and myself all take the COURIER, to my certain knowledge, and one man, ofwhom I know, takes the Courant, and we all live in District No. 3and within a mile of Grand Prairie schoolhouse. Yours very truly, W. G.WEBSTER.

We're in for it again. We got our information from a good Presbyterian,and it was volunteered. It is the first time we have been led astray bya Presbyterian, which makes it all the worse. However, we have a chanceto get even with our informant by publishing an original poem of twenty-onesix line stanzas, now in our possession.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Special Order No. 5.

The following enlisted men are detailed as musicians and will form theRegimental Band.

W. B. Pixley, drummer.

Major musicians: Wm. Smith, T. S. Rude, J. A. Elliott, Thos. Blakely,Edwin Shill, Jon Lowns, Fred Fay, C. A. Truesdell, J. Waldsmidt, Thos. Welch,B. I. Wells, R. Hite, R. C. Nicholson.

H. H. Siverd is appointed Commissary of Subsistence and will be obeyedand respected accordingly. C. E. Steuven, Col. Com'd. H. L. WELLS, Adj't.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Notice. The Republicans of Dexter Township will meet at the Dexter SchoolhouseThursday, July 27, 1882, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of electingdelegates to attend the county convention at Winfield, August 5th. Alsodelegates to the representative convention at Burden, August 10th. J. V.HINES, Chairman Committee.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Notice. The Cowley County Agricultural and Horticultural Society willreceive bids at the COURIER office on the 29th day of July, 1882, for theprivilege of keeping eating houses, ice cream, and lemonade on the groundsof said Society during the fair. The bids may be made to include all, ormay be separately for each. W. A. TIPTON, President.

T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

The Annual School Meeting.

Will be held Thursday, August 10, 2 o'clock p.m. At that time a clerkshould be elected for three years, and vacancies should be filled. Taxesfor school purposes should be levied, and districts should take steps forfall and winter schools, and for putting trees around school property. TheCounty Superintendent has mailed all necessary blanks for use of schoolofficers.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

General Order No. 6.

There will be a meeting of all the officers of the regiment at the COURIERoffice in Winfield on the 26th of July at 1 p.m., 1882, and every officerthat can is urged to be present to perfect the arrangements for our marchat Topeka in September.

C. E. Steuven, Col. Com'd.

H. L. WELLS, Adj't.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

DIED. On July 18, 1882, at 10 o'clock p.m., Sarah Gertrude, daughterof E. S. And Ella J. Bedilion, aged 9 years. The funeral was held from theirresidence, corner 11th Avenue and Fuller Street, at 4 o'clock p.m., July19th.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

A Free Lecture. Friday night, in the Baptist Church, Dr. Geo. W. Hoss,of Topeka, will address the teachers and citizens. Turn out and hear a goodlecture.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Home Lunch. Mrs. Gilson will resume her position behind the counter atthe Home Lunch August 1, 1882.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.



Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Council Proceedings.


Council met in regular session, Mayor M. G. Troup in chair.

Roll called: Present, Councilmen Read, Gary, and Wilson, City Attorneyand Clerk.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

Petition of W. E. Tansey and 51 others asking that steps be taken tohave the weeds and grass growing along the sidewalks and crossings cut downand removed, was read. On motion the Marshal was instructed to have theweeds removed where most needed, with road work.

The Street Commissioner made a report showing the names of 112 jurorswhose road tax had been paid by work upon the streets. Filed.

A. G. Wilson, city weighmaster, submitted a report of the business ofhis office from March 18th to June 29th, 1882, which was placed on file.

On motion of Mr. Gary the resolution relating to guttering Main streetbetween 7th and 10th avenue, and the remonstrance against the same werereferred to the Committee on Streets and Alleys and the City Attorney withinstructions to investigate the matter and report at the next meeting ofthe City Council by ordinance if necessary.

Mr. Seeley made a statement with reference to the fine imposed upon hisson, F. D. Seeley, for carrying concealed weapons. Referred to the CityAttorney.

The City Weighmaster presented the certificate of County Clerk of thetest of his scales. Filed.

The Committee on Streets and Alleys were instructed to buy a scraper.

On motion Council adjourned to meet on Monday evening July 24th, 1882.

M. G. TROUP, Mayor.

Attest: DAVID C. BEACH, City Clerk.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.



Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: In regard to this office let me say a word or two. Muchhas been written and printed in favor of different candidates, while butlittle has been said concerning the demands of the office. This office,next to the office of sheriff, calls for nerve, decision, energy, resolution,inflexible principles, successful experience, education, and growing mind.The schools of the county, the teachers, and people want all these qualificationsfor one thousand dollars a year. What candidate has the most of these qualitiesto offer to the people? Last fall a young man came into district No. 50,and secured the school. He taught primary, intermediate, and advanced classeswith marked success. He was skillful in handling uncouth and rough boys,successful in opening the minds and awakening the interests of the littlefolks. He was able to deal vigorously with knotty questions that came upin school. He created an interest in music and he laid the foundation ofa good school library. He was earnest, untiring, devoted, industrious inall his labors, leaving nothing undone that would advance the school andhelp along the pupils and people with whom he was laboring. That teacherwas Thomas J. Rude, a candidate for the position of County Superintendent.If the people want that applicant who can do the most good to the greatestnumber, who will make himself felt in every school district in Cowley County,who will be equal for any and all emergencies, who is rising, building,growing as all true teachers should be, let them take Thomas J. Rude andthey will never be disappointed. I know the man and most heartily endorsehim. M. W.

District No. 50, Vernon Township.

Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

For the COURIER.

Our Lady Superintendent.

Most people in the county are only acquainted with Mrs. Caton throughher essays, addresses, and general good reputation. I wish they one andall knew her personally. I would not have the least doubt of her nomination.She combines all the qualifications of an efficient officer with the gracesof a true lady. Her ability to work is marvelous, displaying an energy andpower of endurance which has been the wonder of all who know her. When Ihear the weak complaints of those who fear her opposition, that she cannotendure the work of visiting all the schools in the county, or that she willnot be able to brave the wintry weather, I cannot help but smile as I recallhow for years she has successfully managed her school with an average dailyattendance of eighty little ones, and at the same time attended to her familycares, doing all her own housework, and providing for the wants of her husbandand children. Besides this she has during this time taken an active partin the social world as well, writing essays, delivering addresses, furnishingmusic, and frequently training others for a similar service. Do you afterreading these few lines still doubt her ability or want of energy to carryout this work?

It is my candid opinion that she will work all around any male candidatein the field. Then her health is simply splendid. Mrs. Caton has not beenabsent from her school a single day since teaching in this county, and whatis more, although it will not have much weight with any except teachers,she has never in all that time been tardy, either at her own school or whileattending Normal. Her example of punctuality is ver commendable. . . .



Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.

Otter Items.

EDS. COURIER: Our list of haps and mishaps is full as ordinary this week.

C. R. Myles has been dangerously prostrated by a very prevalent troublepronounced by Dr. Hawkins and other physicians to be heart disease. Mr.Nelson, who has been in a critical situation for some time with the sameaffection, is but little improved. Dr. Hawkins has attended these caseswith commendable credit to himself.

DIED. Daniel Kautz lost his little girl a few days ago with cholera infantum.This is a deep bereavement to one of our most worthy neighbors, and he andhis family may rest assured of the sincere sympathy of our community.

Uncle George Hosmer has sold his interest in the thresher with whichhe was connected, to Phil Belveal, who has removed to Winfield. And stillour neighbors are going to the county seat.

There has lately arisen a lamentable disaffection in the household ofour friend, James Patterson. Mrs. Patterson, whose adult son arrived latelyfrom Arkansas, rose up in her flaming displeasure one morning and movedgrandly away in the direction of her native rocks, never more to stand asthe golden flower of loving felicity upon the mantle of our old friend'saffections. Jim did not suicide, however, nor do anything rash. He onlyremarked that it was a rather queer "circ*mstance."

John Bartgis, who went to Arizona last spring, writes a friend that heis in Dodge City waiting for something to turn up.

John Hefner is driving a team in Pueblo. Good luck to the boys.

Dan Ramey, an adopted Jay-hawker fresh from Indiana, took a wagon tripover the country to Winfield a few days since. He agrees to send his impressionback to the folks in Hoosierdom.

The cattle over on the old Hocket range are in superb condition.

Mr. Hines, from over the line, has the boss yield of wheat.

Uncle Johnny Conady has about 25 acres of fine sugar cane this year,and is getting ready for "biz." He is an experienced grower andsyrup maker, and intends to show the folks a trick by which they may profit.

Our celebration at Cedarvale was just immense. We had the largest attendancein Chau- tauqua County, while Hon. Ben Henderson addressed the people withan effect which will not be forgotten before the month is ended.

BIRTHS [?]. Later. "George Ann" Pierce has just raised a duplexWaltham watch.


Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.


[Item placed on fourth page.]

Arkansas City is the second city in size in Cowley County, and is thecenter of trade for the southwest portion of the county. The section ofcountry tributary to her cannot be excelled in the state of Kansas, takingin as it does the valleys of the Arkansas, Walnut, and Grouse, with a portionof the valley between the Walnut and Arkansas, all first-class land. Thissurrounding country is now thickly settled with enterprising farmers whoare making permanent improvements. The three streams afford sufficient timberfor all present use, and the country abounds in stone of every variety fromwater-lime to limestone. Stone as hard as flint and stone that can be cutwith a common saw, but hardens sufficiently with exposure to make first-classbuilding rock. This section has fully tested all the cereals with uncommonsuccess. Small fruits and grapes ripen to perfection, and so far have beenremarkably free from disease. Peaches budded and seedlings have known butfew failures since the first bearings. The apple orchards have come intobearing to a sufficient extent to demonstrate that all the leading varietiesthat have been tested in the older settled portions of the state will succeedhere. Such is the country surrounding the city, and from such a countryit is easy to predict that it will be a good feeder for steady and enduringtrade.


Is situated upon the divide which separates the Walnut and Arkansas Rivers,and no finer site can be found in the State of Kansas. The land gently slopingto either river, the first rays of morning come gleaming over the Walnut,and the last rays of the setting sun dance in beauty over the waters andthrough the leafy trees on the banks of the Arkansas.

In addition to the beauty of the town site, the city is so located (beingonly four and one- half miles from the Territory line) that the ranche tradeand the trade of the agencies centered here. The ranche trade alone amountsto over one hundred thousand dollars a year, while the agency trade is continuallyincreasing. Not only in location, but in material for building does thecity excel. In every direction within one mile of the city are inexhaustiblequarries of building stone. Brick of the finest quality are made on thetown site, lime is burned within a short distance of the city, and sandprocured within one-half mile. The progress of the city has been steadyfrom the beginning. One log hut in 1871; forty business houses and two hundreddwellings in 1882.


In churches Arkansas City is well represented, Presbyterians and Methodistshaving three fine church buildings and a large membership. The Baptist,free Methodists, and Christians have organizations and expect to build.In schools and school buildings she has always taken the lead having nowthe finest school building in southern Kansas, and is making preparationto erect two more when the larger building will be made a first class gradedschool, giving facilities for education found in but few cities in Kansas.


All kinds of business are well represented and doing well with room formore. Two banks. Three first-class dry goods establishments, in rooms twenty-fiveby one hundred feet, are doing a large business; eleven groceries, partof them carrying large stocks; two clothing; four drug stores; two jewelryestablishments; four hardware; three restaurants; four livery stables; onebakery; one harness shop; two agricultural and implement stores; one realestate; and two law offices make up the business of the town. In additionto this are three mills with a capacity for grinding twelve hundred bushelsof wheat per day, and a foundry and machine shop for casting and machineryrepairs.


The city is at present the terminus of the A. T. & S. F., has nowthree trains a day. The A. T. & S. F. will move on down the river toFt. Smith and Little Rock as soon as the right of way can be secured. Itwill be found by looking at the map that a straight line from this placestrikes the main line of the A. T. & S. F., at Ft. Dodge, which willshorten the main line fifty miles and will put Arkansas City on the mainline from the Mississippi to the Pacific. Another line is projected andpartly built, which will follow the southern line of the state, and muststrike this place as it moves west.


In regard to manufactures the city rightfully claims first rank, havingthe finest improved water power in the State of Kansas.

This improvement made by the "Arkansas Water Power Company,"has already involved an outlay of over one hundred thousand dollars, andconsists of a race connecting the Arkansas River with the Walnut River,the race being three miles in length and sixteen feet at the bottom, andthirty-two feet at the top in width, giving a fall of twenty-one and one-third feet, with present capacity for driving machinery to the amount ofseven hundred horsepower, and provision made to enlarge to double the amountat any time it may be required. The company have a well constructed damover the Arkansas four feet in height, which has been sufficiently triedby the floods to give confidence in its permanency. The mason work at thehead and tail gates is massive and solid, and constructed in a first-classmanner. The company have secured the erection by experienced men of twofine millsone in operation with a capacity of six hundred bushels of wheatper day and large improvements for making fine flournow known to the trade.This mill embodies a cost of over twenty- five thousand dollars and hasbeen in constant operation since its completion. A first-class stone millhas also been erected and is now about ready for operation. The companyare also negotiating for the erection of a cotton mill by an eastern partyof experience. As an additional attraction to the city a company has beenformed, the lots purchased, and the money raised, for the erection of apublic hall seventy-five by seventy-five feet, eighteen foot story and threestore rooms and basem*nt beneath, to be furnished in the latest style.


Last, but not least, comes a question of grave importance to all partiesseeking a new location. Situated as Arkansas City is upon a rolling knollwith constant breezes and no stagnant water in any direction, it accountsfor the fact that her people can claim an immunity from disease that isfound in very few localities in the state. Further than this, as a pointfavorable to the health of the city, is the fact that pure, living watercan be found at a reasonable depth in all parts of the city. In additionto this, the city has inaugurated a system of water works which can be increasedwith its growth, by which water is raised by machinery to the highest pointon the town site and distributed by pipes throughout the city, making aplentiful supply of water for use and a complete safeguard against fire.

Strangers desiring to settle will find a pleasant, sociable people readyto extend the hand of friendship and make them perfectly at home.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.


Dad speaks of a "sly coon" which is coming down the TimberCreek, meaning third- partyism. We don't think the coon very dangerous,but even a small coon will always do some hurt. He always pretends to bethe farmers' best friend and a few of them are green enough to believe him,but he will forage on their corn fields all the same. Better shoot him andstretch his hide on a barn. We would rather see a competing railroad comingdown the valley of Timber Creek than a dozen coons with Sam Wood in thelead.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.


The Hon. S. N. Wood, popularly known as "Sam Wood," was inthis county last Thursday and made a three hours speech in Richland andanother at Winfield in the evening. His speech was wonderfully smart andwitty, often convulsing the house with laughter, but it was a strange andincongruous mixture of sound sense and nonsense; facts and fictions; truthand falsehood; sound argument and sophistry; republicanism and greenbackism;so mixed and compounded together that few could separate the false fromthe tree; the good from the bad; and many doubtless were compelled to swallowthe whole together or reject the whole batch.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.


The various railroad freight agents have had a meeting in Chicago andhave agreed upon an advance of freight rates. The advance on wheat fromChicago to New York is five cents per 100 pounds, raising the rates to 30cents; from the Missouri River to Chicago, it will be 27 cents, making 57cents from Kansas City to New York, and if we add 18 cents from Winfieldto Kansas City, it makes 75 cents from Winfield to New York, or the equivalentof 45 cents per bushel. To this add 10 cents for elevator fees, waste, commissionsand stealings, and the farmer gets 55 cents less than is paid for it inNew York.

The patent object of this movement is to reap a big profit from the tremendouscrop of wheat raised in Kansas and the west this year. This move will takefrom the farmers of this state a million of dollars for increased freightrates on wheat alone, $25,000 of which will be from the farmers of thiscounty. Added to this the advance on other commodities would double thetotal amount and this at a time when the great railway thoroughfares betweenhere and New York are making large dividends and ought to have reduced therates as much as they have advanced them.

It is time that these matters were regulated on just principles. As itis evident that this state cannot reach but little of the extortion, congressshould take the matter in hand and do what it can do to prevent unjust chargesfor freight and fares. Our senators and representa- tives should be instructedin this matter and will no doubt do what they can to carry out the expresswishes of their constituents.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.


The Democratic platform on which our neighbor has mounted is: "First,a thorough revision and reform in our tariff system that robs the peopleof not less than five hundred millions annually." "Second, a thoroughreform in our civil service, or a complete rooting out of bossism and machinerule." "Third, the improvement of the great natural, nationalhighways of commerce, the Mississippi and Missouri rivers."

This is the most sensible Democratic platform we have seen and two-thirdsof it seems to have been invented by the Republicans of the present congresswho, against the opposition of the Democrats, have organized a commissionof tariff revision which will work at the matter during vacation, and haveappropriated twelve millions for the improvement of the two rivers. Is notthat enough for one year? And then how does the tariff rob the people offive hundred millions when only one-third of that amount is collected byit? The second plank means reforming Republicans out and Democrats in, whichRepublicans may not indorse quite so heartily. Then again, how are you goingto root out bossism. John Martin and two or three others boss the Democratsof this state who do just as they say and how can you help it? Sam Woodbosses all the Greenbackers and the Telegram will not be able toprevent it.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.



Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.


Arabi Pasha is still on the war path but keeps well out of the way ofthe British guns. He has caused the assassination of great numbers of Europeans,has cut off the water supply of Alexandria, and done great damage to theSuez canal. He now threatens an attack on Alexandria. The British governmentwaited so long for the Turkish government to put down Arabi that they lostthe opportunity to use him up before he recovered from the effects of hisdefeat, but are now sending troops and France is cooperating.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.


Some persons object to the Hon. James McDermott as a candidate for Representative,that he is proud, self-sufficient, domineering, does not go out and workfor his nomination, and is therefore unpopular. The charges are true tothe extent that he usually has something to do and his mind on his businessso much so that he does not always notice those whom he meets and is notfound on the street corners gassing with the boys; that he is self-reliant,and thinks the conclusions he has arrived at after earnest thought and investigationare correct, and that he is quite sensitive about soliciting support forhimself. But he has done stalwart work in the support of the candidacy ofothers, and when you get down to the facts, he is a very genial, warm-hearted,entertaining companion. No one questions his ability, his intensity to theinterests of this district and county. No one questions his stalwart Republican-ism or his devotion to prohibition. All concede that he is the strongestand most influential man we can send and will do us the best service inthe important matters that will come before the next Legislature. All concedethat he has the nerve and sand to do the right thing in spite of all opposition,to attack the railroad power, the rum power, or any other power that oughtto be attacked; that he would be a power in the Legislature. We cannot butbe aware that the most bitter opposition to him comes from those who arethe most bitter enemies of prohibition.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.


"Regrets will be universal among our readers who know Wm. B. Strong,president of the Atchison and Santa Fe railway, to learn that he is probablyslowly dying in Boston from a cancerous disease of the eye. Reports fromhim are so discouraging as to make his recovery little more than barelypossible, and the probabilities are that his disease, which is located insuch close proximity to the brain, will prove fatal. It certainly will soprove if the trouble is a cancer, and this is what has been feared fromthe outset. Mr. Strong underwent a heroic operation for the removal of thetumor in which the disease first made its appearance, which shows the criticalcharacter of the case, since no Boston surgeon to whom Mr. Strong wouldbe likely to intrust it would perform such an operation on his eye withoutdoing it as a dernier resort. A special telegram says that while his recoveryis possible, it is regarded as doubtful. Omaha paper."


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.


The position of the COURIER on the matter of School Superintendent hasbeen and is, to give all the candidates a hearing through our columns andbe the partisan of neither. We would readily, however, dispute and correctany story injurious to the candidacy of either if we knew it to be untrue.In order to contradict some things which have been said against Mrs. Caton'scandidacy, we here assert:

That she is and always has been in full and intelligent sympathy withthe Republican party and the Union cause; that she when a mere girl workedenthusiastically for the relief of Union Soldiers; that her father was acommissioned officer in the Union army, an earnest friend and supporterof Abraham Lincoln and lived and died an enthusiastic Republican; that herhusband and his father were Union soldiers for four years in the war anddid brave service and suffered much for the Union; that her husband enlistedat the age of thirteen and has since the war been a warm Republican, alwaysvoting the straight Republican ticket and never voted any other. We willadd that she is a sensible woman and does not make any of the remarks disparagingour public school system which have been attributed to her.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.


England has sent 5,000 mules to Egypt. Wonder if they mean to kick ArabiPasha and his 6,000 troops out of the country?


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Prairie Grove.

EDS. COURIER: Harvest is past and a broad smile is on every farmer'sface. Threshing is going on at a lively rate; 4 steamers in sight hummingaway to the tune of 30.40 bushels per acre. The late rains insure an enormouscorn crop to follow. Truly our prophecy is being made sure that this yearis the "Year of Jubilee" for Cowley. Fruits of all kinds are insured

especially peaches and apples. By the way, I see by the COURIER thatFairview Township is the banner township for corn. Cattle and sheep aredoing finely on the range. The Vets of Fairview are getting ready for thereunion at Topeka Sept. next. I would like to see every old soldier takea vacation of one week and take in the State Fair and Reunion Sept. 11thto 16th.

Coal has been discovered 2 miles northwest of Floral on J. G. Anderson'sfarm. The vein is some 60 feet below the surface. He is now confined tohis bed with a fever. Upon his recovery he will no doubt prospect further.He is strong in the faith that good coal is beneath, but in what quantitieshe has not been able to ascertain.

Politics are at fever heat and we see no good reasons why A. Limerick,E. Bedilion, and Judge Gans will not sail safe into the harbor. Truly theyare faithful, honest, and competent. What more do we want?

Misses Fannie and Hattie Pontius are attending the Normal. CHIP BASKET.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

New Salem Proceedings.

Back from the snow capped mountains, or rather from the valleys, of Coloradocome the Misses Buck to their home in sunny Kansas. They will choose ourgreen prairies in preference to the golden hills. How gladly we welcomethem back to our little circle.

Mr. C. C. Chapell has gone to New Mexico. May his return bring health,wealth, and happiness with it. Mr. Sutton and son also intend to leave usnext week.

The home of Mrs. Watt is quite an aviary, as they have red birds, canaries,parrot, etc.

Mr. Mee has been badly afflicted with rheumatism, but is able to be outat present.

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hook were the guests of Mrs. Dalgarn one day lastweek.

Messrs. Causey and Walker marketed quite a quantity of blackberries thisseason.

"Dan," of Floral, was in Salem looking for berries or somethingelse sweet last week.

Miss Etta Dalgarn will be absent for a few weeks.

Messrs. McMillen and Hoyland are putting up new granaries.

Mr. Hitrick threshed last week.

Mr. Edgar has decided to remain in this vicinity.

Mr. Wm. Wells is very sick. Dr. Phelps is attending him.

There will be a social for the benefit of the Sunday school at J. W.Hoyland's on Friday evening, July 28th, and all are invited to come andhave a social time and their supper for the small sum of 10 cents.

The latest lively time that quite a number from here participated inwas the picnic, or rather the "Greenback" convention, on TimberCreek. The McEwen brothers had a load of youthful beauties and spirits drawnby six prancing steeds. Their load favored the audience with several gleesongs, also with martial music. Mr. Coffee had a load of misses mostly fixedup with greenback caps, or caps alike, to represent their party, we presume.They sang a song about "Greenbacks Forever." Mr. J. J. Johnsonescorted Mr. Wood and others to the train. Olivia did not sing nor makea speech, but did full justice to the excellent dinner, for quite a numberate dinner together. You would see a table made by pushing several seatstogether, then the snowy table cloth covered the rude planks, and they fairlygroaned beneath the weight of viands. There were speakers from abroad, butI did not hear very much of the speeches, and I am no convert to the Greenbackparty. Our present kind of money is "plenty good for me," as theold German said when eating cake in place of bread. Passing the bread tohim, he said, "No, tank you; dis is plenty goot for me." Well,I don't intend to think any less of friends and neighbors on account of"Polly Ticks." I enjoyed the picnic quite well, for it's pleasantto receive a smile of recognition here, see a hat tipped to you yonder,have your hand taken in the warm clasp of friendship, be petted and flatteredby lady friends and, as long as we think it all genuine, it's pleasing toour vanity. Among the smiling faces and hearty shakers, the local editorof the COURIER took rank. But among a large concourse of smiling faces weknow not how many heartaches there are, and how often we see some brighteye looking but in vain for the familiar countenance of some loved but absentone. But enough picnic for the present.

Mr. Gledhill has gone to Illinois.

Mrs. La Foon, we understand, has gone to Missouri on a visit.

DIED. Mr. and Mrs. Buck were called to the home of their daughter, Mrs.Goforth, on the 16th to witness the last struggle of Earl, their bright,beautiful, and only grandchild. The poor little one suffered intensely,and his parents and loving friends are almost wild with grief. He has gonehome to the garden of the Lord, where the chill frost of death is neverfeared. There he will dwell in peace and happiness and never suffer pain,and in silence he draws the thoughts of the mourning ones to God and heaven.Will the death angel bring peace and happiness to all our hearts when hecomes to snatch us from the warm embrace of earthly friends?

Dear friends, I am tired, ill, and sad hearted, so I will be excused,if you please, from a longer chat. Faithfully thine, OLIVIA.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Glen Grouse News.

EDS. COURIER: Knowing of no correspondent for your valuable paper inthis part of the county, I assume the responsibility. Situated, as we are,in the northeast part of the county and the farthest point from the "Hub,"few Winfieldites seem to know of our existence, except perhaps the politicalcandidate. The facts are, however, we are here and the upper Grouse is blooming.

Our corn prospects are better than at any time since 1875, and our farmersand stock men are correspondingly happy.

Cutting millet is the order of the day. A large acreage was sown withgood results. Potatoes and vegetables are abundant.

Mr. T. M. Axford has the finest lot of sheep I have seen in this section.

Garnett & Turner's herd of native steers are doing well under themanagement of Uncle Johnson Reddick.

Etiquette here (among some) seems to require that when a young man shalltake his best girl to the Fourth, the old gent shall go along as "bodyguard."

BIRTH. Born to the wife of John Stewart, a boy. John is happy.

BIRTH. Born to the wife of Boyd Ashworth, a girl. Boyd, we have not smokedwith you for some time.

Mr. Pomeroy has moved into his new house.

Wm. Bradley, who has been very sick at the house of Mrs. Majors, at presentwriting is improving.

Mrs. Rilla Day, of Sedalia, Missouri, is on a visit to her parents, Mr.and Mrs. Chas. Kingsbury.

I will tell you something in my next about Bob Annett. More anon. COMSTOCK.

July 18th.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Dexter's Brass Band.

EDITOR COURIER: The concert given by the Dexter Brass Band came off onSaturday evening, July 22, pursuant to advertisem*nt. The evening was veryfine, and the attendance was large. The band, though having been playingbut two months, performed its part with credit both to themselves and theirteacher, Mr. Smith, and showed to their patrons that they were boys possessingmore than ordinary ability. The citizens of Dexter have good reason to beproud of their organization, as it is not often that there is enterpriseor ability in rural communities to organize or maintain a good band. Thewriter of this had the honor of partici- pating in the exercises, and considersit but just to say that it is seldom that anyone can look upon an audiencepossessing such intelligence, culture, and good looking young ladies asthe vicinity of Dexter. The writer extends his sincere thanks to the citizensfor their kindness and hospitality, and subjoins his best wishes for thewelfare of citizens and band. The net proceeds were about $35. R. B. HUNTER.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

The creamery project is still hanging fire.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Money to loan on personal security, over Post Office. H. G. FULLER.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Mr. A. Herpesch has arrived and will receive his merchant tailoring stockin a few days.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Shenneman's fine jack died Monday. This was one of the finest animalsin the country.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

T. K. Johnson is at home again, this time to stay. He has sold his interestin the Durango store.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Dr. Jones has opened a dentistry office over Hudson's new building andhas fitted it up nicely.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

C. A. Bliss left for Chicago Tuesday and will be absent a couple of weekson business and pleasure combined.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

C. G. Smith, the talented gentleman who has favored the COURIER readerswith notes of his travels in Arizona, has returned.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Mrs. Carrie Rennick, who is an inmate of the Insane Asylum at Topeka,is very ill and it is not expected that she will live many days.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

C. W. Armstrong and wife, of Bellaire, Ohio, are here visiting with S.L. Gilbert, and enjoying the health-invigorating breezes of Cowley.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

The object of the reading by Mr. Will Colgate at the Baptist Church onnext Tuesday evening is to obtain means to buy books for the Sunday school.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

The track at the fair grounds will soon be ready for driving, and thebridge will be finished this week. The managers are pushing things alongrapidly.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

J. L. Horning has purchased the Simpson & Fowler elevator and willgo into the wheat market soon. J. L. will make things boom in the grainbusiness.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Zack Whitson threshed fifteen acres of his wheat Monday and got 44-1/2bushels to the acre. He also threshed three acres of oats and got 238 bushels79-1/2bushels per acre.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

The "National Greenback Labor Party" holds its county conventionin Winfield on Saturday, August 19th, to nominate county officers and senddelegates to the state convention.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

We received a very pleasant call this week from Mr. A. G. Souther, ofSt. Louis. He is one of the brightest young men we have met, and is makingrapid strides in the commercial world.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Gen. A. H. Green has been very ill with neuralgia of the head for thepast week. Sunday his condition was pronounced dangerous, but he is nowout of danger and growing rapidly better.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

In noticing the meeting of the officers of the Regiment of Old Soldierslast week a mistake was made in the slate. The meeting will be held at theCOURIER office Saturday, the 29th, instead of the 26th.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

The band boys are practicing most every evening, and are progressingfinely. They enter- tained the customers at Billy Impson's on Tuesday eveningwith several choice selections. Go in boys.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Cal Swarts was up from the city Monday trying to negotiate for a positionon the right- hand side of the elephant circus day. If he gets here earlyenough, he can get in by carrying hay to the camels.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

L. B. Jolliff is arranging to start a confectionery and lunch counterin the building now being occupied by the Star Bakery. Jolliff will makethe lunch business lively and will have a good business from the start.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Mr. Chas. Votaw, who purchased several tracts of land in Vernon Townshiplast fall, has come on with his family and they are now residents of Cowley.Mr. Votaw made us a very pleasant call Saturday and is well pleased withthe country and its prospects.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Mr. L. C. Trobridge, an old army chum of J. C. McMullen, called on usTuesday and entertained us with stories of the campaigns in the South. Heis now in the arts of peace, and looking up business for the Silver PlateManufacturing Company, of Aurora, Illinois.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

The music before the reading at the Baptist Church Tuesday evening byMr. Will Colgate will consist of a greeting glee by choir, solo by MissLotta Caton, duet by Messrs. Cairns and Bowles, instrumental overture byMessrs. Leffingwell and Farringer, and will close with a solo and quartetteby Mrs. Jewell.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Our old correspondent, "Caesar," is home for a visit and madethe COURIER a pleasant visit Tuesday. He has recently been appointed Superintendentof printing at the State Agricultural College, a very responsible position.The honor is worthily conferred, for George F. Thompson is one of Cowley'sbrightest boys.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Mr. Ed. Allen brought in a load of his timothy hay Saturday, which attractedmuch attention. He has six acres and cut eighteen tons of the finest timothyhay. Tame grasses in Cowley are a success. Ed. is the first person who hasever marketed a load of tame grass in Winfield as far as we know.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

TAKEN UP by the undersigned one mile east of Winfield, on Wednesday,July 19th, a dark bay Texas mare, about 14 hands high, badly tick-bitten,about 14 years old, three white feet, small star in forehead, tender infront feet, branded with figure 4 on left shoulder and letter L on lefthip. Owner can recover same by calling on E. M. Reynolds, near Winfield,and paying charges.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Mrs. Lett, widow of Warden C. Lett, of Rock Township, was granted a backpension and last month received $785. Mr. Lett died in 1878, and for yearsagents have been trying to collect the claim. Finally it was put in thehands of Taylor Fitzgerald, who has prosecuted it vigorously and has finallysucceeded in getting the widow her pension. Whatever may be said of TaylorFitzgerald, he is one of the most energetic, tireless workers in the pensionagency business and succeeds many times when others fail.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Mr. and Mrs. Albro had quite a scare Saturday evening, over the lossof their team and buggy. They had driven to Mr. Shenneman's and left theteam standing near the rack. When they came out it was gone, and their firstthought was that it had been stolen. Several persons started out and aftera time the team was found at the barn, with the dog in the buggy and everythingall right. They had merely got loose and walked home. The team is one ofthe nicest in the city and would be a sad loss to the owners.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

The musical entertainment given by Prof. Farringer's music class at theOpera House on Monday evening was a very pleasant affair. At an early hourevery obtainable seat in the hall was occupied, and many were compelledto stand during the evening. The program was very interesting and all takingpart rendered their performances in a manner that was not only an honorto themselves but a credit to their instructor. At the conclusion of thegeneral program the class rendered in full costume a number of the mostpopular songs from the opera of "The Daughter of the Regiment."Their costumes were bright and attractive, and the excellent manner in whichthe music was rendered made this feature of the entertainment very inter-esting. The class was brought before the public in this musical soiree byProf. Farringer for the purpose of showing the parents of pupils and othershow his class was progressing. . . .


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

The editor of the Douglass Index was attacked and considerablymashed up by a saloon keeper of that place last week. As usual in such cases,the saloon-keeper finds he hasn't "mashed the machine," as theIndex is after him warmer than ever. The man who takes exceptionsto a newspaper squib and goes to lick the editor for it, does a very foolishthing. In nine cases out of ten, he finds he has barked up the wrong treeand retreats in as good order as circ*mstances will permit. Nothing is everheard of the encounter. If he should be so unfortunate as to lick the editor,he had better open negotiations for a hole in which to hide his head. Hewill need one.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

We clip from the Delevan (Illinois) Advertiser, the followingvery complimentary notice of our new merchant tailor.

A. Herpich, who has been engaged in business here for the past twenty-fiveyears, leaves next Monday to engage in the merchant tailoring business inWinfield, Kansas. Mr. Herpich is a straight-forward, clever, whole-soulgentleman, as well as an excellent tailor, and we are, therefore, sorryto part with him. But as he goes with the view of bettering his condition,we here bid him a cordial adieu, wishing him all the success imaginable."Father" John Carr, another of our worthy citizens, also goesto Winfield, to engage in the same business with Mr. Herpich. The familyof Mr. Herpich will join him about August 1st.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Mrs. J. E. Platter has a Night Blooming Cereus which has attracted muchattention. Last Sunday night it put forth a magnificent bloom and a considerablenumber of admiring friends called to see the wonder. The waxy petals nearlysix inches long formed a very large and bell-shaped flower of the grandestproportions, but in the morning it was "withered and gone." Butthe plant was not discouraged and on Monday night it put forth another bloomof equal magnificence, which was visited by still larger numbers of admirers.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Two of our boys visited the hub last Sunday. One of them got back thesame night, but the other didn't put in an appearance till the followingmorning. From appearances we should say, "Prohibition does not prohibitin Winfield." Traveler.

There are some young fellows in Arkansas City and several in Winfieldwho are gaining an unenviable reputation for drunkenness and vice, but thefool killer will certainly come around before long.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

MARRIED. Mr. C. C. Rockwell and Miss Mary F. Reynolds, of Dexter Township,were married by the Probate Judge Monday afternoon. John Reynolds, uncleof the bride, was present, but came in a minute too late. From a remarkhe made, we judge the affair was somewhat of a surprise for him. The COURIERwishes the young couple a long life of prosperity and happiness.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Prof. Marsh brought us last Saturday two onions raised from the seedthis spring, which weigh one pound each. They are of the giant rocca variety,and are small yet to what they would become. Mrs. Lorry of Bolton Townshiphas an acre of these onions, which will produce a considerable over 300bushels.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

The Richland Township primary will be held at Summit Schoolhouse on Thursday,August 3rd, at 2 o'clock, to elect delegates to the County convention; alsoto elect delegates to the convention to be held at Burden August 10th, tonominate a candidate for representative. LEWIS STEVENS, Chairman.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Nothing has yet been heard of the thieves who took four horses from Kinneyand Raymond and a buggy, harness, and saddle from Hurd, last week. Theyleft an old brown mare here which they had stolen near Wichita, and oneof the thieves is a Wichita jail- breaker.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.


This Post will meet in the Odd Fellows' Hall in Winfield Saturday evening,July 29th, at 8 o'clock p.m. By Order. T. H. SOWARD, Post Comd.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Doctor P. J. Williams, the conductor of the Normal in 1881, will visitWinfield, Tuesday of next week. He would be glad to see any who think ofgoing to the State University, with which institution he is now connected.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Miss Hila Smith returned to her home, Summerville, Pa., Wednesday morning,after a two year's residence in Winfield.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

The "Courier" Cornet Band.

The boys have organized a new band under the leadership of Ed. Farringer,and have christened it the COURIER CORNET BAND. They are practicing diligentlyand propose to furnish some excellent music for the fair. The band is composedof our best young men and they seem disposed to make it what it should beafirst class organization. This band should receive the hearty encouragementof our citizens. We need a good band badly, and can afford to help the boys,financially. They need a hall for practicing, new music, uniforms, and otheritems of expense that must be made up outside of the organization. If theygive their time, it is all that should be asked of them.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Markets and Sales.

The wheat sales for the past eight days as furnished us by City WeighmasterWilson are as follows: July 17, 612 bushels; 18, 474; 19, 491; 20, 707;21, 625; 22, 1,498; 24, 863; 25, 464. Total for 8 days: 5,733 bushels.

Some oats have been marketed during the week, as follows:

July 22, 718 bushels; 24, 952; 25, 825. Most of the oats brought 30 to33 cents per bushel.

Wheat is down owing mostly to the wet condition of the grain and itsnot having gone through the sweat. The highest sale Monday was at 73 centsand the highest Tuesday 71 cents, and the highest Wednesday, up to the timewe go to press, is 69-1/2 cents. The prices will probably begin to recoverthe first of next week. Oats bring 30 to 33 cents. Corn 65 cents. No hogsare being marketed.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

The County Fair.

For some unexplainable reason this county, with the exception of oneor two years, has been without a fair ever since its organization, and inthis respect behind all the leading counties of the state. But this yeara number of our best citizens, having the welfare of the county at heart,have taken this matter in hand, organized a fair association for holdinga fair at Winfield this fall, and with unusual energy and increasing efforts,the management are rapidly getting everything arranged for one of the bestever held in the state.

The Association have been exceedingly fortunate in the selection of alocation for holding the fair, which for natural advantages, convenience,and comfort has not an equal. The grounds are situated about one-half milenortheast of town on Timber Creek, and include about eighty acres of loosebottom land, including fifteen acres of the finest grove in the county,thus affording ample shade for the comfort of all who attend. The groundsare surrounded on three sides by Timber Creek, which will afford an abundanceof water for all purposes, a feature so absolutely necessary for the successof an association of the kind. The directors are arranging for the erectionof stalls, yards, and pews in sufficient numbers for the accommodation ofexhibitors, which will be erected in a short time. The track, which is oneof the best, is being put in good condition for use and the admirers ofspeed will be gratified to learn that several noted racers have alreadysignified their intention to be here and compete for the liberal pursesoffered by the association for trotting and racing.

The premiums offered are very liberal and cover every article and productimaginable, so it is hardly possible for anyone to be without somethingto place on exhibition.

Now that this organization is a fact and the managers are doing theirduty so faithfully and with such favorable prospects of success on theirpart, it is incumbent on the people of Cowley County to add to the successof the enterprise by giving it their liberal patronage. This county withits large population and superior natural advantages is in a situation tohave the most successful fair this fall ever held in southwestern Kansas.

Let everybody turn out and assist in making our fair a success as a moreworthy and necessary institution in a county of this size does not exist.

Nothing promotes competition or adds more to the social and materialinterests of a county than a well conducted and represented county fairsuch as this county is certain to have this fall.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Anti-Monopoly Picnic.

We attended the Anti-monopoly rally at Baltimore last week. The day waspleasant, the people we met were most hospitable, and altogether we couldhardly believe it was not a grand republican rally. The republicans certainlyhad a majority of the procession. The meet- ing was held in Cottingham'sgrove, a very nice place, with Timber Creek running through it. We listenedfor an hour to a speech by Mr. Cole, an alleged candidate for Congress.He is a very pleasant gentleman but makes a very poor speech. The speechwas a good appetizer, and we did full justice to an excellent dinner furnishedby Mr. and Mrs. Cottingham. After dinner Judge Tipton made the only speechthat was made during the day. The Judge would be a successful stump speakerif he belonged to a party whose positions were even tenable. After JudgeTipton, the Hon. Sam Wood, better known over the state as "SlipperySam," delivered his speech. Sam is still as voluminous as ever, andhis howls for "the poor, down- trodden farmer" are loud and deep.Sam ought to be rewarded for his disinterested (?) Labors with somethingbetter than twenty-five cent subscriptions to his paper. On the way homewe had the pleasure of taking tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Johnson.They have one of the finest places in the county, and neither monopoliesor lack of greenbacks worry them. Such farmers as J. J. Johnson are livingarguments against Sam Wood's doctrine.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Our Schools.

The school board are showing commendable zeal in the manner in whichthey are improving the school grounds. The grounds are already graded andbefore school commences good and substantial walks will be laid to and aroundthe buildings. The course of study will be revised and one year added tothe High School Course. Superior advantages will thus be offered to allwho may desire to gain a good educational foundation. Persons who expectto teach can have practical instruction in methods and grade work in theschools. The schools will open on the 18th day of September. Pupils livingin the country who may desire to attend will do well to correspond withthe Superintendent, E. T. Trimble.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Soldiers' Reunion.

A meeting of the citizens of Arkansas City was held at I. H. Bonsall'soffice on the evening of the 13th inst., to arrange for a Soldiers' Reunionto be held at that place at an early day. Committees were appointed to raisefunds and complete arrangements. Capt. J. B. Nipp is chairman of the organization,which insures active, hearty, and successful work. There is no reason whyall the old soldiers in the county should not cooperate with the folks atArkansas City and make their reunion a grand assembling of all the survivorsof the late war in Cowley County. Such a gathering should be held this year,and, while we would like to see it held at the county seat, our people donot seem inclined to take hold and pull while the Arkansas City people wantit, and are going to work earnestly to boost it along. They may count onthe COURIER for such assistance as it can lend toward making their reuniona grand success.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

The Premium Loaf.

The premium offered by Messrs. P. H. Albright & Co., for the firstloaf of bread made of flour from this year's wheat by a Cowley County farmer'swife was captured last week by Mrs. S. W. Hughes, of Beaver Township, onJuly 15th. The loaf is still on exhibition at Messrs. Albright & Co.'soffice, and the premium of five dollars has been paid.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Running Again.

The affairs of the Tunnel Mills have at last been adjusted and the millhas opened up again and is running at full head under Lew Harter's management.It will make a specialty of custom work, and farmers who bring their grainto the Tunnel Mills will get the best returns the wheat will give.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Mrs. Caton.

The people of Arkansas City have appointed a meeting in their schoolhouseon Monday evening next and have invited and urged Mrs. Caton to be presentand give them a ten minute talk. She hesitates, but her friends say shemust, and she will be present.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Council Proceedings.


Council met in adjourned session, Mayor Troup presiding. Present: CouncilmenRead, Gary, and Wilson, City Attorney and Clerk.

Ordinance No. 162, providing for the construction of a stone gutter onMain Street between 7th and 10th Avenues, was read, and on motion of Mr.Read was taken up for consideration by sections. Sections 1, 2, and 3 wereadopted. On motion to adopt as a whole, in its final passage, the vote stoodas follows: Those voting aye were Messrs. Read, Gary, and Wilson; nays none,and the ordinance was declared adopted.

The Committee on Finance reported on clerk's quarterly statements, andon reports of City Treasurer for months ending May 12th and June 15th, thatthey had examined the same and found them correct; also on bill of J. E.Conklin, for dirt $25.00, and of Winfield COURIER for printing, $28.50,that they found them correct and recommended payment.

On bill of Winfield Courant for printing $11.00, they recommendedthat it be allowed at $10.50. Reports adopted and warrants ordered drawnfor the respective amounts.

Council adjourned. M. G. TROUP, Mayor.

DAVID C. BEACH, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

DIED. Catharine A., wife of Peter Seacat. Born April 7th, 1828; diedJuly 18th, 1882. Aged 54 years, 3 months, and 17 days.

Deceased was born in Virginia, and at the age of ten moved with her parentsto Indiana, where she remained until 1872, when she removed with husbandand family to Cowley County, Kansas. She was one of the first settlers ofCowley County. She leaves a husband, mother, nine children, and an innumerablehost of friends to mourn her departure. J. W. G.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Pure blood Jersey Red Pigs for sale by James Foster of Vernon Township.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Wanted. Somebody to cut and stack 100 tons of hay immediately, also aman with team to plow. S. S. LINN.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Take your wheat, flax, oats, and castor beans to G. B. Shaw & Co.Lumber yard before selling.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

Wanted1500 Sheep. One thousand five hundred good grade ewes, for cash,in large or small lots. Good number, age, quality, and price. Address Wm.B. Wovherton, Arkansas City, Kansas. [Wovherton?? Could they mean Wolverton??]

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

For Sale or Trade. I have a farm of 160 acres, 90 acres in cultivation,80 acres as good as first bottom, 50 apple trees, 100 bearing peach trees,cherry, plum, pear, apricots, and small fruit of every description, 35 acesin corn, 15 acres cane, 2 acres potatoes. Small house with cellar, goodstone stable, good well of water, which I will sell cheap for cash or tradefor real estate in any lively town in Cowley County. Winfield preferred.For particulars call on or address M. M. Scott, Cedar Ford, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.


Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: Who doesn't enjoy Saturday afternoon, especially when itis one of rest and pleasure; and as this one is my own, I shall remain athome and give you a few facts and fancies from our quiet vicinityI say quiet,because everyone is busy at their respective duties, some working at andwith the steam thresher helping it shell out and measure the bright goldengrains that have been harvested, and that are so necessary to our physicalwant, while others are working equally as hard in the culinary departmentpreparing the dainty and substantial dishes for the present, and lookingforward to the near future, by canning and preserving the fruits for thewinter. With the exception of richness, it would be quite a relief to havea little sensation of some kindsuch as parties, picnics, and the like, forit seems as if all are of one mind on one subject, at least that of singleblessedness, hence no weddings

but stop! We heard one young man remark that when he sold his wheat heintended to marrywheat is the great stand for the farmer.

Some twenty of our neighbors attended the picnic at Arkansas City onthe Fourth.

Mr. J. F. Martin has had the land fever for several days past, but isall right now, having purchased the adjoining 80 acre piece on the eastof him formerly owned by Mr. Fahnestock.

Mrs. Appleton and daughter, of Missouri, are now the guests of Mrs. F.Thompson.

It is reported that a young man of our district has a pet snake almostthree feet in length; we do not admire snakes although some do.

Mr. T. Carter has purchased a new family carriagesee what wheat is doing.

Early one morning of last week Mr. Craig was minus his mules; after canvassingthe country until dark they were found at one of the neighbors.

A library for the Sabbath School and district is now being talked up.

Rev. Mr. Snyder has been absent for several weeks, but is expected homesoon.

We heard, but doubt the assertion that Mr. T. Blanchard has his farmfor sale.

Mr. Tom Isnogle was sick on the Fourth.

Mrs. McMasters is visiting at her old home in Illinois.

Mr. F. W. Schwantes has been selling off more of his swine.

We heard quite recently that Mr. Lou Roberts was expected home to remainbut a few daysa load stone at valley brio for him.

With blackberries accompanies "Chiggers" for dessert and like"Olivia," we have plenty of the latter and to spare.

We have been having very growing weather lately and the prospect fora large yield of corn is indeed flattering. BOBOLINK.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: Suffer me to intrude upon your space "a few remarks."

Grouse Creek is still alive and is in the ranks for everything that isnoble and good. The people are kept pretty well posted in politics by thecandidate. He seems to be a necessity or thinks he is, and judging by theamount of button holing and hand shaking and the great number in the field,we begin to think so too. We are more particularly interested in the comingman to represent the northeast district of the county, and this part ofthe district think J. D. Maurer is just the man. If he is elected, he willserve the people with freedom, fervency, and zeal. He is not only a soundRepublican and a man who has fought for his country, but is a temperanceman also, and just at this time we want to look to our laurels in that direction.For Superintendent we want Mr. Albert. He is a man of ability and experience.Outside of the two above officers, we have not heard much expression fromthe people here.

We had a grand, good time at the celebration on the Fourth. The "Declaration"was ably declaimed by little Bobbie Scott. We had a short speech by Jas.McDermott, which was an able reminiscence of the early settlement and strugglesof Grouse Creek. Then we had one of Judge Soward's grand, loyal speechesin the afternoon; we had but one objection to its brevity. There was butone thing occurred to mar the beauty and pleasures of the day. The Dexterband agreed to dispense music for us and as they were new hands at the bellows,said they would not charge us anything; but we might give them something,if we wanted to, but on the morning of the Fourth after the people had assembled,they took advantage of our necessity and informed us that they would notstrike a note unless we raise them $20. Now the amount is not what we lookat but the manner in which they obtained it. One of the band is an aspirantfor the Superintendency; but we fear if we elect him, he would get mad rightin the midst of a normal, and wouldn't play unless we raise him a bonus.

The farmers are rejoiced over the rain, which was just in time, and insuresan abundant crop. Wheat generally in the stack and of good quality. Nextweek the sound of the mower will be heard and the haymakers will be busy.No other excitement at present. DIXIE.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: Another sly coon has struck Baltimore; it came from thenorth and northwest, its course is down between the Republican and Democraticlines. Thus far it has done but little damage; only upsetting a few stragglingones that were not on their guard. It is headed down Timber Creek; lookout!

Mr. Geo. F. Thompson returned home to spend the vacation.

Mr. Wm. Jenkins and youngest son have gone to Kentucky on a visit.

Quite a heavy rain here on last Sunday, the dry weather prophets hadbetter leave southern Kansas.

Crops of all kinds are looking well; stock is also doing fine.

There was a man from Ohio through this part of the country looking fora home, and said that he was perfectly surprised to see so much improvementin such a new country in so short a time.

Now receive a little advice from a father. Make all you can out of yourvaluable paper between now and when the Greenback President is elected;then sell your press to some Greenback editor and buy you an orange groveand retire to your country home in good spirits, feeling that the battlehas been fought and the victory won, and henceforth there is a crown ofpride to be worn by every staunch Republican. DAD.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: A gradual rain set in yesterday morning and continued withoutceasing until ten o'clock, followed by showers interspersed from that timeuntil evening. This gives us another corn crop, and makes the grass growso that it will be in splendid condition for hay in the fall. Already contractshave been let for several hundred tons at $1.50 per ton delivered at theranches.

The supply of oats will be large and will meet a ready market at themilitary posts south of us. A number of cattle driven in from Arkansas meetwith ready sale at good profits to the first purchasers. There seems tobe a mania for cattle this year, and many farmers are mort- gaging theirfarms and borrowing money at ten percent to invest in cattle, claiming itpays fifty percent on the investment. More than two-thirds of the land soldin this section this year has been purchased by stock men for pasturage.The Territory south of this place is crowded with stock and more is comingin.

Most of the sheep men have sold their wool to local buyers at from 15to 23 cents; yet some of the larger flock owners are holding to ship toPhiladelphia. Mr. Pink Fouts has 10,000 pounds and Scott & Topliff about8,000. C. M.


Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.


Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.


The new paper, the Grip, will be out on the first of the month.Of the many weekly paper ventures thus far inaugurated in Kansas City, thishas by far the most promising outlook. The proprietors are men of experience,have capital, and the right kind of ability to make a paper that win itssay from the start. K. C. Journal.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

"Oklahoma" Payne has recently returned to Kansas from a visitto Washington. He was there told by the authorities what he might expectif he led another lot of invaders into the Indian Territory. Payne willprobably now subside. He has lived off his dupes for several years. K.C. Journal.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

A CARD. Having made my announcement as candidate for the office of DistrictClerk too late to share an equal chance with the other candidates for thatoffice, I hereby withdraw my name. Thanking my many friends, and the oldsoldiers in particular, for their endeavor in my behalf, with the assurancethat favors shone me will not be forgotten. I will support the candidatesnominated at the Republican convention, as a true Republican should.

Again, thanking my friends and comrades, I sign myself, Very respectfully,

C. E. Steuven.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.


Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: After a year's absence, and having traveled nearly sixthousand miles, I again find myself in Cowley County, the fairest portionof the Empire State of the west.

On June 30th I left Colorado Springs for a tour over the D. & R.G. Railway, to the southwest. We went as far as Durango, then the terminusof that railway in southwestern Colorado, and distant from the above city375 miles. On the way we made the ascent of the wonderful Veta Pass, anda hundred miles below Veta Pass we entered the still more wonderful ToltecGorge, which in sublimity is equal to the greatest objects of scenic interestwe have ever seen. Before reaching Durango we saw something of northernNew Mexico, down into which the road dips in its passage through the mountains.On the 6th of July in company with a friend, we made the ascent of Pike'sPeak, enjoying lung expansion at a heighth of 14,326 feet, and in so rarifiedan atmosphere that eggs boiled 12 minutes are still soft. This is what thevery obliging keeper of the Signal Station told us while we were drinkingwith him at his most earnest request a remarkably strong cup of coffee.

On the 9th inst., we left Colorado Springs for Kansas City. Here we findin a splendid business our old friend, Jarvis, who has shown himself oneof Kansas biggest brained, most energetic, sagacious, and cordial businessmen.

Left Kansas City on the 17th for home where having duly and safely arrived,we have been luxuriating among the best of friends, in a land favored ofheaven beyond all others we have seen anywhere else at any time.

In conclusion, allow us to thank you for copies of the COURIER, whichhave been with us all along the line, and which paper we gladly pronounceafter the fullest opportunities for comparison with other journals, "brightamong the brightest." Yours truly, C. M. ALEY.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Correspondence of the Courier.

Topeka, Kansas, July 31, 1882.

The meeting of the survivors of the Wyandotte Constitutional ConventionSaturday was attended by Hon. S. A. Kingman, who represented Brown Countyin the original convention; E. M. Hubbard, Doniphan County; C. B. McClellan,Jefferson County; L. R. Palmer, Pottawatomie; S. O. Thatcher, Douglass;Jas. Bloam, Douglass; R. L. Williams, Douglass; Col. John Ritchie, Shawnee;E. G. Ross, Wabaunsee; J. C. Burnett, Bourton; and Col. John Martin, secretary.Senator Ingalls was also a member of the convention in 1859, but was notable to be present. B. F. Simpson, of Paola, sent his regrets. Maj. Gen.J. G. Blunt, who died in Washington about a year ago, was a delegate in1859. J. M. Winchell, president of the convention in 1859 and delegate fromOsage, went east at the outbreak of the war, was a war correspondent, andwhen he died four years ago was one of the editors of the New York Times.It appears that out of fifty-two who sat in the convention which framedthe present constitution of the state, twenty-four are dead. Col. John Martinmade an address, chiefly historical, which was both interesting and valuable.. . .

By agreement of the fair managers and the committee of thirty-eight veterans,the soldiers reunion has been changed from Saturday to Friday, the 15thday of September. Blaine will make his address on the fair grounds in theforenoon and the veterans will be admitted free. The address will be followedby a sham battle. . . .

Rations for the veterans during the soldiers reunion have been contractedfor at 23 cents per ration.

Gen. John Pope, at Leavenworth, writes that he will accept the invitationof the committee to attend the reunion, and will be here accompanied byfour or more of his staff officers. . . .

The state militia companies are offered $1,000 in prizes for a competitivedrill during fair week. This will be an entertaining part of the immenseprogramme prepared for that time.



Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Baker for Representative.

EDS. COURIER: As you have put forth the qualifications of Mr. McDermottin an article in your issue of the 27th, we, the citizens of Tisdale Township,will speak to the Republicans of the 66th district through the columns ofyour paper, and put forth the qualifications of the Hon. J. S. Baker. Heis a man that can be approached by anyone on any subject, is courteous andsociable with all; is a man that is quick to perceive ideas on any subject;a man of good ability and a man with the nerve to stand up for the interestsof his district and to combat with the rings and lobbyists that infest ourlegislature. A man that will work in the interest of the farmers, and ashe is a farmer, he can be relied upon. He is a life-long Republican, isand always has been a temperance man, and has the solid support of his owntownship.

Mr. Baker is a man of fine education and an old settler of the county;was here when the county was organized and not an office seeker. He didnot solicit the position of Representa- tive, but was urged to make therace by a host of his friends in Tisdale and other townships. The best recommendwe have for him is that he is not only supported by Republicans at homebut by all parties regardless of politics. We all feel that with Hon. J.S. Baker in the legislature as Representative of the 66th district, ourinterests are in safe hands.


Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

The Dexter Hand vs. Dixie.

EDS. COURIER: We wish to correct a statement made by "Dixie"in your last issue in regard to the position taken by the Dexter Band atthis place on the fourth of July, as it was calculated to mislead thoseof your readers who know nothing of the circ*mstances.

He says, "The Dexter Band agreed to dispense music for us, and asthey were new hands at the bellows, said they would not charge us anything."

It should have read: "The Dexter Band agreed to furnish music forthe small sum of fifteen dollars, but as they were a young band, we concludedthat they were anxious to play and would play for nothing rather than notat all, so they were duly informed after having arrived on the grounds thatthey need expect nothing for their services."

Now, after having agreed to give us fifteen dollars, could they reasonablysuppose that we would submit to being trampled upon in that way? We, asa matter of course, informed them that we were not anxious to play, andthat now, under the circ*mstances, we would not play for less than twentydollars. It was not the amount that we cared for, but we did not wish toencourage the principle of bulldozing that was manifested. Again he says:"One of the band is an aspirant for the superintendency, but we fearif we elect him, he would get mad and not do anything unless we raised hima bonus." Now we wish to say, for the benefit of all concerned, that"Dixie" should take no part whatever in the Republican politicsof the county, for he is on the other side of the fence, and further, thatT. J. Rude had nothing to do with the action taken by the band in regardto their remuneration. Although it has been used against him by "Dixie"and some others, we wish it distinctly understood that we shoulder the responsibilityof that action ourselves. The above correction is, we think, due the membersof the Dexter Band and their friends for "Dixie" seems maliciouslyinclined.


Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.



Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Hay $2.50 per ton.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

The Institute is booming.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Good cabbage is abundant.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

New wheat is coming to town in considerable quantities.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

The Baptist Sunday school has quite an extensive library.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Mr. S. S. Linn leaves today for Ohio on a short business trip.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

The grape crop promises to be very prolific and early varieties are alreadyin the market.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Mr. W. R. Suitor, of Newton, has accepted a position as salesman withM. Hahn & Co.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

The Methodists are holding services in the Opera House while their churchis being repaired.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

D. C. Beach has erected a very neat residence on his lots near the mounds,east Ninth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Anyone who has a good buggy or phaeton for sale cheap can find a buyerat Sol. Burkhalter's stable.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Mr. A. De Turk, of Pleasant Valley Township, was in the city Monday andlooked over our fruit specimens.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Mr. A. Ray brought us in a quart of blackberries, the second crop grownon his vines this year. They were very fine.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Mr. G. D. Doran, of Oscaloosa, Iowa, came down last week and will spenda month looking after his property interests here.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Mr. D. W. Eastman, candidate for State Treasurer, accompanied by Mr.W. Ewing, both of Emporia, made Winfield a visit last week.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

A paper mill at Oxford is among the probabilities. Its erection is beingdiscussed by men who can command the money needed in the enterprise.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Mr. Cramer, of Gardner, Kansas, was in the city Thursday, disposing ofa part of his immense apple crop. He raised the Centennial premium apple.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Work was commenced on a new hotel at Geuda Springs last Monday morning.When completed the building will be 75 x 45 feet, and built of frame.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Judge Torrance has built a neat office near his residence and last weekmoved his fine library thereto. The Judge will now be "at home"when he isn't away.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Prof. R. B. Quay, who has been in the city for the past few weeks inthe interest of the American Organ Company, returned to Kansas City Saturdaymorning.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Anyone who has a first-class family horse can trade for a fine broodmare at Sol. Burk- halter's. A young horse of quiet disposition and goodcarriage is what is wanted.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Mrs. Hughes, of Beaver Township, brought us in a couple of Damson plumsThursday. They were as large as peaches and are the first we have seen grownin Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Mr. R. Wellman, of Vernon Township, brought in a "smoke house"apple Friday, ten inches and a half in circumference. It was fully maturedand of a beautiful color.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Messrs. Stafford and Weaver, of Kingman, Kansas, have 4,600 feeding weathersfrom three to six years old, which they wish to dispose of. They solicitcorrespondence.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Our Floral letter, which appears on the fourth page this week, shouldhave been published last week. It was put in type, but was overlooked bythe foreman in making up the forms.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

The Archery Club held a meeting for target practice in the park lastThursday afternoon. A quorum of the club was present and the shooting wasexcellent. We shall publish the next score.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Cal Swarts has purchased an interest in the Arkansas City Travelerand mounts the editorial tripod this week. Cal. is one of Cowley's brightestand best young men, and will give Standley substantial assistance in keepingthe Traveler up with the times.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Dumont Anderson left last Thursday for Leavenworth, his old home, wherehe will probably remain. His young friends gave a moonlight picnic in RiversidePark on the evening before he started in honor of his departure.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

There was a basket meeting July 30th in J. R. Smith's grove on SilverCreek, Rev. Lee, of the U. B. Church, presiding. Seventeen candidates werebaptized. A large crowd was in attendance and the best of order prevailed.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

The Maple Grove Sunday School has made arrangements to hold a grand picnicin Yount's grove, four miles up Timber Creek, on Thursday, August 17. Allsurrounding schools have been invited, and a general good time is anticipated.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

A great many complaints are being made by farmers about the rank growthof sunflowers along the roads. Road supervisors should look out for thisas the statute imposes a heavy fine upon them for neglect to keep down theweeds on roadways.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Persons desiring the services of an auctioneer should see L. M. Trotterat the auction and feed stable on Ninth Avenue, or on the streets. He willauction sales anywhere in the county at reasonable rates. Also will be foundon the streets Saturdays.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Judge Bard has purchased Mr. T. R. Bryan's interest in the real estatebusiness of Bryan & Harris. Messrs. Bryan & Harris have built upan excellent business during the time they have been at work, and in thechange of firm it has fallen into good hands.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Mr. J. O. Taylor arrived from Kentucky Thursday with two car loads offine short horn and Jersey cattle. It is the finest lot of stock ever broughtinto this county. Rev. Platter has purchased one of the Jersey cows, andit will pay any lover of fine stock to get a look at her.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

While riding in the park Thursday afternoon, we came unexpectedly uponone of the most pleasant little picnic parties imaginable. A number of ladiesand gentlemen and twenty or thirty happy, rollicking young folks were justsitting down to a most inviting banquet spread out under the trees. Againstour very feeble protest, we were made one of the group, and enjoyed thefeast hugely. It was a home picnic, given by Mrs. J. L. Horning in honorof her nieces, Misses Ella and Miriam Pierce, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, whohave been visiting with her for the past ten weeks.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Mr. J. D. Guthrie, of Bolton Township, has evidently had his share ofpolitical visits this year. Thursday a couple of gentlemen called to seehim, and found him plowing in the field, accompanied by two of his littlechildren. When the visitors drove up, the little boy was throwing clods.As soon as he caught sight of the buggy, he gathered a big clod, aimed fairlyat the strangers, and fired, at the same time saying, "Let's shootthe candidates." The little fellow evidently thought his father hadhad enough of that kind of thing.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

The work on the Methodist Church is progressing finely. The ceiling ispaneled wood. The heavy pendants and carved girders, by breaking up thesound, will render the acoustic properties of the church much more perfectthan they were. It strikes us that if the ceiling of the Opera House wasaltered in this manner, it would be a vast improvement. We do not know howmuch it would cost but venture to state that it would cost less and be muchmore attractive than the worthless frescoing with which it is now adorned.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Mr. I. N. Selby, of Fort Scott, is in the city and made us a pleasantcall Tuesday. He is connected with the Kansas Normal College at that placeand is attending our county normal in its interest. The Fort Scott schoolis managed somewhat after the manner proposed by us a few weeks ago forsuch a school here. The building, worth about $8,000, was built by a stockcompany and is leased to Prof. Sanders rent free. Otherwise, the institutionis self- supporting.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Mr. D. M. Fisher, from Indianapolis, Indiana, has been looking over Cowleyduring the past week with a view to locate. He has found a farm on PoseyCreek six miles south of here that suits him and which he will probablypurchase. Mr. Fisher says he has traveled over many counties of Kansas,and has come to the conclusion that Cowley cannot be excelled in richnessof soil, and general advantages for agriculture.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

A. T. Spotswood & Co., have inaugurated another improvement in theirbusiness. This time it is a cashier's desk, placed in the center of thestore, where all payments, charges, and credits are made. This relievesthe clerks of all the work of making change and handling money and willsave in the way of charges which clerks often neglect to make. Such a deskwill be much more convenient, both for the firm and its customers.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

We were very much pleased to receive a note from C. M. Aley announcinghis return from his Colorado wanderings Tuesday. He is now resting underthe paternal vine and fig tree and sends the COURIER readers a few linesfrom Cedarvale. We hope to have him with us in Winfield for a few days beforehe returns to the west.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

The Presbyterian Church is being nicely papered and otherwise repaired.The paper is of a very beautiful and unique pattern, and will be a greatimprovement to the appearance of the church. Services are being held inthe lecture room while the work is going on. It will be completed in abouttwo weeks.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Frank Manny brought in several car loads of Lake Erie ice last week.Frank is bound to stand by his old customers and, although he has a complete"corner" on the ice business, he does not put up the price andskim every customer that falls into his clutches.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

The ladies of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union have leased theentire privilege of the fair grounds for stands. Anyone desiring to engagea stand can secure all necessary information by calling at the office ofCurns & Manser. Sealed bids for five stands will be received up to August11th. By order W. C. T. U.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Forest Rowland has exchanged his position as delivery clerk in the postoffice for one in J. B. Lynn's store. Forest has been one of the most popularand efficient clerks who ever presided over the post office delivery window.He is succeeded by Will McClellan.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

M. Hahn will not return from New York till about the 15th of September.He will keep buying for the "Bee Hive" during the time and willhave car loads of goods on before long.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Mr. W. H. Cowgill, of Burlington, spent Tuesday in our city looking afterhis fences. He is a candidate for State Treasurer, and will go into theconvention with considerable strength.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Miss Hoxie arrived Saturday and commenced work in the Normal Monday morning.Miss Hoxie is one of the most successful and efficient Normal teachers wehave ever known.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

A blind fiddler visited our city Tuesday and attracted much attentionand nickels by his playing. Blindness is one of this world's sorest afflictions.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Will Higgins, Sergeant at arms of the Senate, was in the city Mondayin the interest of the Soldiers Reunion and the State Fair.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Miss Hannah Greenbaum, sister of Mrs. Burgauer, came in Tuesday and willspend a part of the summer visiting here.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Miss Ella Westgate and her cousin, Miss Trobridge, are visiting withMrs. Shrieves.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Give Us a Good Band.

The COURIER Band has arranged for practice three evenings each week.The boys are progressing rapidly and show a zeal in the work that is worthythe hearty commendation of our citizens. We prophesy that in less than ayear Winfield will be able to boast of one of the best bands of the state.. . .

The question is: Shall Winfield have a good band? Its solution remainswith our citizens. The young men composing the COURIER Band are earnest,energetic, and from the best families in our city. They are all permanentlysettled here, and propose to give their time and talents "without rewardor hope of reward." All they ask the citizens to do is to furnish thenecessary paraphernalia. This will cost about three hundred dollarsa verysmall amount, compared with the benefits to be derived from it.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

County Caucuses.

A dozen or so township caucuses have been held and delegates electedas follows.

Vernon sends delegates for Baker, Millspaugh, Gans, and Rude.

Walnut sends delegates for McDermott, Gans, Bedilion, and is dividedon Limerick and Mrs. Caton.

Dexter is for Maurer, Gans, Bedilion, and Rude.

Silver Creek elects delegates for Henthorn, Gans, Bedilion, and Limerick.

Windsor is for Maurer, Gans, Bedilion, and Albert.

Sheridan is for Henthorn, Gans, Bedilion, and Smith.

Tisdale is for Baker, Gans, Bedilion, and undecided on Superintendent.

Maple is for Henthorn, Gans, Bedilion, and Limerick.

Of course, they all went solid for the renomination of Frank Jennings.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Kansas State Fair And Veteran Soldiers' Reunion will be held at TopekaSept. 14th to 16th, 1882. The State Fair has united with it in one combinedexposition the State Wool Growers and Sheep Breeders Association, StateHorticultural, and the State Poultry and Pet Stock Association, and offersa grand aggregate of $40,000 in premiums. No legitimate feature neglected,but many attractive novelties added. County displays a specialty.

The Soldiers Reunion will last through fair week. Tents free and rationsat cost. It is confidently expected there will be thirty thousand veteransin line on the Fair Grounds Veterans' Day when they will be addressed byJas. G. Blaine, Maine; Neal Dow, Maine; Speaker Keifer, Ohio; Gen. J. Coburn,Indiana; Col. Streight, Indiana; Col. Harry White, Pennsylvania; Col. Carr,Illinois; Gen. Vandervoort, G. A. R., Washington, D. C., and others, allof whom have positively agreed to attend.

Other attractions of State Fair week at Topeka are: Reunion of Patronsof Husbandry, who will be addressed by Hon. Geo. R. Loring, U. S. Commissionerof Agriculture. Annual Tournament of the Kansas Band Union for prizes aggregating$600. Grand encampment of the Kansas State militia, uniformed and underarms, by order of Maj. Gen. T. J. Anderson, commanding.

Railroad rates will be reduced to one cent per mile on the Santa Fe andthe Union Pacific, while other roads will make proportionate reductions.

GEO. Y. JOHNSON, Secretary of State Fair Association.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

The Reading by Mr. Will Colgate Tuesday evening was a success, financiallyand socially. A large audience was present, the auditorium of the BaptistChurch being full. Mr. Colgate reads well, and the story is one of wonderfulpower and pathos. We hope Mr. Colgate will favor our people with anotherselection in the near future. The music and singing was very fine and washighly appreciated by the audience.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

N. J. Larkin, Esq., of North Richland, sends us a bundle of timothy fivefeet long with heads ten inches long, grown in his upland meadow; also astalk of corn 12 feet long taken from J. P. Groom's corn field; also a stalkof field corn only 18 inches high from the root to the top of the tassel,but it has a good sized ear of corn, the lower end of which is only threeinches from the root.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Of all the crowds that have ever gathered in Winfield that of "circusday" was the largest. People came from all over the country with theirbaskets and buckets, girls and babies, and crowded our thoroughfares tosuffocation. Sells Brothers ought to be satisfied with Wednesday's work.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

A large delegation from Winfield went up to Mr. Green's grove last Sundayto attend the Holiness camp meeting. A young lady gave us a graphic andamusing account of the proceedings, which were of the "actively religious"order.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Gen. Green's son was attacked by a vicious stallion belonging to thecircus Wednesday morning. His pony was thrown down and he was run over,but no damages were sustained. It took a regiment of men to capture thestallion.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Wheat this (Wednesday) morning is worth 65 cents for best, a rise oftwo cents. No corn being marketed. All kinds of produce sell well at nominalprices.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Jas. Foster, of Vernon, is the gentleman who left us the branch of apples.They were "Sutton Beauty" variety. He is now marketing his earlyCrawford peaches.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

G. W. Brock, of Tisdale Township, brings us specimens of his apples eleveninches in circumference of the duch*ess and other varieties.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

A number of young folks gathered at the residence of Ezra Meech in WalnutTownship Tuesday evening and had a splendid time.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Cedar and Spring Creek Townships elected delegates favorable to Rudeand Mitchell, and instructed as to other candidates.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Mr. Lee's Sulky Plow attachment is giving entire satisfaction so far.He is trying it in all kinds of ground.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Mr. R. Hite was over from Dexter Wednesday. Of course he took in theshow.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

T. R. Bryan has sold his Grouse Creek farm to A. B. Elliott for $5,000.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

"Rally Round the Flag, Boys!"

Old soldiers of Richland and adjoining townships throughout the county,you and yours are most cordially invited to attend the old vets meetingto be held August 12th at Summit schoolhouse at 2 p.m. The object of thismeeting is to rally every old soldier in the township. Soldiers, this maybe the last reunion we will ever have the opportunity of enjoying. Addresseswill be delivered each day by prominent ex-soldiers and citizens whose nameswill be announced at an early day. Rations and tents will be furnished forthe small sum of 26 cents per day. The latch string hangs out, and all oldsoldiers are cordially invited to turn out.

Let us once more hear the tip of the long roll echo over the top of LookoutMountain, and the rattling of sabers cutting their way through rebel lines.

This reunion is to be a state affair. There is no regiment or battalionthat did duty in the war of the rebellion but what has its representativein Kansas. Kansas is peopled with soldiers who were with Farragut at Mobile,who charged the hell at Petersburgh, and who were prisoners at Andersonvilleand Libby.

Comrades, we will see men who were in the Wilderness with Grant, menwho were with Thomas at Franklin, and men from every battle field of theworld. The land is at peace and the reunion is on the basis of a restoredunion. We want to hear from the rest of our old comrades. H. H. H.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.


Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Sunday School Picnic.

EDS. COURIER: The picnic arranged by the Prairie Ridge and Tisdale Sundayschools came off on July 27 in the grove of Mr. Greenshield's on SilverCreek, in Liberty township. The day was fine and the assembly fair. Theexercises were opened by the Prairie Ridge S. S. singing "Ring theBells of Heaven," after which the assembly listened to a prayer de-livered by the Rev. Godsman, a young Presbyterian minister just lately amongus. The people were next entertained by a song from Tisdale S. S. entitled"Over Yonder," accompanied on cornet by E. W. Young, and violinby R. B. Hunter. Then Rev. Godsman made a short speech and Tisdale S. S.sang "Coming Nearer," accompanied as before, after which the assemblydispersed for dinner. After dinner the audience assembled to listen to twosongs rendered by the Tisdale S. S., after which the chairman introducedMrs. Caton of Winfield, who entertained her hearers with a speech well suitedto the occasion. Mrs. Caton is an enter- taining speaker and a lady of profoundand broad culture, and the county cannot do better than honor her with theoffice of Supt. of Public Instruction. She made many friends here. Severalother persons made remarks, among whom was E. P. Young, who was followedby G. W. Foughty of Cimarron, Kansas, one of Cowley's old pioneers, whobroached the tem- perance cause, and on taking a vote, the assembly wasunanimous for prohibition. Everyone went away feeling that it was good forhim to be there. X.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

W. D. Roberts sends us a specimen quart of his Kittaninny blackberries,the last of the crop and, we should think, the finest. He had in blackberriesonly one half acre but from this patch he sold 2,312 quarts, which afterpaying commissions and expenses, netted him $266.07. Besides he used 120quarts which if he had sold would have raised the proceeds to $277 or over$550 per acre. How is that for high!

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Will Todd brings us from the famous Todd orchard four miles east of town,specimens of large fine peaches. The loads of peaches in that orchard thisyear are simply marvelous.


Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Tisdale Township.

EDS. COURIER: Primary was called to order by Mr. McKibben. Mr. Cairnswas chosen chairman and W. C. Douglass secretary. M. Christopher, J. Ingraham,and W. Bradley were chosen as delegates to the county convention; and Dr.Rising, W. C. Douglass, and Dick Chase to the 66th district representativeconvention. ALEX CAIRNS, Chairman.

W. C. DOUGLASS, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.


ED. COURIER: In looking over the muster roll of the Old Soldiers of RichlandTown- ship, I notice the name of Thos. Tice, who I believe was a memberof the 50th Ohio Vol. Inf. in the late "unpleasantness." Suchbeing the case, will Mr. Tice please inform the under- signed whether heknew Henry C. Hall of that regiment, and the circ*mstances in connectionwith his death, which occurred 22nd of July, 1884, at Atlanta, Georgia.By answering this by letter or through the columns of the COURIER, Mr. Ticewill greatly oblige.



Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

CLOTHES LOST: Last week, Wednesday, Mr. Robert Timme put two bundlesof clothing in the wrong wagon near Spotswood's store in Winfield. If theowner of the wagon will return the clothes to Timme the tailor, in Winfield,he will be suitably rewarded.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

Notice to Contractors. We will receive bids for building a schoolhousein district 55, Cowley County, until August 10, 1882. Plans and specificationsmay be seen at the New Salem post office. We reserve the right to rejectany or all bids. ____ NICHOLAS, J. J. JOHNSON, THOMAS WALKER.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 120 acres good farming land; 30 acres cultivated,new frame house 12 x 16, stable, etc., good well and running water, smallorchard; a splendid stock farm, adjoins abundant range. Located in CowleyCounty, 5 miles west of Cedarvale. Price $800. Will exchange for city propertyin Winfield. S. L. GILBERT.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

THE LADIES WILL PLEASE NOTE That an elegant French China Tea Set of 56pieces, elegantly decorated well (Haviland's) worth Seventeen Dollars andFifty Cents, to be seen at our store, will be given away by us at an earlyday. We have just received an invoice of Crown Jewel Baking Powder, madefrom the pure acid of the grape, commonly called Cream Tartar, and can freelyrecommend it to our customers and friends as being a pure and very excellentarticle. This powder will be sold at the ordinary price, for first-classgoods, and those who try it will find it very economical and much more satisfactorythan the cheaper kinds (alum powders). The Crown Jewel has been pronouncedsuperior in strength to the best Cream Tartar Powder of any other manufacturer,by Messrs. Wright and Merrill, eminent chemist of St. Louis.

When the above lot of powder is disposed of, the Tea Set will be awardedto someone of the purchasers of a package, by a method both simple and justto all concerned.

We think that having used a pound package of Crown Jewel Baking Powder,you will continue to use it.

We wish to supply our customers with the best of everything in our line.

Yours respectfully, WALLIS & WALLIS, Grocers, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.


Winfield, July 15, 1882. The business relations existing between Drs.Van Doren & Jones are this day dissolved. Dr. Van Doren will continuethe business at his old stand in the POST OFFICE BLOCK.

Anyone having claims against, or indebted to said firm, are requestedto call immediately and settle the same at Dr. Van Doren's office.


Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.



EDS. COURIER: Floral has resumed her normal condition. Two of Winfield'sbest young men dispense goods to our people, at the stone store. Substantialencouragement is being given, and under John and Charles' fair treatment,their business venture is sure of success. They tell a strange story onJohn. At the opening a happy trio was Master of Ceremonies. Business wasgood and all seemed satisfied, when suddenly one day John made a discovery.He found out by some means that everybody in this community was marriedor expected to be, except two confirmed bachelors who flank Floral on thewest. The effect on John was almost tragic. After calm meditation and thefriendly assistance of a couple of maps, his way was apparently made clear,for after trading hats with one of the boys, I am reliably informed thathe started out on foot in a west by south-westerly direction, crossed DutchCreek on stilts, nimbly climbed the height beyond, meandered along overthe prairie road until he reached Timber Creek, flanked the regular crossing,passed over the bridge, and without unnecessary delay went direct to a certainhouse on 9th Avenue in Winfield and insisted on singing that poetic songin which reference is made to the land of the free. He was corrected,however, and informed that for the present he was at Freeland. Itappears that John and Miss Ella came to some understanding, as I noticethat the prefix "Mrs." precedes her name when John presents heras "my wife." John is here now safe and sound, and congratu- lations,prophecy, and good will are showered upon him. Send us some more of yourWinfield people and they shall be treated well.

Mr. D. Reed, after a two month's search for a paradise, is again oneof us. He went westward to the golden land of promise, and then eastwardto the land of Pukes without being satisfied. Then he came back and modestlysaid, "This is good enough for me."

Kansas with all her phenomenal failings is certainly a grand place tolive. Our splendid crops this year are an almost absolute guarantee of futuregreatness. . . .

The political pot has been simmering along for some time, but now additionalfuel is being added, and it will take but a short time to get up steam.Richland has but one candidate, namely, Mr. J. W. Weimer, candidate forrepresentative for the shoe string district. He has recognized ability andhas a good chance to get away with the stakes. Mr. Maurer of Dexter, candidatefor same office, has called on a number of our people. He appears like amodest, unassuming gentleman and would make a good legislator. Mr. Millspaughwas greeting friends and acquaintances in this section last week. He hasbeen well received. The present incumbent in office is regarded by all tobe a competent official, but it is conceded that he should share with otherrecognized merit. To Mr. Limerick belongs the sweepstakes. It appears atpresent as though it would be a one-sided question for him.

But there are other matters afloat. As you are well aware, Richland Townshipis head- quarters for a semi-political, anti-monopoly, communistic organization,formed for several objects, the main one of which is to capture the grapesthat are beyond their reach. They really need nothing. Evidently they areall bilious, for the Hon. Sam Wood, otherwise known as "Slippery Sam,"has been sent for to prescribe for them, and he will mark out for them acourse of matrica medica, in which no doubt he will tell them thatthey are serfs, and that they must follow the footsteps of their fellow-antiesin the east, or they will be gone goslings. Sam will fix up the pills, somehow,so that they will go back and tell his friends that the war in Egypt wascaused by the Republican party and as soon as the anties get well enoughthey will save the country. What fallacy! No third party can ever succeedthat is founded on selfish financial principles. Hobbies and political dogmashave no weight when cast in the balance with actual prosperity. With livepork at seven cents, greenbacks at par, crops at the very best, good payingprices for the same in cash, common labor remunerative, mechanical geniusat a premium, and a season of unexampled prosperity and production throughoutthe country, this will offset any damaging results from the hue and cryof the greenback anti- monopoly or other factions. To the credit of theRepublican party be it said that the majority of the discontents are recruitedfrom the democratic and other antediluvian races. Here and there a Republicansore head is sandwiched in the hungry crowd, and on every occasion takespains to tell his patient and admiring hearers that he is a deserter fromprinciple, and that his principle is so pure and of such a high order thathe could no longer associate with those who support the present administration.As a general fact there are two reasons for their actions: selfishness orignorance.

Your editorial of a late issue hit hard. How some of them did squirm.They have been wiggling ever since. We need not feel alarmed, however, atthe advancement of a third party issue. Like a shadow they contain verylittle substance. It is not so much what they lack that makes them selfishand discontented, as the fact that somebody else has more. To those discontentedones who have flopped over, I would say it would be well to ponder uponthe words of the Frenchman who wrote his own epitaph thus: "I was well.I wanted to be better. I took physic and died." BUCKEYE.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.


EDS. COURIER: As there isn't anything appearing in the COURIER from thisneck of the woods, I will try to dot down a few items.

Wheat in this vicinity is all stacked and some threshing has been done.Some are preparing ground for next year's crop. Corn is splendid, healthgood, and everybody prosperous.

I had the pleasure of attending the anti-monopoly rally on Timber Creeklast Thursday. Good order prevailed and excellent addresses were deliveredby Messrs. Cole and Tipton, followed by Mr. Wood, who hadn't anything tosay and occupied about two hours and a half in saying it.

By the way, Burden has voted $3,500 in bonds to build a schoolhouse,and this is the way they did it. They got up a petition asking Mr. Storyto annex five or six valuable farms to their district just in time to catchthe bonds. The owners of three of these farms are absent, so there was noopposition from them. The others could not help themselves, so on the dayappointed to vote the bonds, the "big four" of Burden got allthe livery force they could muster, went out into the highways and hedges,brought in the halt, the lame, and the blind; and so great was the rushthat some of the board had to go head and shoulders out of the windows toreceive the votes. Now, Mr. Editor, is this as it should be, is all thislaw? If so, we say amen. A TAXPAYER.

Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.


Oscar Wilde, lecturing on "The Beautiful," in Arkansas City.

Frank Hess, answering Bob Ingersoll.

Herman Godehard, take a "rib."

"Harvey Webber's Nip and Tuck," playing in our Opera House.

John Mott, with two black eyes.

Fitch, of Fitch & Barron, go in the calf business.

Blakely on a drunk.

One of Lute Coombs "busses" bottled.

Geo. Cains work a reformation in our boys.

Speer's Mill in running order.

John Bronenet, tackle a "diamond flush."

Elsworth Kitch, "solid over there."

C. M. Scott with a girl.

Jay Gould "flip pennies" for a railroad.

Abe Harnley putting up hay.

Charley Chapel distanced by Harry Hill.

Our girls quit using "slang."

Somebody suggest a game of ball.

Will Griffith observe the peace and quiet of our city.

Somebody give a moonlight picnic.

Something strange happen in Arkansas City. A love romance, somebody commitsuicide, or die from paralysis caused by laughing. A young man run off withsome other fellow's girl, or something of that kind. JUNIUS.

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